Not Your Typical Villianess

Chapter 132: Sweet Revenge 2

Throughout the three days that led to the date of the official execution of Prime Minister Shi, a few young masters were arrested and brought in for questioning. The sudden arrest had everyone I'm edge, especially families known to have a close relationship with the Shi family. 

No one could tell if they would be called in next, in the heat of the uncertainty an imperial edict exonerating the Lu family was released. The Lu family returned to their mansion after being released and shut their gates. They didn't receive any visitors, everyone was turned out at the gates.

An official decree announcing the execution of the entire Shi family was released a day after their arrest. The execution was scheduled for two days later, the speed of the verdict was faster when compared to the Lu family's arrest. 

Imperial Consort Shi tried to meet the Emperor one more last after the edict was released but it was unfruitful because she wasn't allowed close to the Emperor's palace. She stood on the Emperor's usual route to Xincheng palace from the audience hall where the court session held, hoping to run into him on the way back. 

After a long court session, Emperor Zhong was on his way back to his palace when Imperial consort Shi ran out of the bushes. She knelt in front of the Emperor and rested her forehead on the ground. Emperor Zhong's expression darkened as soon as she ran out, he glared at her.

Su Xianyi had never been good been met with anger from the Emperor, she had always had it easy. She didn't read the moon and launched into what she thought was a rather "appealing" request.

"Your Majesty, please forgive this concubine for the interruption, I would like to have a few minutes of your time to discu_"

"Why should I give you any of my time?" Emperor Zhong spat out, glaring down at her.

Shi Xianyi was shocked to hear that, she hadn't expected such a reaction from him. She rose her head from the ground and looked up, her body shook as she locked eyes with his heavy glare. Emperor Zhong just sat through a long shouting match in court, his foolish sixth sin rallied up a small group of officials to beg for a lighter punishment for the ex-prime minister and now he had to deal with yet another person again.

The stupidity of the mother and sin air has annoyed him these past few days, his impressions of them have also fallen. They both stupidity defended a man who was found to be plotting to overthrow him due to close family links. Even with the solid evidence, they kept taking risky shots.

"Consort Shi, I suggest that you give whatever foolish ideas you have a rest and let this case be. You might have given me a son but even that won't always save you!" he walled around her to leave but the tail of his formal attire was pulled back by Shi Xianyi.

She held his leg tightly and cried out, *Your Majesty please save my father, my father only made a mistake. He has always been loyal to you, your Majesty! He is just being framed please look into this properly!"

Emperor Zhong glanced at her creating face and with a sigh, pulled his he kicked her away and pulled he leg out of her hold. Crouching to her eyes level he brought his face closer and said "you have a lot of nerve to defend hum this way. He is innocent and only being framed?" He laughed wildly and continued.

"Do you think I am stupid? Or are you so confident with yourself? When crying that he was framed doesn't work. What next would you say? That I should remember my old friendship with him? Or maybe you would ask me to remember our history together? Stop acting stubborn, I already did you a major favour by not executing you and your son but try me and I just might".

She let go of him like he was a hot pot, as expected. Nothing compares to her son's future. Emperor Zhong glanced at her submission actions and shook his head. 'She truly was too selfish, her story changed once he threatened her with her son's career and her title' he thought suddenly irritated by the mere sight of her. 

He glanced at her and sighed "How amusing, funny how the story changed once you discovered you could lose something. I guess that is your true priority". He left her kneeling there and resumed his walk back to his Palace.

She knelt there in shock, the Emperor's words replayed in her mind. This was her first rims being in the receiving end of his anger. It was new to her, she was helped up silently by her maid and supported to her room 

By the next day, Shi Xuanyi resolved to their fate and stayed back in her palace. She received a letter from her father on the day of the execution. The Emperor granted them an opportunity to say goodbye before the Execution.

Women weren't allowed on the executions ground, most especially concubines in the imperial haram who weren't allowed to move around. She wore mourning clothes when she woke up that day and sat by the window, silently looking into the distance. 

The entire Shi family and their co-conspirers were led up the stage one after the other and executed. Imperial consort Shi shut herself in her palace 


The Dukes's mansion 

Meanwhile, back in the Duke's mansion. After being released from prison by the Emperor, they were met at the gate by Su Liya and their remaining servants. They were all skin and bones when they got back, the conditions in the ice prison were very bad. 

Zhu Fengyin and Lu Yiling held both of Madam Lu's hands and supported her out of the carriage and into the house. The servant bowed at them while chorusing greetings to them. Su Liya walked forward and bowed, "Welcome home, mother."

Madam Lu withdrew her hand from Lu Yiling's hold and patted Su Liya on her hand. "Liya, you did well." Madam Lu looked wary and frail, it was like she aged a few more years in prison. She stood by the side and watched them leave until they were completely out of sight. 

Lu Yong came in after them, Su Liya wasn't so familiar with this young master. Lu Yong was still a student at the Imperial College, most of his time was spent reading. He didn't usually job them at family gatherings except during special events such as birthday banquets and vacations. 

Lu Yong saluted her respectively before continuing on his way to his courtyard. Su Liya held her handkerchief tightly as she stretched her neck to check for Lu Yaozhu. Finally, she saw two tall male figures walking forward. She could barely identify them because of the bright rays of the sun in her eyes.

The two brothers were similar in height but their facial features differed. Lu Yingjie and their youngest brother Lu Yong were both on the muscular and taller side, unlike Lu Yaozhu who was slimmer. However, Lu Yaozhu was taller by a few inches and had lighter coloured hair. 

She frowned when she noticed Lu Yaozhu's slight limp. It wasn't that obvious because he leaned slightly on Lu Yingjie. She knew the penchant people in ancient times had for torture. They always made use of torture as a means of getting a prisoner to talk or in Prime Minister Shi's case. Coercing a prisoner to confess.

She notice the cut on his lips and fading bruises on his chin and cheek as he got closer. Lu Yingjie didn't look any better, he was sporting a slight swell on his forehead, a zig-zag cut on his right cheek and a bruise on his chin. They both looked like they had gone through a fight. 

Lu Yaozhu smiled as he got closer, she just glanced at him and bowed at Lu Yingjie. "Welcome home your grace" she turned to him, "General".

Lu Yingjei's lip twitched as he noticed the exchange between the two. He smiled down at her, "don't act so formal when we are family. It is good to see you, Sister-in-law, I will leave you two to talk" he glanced at Lu Yaozhu and walked away. 

Li Yaozhu tried to signal him not to leave but he ignored him. He didn't see the need of helping him lie to his wife. That might end up backfiring on him considering how close their wives were. It was in his best interest to play neutral. 

Su Liya came forward and held out her elbow to him, "you can lean on me if you want, I might not be as strong as your brother but I am not completely useless".

He smiled and waved her away, "don't worry Liya, I can get around just fine".

She gave him a death stare that said 'You had better accept this hand while I am being nice or risk making me mad'. He didn't need to be told twice and just hooked his hands in hers. Being raised by two strong women taught him the benefit of not arguing with women when they were had made up their minds to do something. 

They slowly walked back to their courtyard, hand in hand. The Lu family instructed their guards not to allow any visitors in and recuperated for a few days after they were released 

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