Not Your Typical Villianess

Chapter 145: A taste of his genuine heart 2

The Eastern courtyard, the Crown Prince's mansion.

Daiyu glanced from the stained bed linens to her crying mistress and frowned. While this was a sign that the couple were now truly married, she couldn't help but worry how this would be perceived or seen by others. The royal family were very particular about the consummation of marriage for it"s member. There were strict rules that each member including the Emperor himself must follow.

The rules about the marriage consummation demanded that the white coloured blood-stained linen used on the wedding night of every member of the royal family be submitted to the palate as proof of the bride's virginity. This is done to prevent the marriage of an impure woman already with child into the royal family. This is mainly done to maintain the purity of the royal succession. 

Her Mistress and the Crown Prince must have submitted a fake proof. if that was discovered, they could both face severe punishments. That could include, if not limited to losing their position and title. Since their offence could be associated with lying to the Emperor and the royal court. Her mistress and the Crown Prince has been married for months if this was seen by anyone.

There could be disastrous consequences, hence she had to take care of this promptly. She walked around her mistress and pulled out the bed linen, careful not to disturb her mistress. She worked quickly, within seconds the white bed linen was folded and put In a bag. She would get rid of it later, it could be left so the only option was to burn it in the kiln at the small kitchen beside the courtyard.

Going to the kitchen might attract attention, she took out fresh linens from the cupboard by the wall and spread it on the bed to replace the old one. Everyone was back to "normal" at record time, she glanced at her mistress who had stopped crying silently and now sat on the ground by the bed, his head leaning on the bed while looking ahead. She didn't seem to be mentally present in the room. 

Daiyu felt her heartbeat increase as she looked down at her mistress, she didn't quite know what to make of this new vulnerable side of her mistress. She has never seen her mistress behave this way, she was suddenly scared that Xia Ying would do something dangerous. She glanced at the bag containing the rolled-up bed linens and sighed.

"Mistress, we need to get rid of those linens before the cleaning maids come if they see this...."

Xia Ying Glanced at her and sighed, "do whatever you want".

Daiyu gazed at her mistress's pale face before nodding, "okay then I will take my leave" she said bowing and retreating quietly. She picked up the bag containing the linens on her way out. There was no one in the small kitchen but to be sure, she looked out the window and listened carefully for any newcomers but found none.

She tools the linen out of the box and placed it on the table before lighting the stove and threw it into the fire. She pushed the linen deeper into the fire with poker and watched it until it was completely burned. She left when it was all burned, Xia Ying was seated on a stool next to the dressing table when she returned to the room.

She let out a loud breath when she saw her seated by the dressing table. Although Xia Yong didn't look happy, her expression was still better than when she first left the room to burn the linens. She was glad that her mistress no longer had a lost expression on her face. That was a well-desired progress in her books, she walked to Xia Ying.

Xia Ying side-eyed Daiyu for a brief second before turning away to look into the mirror. Without looking away from the mirror she asked, "have you gotten rid of the linens?"

"Yes Mistress, his highness sends over some medicine for you. Should I bring that over for you?"

Xia Ying looked up from the mirror and gazed far ahead, she couldn't understand why Zhongshan Ling would send over some medicine for her. She wasn't used to him being thus concerned for her. He treated her properly with the utmost respect, they treated each other like guests and nothing more.

He was only ever emotional to Zhu Fenfang, speaking of his concubine, "has madam Zhu come here this morning?" 

"No mistress, the Crown Prince before leaving for court instructed everyone to stay away and let you rest. No one was to come over without your permission".


"Yes Mistress, his highness said it himself. He even had the Imperial physician send over the nutrient supplement. I asked around and according to the servants, this is the first time he is doing something like this. He does not even do that for Madam Zhu, this just shows that his Highness treats you well".

"Does it? I think that it would be stupid to assume that just because he does not feed Madam Zhu nutritious medicine. It means that I am his highnesses true love", she rolled her eyes and continued

"please with how often favours Zhu Fenfang, if he always called the Imperial physician to feed her sims nutritious medicine after spending the night with her. I fear that Madam Zhu would become a walking medicine bag. Don't be silly and get me the bowl of medicine" 

"Yes," she went into the side room, picked up the prescription given by the imperial physician. She went into the small kitchen and brewed the medicine. She caught a maid looking into the room from the door on her way back with the bowl of medicine. 

"What are you doing here!"

Daiyu's loud shout startled the piping tom, the maid got caught in the trail of her gown and slipped. She fell hard on her knee and palm, "si-sister Daiyu_ I can explain. I swear!" The maid spat out quickly. She had only looked in a few seconds earlier but hadn't seen anything. 

The maid was one of the few inner room maids that cleaned inside the rooms. She had been approached by Eunuch Ji that served under the Crown Prince's Ce Fei (concubine), Madam Zhu. Madam Zhu had grown worried after being sent back to her room when she came over to pay her respects early in the morning. 

As soon as Ce Fei Zhu returned to her rooms, she was quickly called over to the western side hall by Madam Zhu. Who wanted to find out what had transpired between his Highness and the Crown Princess consort. The young maid like all the other inner maids stationed at the main courtyard was been dismissed as soon as the Crown Princess consort was carried in by the Crown Prince. 

She was unable to give any worthwhile answers to Madam Zhu, which nearly got her punished. Luckily she was quick-witted to make up a few things to save her neck. She knew that these lies will only earn her a short time if she didn't report something interesting soon. Madam Zhu would make due on her threat to have her killed.

That was why she had taken such a risk, she had no other choice by to make this move. A move that got her pushed into deep waters. 

Daiyu set the tray of medicine on a small table by the wall. She rushed forward and grabbing the maid's arm tightly pushed her into the room before going back to pick up the round wooden tray of medicine. Daiyu was over 5 feet 6 inches, with well-defined muscles from years of carrying out various strenuous jobs so forcing the maid inside was nothing difficult for her. 

Xia Ying turned around to face the door when she heard a muffled feminine scream at the door followed swiftly by Daiyu long order, "get in or I will end you?"

Her eye narrowed as she looked down at the maid kneeling by the door, she glanced at Daiyu, "what happened? Why is she here?"

"Answering your highness, your servant caught the maid listening in by the door of the room!" She said frowning down at the maid.

"What?" Xia Ying glared at the maid, "You dare! Who sent you!"

The maid trembled as she heard that and crawled back, the Crown Princess consort was so dark. If looks could kill, she would be dead by the heated look Xia Ying gave her. She kelt and rubbing her palm together cried out "Please forgive me, your Highness, I was wrong. I won't do this again, please give me another opportunity! Please your Highness!"

Xia Ying glared down at the tearful maid, she signalled for Daiyu to bring the medicine over. Daiyu handed the bowl to her mistress and stepped back to stand behind the maid. Xia Ying ignored the maid cries for mercy at calmly drank the medicine. 

She passed the empty medicine bowl to Daiyu and day back on her seat. Her previous silence made the maid nearly pee in her pants. When everything was set, Xia Yong looked down at the shivering maid and asked, "Who sent you?"

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