Not Your Typical Villianess

Chapter 149: A very awkward family dinner 4

Madam Lu's main room, The Duke's mansion.

Lu Yaozhu followed Su Liya's every move until she was out of sight. She seemed to be completely out of place, he had no idea what went down between Madam Jiang and Su Liya but based on the stunt she tried to pull in his presence. It wouldn't be anything good, the Jiang family had only been in the capital for a total of six weeks and they were already proving to be a handful. 

He has received a couple of reports from his spy network leaders of Madam Jiang and her sons using the Lu family's me to keep tabs in clothing shops, jewellery shops and brothels. He had gone pit hours earlier to address a few of the reports he had received before they got out of hand. He was planning to inform his mother and brother during the family dinner today. 

Lu Yaozhu didn't wait for the refreshments from the kitchen to arrive, he ran after Su Liya minutes after she left. Madam Lu Shook her head as she watched him run out of the room, "silly boy," she muttered. She glanced at Zhu Fengyin and said, "am I the only one that feels that Xiao Zhu has been ageing backwards since he got married".

Zhu Fengyin didn't say anything, she giggled, covering her lips with her palm. Madam Lu's eyes narrowed on her daughter-in-law's pale face, "You look a bit pale are you eating well?"

Zhu Fengyin touched her cheek's self cautiously, "I haven't had much of an appetite of late, it may have something to do with the change in weather_"

"You should not make guesses about your health. After the days we spent at the ice prison, it may be a side effect of that stay", she glanced at the maid standing at her left, "sent for the physician!"

"Yes Mistress," the maid said and rushed out to call the Family's physician. Although the Lu Family had access to the services of the imperial medicine bureau that attended to members of the royal family. They kept a physician from the Royal Academy of medicine as their private family doctor named Physician Gu. Physician Gu was a top graduating student in the academy and has been working for the Lu family for close to two decades.

Zhu Fengyin tried to stop madam Lu from making a big deal out of her since her period may turn out to be the reason behind it all.

"I don't think there is a need to call the physician_" she was cut stop when she received a heated stare from Madam Lu. Her mouth opened and closed twice, no other words came out apart from "Mother_"

However, she was glared down by Madam Lu before she could say any more. She shut her mouth and looked ahead, pressing her mother-in-law any further was useless. One way or the other, She was getting was better to stay still and let everything go as planned.

The maid came back with the physician close on her tail, she bowed at Madam Lu and Zhu Fengyin before returning to her previous position at Madam Lu's Left. Physician Gu stretched out both hands in front and holding his right hand in his left, bowed at madam Lu then Zhu Fengyin.

"This servant greets, Madam Lu and Her grace," he said and stood straight. 

"My daughter-in-law hasn't had much of an appetite of late. Go check her pulse", she gestured at Zhu Fengyin. 

"Yes", Physician Gu stood beside Zhu Fengyin, brought out a slim white handkerchief and placed it on her wrist before placing his two fingers on the nerve on her wrist. He stood quietly moving his hands up and down while taking a reading. He took his fingers away and removed the handkerchief from her wrist. 

Zhu Fengyin who heartbeat increased when he didn't say anything and just fold the piece of white cloth and put it back into his medicine bag. She searched his face for a tell, even if a little that would point towards his thought but she didn't get anything out of that. 

Physician Gu shut his box, placed it on the ground and bowed once more to Madam Lu. "Congratulations madam, the Eldest madam is three months pregnant!"


"Praise the gods!" 

Zhu Fengyin and Madam Lu exclaimed respectively. It was a surprise, Zhu Fengyin placed her hands on her lower stomach. All the servants present in the room fell on their knees and chorused, "Congratulations Madam Lu, congratulations eldest madam Lu"

Madam Lu was excited, this was her first grandchild. She laughed softly with a bright gleam in her eyes. She had never expected such a piece of good news, with the stress-filled weeks she had. First with the arrest and now with the selection of the new Prime Minister. She had somehow put all thoughts of grandchildren in the back of her mind.

Maybe because all her thoughts were centred on survival, that this news filled her with joy and hope for a better future. She clapped her hands and called her maid forward, "quick give the physician a reward, instruct the kitchen to prepare a sumptuous banquet for not just us but the servants too. This is great news!".

Nanny Liu nodded and rushed out to make the arrangement. Madam Lu turned back to the physician and asked, "Is everything alright with her and the baby? Is there anything that we should avoid? Please give us any necessary directions!" 

"The pregnancy is progressing properly, both mother and child are healthy. It is still early so her grace has to be very careful" the next words were directed to Zhu Fengyin a not Madam Lu. "Even if you don't have any appetite, please try to eat something. Don't stay up late or allow yourself to get agitated. You will start getting nauseous soon please try to avoid spicy food and just eat a lot of fruits. If you can follow my instructions, you would face no problems!"

"Thank you doctor" Zhu Fengyin replied. Madam Lu was familiar with the rules but still asked in case there was something new added. She thanked the physician and constructed her maid to see him off. She immediately instructed Zhu Fengyin to get some rest but not before cautioning her maid Tian Tian to take good care of her mistress.


Tian Tian escorted her mistress back to her room and after helping her change into more comfortable clothes helped her into her bed and stepped outside. Zhu Fengyin made a long list of things she needed to do before she began to show, such as getting maternity clothes and the rest made. She fell asleep before long.

Tian Tian waited a few minutes after Zhu Fengyin slept before taking a bathroom break. She went in the direction of the servant's restroom but made a different turn. She looked back and when she was sure there was no one following her close, she went into an abandoned courtyard. She opened a cupboard, took out a slim paper, ink and brush. She scribbled a sentence on the paper and rolled it into a thin fold, walked out of the courtyard, threw it into a small hole and walled away.

Two hours later a man dressed in the dark brown, soft armoured uniform of the Lu family's guard picked the note out of the hole a went away 


Meanwhile, at Lu Yaozhu and Su Liya's end. 

Su Liya was miles ahead by the time he left his mother's main room, Lu Yaozhu went straight to her pavilion to wait for her to arrive. Twenty minutes later, Su Liya was yet to be back. He walked to the door and called the new Matron in charge of her courtyard. 

Matron Yu had taken over management of Su Liya's courtyard, in the absence of matron Gu who was still in Ningzhuo. "Aunt Yu, has the princess sent down any word of where she is?"

"Not yet, General. Should I ask around for you?" 

"No need, I will just get going. Just let her know that I was here".


Lu Yaozhu left her courtyard and went over to his, as usual, there was no maids insight by this time. He walked to the door leading into his study, placed his hands on the round-shaped doorknob and pushed both doors back. He stopped a few steps away from the door, eyes wide as he found himself face to face with Su Liya.

It was very amusing that the person he spend 20 minutes waiting for was in his study.

"Liya! I didn't expect to find you here. I guess we are of like minds" he grinned walked into the room and shut the door. 

Su Liya swallowed, her grip on the silk handkerchief in her hand tightened. She could hear her heartbeat loudly as he got closer. She opened her mouth to speak but shut it when he beat her to it.

"About that scene at the main room, forget about that. Don't worry about those things. People like Madam Jiang... In the end, nothing can happen without my permission"

Su Liya looked up with narrowed eyes, "why the explanation, there is no need for that. You don need to diffuse the fore she started, It is not like she is your mother-in-law" the last sentence she said in a low tone.

He refuted her statement as soon as he heard that, "What mother-in-law! What do you take me for? I don't want nor do I need another wife, you are already high maintenance. Plus I love you, I won't take a concubine and complicate things further" 

Every else he said disappeared only the words, "I love you" remained in her mind. Her Los tugged up and she ran forward and standing on her tiptoes pulled his shirt down. This made him bend his head lower, she drove in for a kiss on the cheek. It was so sudden that he turned quickly and her lips touched his instead.

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