Not Your Typical Villianess

Chapter 152: Enemies in the dark 2

The Sixth Prince study

Folding the letter from Chu State in two, Zhongshan Cheng threw it into the small fire beside his table. His lips were tipped up as he rubbed his palm together, "the long way has come to an end, Faye. Droko tribe and Chu state have begun matching to the borders. Soon they will surround northern Wei at all corners".

Zhu Faye tapped the table and smiled, " having them attack from different directions will keep every available general occupied and give our main troupe away into the palace. In a month time a new regime will begin with you in charge". He bowed low and whispered, "Your Majesty?".

Hahaha haha "we grandfathered this arrangement, I hoped I wouldn't be forced to go this far. I guess I felt a little guilty because of how well my father treated me but his treatment of not just me but my Imperial mother this past few weeks. Made me abandon what little paternal feelings ever possessed. I need to get the old man out of my way, for my time to begin"

Zhu Faye took a sip of tea and looked out the window, "about the Crown Prince, how do we proceed."

"Send word to his advisers, the Crown Prince should be among the first set of generals to be sent to the war front with the Droko Tribe. I already had Father's intelligence team infiltrated. He would just believe it to be another minor disturbance from the Canadians. His advisers would suggest that he head down there to get some Experience. 

"My elder brother is too foolish, he would jump at any opportunity to impress father. Not like he could, father us a snob. Father will always be prejudiced against him because of his mother's actions. The fact that he is yet to understand this fact shows his level of intelligence."

Zhu Faya chuckled as he thought of the rumours going around the capital about the Crown Prince and his maternal family. "If I had a maternal family like the Tong family, I would never associate with them. Such a family are only bad news, look how hard they are working to spread rumours that slander the Xia family."

"I have heard all the rumours, it is only a matter of time before the Grand Princess gets involved. Father threw a fit yesterday about those rumours. This is coming at a good time, it would keep them occupied. Which would help our_ 


Eunuch Chen and Steward Li rushed into the room and fell on their knees. Zhongshan Cheng and Zhu Faye's eyes immediately fell in the duo's bloodied hands.

"What is it!" the sixth Prince stood and walked around his table.

Just then a louse haired bloody Concubine Qu rushed in and fell to the ground, "Your Highness please get justice for me, the Princess consort killed my Son" she burst into tears. 

Zhongshan frowned as he looked down at the woman bawling her eyes out. He glanced at Eunuch Chen, "What is up with all the theatrics?"

Eunuch Chen came forward still on his knees, "answering your highness, there has been an accident at the side rooms"

Madam Qu Spat out as soon as the words accident was dropped, "it was no accident! She did it deliberately!"

Zhongshan Cheng touched his temple, feeling slightly irritated by her interrupt. "It is either you keep quiet and let Eunuch Chen explain everything to me or I will pretend nothing happened".

Madam Qu opened and closed her mouth. She was smart enough to know not to push the sixth prince further. She bent down her head and bit her lips. Zhongshan Cheng glanced at her and moved his gaze back to Eunuch Chen.


Eunuch Chen nodded, "the little prince_ he that the Little Prince was thrown..... No fell down a flight of stairs while the princess consort was taking a turn in the garden." He looked at the ground below, as his heartbeat became rapid. 

"What! How did that happen, give a proper explanation or risk death!" On second thought, shut up " he called the commander of his shadow guard. "Commander Du!!"

Commander Du came in as soon as he was called, as the leader of the sixth prince's secret guard. He was always close to the sixth Prince to ensure his safety. A slim figure dressed all in black, with his entire face covered save for his eyes rested on and knelt a small distance from the sixth prince 

"Your highness," a low male voice higher than a whisper said.

"What happened to the little Prince?"

"While the Princess consort stood by the fish pond and admired the lilies, she was interrupted by Madam Qu who came out for a walk with the little prince. An argument began between the two, followed swiftly by a struggle. In the process of the struggle, the nanny carrying the Little prince was pushed down the long flight of steps leading to down the path that led to the detainment rooms.

"The little prince.... did not survive the fall. Before my men arrived, the little prince was dead. It was the maids following the princess consort that relayed what happened to my men. Forgive this servant for not properly doing my job"

The Sixth Prince was silent for some second as he tried to process the situation in his head. There was no how he look at this that wasn't bad for Zhu Feifei. While he didn't like that wife of his, he had kept her close all this while because of the Zhu family's influence. He glanced at his best friend and ally Zhu Faye.

Zhu Faye caught the look Zhongshan Cheng gave him and sighed. That foolish younger sister of his had gone and done it again, she just couldn't stay calm long enough for the sixth prince to get the throne. Unlike his mother and father, he had no intention of tolerating her for long. It was better to cut her off before she did something worse.

He walked closer and stood by Zhongshan Cheng's side, "you don't need to consider my feelings, not my family's when handling her. A life was lost, we cannot ignore her actions".

His words made Madam Qu header settle, finally, that crazy woman was getting her just deserves. Her son's death wouldn't get ignored, she was tired of dealing with that flighty wench. However, Zhu Faye's next words made the colour leave her face completely. 

"However, Feifei isn't fully to blame. Madam Qu should also share the risk for her carelessness in ensuring the safety of a royal offspring."

Madam Qu looked up eyes wide, "wha_what!"

Zhongshan Cheng just smiled and glanced at Madam Qu, "Commander Du, Madam Qu and the Princess consort are confined to their room under close supervision until the Emperor's verdict is released"

"Yes," commander Du trapped Madam Qu amidst her struggles and dragged her out of the room. Eunuch Chen and the Steward left after them. When it was only Him and Zhu Faye, the Sixth Prince sighed and went back to his seat.

"Zhu Feifei went too far this time, plus the Qu family has gradually become a burden. Your judgement was right, it is best to tie up the loose ends".

Zhu Faye smiled, "don"t worry about my dad, he won't cause any trouble. I still have another more obedient Younger sister that can be sent in after you take the throne. I will talk to him, he is a smart man so of cause, he will see the bigger picture".


The Jiang family mansion

A slim feminine figure bent over the bed coughing out blood while her maid rubbed her back gently. The girl was none other than Chen Yao, Madam Jiang's niece. She had fallen sick after she was punished by Madam Jiang to kneel outside for a day and a half.

Madam Jiang blamed her for not being smart enough to grab General Lu's attention. According to madam Jiang, her incompetence got her embarrassed. Madam Jiang had put a lot of thought into her plans but now that it has failed she blamed Chen Yao for that failure.

It didn't help that as soon as she got home, all the Jiang family's creditors descended in the mansion to collect their debts. They had lost the Lu family's protection, madam Jiang also bled Chen Yao's incompetence for their current situation and added one more day to her punishment.

Madam Jiang was determined to make her spend as long as possible on the punishment. However, Chen Yao's fainting suddenly got her out of her punishment but did nothing to improve her situation because she was ignored by Madam Jiang.

Now fast forward, four days later. Chem Yai's cold had progressed into something worse. She felt in and out of consciousness. After coughing out blood, she fell backwards on the bed and her heart seized to beat. Her maid rushed out to beg Madam Jiang to call the doctor as she noticed that her mistress had lost consciousness. 

Chen Yao's eyes opened as soon minutes later and she sat up. Her once soft eyes were now sharper. 

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