Not Your Typical Villianess

Chapter 78: Revenge was a dish best served Cold 3

 The Imperial Palace 

As She followed the palace is through the paved pathway leading to the banquet hall at the west side of the palace, Zhu Feifei fell into steps with her. Su Liya saw a bright yellow gown through the side of her eye and looked to her side.

She stepped back when she locked eyes with the smiling Zhu Feifei, 'jeez this is just scary, why is she smiling like that. So weird' Su Liya thought looking at Zhu Feifei strangely. Su Liya bowed, mattered "your highness" and walked away quickly.

Su Liya had an ominous feeling, she felt on edge like there something bad would happen. The last time, she felt this way was during the first royal games. However, she had ignored the feeling and ended up drugged and set up by someone. Su Liya didn't want history to repeat itself. 

She increased her pace when she was grabbed by her upper arm and pulled back. "Ahh" Su Liya cried as she was pulled back. She nearly fell backwards but was held up by Zhu Feifei, "easy there" she said with her weird smile.

"The_ thanks.... your Highness" Su Liya stuttered and quickly pulled away from her embrace. Zhu Feifei laughed softly when she saw her actions.

The Emperor and Empress were yet to arrive when they arrived, everyone was seat while waiting for the hosts to arrive. Su Liya was led to a wooden square table in front, she got seated and looked around stealthy. 

The banquet hall was decorated elaborately, with over twenty tables spread out in the wide hall. The Emperor's dragon throne was placed on the raised stage in the middle of the hall opposite the door. A long red carpet ran from the width of the dragon throne to the door.

The carpet divided the hall in two. On each end of the hall, both facing each other. A long line of square-shaped tables was arranged into two rolls at both halves of the hall. There were two short square-shaped tables below the Emperor's dragon throne and would be occupied by the Empress and the imperial consort.

The first few tables below the stage in front were occupied by the Prince and princesses, with the crown prince seated below the Empress. After the royal Prince and Princess were the other members of the royal family and the royal relatives. The Crown Prince of Chu table was placed below the throne, opposite the four royal princes.

The guests were seated according to statues, the first ranked Noble families came first followed by the second, the third and the fourth. Duke Wu was a first-rank Duke that guards the nation and was also a royal-in-law.

The Lu family was seated at the front, right after the members of the royal family. The seating arrangements were made in such a way that husbands and wives sat next to each other while children sat next to their parents.

The men who took part in the cuju game strolled in gradually, as Lu Yingjie walked over to his seat, Su Liya looked out for Lu Yaozhu but he wasn't in sight. Meanwhile, across the room, Zhu Feifei conversed intently with the young wife of the Shizi of Junwang Ye.

They were around the same age and got along well, the Shizi's consort like her had to deal with her husband's out of hand haram so they bonded over that. Zhu Feifei looks away as heard the sixth prince quiet "damn" and followed his gaze to Su Liya.

She frowned when she saw his heated gaze but it was his licking his lips that broke the camel's back. She raised her right hand and called her maid over. When her maid came over, she whispered a few words into her ears, without removing her gaze from her husband and the little slut.

Zhu Feifei bit her inner cheeks gently and glared at Su Liya as she thought, 'It seemed like she still hasn't learned. I need to teach her another lesson"

A few minutes later, a palace made approached Su Liya and said a few words, the summery was that Zhu Feifei wanted to have a word with her outside. Su Liya glanced at the maid then at Zhu Feifei and nodded. She didn't know why she was being called outside but since the Emperor and Empress were yet to arrive, she decided to humour Zhu Feifei and stepped out.

She was led to the small shaded spot on the left side of the banquet hall. She stood there for a few seconds before Zhu Feifei joined her.

Zhu feifei stood a hands length away from her, she glanced at the maids around them as she said

"All of you leave, I would like to have a word with Liya Jei alone" 

The palace maid that delivered the messenger curtsied and left. Zhu Feifei's ladies maid followed her behind. Zhu Feifei was skilled and looked pointedly at the two maids standing behind Su Liya. They were like hawks gardening the chicks. It was amusing, "such loyal servants, do you think that I would swallow your madam. The Emperor will soon arrive, we haven't got much time", she said calmly, her expression calm as water.

Su Liya gave Zhu Feifei a stiff smile, without looking back "Rong Rong, Baozhai please step out for a few minutes"

Zhu Feifei's lips twitched a little when she heard her say please, 'How pathetic, who is she trying to fool by pretending to be kind" 

Rong Rong and Baozhai glanced at Zhu Feifei then their madam with concern. They were about to speak when Su Liya looked back and shook her head. The two maids frowned and sighed before leaving, they didn't go far in case Su Liya needed them. Before leaving the Dukes' manor, they were warned by the General to keep an eye on their mistress. 

Su Liya did understand what game Zhu Feifei was playing but she wanted to put an end to it. Zhu Feifei has been appearing around her of late, which she found unsettling. 

Since Zhu Feifei was going all Liya Jei like they were close or something, she decided to play along and abandoned all formalities. She didn't understand the obsession of people with making empty talk and got straight to the point "Why did you call me out?"

Zhu Feifei titled her head to the side and asked, "Liya Jei, you seem to not like this Princess. Have we ever had any altercation?" 

"Wha what, No no! That is not it" Su Liya replied eyes budged, the action was quite obvious because of her small face.

Zhu Feifei hissed silently as she looked at the little slut, she couldn't stand looking at her worthless face anymore, "then it must be because of your guilty conscience, You feel guilty for seducing my husband"

"Your husband?" Su Liya asked 

"The sixth prince" Zhu Feifei walked closer to her "Did you think that I wouldn't find out about your secret, not with my husband. After things didn't work out with Faye, you decided to go after the sixth prince. Don't bother denying everything, I heard it from a reliable source" 

At the mention of a "reliable source" Zhu Fenfang's fake little face appeared in her mind. Since she was the only one that has ever seen her with Zhu Faye apart from Zhu Fengyin. Zhu fenfang and Zhu fengyin were like fire and water so it couldn't be her.

Zhu Feifei walked around her paused "Fenfang saw you meet the sixth prince at the garden after the family dinner during the daughter festival. Did you think no one would find out about that? Because it was dark and everyone had gone to bed, you were hoping that they wouldn't weren't you? You have got yourself a good life now, you are married to a marquis, your future is set or so you think"

Su Liya's heart stilled when Why "I never had anything to do with the sixth Prince, your highness. I have never even met him privately, I am being framed?" Su Liya refuted adamantly but that made no difference. 

Zhu Feifei laughed coldly, her laugh was a little cold and maid goosebumps down Su Liya's arm "at least you are not claiming that you have never met him before. How is your relationship with General Lu, is it good? Is he treating well?"

The questions were unexpected albeit strange, she went from rejecting her explanation to asking about her marriage. "Fi_fine, the General treats me well".

"I hope he would still treat you well when he finds out about your previous relationship with the sixth Prince and Zhu Faye"

Su Liya looked at Zhu Feifei's, and thought was she trying to threaten me with all these lies?' She hardened her expression and replied coldly "I don't have any relationship with the sixth prince or Zhu Faye. Those are all lies, you can't threaten me with something as insignificant as that."

"Threaten you? Did you think I would threaten you with just that? I know about your little "romance" with Xu Jingting, you better stay away from my husband or I will deal with you a lot harsher than last time" Zhu Feifei got closer to her and whispered "Do you think you can win against me? You? An unwanted little thing? You are worthless, even your parents didn't want you. Did you like the beautiful day you spend in the palace with General Lu, do you want to experience that again. Come close to my husband and I will arrange another special day for you but this time with your old flame Xu Jingting! Dirty little bitch" Zhu Feifei won't out and walked away.

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