Not Your Typical Villianess

Chapter 89: The Long journey to Ningzhuo 5

Grand Princess Ni'an's Residence 

Nanny Fu supervised the kitchen maids as they delivered the Grand Princess's Lunch and set the table before sending them away. She waited for everyone else to leave before helping the grand Princess out of the bed and to the table.

Even after a few hours, She couldn't get the grand Princess and their fourth mistress conversation out of her mind.

(*Although Xia Ying is a commandery Princess which is a princess of the second rank. To the old servants that serve the grand princess, she is referred to as the fourth young mistress. This is because the grand princess gave birth to three daughters and when calculating, Xia Ying as her first granddaughter is nominally known as the fourth young mistress*)

She bit her like gently then asked "your highness about the issues raised by our fourth mistress. Is it a good idea to let her have such thoughts?"

"I have indulged her whims since she was born, what is wrong with indulging her again. Since she brought this up herself, I am curious of what she would do", Grand Princess Ni'an said with a small smile. She sat at the table and picked up the wooden chopsticks.

Her calm expression made nanny Fu more worried. She poured some wine into a cup and passed it to the grand princess, "I understand that your highness wishes to test our fourth mistress but what if she does kill the general's principal wife. What do we do then?"

Grand Princess Ni'an chucked "nothing, we will do nothing. I spoiled Ying'er rotten, that she doesn't understand how the world works. Even if she murders the General's main wife, there is no way I will let her marry the general. Not when there is a more capable candidate like the crown prince".

Nanny Fu swallowed immediately, "then the the princess_ she would be so disappointed". 

"but she will learn, in a bid to save her from the sufferings on the world. The Duke and I left her ignorant of how things worked. This will just serve as a reality check for her, life is not a fantasy. She will be angry but after some time she will appreciate what I did for her" 

Nanny Fu sighed "I hope that she doesn't make a major mistake. She is emotional right now, that is why she is even considering taking a move like this".

The Grand Princess just laughed and replied "Ying'er is my granddaughter, she comes from a long line of Emperors and military strategists. She can not make a mistake" she ate a little, "to be on the safe side, have someone monitor her. Even if she makes a mistake, I can not let her suffer too much"


Xia Ying's courtyard at Grand Princess Ni'an's Residence.

"Send someone to call Chen Su" Xia Ying instructed as she rushed into her room.

"Yes," Daiyu bowed and rushed out to carry out her instructions.

Xia Ying fell to her knees by her wide bed as soon as she was alone, she had barely held in her cries while at her grandmother's courtyard. If there was one thing her grandmother enforced it was that she never lost her composure no matter the situation, she found herself in.

As a member of the royal family, she was expected to hold it all in and put on a brave face. She had always done whatever her grandmother instructed but this time she just couldn't. This time it concerned her future, she couldn't follow her grandmother's orders and marry the Crown Prince.

Not when her heart belonged to another, no she had to think of her future. Lu Yaozhu was originally meant to be her husband, if the little servant didn't play this trick, she would have married him. She would have been the one under his protection and she would have been happy.

The Power-hungry maid denied her of that, the fact that she played such a dangerous trick was proof that she wasn't a good person. There was nothing wrong with killing someone like that. When it came to either the maid and herself, she would always choose herself. 

Feeling more confident in her choice, Xia Ying wiped the tears off her face and a good. She walked to the bowl of water by the window and washed her face. Daiyu returned as she wiped her face with a soft towel. 

Daiyu noticed her mistress's reddened eyes but pretended otherwise. She has witnessed what went down between her mistress and the Grand Princess. Her mistress had always been so proud, she didn't like to appear weak to anyone. She reported calmly "I have sent word to Miss Chen".

Xia Ying nodded, "Good, get me a change of clothes. Chen Su will be here soon, I need to get dressed before she gets here" 



As She predicted, Chen Su arrived a few minutes later, she was led in by Daiyu who left a few minutes later.

"I came as soon as I got your message, what is wrong Ying'er?"

Xia Ying looked at her with a dim expression, "I need your help, Chen Su".

"you have it, do you even need to ask"

"Just like that? You are not going to ask me why?"

"I don't need to, Ying'er. You and I are as close as sisters, I will always help you no matter what. You seem upset Ying'er, what is wrong?"

"My grandmother has arranged a natch for me"

"That is good news, who is it?"

"The Crown Prince, but I don't love him. Susu, you know how I have always dreamed of marrying for love like my parents and grandparents"

"I know Ying'er but surely you know that it isn't possible for people like us. The decision of who we marry isn't left to use but our parents."

"Even though I still want to be able to marry for love and I will. Grandmother said that I can marry the general as long as his wife is dead. I must marry him as the main wife"

"By general, you mean_"

"General Lu"

"But he is already married!"

"It is a maid, someone with no backing. If she died no one would care, I would just wait out the mourning period and then marry the general as his second wife"

"And the Grand Princess agreed to this?"

"Yes, which is why I need your help. Well, I need tge help of your secret guards" Xia Yong held her arm tightly.

Chen Su saw the determination in Xia Ying eye and sighed, "okay, I will help you".

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