Novelist Running Through Time

Chapter 83


There was a shared misunderstanding at Baekhak Publishing at the time.

It was that Moon In-seop’s writing ability was somewhat exaggerated.

This misconception, not stemming from Baekhak Publishing’s unique elitism that believes ‘only I know the truth,’

(which is partly true)

was significantly influenced by the fact that Baekhak Publishing, especially the Publishing Planning Department, knew what the original plan of the Publishing Management Task Force, including Lim Yang-wook, was.

At the launch of the Publishing Management Task Force, the star author the TF team wanted to create was a [Middle-aged MZ YouTuber].

[Mid-aged] to feel approachable to the economically powerful demographic of mothers in the book market.

[MZ] to cater to the tastes of the trend-leading younger generation.

And naturally a [YouTuber] to avoid backlash when appearing on TV and smoothly transition into a YouTuber-guest-broadcaster tech tree.

Thus, [Mid-aged] [MZ] [YouTuber]!

A thoroughly considered image based on the public’s needs.

It didn’t matter how well they could write.

They could just hire a ghostwriter.

Of course, the middle-aged MZ YouTuber, who was about to debut as an idol, caused the TF team to explode by touching what he shouldn’t have, but that plan is well known by everyone at Baekhak Publishing.

Therefore, the consensus was that the writing ability of Moon In-seop, cultivated (or created) by Lim Yang-wook, was exaggerated.

So, if we were to briefly summarize the theories circulating among Baekhak Publishing employees:

Evidence 1, A child cannot write such books.

Evidence 2, The original plan of Lim Yang-wook and the Publishing Management TF team was to create a star author based on image, utilizing even ghostwriters without scruples.

Evidence 3, Moon In-seop’s writing subtly resembles Gu Hak-jun. Gu Hak-jun often contacted Moon In-seop, and he is not someone who only pursues personal artistic achievements but is a figure aiming for the advancement of the literary world.

Conclusion, under the arrangement of Lim Yang-wook, the prodigy named Moon In-seop produced masterpieces with the editing of Gu Hak-jun!

“Exactly, isn’t it?”

“Hmm… That makes sense.”

“It seems right, doesn’t it? I thought something was off.”

“Although Moon In-seop may not be entirely talentless, there was some degree of ‘planning’ involved.”

Baekhak Publishing employees did not criticize Lim Yang-wook and Moon In-seop for moral flaws.

After all, the industry is not so harsh as to consider such things flaws. When veteran authors also have their students ghostwrite from time to time, this level of deceit is seen as endearing.

The literary world has been in an apocalypse state of <people not reading books> for decades, and the survivors who have weathered this catastrophe are already tightly knit.

Therefore, the political stance of Baekhak Publishing employees was closer to ‘Ah, you cute little liars, we’ll pretend not to know, so let’s get along in the future.’

Of course, this misunderstanding could have been resolved if they had just asked Gu Hak-jun, but no one dared to speak such words in front of Gu Hak-jun, the grand master of the literary world, and would have been hit with a thick book for speaking disrespectfully, inciting Gu Hak-jun’s rage.

Thus, when the employees of the Publishing Planning Department heard these words from the Publishing Management Department employees,

“What? That’s not true.”

“Ah, don’t lie, just tell us. There must have been something like that. Like editing or proofreading…”



They felt something was gradually going wrong.

Side EP-Princess Maker

Kim Ga-ryung, the assistant manager of the Publishing Management Department, is a Steam game enthusiast, a fan of Japanese light s, a Seoul National University Art History major, a cat lover, and a dirty traitor who contributed to Lim Yang-wook beating Yang Sung-jun and moved from the Publishing Planning Department to the Publishing Management Department.

And now, he had returned to the place he had betrayed.

Even worse, Lim Yang-wook, who he had followed, was on standby.

“This is the worst…”

Every time he encounters people from the Publishing Planning Department at Baekhak Publishing, their glares sting him. Every day feels like sitting on pins and needles, pondering when to write his resignation letter.

Then one day, someone from the Publishing Planning Department came to visit.

“Sunbae, hello!”

It was Park Ga-in, the energizer of the Publishing Planning Department.

Kim Ga-ryung, the assistant manager, once had a fling with Park Ga-in, which eventually broke off. Kim Ga-ryung resented the harsh heavens that threw trials at him day by day.

“Uh… It’s been a while, Senior Staff Park.”

“I got promoted to assistant manager!”

His heart fluttered momentarily at the sight of Park Ga-in proudly holding up her employee ID and smiling broadly.

Unaware of Kim Ga-ryung’s feelings, Park Ga-in playfully poked Kim Ga-ryung’s side with her elbow.

“Hey, Assistant Manager Kim! I’m Assistant Manager Park now!”

“Getting cocky…”

“Did you enjoy betraying us?”

Kim Ga-ryung jumped like a cat that had been pricked on a sore spot.

“What, what, what betrayal! What are you talking about!”

“Wasn’t it you who ran off after throwing fake news that Moon In-seop was involved in school violence?”

“I didn’t betray anyone!”

“Ah, stop denying it and just admit it, and I’ll let it slide-”

“I was just preparing for the future!”

“Really, unbelievable.”

Park Ga-in shook her head with a disgusted expression.

Kim Ga-ryung couldn’t muster any energy in front of Park Ga-in, looking guilty (rightly so).

“Well, Yang Sung-jun did go too far.”


Kim Ga-ryung twitched, shrinking down. If he had cat ears, they would have perked up.

“Every day in the office, it was ‘Assistant Manager Kim! Assistant Manager Kim! Assistant Manager Kim!’ Getting picked on like that wasn’t a joke. Deputy Head Woo seemed happy when Department Head Yang left, right?”

“Isn’t that because he got promoted?”

“Anyway, everyone kind of understands to some extent.”

Park Ga-in added with a sly hint.

“Otherwise, why would Department Head Woo tell me to take care of you before coming here?”


Park Ga-in made it clear that she was a messenger from the Publishing Planning Department.

“So, can I ask you just one thing?”

Through the mouth of this messenger, the Publishing Planning Department was making a last offer to Kim Ga-ryung.

We’ll forgive you, so come back.

But answer just one question.


Kim Ga-ryung swallowed dryly.

He didn’t know if he could trust this offer.

But this was his last chance.

“I’m sorry, Department Head Lim.”

Kim Ga-ryung was ready to betray once again.

Even before Park Ga-in could speak next,

It’s said that one who betrays once will betray again, so don’t trust them.

Considering that Kim Ga-ryung wears glasses, one could say there’s wisdom in Kwak Cheol-yong’s words, “I killed all those who betrayed us like cunning, bespectacled traitors.” (TL: Kwak Cheol-yong is a character from movie Tazza: The High Rollers)

“The existence precedes essence” is wrong. Sartre didn’t know about Kim Ga-ryung. Since Kim Ga-ryung’s essence is a betrayer, it doesn’t matter what choices he makes. Likewise, Park Ga-in’s question wouldn’t matter. Kim Ga-ryung was already prepared to say OK to whatever the Publishing Planning Department, through Park Ga-in’s mouth, would say.

“What do you want to ask?”

The fate-deciding question of (corporate) life was asked.

The Publishing Planning Department, through Park Ga-in, asked.

“Who edited Moon In-seop’s writings?”




* * *

Woo Ki-tae, the Publishing Planning Department Head who took over after Yang Sung-jun was screwed over by Lim Yang-wook, asked,

“How did it go?”

Park Ga-in clicked her tongue.

“He didn’t say a word?”

“Kim Ga-ryung?”

“Thought he was a freedom fighter or something. He said he doesn’t know. Said there wasn’t anyone.”

Department Head Woo Ki-tae tilted his head.

“That can’t be right…”

There are two meanings to this statement.

First, that Kim Ga-ryung, that nerd, couldn’t possibly be loyal.

And second, that it’s impossible for Moon In-seop to have written ‘those writings’ all by himself.

“Well, nothing can be done about it.”

Knowing the system behind Moon In-seop’s writings would have made things easier, but it’s fine even if they don’t know.

‘Publishing planning’ is their area of expertise.

It’s not for no reason that books by fitness experts become bestsellers. The Publishing Planning Department picks up on the trend of fitness and selects a suitable fitness celeb to commission writing. It doesn’t matter if their writing skills are lacking. They can always attach a co-writer.

The same goes for Moon In-seop.

The Publishing Planning Department had already completed all the planning. Korea’s top elites had analyzed the trends in the publishing market.

The answer was AI.

A theme that races at the forefront of the Fourth Industrial Revolution will be the subject of Moon In-seop’s next . It would be perfect to actually receive help from AI during the writing process.

The most attention-grabbing author writing an AI with the help of AI? There’s no way it wouldn’t sell. Especially since it would be promoted nationwide on the 9 o’clock news.

Of course, that doesn’t mean it’s really heading into SF. If you break down the plot, it’s a conventional and moving Korean drama. It’s a universal story that could be adapted into a movie in the future. (TL: SF = Science fiction)


<A Romance Novel with a Dash of SF>

That was the next plan of the Publishing Planning Department.

Department Head Woo Ki-tae even came up with a promotional catchphrase.

<A proud genius boy who conquered even SF s, Moon In-seop.>


Department Head Woo Ki-tae fantasized about the entire nation going wild, the books selling like hotcakes, and receiving calls from prestigious SF literature awards abroad…

And to make that fantasy a reality, Department Head Woo Ki-tae energetically stood up from his seat.

“I’m going to meet Moon In-seop.”

“Are you going yourself, Department Head?”

“Of course.”

Moon In-seop is worth being treated well.

It’s not demeaning for idols to sing songs written by others and dance to choreography made by others.

Is a pianist playing Beethoven’s compositions a technician without creativity, or an artist?

It’s not the conclusion of a complex debate.

There’s a simpler logic.

Market logic.

Popularity makes money. Money is power.

And the company wants more power.

That’s enough.

At least, for Department Head Woo Ki-tae, it was.


And there was a bit of greed in Department Head Woo Ki-tae, hoping for human interaction with the unfortunate genius boy Moon In-seop to replace Lim Yang-wook’s position.

A boy abandoned by his parents in his childhood would have some degree of affection deficiency. Targeting that aspect, Department Head Woo Ki-tae judged, would somehow work out.

And Department Head Woo Ki-tae’s judgment was shattered by Moon In-seop’s first words.

“I’m in a slump, so I can’t write.”

* * *

It wasn’t just a day or two that the Publishing Planning Department spent planning Moon In-seop’s next work. There were long-term trend analyses and department meetings accompanied by overtime work.

All that effort and time being smashed to pieces by a teenager’s single statement is an undeniable business disaster.

Book design drafts, trend big data analysis…

Setting all that aside, the labor costs of the dozen or so people involved in the project alone amount to tens of millions of won.

It’s natural for people who earn millions of won in salary to spend a lot of time pondering over it.

So, when that turns into nothing, it’s truly like tens of millions of won in labor costs bursting like bubbles.

Of course, one might think, who in company life meticulously calculates hourly labor costs to such an extent, but sadly, that’s how it is seen from above.

“Who’s going to take responsibility for those tens of millions of won?”

Department Head Woo Ki-tae went to report to the Publishing Business Division Director that the plan had been scrapped and got a scolding so harsh it felt like bleeding from the ears.

Naturally, it wasn’t a physical beating but a verbal one, but Department Head Woo Ki-tae wished he had been punched for real. Then he could at least call the police.

<The planning, which consumed tens of millions of won in employee labor costs when calculated, being scrapped means you’ve caused tens of millions of won in losses to the company. Take responsibility and proceed with it>

Department Head Woo Ki-tae, having received such an order, naturally gave Moon In-seop a hard time. He tried scolding harshly and coaxing gently.

Of course, it was all to no avail.

Moon In-seop sat in the studio chair and shot a cold glare at Department Head Woo Ki-tae. It wasn’t a teenager’s vibe.

“Why are you raising your voice at me?”

“No, Author Moon! Maybe you don’t understand how things work here, but you can’t do it like that!”

“But I can’t write if I’m in a slump, can I?”

“You just need to write according to what we’ve planned!”

“You want me to follow a plot laid out by someone else?”

“It sounds strange when you say it like that, but it’s not that unusual! Author Moon!”

“But why should I?”


Why, indeed?

What came out of Department Head Woo Ki-tae’s mouth was the logic of the Publishing Business Division Director. The words, which he thought were crude capitalist logic, were laid out by Department Head Woo Ki-tae. That’s what happens when people are pushed to their limits.

Then, the boy wrapped in a blanket sent a cold look.

“So, if I don’t write according to the Publishing Planning Department’s plan, I’m causing the company tens of millions of won in losses?”

“That, that’s how it looks. So, Author Moon. If possible, don’t make the adults work too hard…”

Moon In-seop abruptly stood up and rummaged through a closet in the corner of the studio. What he brought out was a neatly arranged stack of Shin Saimdang bills. (TL: Korean money featuring the image of Shin Saimdang, which is the highest currency note available in Korea, aka 50,000 won.)

Thud, Moon In-seop coldly brought the Shin Saimdang bills to Department Head Woo Ki-tae and set them down in front of him. It was almost akin to violence.



Department Head Woo Ki-tae was so stunned he couldn’t even think, ‘Why does this kid have cash at home?’

While his sense of reality flew beyond Andromeda, Moon In-seop’s sudden (verbal) assault overwhelmed Department Head Woo Ki-tae.

“I added a bit more. That’s the penalty fee. It seems difficult to continue the contract with Baekhak Publishing anyway…”

That day, Department Head Woo Ki-tae’s back bent like a bow.

He tried to soothe his wounded pride with soju.

* * *

Sadly, the terrible tragedy experienced by the Publishing Planning Department wasn’t isolated to just one department.

The entire Baekhak Publishing went through it because everyone wanted to do business with Moon In-seop.

Lim Yang-wook was the outcast of Baekhak Publishing. So, everyone told him, ‘You’re expelled from the company’.

But the expelled Lim Yang-wook suddenly got his hands on a cheat author and made a glamorous comeback.

No one saw the two years of suffering Lim Yang-wook endured. After all, it’s a world that only sees the results.

Anyway, the key staff of Baekhak Publishing had jealousy towards Lim Yang-wook, big or small, which manifested as the thought, ‘If Moon In-seop was given to me, I could do better than that guy’.

Promotion team head Lee Eun-bi planned a YouTube channel centered around Moon In-seop.

From book reviews to YouTube’s own variety shows, all sorts of hopeful ideas were poured out.

Frankly, just filming Moon In-seop and Kim Byul eating spicy chicken noodles and crying because it’s hot would likely hit hundreds of thousands of views, so why wouldn’t they jump into this blue ocean?

‘How foolish. In the end, that Lim Yang-wook has become outdated too. Can’t even think of this simple idea…’

However, instead of looking down on Lim Yang-wook as foolish, Lee Eun-bi would have been wiser to ask, ‘Why didn’t you do it?’

“A YouTube channel?”

“Yes! Author~nim! Prepared by our promotion team-”

“I’m sorry, but I will have to decline.”



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