Nowhere to Run

Chapter 11: A Few Good Men

Chapter 11: A Few Good Men


“He who lives without discipline dies without honor,”

-Clan proverb.


  Nina let out a loud gasp, suddenly catapulting from the bed, and immediately began to cry. An immense revulsion took over her, feeling anger beyond description, lying down again after realizing it had been just a bad dream. She covered her eyes with her forearm, feeling the other arm too numb and heavy to move, crying powerfully to vent out the steam. She knew it would be a rough sleep. Just hours ago, she dreaded the inevitable journey to dreamland, fully aware of the horrors waiting for her, but ultimately succumbing to exhaustion, having endured almost two days without rest. As she already expected, the dream quickly turned into a horrific nightmare, once again meeting the Northmen who chased her through the same forest, beating her again, putting her through the same indignity as before, to finally having their way with her. This time, however, with no one around to save her.

  The sudden commotion also woke up her dragon friend, who was lying against the wall next to her bed. He frantically stood up; rushing to check on her, fearing he somehow let something happen during his watch, only to find the pitch-black room empty. No light filtered, neither through the windows nor through the roof’s hatch, realizing it was well into the night already upon checking outside. The loud noise made by the rain drowned her wailing to a degree. Rudo rushed to the bedside to check on her, finding her crying in silence, instinctively sandwiching her hand with both of his, the same way she did with him earlier. It seemed to have some sort of effect on him, raising his heart rate to an absurd degree, but also making him feel strangely comfortable, so he figured it must have been a kind of special technique, or something like it, dismissing the possibility of it being a kind of magic.

  She stopped crying immediately upon his contact, staring at his hands in shock, utterly wide-eyed, to his surprise. It worked! She does this stuff for a reason! Unbeknown to him, however, she could feel her heart racing, unable to speak at such a daring display. Panicking at the realization of what he was doing. Is he doing what I think he’s doing?!

-“You feeling ok?” he asked, interrupting her thoughts.

-“W-wa-wa-wa-what the hell are you doing?!”

-“Doing wat?” he asked, confused.

-“You were holding my hand!” she shouted, forcefully retracting her arm, prompting a hurtful reaction from him.

-“You did the same earlier!” he countered fiercely.

-“I didn’t do that!” Nina replied.

-“Yes, you did!”

-“No! I didn’t!”

-“Yes, you did! I thought it was somethin' special!” he growled.

-“Special?! Have you lost your mind?! I never thought I would have to deal with this! And much less from YOU!” she replied, exasperated, much to the creature’s consternation. Seriously! What’s wrong with him?!

-“Wat da ya mean?” he asked.

-“You shouldn't do that! What would other people think if they see us?!” she asked back.

-“Why?! It's somethin' bad?”

-“It’s embarrassing!”

-“I just wanted to help you,” Rudo replied in a dejected tone.

  Nina took a moment to take a deep breath and calm down; visibly agitated, but watching the dragon look down sad and confused made her heart sink. It was only now that she recalled having, in fact, treat him a bit too nicely earlier, which only made her feel even worse. In her defense, she didn’t purposefully lead him on but admitted maybe she leaned on him too much. What the hell I’m supposed to do now?! This is serious! She never had anyone fall for her before, so this was new. A dreadful feeling suddenly took over her, threatening to clench her stomach with its constant pressure, realizing she was now walking over mighty thin ice. She took a deep breath to calm down and approach the issue as calmly as possible. If she turned him down, she feared he might ditch her in the resulting heartbreak. She didn’t want to upset him, but she wouldn’t keep fooling him either. It wasn’t right.


  Girl, what have you done?! You have to fix this!


-“Li-li-listen Rudo, I'm going to be nice, okay? I like you, really! I really, really do! But not in that way!”

-“Wat way?” he asked, confused.

-“Only as a friend!” she lashed out, expecting some kind of reaction out of Rudo, only for him to stare back completely at a loss.

-“Who's Frend?”

-“It's friend, not frend! Urrg! Don't play dumb with me!”

-“Hey! That's not nice!”

-“Neither is touching me while I sleep!” she countered ferociously, making him flinch.

-“But I didn’t!” he insisted.

-“Look, it's not that no one could ever possibly like you, but you know...” she tried to explain with a much calmer tone to appease him, hoping for the conversation to go one way, but fearing it would go the other.

-“No, I don't know,” he replied, much to her frustration.

-“We are different!”

-“Oh, that! Yeah, I’m a boy and you’re a girl, I know that,”

-“No, Rudo! You are not a boy! You are a dragon! And I'm a girl! We are different!” she explained, although Rudo was none the wiser. Oh, Gods, please help me!


-“I know you like me, and I'm flattered! Really! I really am! But I'm a priestess, and... You understand, right?!” she spilled the beans, not wanting to hurt feelings but also desperately wishing to finally get through his thick skull. Why are you so freaking dense?!

-“No! I don't understand at all!”

  For the Gods' sake!

-“Rudo, we can’t be together!”

-“But we are together now,”

-“No Rudo, we aren’t! Please understand!” she insisted.

-“I don’t think I understand, you acting weird again,”

-“What do you mean you don’t understand?! Aren't you mad?!” she asked.

-“I don't even know wat you're talking about!”

-“Are you kidding me?! You really don’t know?!” Nina dared to ask, receiving only his confused negative. Girl, he really doesn’t know! And how could he?! He probably never interacted with a girl in his life! She stood silently for a moment, taking another deep breath to calm down, feeling overwhelmingly relieved of dodging such an unpleasant and possibly dangerous situation.

-“Are you sure you’re ok?” he asked.

-“This is so embarrassing!”

  She could feel her face heating and her blood boiling from the utter humiliation. Does that mean he isn’t interested in me in 'that way'? Not even a bit? Well, if that’s the case that’s one less thing to worry about! Although sudden relief flooded her system, she couldn’t help but feel slightly disappointed. Sure, that was the last thing she wanted to deal with right now, and she avoided a possibly disastrous debacle with him, but at the cost of her somewhat hurt ego. She certainly wouldn’t mind if a dreamy, handsome knight in shining armor like her beloved half-brother Elliam suddenly found her attractive. Heck! She would gladly forget her Vows of Chastity for a night if he just asks. Not that it would ever happen, though. But the dragon?! She pictured herself with him, innocently holding her hand, looking at her with those giant, freaky eyes, and tenderly smiling at her showing those crooked, yellow teeth, and long, prominent fangs, instantly feeling repulsed by the mere thought.

  Sorry. Not in a million years.

-“Just forget about it! Ok?! And don’t you dare to try it again if there are people around!” she demanded.

-“Ok! I get it! But I only did it because you did it first!” the dragon replied defensively.

-“Fine! Maybe I did it! But I did it without thinking! Ok?!”

-“Ok!” he replied, just as glad to de-escalating the argument, although still ignoring the real issue, having never expected that kind of emotional reaction out of her. Damn! What got into her? I didn’t think it would work so well! That thing sure is powerful!

  While she felt glad for dominating their argument for once, regret soon overtook her. Reacting so harshly, and thinking so low of him, even if she had the right, finally caught up with her, and she couldn’t help but feel increasingly guilty about their fight. She knew she had been unfair to him, especially since he didn’t seem to know what he was doing. He might not be the prettiest thing around, but you owe him big time, Nina.

-“Listen, Rudo, I really didn’t mean yelling at you. It’s just that I was so flustered! I’m sorry,” she finally let out, promptly catching his attention.

-“It’s fine. Why it's so important, anyway?” he asked.

  Nina paused for a moment, thinking about what she was about to do, but after a quick deliberation, concluded it was only appropriate to explain it to him and avoid further confusion in the future. She timidly took one of his hands, clasping it firmly between hers, which took Rudo by surprise again.

-“Do you feel that? This is something you don’t do with anyone, you know. It’s supposed to be something special, so you only do it when you are scared, to comfort someone, and when you trust someone very much. You can’t do this in front of everyone for if other people see it, they might get the wrong idea,”

-“The wrong idea? Like what?” Rudo asked, wide-eyed.

  She was about to reply when a sudden commotion from outside the shack interrupted their little moment. Such good timing! But just the possibility of another attack made her heart race, steadily giving in to anguish, but Rudo strengthening his grip on her hand gave her the reassurance she just needed. He’s a quick learner. Figures.

-“I'll explain later! Something is happening outside!”

  They made their way to the front door, but Nina quickly blocked his way before he could leave, pleading for him to remain inside with her, at least until they could figure out what in hell was going on. Rudo hesitated for an instant but ultimately complied, resigning to look through the narrow gap between the wooden door and the doorframe, while Nina tried the same with the hinged edge. The pair took a quick glance at the villagers racing toward their positions near the palisade but were unable to see further. Although part of her desperately wanted to go outside to help somehow, she knew she would only be an obstacle to the defense the villagers planned. Certainly, Rudo would be much more helpful with that inhuman strength of his, but the mere thought of being left alone utterly terrified her.

  The villagers remained on high alert through the day and well into the night, taking turns to rest and eat, as the menace of the marauding Northmen still lurked, taking a heavy toll on the ever-vigilant villagers. It was already past midnight, and the heavy rain plus the absolute lack of moonlight made sighting anything beyond a few yards an arduous task. There had been a few false alerts in the past few hours, from a lost bull to Zako, and his warriors returning empty-handed from their fruitless mission. Still, they couldn’t afford to relax, especially not after learning about their fellow clansmen’s fate.

-“Chief! I see movement! Northwest!” the lookout yelled.

-“It’s the fifth time you see something, Kord!”

-“I swear, chief! There is something out there!”

  The village’s chief raced through the muddy square, climbing the improvised platform to have a better view. The roaring pattering of the rain and the deafening thunderstorm drowned any other noise, making conversation difficult, and hearing anything else beyond a few yards impossible.

-“There they are Chief! Several armed riders!” he yelled again.

-“How many?!”

-“Ten, maybe twelve, it is difficult to tell”

-“I see them,” the chief replied, frowning. This isn’t good.

-“Chief! Who's coming? It's the Northmen?!” Achtung yelled from below the platform, fearfully waiting for his response.

-“No, even worse... Mercenaries,”

  The chief jumped down, sporting a grim expression on his face, gripping his wood chopping axe tightly with his trembling hands in anticipation of its imminent need to use it. Understanding immediately, Achtung also braced his hatchet. The pair exchanged somber glances briefly before the chief commanded.

-“Get Lars and summon everyone”

-“Yes, chief”

-“And Achtung… it’s been an honor”

-“Same, chief”

  They shook hands firmly, solemnly. There was just nothing more to say. Chief Huno turned, facing his fellow clansmen, who watched him expectantly, anxiously waiting for his next command.

-“To your battle stations! Protect our lady! If they are looking for battle, a battle they will get!” the chief cried at the top of his lungs.

-“SELAH!” the entire village echoed.

  Achtung raced through the muddy square, tripping a few times for the sudden rush of adrenaline. Quickly opening each door, yelling the voice of alarm inside each building, making his already uneasy fellow clansmen jump from their beds, each already armed with the farming tool of their choosing that would soon serve as an improvised weapon. Finally, he reached the stables, finding Lars sewing the last stitches on the new clothes for Nina in the dim light of an oil lamp, first believing it to be yet another false alarm until learning the grim news. Lars swiftly finished the piece of garment, clumsily taking the lamp and the bunch of clothes, and raced to the warehouse where Nina rested. Both she and Rudo quickly retreated after spotting him hurriedly approaching the door.

-“My Lady! You are awake!” Lars spoke, catching his breath, and closing the door behind him.

-“Here! I made a pair of trousers and underpants for you! And a blouse too! I also refitted this jacket! It’s padded! It will keep you warm in the cold and also protect you!” Lars explained frantically, fumbling with each garment, hurriedly showing her each one.

-“Lars, what's going on?” Nina asked, confused.

-“I couldn’t wash your tunic, My Lady! I had to focus on tailoring! But I’ll give you my cloak instead! It’s bison fur! Look! I did wash your gloves and boots!”


-“My Lady! You must stay here! It's not safe outside!” he replied, obviously distressed, finally handing her the clothes he was holding.

-“What’s going on out there?!” she dared to ask.

-“I don’t know! But what I know is whatever comes through that gate, we will face it! You must stay here!” Lars replied.

-“I can help!” Rudo exclaimed, prompting the clansman’s surprised reaction.

-“No! I know you are able, but you must stay here with our Lady! You must keep her safe if we fall!”

-“Lars! No!” Nina replied, equally distressed. Oh, Shit! Shit! Shit! This is really happening! Not sure what to do with the bunch of clothes Lars gave her. Her pumping organ already racing for the mere possibility of an attack, now threatening to burst through her chest at any moment after hearing the harsh confirmation. A pang of immeasurable guilt took over her soul for the poor villagers, ready to give their lives for her sake a second time. Please, Gods, no! Protect them!

-“I have a plan, My Lady! But if my plan fails, and it’s the Gods’ will that we die tonight, then he’ll be your only means of escape!” Lars said again, grabbing her firmly by the shoulders, snapping her out of the trance.

-“You must protect her, Rudo! Promise it!” he prompted, turning towards him, staring straight into his eyes.

-“I will!” the boy replied, spitting on his oversized hand and extending it to Lars, which he shook without hesitation. -A spit shake means you never break your word!”

-“Selah” Lars replied solemnly, exchanging one last glance with Nina before leaving.

  He left! The girl grabbed Rudo’s arm, hugging it tightly against her chest for comfort, overtaken by panic, sending chills down her spine, feeling her body shaking powerfully against him. Regret for calling him all those awful things stroke quickly. I’m sorry for calling you ugly! And dumb! And for thinking so badly of you! I didn’t mean it! I swear I won’t be so awful anymore! I’ll be a good girl! Please don’t do anything rash! The thoughts raced through her head, although she didn’t dare to say them out loud, just biting her lip, cursing at the irony. Rudo tried to turn to face her but her clinging tightly to him didn’t allow it, which forced him to push her aside to turn and face her, grabbing her firmly by the shoulders, with Nina still clinging to him.

-“You still have the boomstick, right?!” Rudo asked.

-“Boomstick?!” Nina asked back, confused.

-“Yeah! The stick that goes boom!” he explained, though Nina’s confused stare prompted him to ask again. -“The weapon from Feather guy! The guy with the funny hat! You still have it, right?”

  Of course! The mage’s spellcasters! Nina recalled, breaking their embrace to look among her belongings. She could feel the fear slowly go away, replaced by newfound courage and determination. How the hell does he remain so calm?! She found the contraptions inside her bag. -“Yes, I still have them!”

-“Good!” he replied, taking the larger one from her hands to check it. Nina watched him rotate the mechanism, inspecting each container from the dangerous end with absolute confidence.

-“This one still has one left ready to go off,” he explained, handing the device back to her. -“Just pull this thing until it tops and pull this other one to fire it! Careful cuz it kicks hard!” How does he know all that?!

  But what is this?! Besides its weight, she could also feel her heart pounding against her chest like never before, but if different than the previous times. If earlier her heart was despairing, now she felt vivid, determined. How is that even possible?! She could feel the raw power emanating from the device in her hands, emboldening her. Was she ready to fight? She didn’t know. But if an attack does occur, she knew she would be the only one spared, only to be put through a fate worse than death. If push comes to shove, she could now at least fight back, or put a swift end to her life before they could have their way with her.

  With renewed spirits, Nina put the weapon down over the plank to take the clothes that Lars brought, spreading each one over the bed to have a better look at them. Lars did a fine job! She swiftly undressed, no longer caring about Rudo’s presence or that he was staring open-mouthed, changing into her new underwear and clothes, feeling them perfectly fit her body, only wondering how Lars got her measurements correctly just by eyeballing. She donned the padded jacket, which was a bit stiff for the mail between the linen layers, fastening it around her waist with her old leather belt from her priestess’ uniform, along with the pair of leather boots and gloves that she would reuse. Finally holstering the spell caster on the back of her belt.

  This will stop a sword blow! Lars thought about everything!

  Now came the worst part, the waiting. Her heart immediately went with the villagers outside. She rushed to the door, looking through the same gap she had used previously, with no other choice but to follow in the villager’s plan. The heavy rain mellowed considerably by now as if the heavens expected the upcoming bloodshed and welcomed it. And although it was pitch black, sporadic lightning and thunder briefly turned the night into broad daylight, allowing seeing what would otherwise just sneak through the dark. That’s how they discovered what could have been a surprise attack, making the band of armed riders turn tail at the last moment after being spotted.

  Lars rushed back to the stables, bringing along his pitchfork and joining the villagers in the defense. Chief Huno spotted him dejectedly walking into the town’s square as if something in his mind burdened him. Both exchanged apologetic looks, uncertain if this would be their last moments alive, well aware they weren’t a match for professional warriors, but determined to protect their guest until the very end, and give their ancestors a fine entertainment. The Chief walked to the gate to have a better view outside, followed close by Achtung who took the role of second in command while Lars was busy sewing. They couldn’t see anything in the dark, but the ever-closing galloping noise barely audible over the wind’s howling alerted them of the riders’ proximity.

  Suddenly, a flash of incredibly well-timed lightning turned the night into broad daylight for an instant, uncovering the riders doing laps around the village, as if the Gods themselves lend a helping hand. Huno and Achtung braced themselves for the imminent clash, baring their teeth, and panting heavily, their warm breaths forming clouds of moisture in the cold night air. Behind them, the entire village rallied, ready for battle, their weapons at the ready, daring them to come closer. Gathering the courage, the Chief stepped under the gate, in the middle of the muddy road, just as another lightning illuminated the night. A lone rider turned towards him, immediately changing course and charging headlong to meet him. This is it! The Gods blessed us with a mighty foe!


  The rider stopped in its tracks.


  Come on! What are you waiting for?! Why did he stop?! Let’s get over this already! The Chief couldn’t believe his eyes. Was it a trick? A mirage? A cruel joke from the Gods? These thoughts raced through his mind. His body shaking, his breathing laborious, his heart beating loudly like a drum inside his chest in anticipation of the ultimate test. The unknown rider stood still on the muddy road, struggling to rein his mount, and raising his sword still inside its scabbard above his head, which he recognized immediately as the universal sign for parley.

  Parley?! These god dammed mercenaries! Huno stood dejectedly under the piercing rain, raising his axe in response as the highlanders’ honor demanded yet well aware of the mercenaries’ lack of it. Wasting no time, the rider walked his bull closer, followed by the others who came to a halt a few yards behind, startling the villagers, but the chief quickly pacified them with only a motion of his hand.

-“Not a step closer mercenary! You are not welcome here!”

-“Greetings, chief! My name is Varr and behind me are my men! We are just a group of adventurers! We mean no harm to any of you!”

-“Bollocks! We know why you're here, mercenary! And we won’t let you have it!”

-“If you know why we're here, that means you know where she is, clanner,” the mercenary leader replied coldly.

  Damn it!

-“Attention, clansmen! We are looking for a girl, a teenage girl, a priestess!” the man roared for everyone to hear. “There is a bounty for her! We mean no harm! Our mission is to bring her back to Dawnfall! Unharmed! I will gladly share some gold for any information on her whereabouts!”

-“Take your gold and shove it through your arse!” Achtung yelled.

-“Only dogs like you would hunt down a little girl! Have you no honor?!” the Chief countered.

-“We are doing only legitimate business, clanner!”

-“Boss! The hound is tracking something! I think she's here!” one mercenary interrupted, reining a fierce hunting dog.

-“Are you sure?!” the leader asked.

-“Absolutely! He's restless!”

  By the Gods! No! Lars panicked. Realizing, to his horror, they had found Nina’s leather cap. They could still track her for her scent.


  He had come up with something quickly.


-“Your Lord signed the Concordat of Midland, clanner! The Great Clan Council granted all official adventurers permission to pass through and do legal business in your lands!”

-“Late Lord, imbecile! And adventurers my arse! You are nothing but a bunch of cutthroats and lowlifes!” the Chief replied.

-“What's the matter with you?! You're not supposed to interfere! Do I have to show you our credentials?!”

-“A piece of paper won't tell me what is wrong and what is right! I won't let you take her! Did you hear?!” Chief Huno countered.

-“No one of us will!” Achtung yelled.

-“We will take the girl one way or another, clanner! Do not force my hand!”

-“Over my dead body!” was Huno’s response, immediately joined by the villagers -“And mine!” -“And mine!” -“And mine too!” -“You will have to kill us all!”

-“Our souls are ready, mercenary! And yours?”

  Nina helplessly watched in horror as both the villagers and the mercenaries braced for battle. The rain had mellowed just enough for her to hear the parlay go horribly awry, but as much as she wanted to burst through the door and just surrender herself to the mercenaries to avoid the imminent bloodshed, Rudo suddenly held her tight, stopping her in her tracks. She tried desperately to break free from his powerful embrace. Please Gods, no! Someone stop this madness!

-“You… You crazy bastards! You leave me no choice! Everyone, ready your weapons!” the mercenary leader commanded, sounds of unsheathing steel immediately filling the air.

-“For Clan Irfis!” the entire village echoed.

-“WAIT!” a deafening cry echoed through the village.

  Lars clumsily made his way from the stables to the town’s square, panting heavily, and tripping in the mud along the way. Bringing Nina’s blood-stained brown leather priest uniform with him, which the Chief recognized immediately, much to his utter shock. -“I know where she went!” he yelled.

-“Lars! No!”

-“What's the point, chief?! She's not even from our clan!”

-“Lars! You damn traitor!”

-“Shut up, Achtung! Are you really willing to die for nothing?! Look! It’s her leather tunic! This is what your hound was sniffing! She changed clothes and went to the east towards Clan Kano territory with that dragon!” Lars said, throwing the bloody garment at the mercenary leader.

-“A dragon did you say?!” the mercenary asked.

-“A small but fast one! They parted just an hour ago! You'll catch them if you hurry!”

-“I see. Looks like not everyone in this god-forsaken land is as stupid as I thought! Take this for the trouble,” he replied, throwing a single gold coin at Lars’ feet.

  The mercenary leader exchanged one last glance before turning tail and riding away, the rest of the band following behind him, leaving the villagers with confused looks on their faces. What just happened?! Nina watched them depart; unable to believe her eyes, as if she just witnessed the Gods themselves miraculously intervene, preventing the fight. She couldn’t help but weep tears of joy as relief washed over her soul, turning to smother Rudo with a tight hug, thanking the Gods once again, and taking the poor boy completely off guard.

  Lars collapsed on his knees, sinking into the grey, muddy highland soil. The rain made it difficult to tell between raindrops and tears, but the anguished expression on his face left no doubt he was weeping inconsolably. Nina had to cut her celebration short when she watched him hurting like that, feeling deeply for him, and gradually switching her mood to a somber one, shedding some tears as well. She had come to understand the highlanders in her brief time among them, but only after recalling how the Clans put more importance on their honor than on their own lives, it suddenly made sense why the villagers would gladly die for her. Poor, poor Lars. For her, it was just the logical call; lying to get out of a dangerous situation. But for him? He just sacrificed something far more important than his life.


  He sacrificed his honor.


-“Lars! What have you done?!”

-“I did what I had to do, chief!”

-“But... your honor…”

-“Our Lady is more important than my honor! What use we have if we all die?! I saw an opportunity, and I took it! This way... only I have to lose something! Oh, Gods, please, forgive me!”

  Nina couldn’t bear the sight of the poor man grieving any longer, finally slamming the warehouse’s door open, rushing through the mud, and under the rain, embracing him tightly, allowing herself to cry with him, sharing his pain. Still amazed about how the concept of lying that was so trivial for her could be so completely alien to him, or any of the highlanders. Just like Verkan, Rudo, or the Imperial Knights, they would rather die than be caught lying, or backing off their word.

  They are truly amazing people.

-“I appreciate what you did for me, Lars, thank you,” Nina said with tenderness.

-“My Lady! I don't deserve your mercy!”

-“No Lars, you deserve better”

-“Chief, I have to go now. It won't take long until they realize it was a trick,” she turned to face him, still holding the disconsolate Lars in her arms, soothing him.

-“That was what you've talked about with the Overseer, isn't it? Alright then. Achtung! Get supplies and travel equipment ready for our Lady! Quickly!” the chief commanded.

-“Yes, chief!”

  Chief Huno also approached Lars, awkwardly trying to comfort his fellow clansman and friend. Rudo watched them from the sidelines, filled with awe, having never witnessed such a display of camaraderie or loyalty, wondering if this was also the outcome of Nina’s mysterious power. He had seen what the evil in the hearts of men was capable of, having experienced it firsthand. But ever since he met her, she had shown him something else, something he never thought would see. He has seen men helping each other, doing their very best to protect her, even dying for her! Heck! He himself experienced it directly, that terrifying feeling twisting his insides every time she just touched him, filling him with that impossibly strong desire to protect her, prompting him to do his very best.

  He made her promise him food, sure, but the girl had turned the tables on him in less than a day, and now he was losing horribly. He refused to believe this was the result of magick, or the invisible hand of any god, but just watching her crying made him seriously question himself.

-“Lucky thing Lars finished the clothes in time! I filled your water skin and loaded your bag with enough rations for the trip! Each one is for a day!” Achtung came rushing, bringing along the supplies.

-“Thank you, Achtung,” she replied.

-“My Lady, do you really have to depart? We can still protect you, even if the Overseer said otherwise. We will gladly give our lives if we have to,” the chief said.

-“That's exactly the reason I'm leaving, Chief” she replied.

-“My Lady... you care too much for lowly workers like us!”

-“I'm sorry, chief, but I can't help it”

-“You did nothing to apologize for, My Lady,”

-“You better go, My Lady," Achtung urged. -"Those damned adventurers are going to come back, and they are going to be pissed! It'll ease our minds if you are elsewhere when they return,”

-“I will! Thank you, Achtung! Thank you, Chief! I will pray for your safety,” Nina replied.

-“Achtung! Get a kilt or something bigger for her servant to wear! That filthy rag does little to cover him! He’s flashing that nasty dragon dong just by walking!”

-“Yes, chief!” Achtung replied, speeding towards the living quarters.

-“I’m deeply sorry, My Lady,” the Chief apologized.

-“It’s ok, chief, I appreciate the concern,”

  Achtung returned with a clean, white linen sheet which he quickly extended with a violent motion, taking away the torn, filthy rag that did little to cover the dragon’s privates and replacing it with the clean one, wrapping it tightly around his waist, and tail, tying it firmly into a knot in the front like a diaper. Nina swiftly turned away, covering her eyes in disgust, having just taken a peek at the grotesque display. Rudo could only gape in response, grinning wildly at the unexpected gift, jumping high and flipping in the air to test it, finding the soft linen attire comfy. That will do!

-“Godspeed, My Lady, may the Gods be with you,”

-“Good luck everyone! Thanks for everything!”

-“You better take care of her, Rudo! Do you hear?! Be worthy of that name!” Lars grunted between sobs, looking at him squarely in the eyes.

-“I will,” Rudo replied, surprising the entire village.

-“Wait, he can talk?” Huno asked in disbelief.

  Rudo crouched in the mud, letting Nina know he was ready. She wasted little time, hurriedly gathering her belongings, putting up her bag, donning her cloak, and finally climbing onto his back, bracing for the incoming blast. The dragon then took off violently, quickly leaving the town and its inhabitants behind, scrambling at an impossibly fast pace. Her thoughts quickly went to the villagers they just left, and their uncertain fate, feeling guilty for putting them in such a dangerous position, which they accepted without hesitation, pleading to all the Gods for their safety. A few good men among the rest.

  As she dared to the unknown with her trusted companion, striding through the cold, rainy highland, at a wonder at how easily he made his way through the most absolute darkness, a blend between dread and worry clouded her mind.


       May the Gods help them.



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