Number One Under Heaven

Chapter 109

The room has been silent for a while, with everyone but the girls and Senior Yao gone.

A frown hung on Tang Yi’s face when she looked at the two headless corpse laying on the floor, dying the floor crimson red for the first time since this place was built.

The girls felt chilly, they never knew that their Senior Yao could perform such unreasonable acts.

After recalling what Tian Yi had said about not touching those who are innocent, their already cold blood began solidifying.

Senior Yao stood there, her eyes calm and the atmosphere around her silent. If one did not just witness her brutal actions, they would never be able to see such a vicious character in her.

Her voice still calm, she spoke without looking at the girls,“I will be going back to the Sect, and until I return, I forbid all of you to see that brat. This is a direct order.”

Tang Yi and the girls shivered when they heard her voice that was calm yet had endless hatred hidden within.

“Since when did disciples from my sect start ignoring elders when they are being spoken to directly?”

Senior Yao added, her gaze still on the headless corpses.

Hearing that sentence, the girls trembled some more before bowing, “This disciple apologizes for disrespecting an elder, this disciple will obey,” they all said in unison.

“I believe none of you will disappoint.”

With nothing else to say, Senior Yao disappeared from the room like a ghost, leaving the pagoda dead silent, as if it had turned into an abandoned house.

“Senior apprentice-sister Tang, what do we do…?”

Since she was their senior and has the most authority amongst them, asking her was the right thing to do.

The frown on her face did not disappear, and she seemed to be hesitating.

“Senior apprentice-sister Tang, should we seek out Junior Brother Tian---”


Tang Yi’s panicked voice interrupted the zither girl, giving her a startle.

“Did you not hear what Senior Yao just said? We will give up on contacting him until she returns,” she continued.

Disappointment could be seen flickering deep within the zither girl’s eyes, and Tang Yi did not let it go unnoticed.

“I know that you are disappointed, but this is for your own good. Senior Yao’s current mental state is not stable, we cannot anger her anymore or else…”

Even she was afraid of imagining the outcome of disobeying her orders at this moment.

“Yes, senior apprentice-sister Tang, we will listen,” said every girl… but the zither girl.

“Junior apprentice-sister Zhi…”

The girls looked at her with a worried face.

The zither girl whose surname was Zhi smiled and said, “Do not worry senior apprentice-sister Tang, I will naturally do what is right and obey.”

Tang Yi slightly narrowed her eyes at the smile on her face before nodding, “Good, then until Senior Yao returns, we will…”

She begins thinking about what they should be doing for the period of time that their senior will be gone for.

“W-We will... t-try to gain enlightenment from Junior Brother Tian’s song…”

The girls looked at Tang Yi with a weird expression hanging on their face.

Gain enlightenment from his zither play? Is that even possible? If they could even gain enlightenment worth as much as a pebble in the ocean, they might as well go cultivate their sect’s most profound cultivation technique…

The girls began thinking to themselves, ‘Ah… maybe senior apprentice-sister Tang is not willing to directly tell us to waste time, hence that impossible task?’

They all nodded their head in agreement, an agreement to waste time until their Senior Yao returns…

After disappearing from the Heavenly Fragrance of Pure Flowers, Senior Yao arrived at the Holy Continent almost instantly.

She had used an extremely rare traveling treasure meant for emergencies such as escaping a life-threatening situation.

Even her sect only had a few of them, yet she wasted it just like that.

Ignoring the fact that she had just wasted a treasure, she flew straight back to her sect, the Jade Lotus Temple.

“Greetings, Senior Yao,” the gate guard greeted her with a bow.


But the guard did not receive any replies, and when she looked up after a few more moments, she had discovered that Senior Yao had already left.

‘That’s weird… I have never seen her ignore anyone before… am I not to her liking…?’ she began worrying.

Somewhere inside the sect, a middle-aged lady was sitting by a pond.

A gentle wind blew past her slender neck, and she opened her eyes.

“Junior apprentice-sister Yao, what brings you back to the sect after so many years? Did you finally find who we have been looking for?” she asked her.

Senior Yao who was standing behind her trembled a bit.

Biting her lips, she spoke in a sorrowful tone, “Senior apprentice-sister Jing, I have failed my role as a protector for the girls and an elder of this sect. I have returned to receive punishment and seek revenge for my beloved disciples…”

This senior apprentice-sister Jing of hers instantly frowned upon hearing her words.

Snapping her head to her direction, she asked in a serious tone, “What happened?”

“As always, we were doing what we have been tasked with, finding someone who can play the Silent Wind Zither, but alas, we have found trouble instead,” said Senior Yao.

“My question, stop avoiding it. What happened? Tell me straightforward.”

Senior Yao’s forehead began sweating, and she lowered her head as if she was ashamed of herself, “We attracted an expert in the disguise of a young man, and because of my lacking strength, I was unable to protect my fellow disciple's purity, even humiliating myself along the way…”

“What did you just say?!”

Her senior apprentice-sister instantly rose from her spot and glared at her with a frightening expression.

“The junior apprentice-sisters I had bought this time… has been bewitched by that expert, losing their purity to him…” said Senior Yao.

While her words were not true, it was not false either.

They have been bewitched by the young man named Tian Yi, and with most disciples from this sect having never experienced love before, it could be said that they had lost a part of their pureness.

Senior apprentice-sister Jing took her words for literally what it meant, and her aura raged, dimming the sky above the Jade Lotus Temple.

Senior Yao knew that she was misunderstanding it, but she did not correct herself, and instead poured more fire into the oil.

“Senior apprentice-sister Jing, not only that, he even spat on the name of our holy Jade Lotus Temple. He had me kissing the dirt in front of hundreds of Mortals, and when I had begged him with the sect’s named being mentioned, he ignored it and began---”


Her senior apprentice-sister yelled. She did not want to hear any more of those anger-fueling words coming out.

“You are an early Heaven Realm expert, someone who can be considered a powerhouse even within the Holy Continent. For this bastard to make you powerless, what was his cultivation?”

“Even I do not know… I could not see any Spirit Power inside that the body of that monster in disguise…” said Senior Yao regrettably.

The frown on Senior Jing’s face began even uglier after hearing that even a Heaven Realm expert like her junior apprentice-sister Yao could not see the cultivation of that bastard.

“And the Sect Master had just left… what good luck! Come with me, I will speak with the other five Supreme Elders first, and then we will go from there!” she said.

They had just finished an emergency meeting literally a few minutes ago, now she has to call for another one?

The two of them left the pond for the Seven Meeting Halls, the place the Sect Master and the six Supreme Elders had just finished their meeting.

Not long after they had arrived, five other figures came storming inside.

“I heard something disastrous had happened to the disciples at the Mortal Continent! What happened?!”

Those from the Holy Continent referred the four big Continents as Mortal Continents.

After Senior Jing briefed her fellow sister about the grave situation that had happened, the entire atmosphere had turned heavy enough to suffocate even a Spirit King to death.

The Supreme Elders looked at Senior Yao who was standing to the side, her clothes still stained with blood and the dried up blood near her lips.

“Before we plan to avenge our disciples, what do we do about… Tang Yi…?”

The atmosphere that could not be turned any heavier had actually turned even heavier.

“With her pureness gone, how will we be able to show our face in front of the Sublime Sword God Church… how will we explain to her fiance, the Holy Son of the Sublime Sword God Church…?”

“Their marriage was arranged by both parties and is already known to the entire world. Not only is this the first time our sect had forced an arranged marriage upon a disciple of our own, this is also the ancestor’s wish… Now with her purity gone… what will happen?”


The entire room was silent, none of them daring to speculate.

Senior Yao was smiling from ear to ear inside her head.

It does not matter if they found out she was bullshitting later on, as long as they deal with that bastard, she will gladly accept death!

The only thing she has to worry about is making sure these Supreme Elders do not get in contact with the disciples before avenging her!

“This… Because the Sect Master has left, I will speak with the ancestor about our situation… If anything, she will deal with the matter with the Sublime Sword God Church. Our job is to avenge our heart-broken disciples right now. This bastard who dared to lay his dirty hands on our beloved disciples… I will swear on my name that I will give him hell, making him wish he was dead instead!”

“I will accompany you. Both his cultivation and background is unknown, it is best to stay together.”

“I am coming too. Since when was the last time we sister had some fun together? This bastard, I will castrate him and let the entire world to see!”

“Then you girls go ahead, I will speak to the ancestor before following,” said Senior Jing.

The meeting ended with that sentence, and five of the six Supreme Elders soared through the sky with Senior Yao in the front, leading them.

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