Nurarihyon in DxD

Chapter 3 – First time using Fear

1st POV

It’s been a week since I trained with my old man. As I had expected, he’s using Fear instead of the usual Youjutsu that was used by Youkai in DxD. What made him different from the other youkai? Is it because he’s a Nurarihyon Youkai? Or is it because of the girl that reincarnated me?

Well, I don’t really care because I could use a variety of techniques that I know from watching Nurarihyon no Mago.

Also, because I am half-human, it seems that I also have sacred gear sealed inside my body. It was known by my old man when I used a Youjutsu to create a fireball in the thin air. 

He said that he felt foreign energy inside my body every time I used Youjutsu so he checked it and found out that I had sacred gear sealed inside me. I was happy for a moment before he kicked me using his usual roundhouse kick again. That fucker!! Just because I can’t use Fear yet that doesn’t mean I can’t hit him!

Well, I cannot hit him because he used his technique to avoid my strike, DAMNIT!

I will forget about that for now because I am in heaven right now. Not the literal heaven, but I am in the dining room with a servant that served me my meal.

The servant is a beautiful girl with black straight hair adorned with a bluish-white stripe on top of her head. She appears to be around twenty years old, but because she’s a youkai, I don’t know her exact age.

She’s similar to Setsura in Nurarihyon no Mago with her pretty face, big breast and she wears a white kimono with a blue stripe on the collar and sleeves. Well, overall she’s in my strike zone~

“Young Master, please enjoy your meal.” After she was done with setting my dish on the table in front of me, she excused herself with a bow.

“Thanks, by the way, what’s your name?” I stopped her and asked for her name. It was not because I want to woo her, totally not. It was because she was serving me for a week now since my training with my old man but I had no chance to ask for her name all this time.

“My humble name is Setsuna, young master.” She answered my question while bowing her head.

This young master's treatment was because of my old man's position as the leader of the east youkai. I don’t hate it a little bit, rather I enjoyed it. But sometimes I also wanted some friend of the same age as me instead of those old youkai that stayed in our mansion.

For some reason, my old man only kept his trusted old youkai subordinates in the mansion and told the other youkai to spread out in Kanto. His reason was to cover all Kanto areas and stop every intruder that wanted to enter our territory. Well, I know my old man just wanted his freedom to act and not be bothered by the young youkai though.

Oh, I kept Setsuna waiting, it’s my bad.

“Setsuna is it, what a beautiful name. You may leave.” I said and she raised her head. I see her smiling wide when I praised her name, is she that happy that I praised her? Maybe I will praise her more later.

She bowed once more and left after she closed the sliding door, leaving me with my dish in the dining room.

I quickly ate my meal that was served on the table. The meal itself was the usual Japanese breakfast. Miso soup, rice, and fried salmon, I had this kind of breakfast almost every day since I was reincarnated.

After I was done with my breakfast, I changed my clothes in a striped black and green kimono and wore dark blue Haori, and grabbed my wooden sword that I let rest near the door of my room.

I stepped out of my room and changed into my youkai form. For some reason, I can change into my youkai form no matter if it was a day or night. Maybe the natural energy that filled the air was the reason. But it works in my favor so I won’t say anything about it.

I walked towards the training area and readied my sword as I got into a stance.

“Let’s try the technique to create fear. I think it was like this.” I concentrate and imagine an enemy in front of me.

I imagined my old man smirking towards me while resting his sword on his shoulder. I try to intimidate him with my stare and I tried to make a scary atmosphere around me to let him feel the fear.

I did this almost for 5 minutes straight until I can feel something move in my body as I began to create a black smoke similar to my old man and understood that I was using one of Nurarihyon's techniques, Meikyo Shisui.

The technique itself is simple, it makes the enemy aware of our presence at the same time they are unable to sense my presence. Unlike Kyoka Suigetsu that shifted the enemy's awareness, this technique is making the enemy confused with my awareness.

“That technique makes the enemy feel your location, but not your real location. You’ve done well, brat!” My old man’s voice came from the direction of the house and I turned to look at him sitting with crossed legs on top of the roof.

He jumped in my direction and landed right in front of me and swung his right hand.

“But your fear is too weak! I can cut your fear with just my hand. You still have a long way to go, you brat!”

I was irked by his playful tone and swung my sword to him. Unexpectedly, I hit him but I didn’t feel like I hit him. At that moment I know that he was using his technique and I had a bad feeling.

I instantly ducked without waiting for anything and a moment after I ducked, a roundhouse kick passed my previous location.

“Oh, you’ve gotten better!” Said my old man with a smirk on his face as he stood beside me after sending a roundhouse kick.

I snapped back at him and shouted. “You fucker! I don’t fucking care anymore, old man. Let’s have a fight, you bastard!!”

“Hahahahaha, what a spirit. Alright! Come at me, brat!” Answered my old man. He picked a sakura tree’s branch and use it as a wooden sword.

I glared hard at him and launched a full swing that he easily parried with the branch. When our wooden sword interlocked, he sent a kick towards my stomach that sent me flying for a good three meters before I stopped after rolling on the ground a few times.

“Fucking old man…” I tried to shout but only managed to let out a mutter before I lost my consciousness.

Author Here~

More than 50 Advanced chapters (For ALL my series)  Are available on my Patreon!! You can find it Here

Most of the money from my Patreon will go to help me write better and Order an Illustration for both of my works. Lastly thank you to all the patrons!! 

Big Thanks to the new Executive!!
- Anton Kozlov

Big Thanks to the new Squad Leader!!
- omar amurrio
- Orion Chung
- Victor Gonzalez

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