Nurarihyon in DxD

Chapter 32 – First Training, Done

I went back to the clearing to see Kuroka and Shirone again as I bring the Excalibur Rapidly with me. I didn’t forget to use Meikyo Shisui to hide my figure in order to surprise them. For some reason, the sword’s golden aura was gone after I held it. Maybe it was gone because I didn’t use its ability or something? I need to test it out later.

When I reached the clearing, I saw Tsura sitting on the trunk where I sat before while holding a woven basket that I guessed was full of food for us.

I looked at the clearing and saw Shirone sitting in front of Kuroka while closing her eyes. She meditated as a white-bluish aura came out from her body. Kuroka was in the same state as Shirone, but her aura was purplish-black and her aura was bigger than Shirone.

Now I can’t surprise them anymore. If I try to surprise them when they were in that state, there is a chance that they will get a backlash from Nature Energy which contains malice, and fall unconscious.

Thankfully I got a replacement for them. I sneaked behind Tsura and leaned my face over her shoulder as I canceled Meikyo Shisui and my figure becomes visible again.

“Yo!” I said as I raised my right hand in front of her face.

Tsura was surprised when my face appeared right in front of her, she yelped a little before frozen in place. I use this chance to give her a quick kiss before leaning back and resting the Excalibur on my shoulder.

I walked in front of the tree trunk and motioned Tsura to give me a space to sit.

“Riku-sama… I was surprised. Also, what is that sword, Riku-sama? That sword has some weird light energy around it.” Said Tsura as she shifted a little to the left, leaving enough space for me to sit down. She looked at me while eyeing the Excalibur that I held in my right hand.

“Sorry, I can’t help myself.” I stabbed the Excalibur to the ground, right beside the tree trunk. “I got a nice souvenir from my new errand boy.”

Tsura looked at the Excalibur, then to me and said. “Is that a holy sword, Riku-sama? Where’d you find it?”

“My errand boy brought it for me. It’s quite a nice sword if I have to say. It’s better than Nenekirimaru in some aspect, but it’s not as sharp as Nenekirimaru in terms of cutting.”

I explained to Tsura how I managed to get this sword and tell her what is this sword. Starting from the night where I watched the devils attack the church in order to rescue Asia (lol), then to the part where Freed fled when he saw no chance to beat the devils until I used Telos Karma to change the probability of him coming to me.

I deliberately lied to Tsura and add more explanation of my fight with Freed that night. I said to Tsura that Freed was boasting about him being able to wield Excalibur and will kill me using it when he got his hand on the sword.

Then I continued to explain to Tsura about the fight earlier. I told her that I feel unusual energy and decided to check it. It seems that Tsura was also able to feel the Excalibur albeit just a little, as her Senjutsu mastery was still far from Kuroka or me.

Although I said that, Tsura was proficient in using Youjutsu, especially the ice element because she’s a YukiOnna.

Then I conclude the story recap by getting my hand on this Excalibur.

“That’s the gist of it. Any question, Tsura?”

“Why did you let him live, Riku-sama? I mean, you could kill him without any problem.” Asked Tsura as she tilted her head.

“That’s a good question, I wanted to get this sword.” I said as I pulled the Excalibur that I stabbed on the ground and raise it in front of me with my right hand.

“This is Excalibur Rapidly, one of Excaliburs’ shards. I wanted to get my hand on this sword in order to get the church to owe us something. That way, when we are in trouble, we could ask the Angel faction to help us out.” I stabbed back the sword to my right as I faced Tsura.

“That’s the reason why I did this. Maybe they knew that I didn’t kill Freed and just took the sword, but I saved them of trouble with devil if I took the sword before it was used to hurt the devil and caused a war again.”

Tsura nodded her head at my explanation and said. “That’s a good reason, Riku-sama. But, what made you thought that the sword this Freed brought will be the original Excaliburs’ shard?”

I smiled at her question and said. “My Sacred Gear.”

With just that, Tsura understood what I mean and smiled back at me. “You are truly an outrageous person, Riku-sama. When we first met, I just thought of you as somone who loves playing around and made some trouble. But, now that you are tasked to watch over this town, you did your job splendidly. I am truly honored to be by your side at this time.”

When Tsura said it openly like that, I can’t refute her. It was indeed true that I loves playing around. But I will be serious when it was the time to be serious.

I just laugh at her words and looked at Shirone and Kuroka that were still sitting in the middle of the clearing. The sun has almost set, but they are still continuing their training.

When did Riser come to the Kuoh Town? I can’t help but feeling a bit anxious about it. I am worried that I wouldn’t be able to control myself if he looked at Shirone that I look as my little sister with lustful gaze. He indeed changed when he was beaten up by Issei, but right now he’s still a douchebag that looked at Rias and the girl in her peerage as some kind of toys or trophies.

Let’s just hope that nothing happen. Must I use my Telos Karma to make the probability of him looking at Shirone to zero? No, I will use it when I felt his energy entering Kuoh Town.

When I looked at Shirone and Kuroka again, I saw them slowly opening their eyes and stood up together as they dusted their skirt from the dust.

Kuroka said something to Shirone which I can’t here from my position and looked at us. They approached us and Kuroka waved at us.

Tsura smiled as she stood from the trunk and approached Kuroka. She gave Kuroka the woven basket which was full of food that she made, Sandwhichs and Onigiri.

I also stood up and went to the three of them after pulling the Excalibur from my side. I can’t make it disappear like my Nenekirimaru so I held it myself which is suck.

We enjoyed the food while sitting on the ground without minding the dirt and talked with each other, deepening my relationship with Shirone although she was still reluctant to call me with Riku-Senpai again.

But well, that will happen someday. And with that, Shirone first training was finished and I need to find a way to hide this Excalibur Rapidly.

Author Here~

More than 54 Advanced chapters (For ALL my series)  Are available on my Patreon!! You can find it Here

Most of the money from my Patreon will go to help me write better and Order an Illustration for both of my works. Lastly thank you to all the patrons!! 

Big Thanks to the New Executive!!
- Pancakes 4 Days
- David Murnane

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