Nuwa System

Chapter 10 – Zuko and Mai, Nuwa’s Enlightenment

Mai coughs a bit as she recovers with a tear stricken face. An inexperienced girl gave a deepthroat on her first attempt at sex, of course, she can’t make it out without some damage. Her voice is raspy as she gazes lovingly at Zuko with cum-stained face and hair, “Zuko..”

Zuko looks back at Mai taking her underwear off as his dick immediately begins to recover. Nuwa’s eyes brighten, ‘Hehehe, Zuzu’s got some stamina.’

Mai lies down next to Zuko on the bed and they snog each other for 2 minutes as Mai jacks him off so that he’s full mast again. Zuko rolls on top of Mai and they give each other a hungry look.

Mai whispers, “Take me, my prince.” Zuko positions herself with Mai’s help and slowly penetrates her vagina. They kiss again as he pushes his engorged dick violently through Mai’s hymen. Mai screams in pain and pleasure. The scream is a bit too loud and they both freeze and quiet down to make sure that none of the other occupants of Mai’s house heard it. Zuko snuck out of his dorms and Mai is supposed to be home sick today.

Mai tightens up out of nervousness and Zuko feels like his dick is in a vice. “Relax, Mai, it hurts.”

Mai blushes and takes deep breaths, which does the trick as Zuko gets enough give to resume shallow pumps.

“Zuko, push it all the way in. I want to feel all of you inside me.”

Nuwa smiles with pride at her disciple’s excellent sex talk. Nuwa figures she has the theory down since Mai is doing so well, but Nuwa can only hope she doesn’t ruin her first time with a ‘lol’ or ‘rofl’.

Zuko obliges and pushes all the way in with a grunt as he impacts Mai’s cervix. He’s so close that it only takes 2 more big thrusts for him to cum. Zuko and Mai each put one hand on each other’s mouths and one hand over their own mouth as they have huge orgasms.

Nuwa joins them with a big orgasm of her own, ‘Ahhh, fuck me, I need to get laid.’

Zuko deposits 3 splurts of superheated semen directly into Mai’s womb as Mai twitches and moans having consecutive orgasms. He makes sure to firebend the sperm just enough to cook them so that they aren’t viable. Clearly, he picked up a few tricks.

Zuko rolls over onto the bed and pulls Mai on top of him so they effectively switch positions. He absentmindedly kneads her ass with his penis still inside her.

Mai raises her head, looks at him with a big smile and says, “I love you so much, my prince.” Zuko kisses her and replies, “I don’t know what love is besides what I feel for Mother, but I definitely like you a lot, Mai.”

Mai smiles understandingly, “I know, I’ll always be waiting for you, my prince.”

“Sigh.. You’re so good to me, Mai. Thanks for making me a man.”

“And thank you for making me your woman.”

Zuko and Mai cuddle for some time before they go at it two more times. The fourth time they are at it, they position themselves so that the majesty of Zuko’s member moving up and down Mai’s belly is fully visible to Nuwa. The sight of Mai’s innards getting messed up by Zuko’s big dick gives Nuwa such a big orgasm that she gives a small yelp.

Mai and Zuko immediately tense up upon hearing a sound from the closet. Mai fearfully asks, “Is that you Ten-Ten?” (Mai’s baby brother)

Nuwa knows she is in for some trouble, but with her thoughts hyped up on adrenaline, she figures she might as well go out with a literal bang. With no time to spare, she only gets her leggings up before she jumps out of the closet with tits bared.

The lovers are dumbfounded and in under a second, they find themselves chi-blocked by a masked peeper. Of course, the paralysis and bare tits let them know it’s Nuwa. She pulls her mask down. Her first line is a terrible excuse, “I’m the one who taught you everything Mai. I had to make sure you did it right!”

Mai is so aggrieved at the situation they found themselves in that she’s saying “you.. you.. you.. you..” like a broken record.

Zuko is also dumbfounded and just stays silent, feeling cockblocked cuz he can’t move anymore and he is almost done inside Mai. Nuwa notices that and stimulates his Conception Vessel, “Let me help you with that.”

Zuko’s eyes widen and he immediately feels his balls drain as he fills Mai’s womb with 10 shots of semen. Mai looks at her full belly of unheated semen. She feels conflicted feelings of gratitude and burning anger towards the ditzy pervert knowing she might get pregnant.

Nuwa doesn’t know the technicalities, she thought she was doing Zuko a favor. “Ok lovergirl, it’s time for my payment for a successful first night!” Nuwa lifts Mai up off Zuko’s dick and puts her face into Mai’s vagina. She laps up the full cup of semen that drains out of Mai’s hole and starts cleaning up Zuko’s penis.

+2k Life Essence Energy, Total: 8020 LEE

As she’s having oral sex for the first time, she feels time begin to slow down as her thoughts become incomparably clear. Her head is moving down Zuko’s penis very slowly, but she can also tell that she is moving at normal blowjob speed.

‘This is.. Enlightenment! How wondrous. I feel serene, content, and incredibly aroused all at once. I could die happily like this.’ She also felt a spiritual connection establish itself with her soul due to the resonance of her inner chi with the environmental chi. ‘Spirit Realm connection established! I can’t go exploring now though or else my consciousness will depart my mortal shell.’

Nuwa knows even without looking that Mai’s face is slowly contorting into anger since she’s technically raping Zuko. As Nuwa mechanically gives a perfect slow-motion blowjob, she somehow intuits that Zuko can only last another 90 seconds. She decides to make the most of this enlightenment mode by analyzing her current life and future plans.

Even though it would be truly dangerous to have sex with Azula, Nuwa decides that it’s worth it because she knows that Enlightenment is a serious cheat and she would get lots of LEE from her. Moreover, Nuwa’s feelings of pity towards Azula have turned into love after so many years of confiding in each other, sparring, hugging, and other bff activities.

She also predicts that this would be a serious test for Azula. ‘Can she handle having sex with me with the knowledge that she won’t be the only one? Even though I haven’t told her anything about my past life, how I fell in and out of love, or my Dao Seed of Sex, I know she suspects that I am too adventurous to have sex with a single partner for the rest of my life. Let’s leave it to fate.’

‘I should get mid and long-range upgrades to my [Hidden Blade + Hook]. That would cut down on my weaknesses most at the current moment. I can always upgrade them to vibranium later.’

“[System], is the gun upgrade to the hidden blade a good choice for this world?”

*System recommends the poison dart upgrade because the World’s Will has laws of protection against murder.*

‘I SEE. That explains so much. No wonder everyone in the Avatar world only attempts to capture or incapacitate their targets instead of killing them. There are laws against killing that most likely influence their thoughts to follow ‘Anime Logic.’ Even those who can overcome these inhibitions and go for the kill tend to be interrupted by fate itself. Even my own hidden blade might jam if I try to assassinate Ozai in his sleep since the world will enforce these laws even if my thought processes aren’t affected by them.’

‘Actually even my own thoughts might be affected by them, since I have never thought of killing Ozai despite the fact that it might save tens of thousands of commoners from war, poverty, and hunger. I do consider myself a lady of justice and want to make this world a better place.’

‘Hmm.. the genocide of the airbenders must be some sort of exception or necessity to converge enough ‘fate’ or ‘luck’ into Aang for him to survive the hunt of the Fire Nation long enough to take down Ozai. Or maybe genocide was the only way for future airbenders to move on from their extreme pacifist traditions. That level of pacifism is definitely not in tune with nature.’

‘Enough of that, I can tell Mai is super mad. Zuko is feeling both helpless about my perversion and very turned on. From his expression, I can intuit that he fantasizes about me, but doesn’t want anything serious, which aligns with my own goals. I don’t want Mai to hate me so I’ll have to lose my virginity later.’

With 90 seconds coming to an end, Nuwa rapidly deepthroats the paralyzed Zuko expertly without any apparent difficulty as he orgasms violently into her throat and mouth. Nuwa squirts hard in her pants as she has the best orgasm of her life when she tastes the cum sloshing around her mouth and throat. She licks clean the softening cock with satisfaction written all over her face, “Thanks Zuzu.”

Nuwa turns to Mai and looks at her apologetically, “Sorry Mai, I had to have a taste.. will you forgive me?” Mai just fumes in anger, “Unblock us and get out!”

Nuwa thinks, ‘That went better than I thought.’

She unblocks them but they both stayed down still not moving as if still failing to register what happened. Mai turns her head and notices Nuwa has opened the balcony and was about to jump out. “Your tits are still out, dumb cow.”

Nuwa fumbles with her top, “Oops, thanks my dear disciple. Actually the disciple has surpassed the master in this case since I’m still a virgin. I am truly proud-“

“GET OUT,” Mai and Zuko both hiss loudly as Mai throws a shoe.

Nuwa dashes away thinking, ‘Fine, fine seems like I couldn’t contain my good mood after that moment of enlightenment. I can definitely learn noble etiquette perfectly with this trick, hahaha.’

Nuwa dashes across rooftops and across ziplines and banners with her hookblade. Her leggings are half drenched after squirting in them during oral sex and her nipples are still stiff. ‘Maybe I should have worn underwear. Nah, bras are too constricting and I hate panty lines.’

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