Nuwa System

Chapter 103 – Comet and Creature

[6 days later - Minutes prior to Comet’s arrival]

+100k LEE, Total: 3588k LEE

Nuwa is nervous. Azula and her both had a rest day from training the day before in preparation for the Comet. Nuwa also finds that her pregnancy sped up about a month from the short five minutes she spent as Nuwavatar when she took in Azula’s cum. Her belly is slightly more bloated, the baby kicks more often, and she eats a lot more. Despite all this, she finds that it still does not hinder her combat.

Both of them brushed up on their technical skills to adapt to their new powers, but the time was tight. Nuwa improved greatly in aerial mobility with her fire thrusters to about the same level as Azula, but less than Iroh, Aang, or Ozai. Now that Nuwa is at Azula’s level, it will take a great deal of practice or talent to make further progress in aerial maneuverability to catch up to the veterans.

Azula is fully accustomed to her upgrade in firebending that comes with Soul Tier 2. She can even shoot super-charged lightning bolts if necessary. Her Phoenix flame, in comparison, didn’t make much progress. It does the same as always, eating until it’s full and spitting it out later. It’s appetite is slowly growing, but otherwise there’s no notable changes in the speed of disintegration. For animals with rudimentary souls, it eats slower than plants regardless of how much soul force Azula directs toward the task.

The two ladies stand on the balcony of the Royal Palace anxiously. So far, it looks like a normal day. The Pea family forces as well as a number of moderate and neutral allies that they trust have been brought out to keep order in the city. This allows them to take precautionary measures against terrorism or vandalism.

All firebender inmates in the jails have been locked up from neck down within earth and put to sleep with drugs. If any of them wake up and try to firebend themselves out with their empowered bending, they’ll be heavily injured by the melted earth on their bodies. Nuwa finds it quirky that a firebender’s own fire chi can never hurt them, but foreign sources of fire and heat can.

“See anything suspicious?” asks Nuwa with worry.

Azula grunts and says, “How many times are you going to ask me that? No.”

Fidgeting slightly, Nuwa mumbles, “If you’d let me put my hand in your..”

“NO, we’re in full view of everyone. Calm your tits.” snaps Azula.

Anxiety puts them both in bad moods. At least until they hear Izumi utterly adorable crying inside, whereby they both relax completely, look at each other and say, “Awwwwhhh..”

They both listen in silence, appreciating the musical cries for a few minutes, when Azula feels a disturbance in her Heart chakra. She feels POWER! Visions of endlessly burning plains, fields, and forests appear in her mind. She can even see swamps and rainforests burning! These are mere visions of what could be though. It is like a drug high. This is a typical phenomenon upon gaining access to vast amounts of power. She shrugs the visions off nonchalantly; that’s not the path she follows.

Gasps are heard throughout the city as firebenders find their bending 100x more powerful. The noble family troops pull out their megaphones and make announcements about Sozin’s comet and tell everyone not to cause chaos. They especially emphasize the point that there will be no change in the peace talks.

In the sky, Sozin’s Comet slowly moves from one horizon to the other leaving a large white trail in its wake. According to history, this process will take 30 hours. In Earth-0 of her first life, Nuwa had learnt that comets are balls of ice, gas, rock, and other stuff, so it doesn’t make that much sense to her why a comet would have fire-related connotations when the trail consists of ice and earthy debris, but this world has magical bending and Ancient Spirits, so science from her previous world is not always relevant.

Nuwa doesn’t feel any different, so she summons her [E-Vibe] and imbues it to Azula’s firebending while transforming it into a hot pink saber. Admittedly, as a dildo, it’s not allowed to be too sharp even on the bladed edge. So it’s more like a curved club, but Nuwa’s nothing if not adaptable. She feels the ambient fire chi supercharge her [E-Vibe]’s formation just like the rest of the firebenders. Leaning the saber-dildo on her shoulder, Nuwa scans the surroundings for suspicious activity.

Most of the incidents occurring in the city are fires caused by firebenders using too much chi accidentally. These are manageable by fire crews made of firebenders who infuse chi into foreign fires, consume enough of the wildfire with their own fire such that they can influence the movement of the wildfires, then pull the fire into vats of water to snuff it out.

Nuwa and Azula try as hard as they can not to panic over the minor incidents happening throughout the city. The key for them is to maintain vigilance without building up too much mental stress that fatigues their minds, causing them to underperform later. A maid delivers food and they munch absentmindedly while continuing to keep watch. Nuwa decides to go visit Izumi to do something to ‘accidentally’ make her cry. Her thought process is, ‘What’s the big deal about making a baby cry over something insignificant if it relaxes my mind and helps save lives?’

Before Nuwa can cross another ethical line unnecessarily, Azula stops her and points east into the sky. Nuwa looks up to see a black figure with a distinctly noticeable fire trail behind it and suddenly feels like she’s back to staring into the bottomless desert abyss again, but this time it’s staring back at her! Shuddering violently, Nuwa shouts at Azula, “Tell Aang and the others not to follow! It’s too strong! It’s only after me!” She immediately takes off out of the City, riding her saber-dildo like a flying sword with a massive fire jet behind her.

Azula panics, but looks around and notices that no one noticed them leave, so as long as they are far enough that the sounds of fighting aren’t heard, they won’t be found by Aang and the others. Then she also shoots off into the air to follow in the path of Nuwa and the black figure.

Azula doesn’t realize that Toph is nearby. Toph overhears them clearly, but even she’s never heard Nuwa panic with that much fear before. She thinks about an enemy that even Nuwa fears, during Sozin’s Comet when firebending is boosted 100x and feels a strong battlethirst. However, her hand subconsciously goes down to her belly. Her child is 4 months along.

Sighing, she shakes her head and says to herself in a narcissistic manner, “Sometimes, Toph, you’re too mature for your own good.” as if she’s been the mature voice of reason her whole life. Still, she doesn’t tell anyone what she’s seen and when they ask her later, she says they went out to help out with the fires. Aiwei notices the lie, but he’s also mature enough to understand that Toph wouldn’t lie for no reason. In fact, as far as he can remember, she’s never lied blatantly like this, tsundere lies aside. So he also takes no action.

~ ~ ~

Nuwa knows what the threat is now. It’s this black thing following her! As she boosts on her saber-dildo, she tilts her path to get a better look at it. ‘It’s a hideous black demon! Definitely not canon!’ Nuwa feels the World’s Will warning her nonstop via her connection to the Spirit Realm that the creature is strong and it’s after her specifically.

Nuwa can tell it’s very good at firebending! There are beautifully streamlined jets coming out of the creature’s body indicating that it’s casually boosting itself, unlike herself, boosting for her life in an inefficient wide spray just to keep it from catching up.

Ironically, Nuwa finds herself in the same situation as Ozai was in 3 weeks ago, where she has to pick a battlefield or risk running out of chi before the fight even begins. However, unlike Ozai, she’s not alone.

Nuwa slants down towards rocky shore similar to their training ground on the off chance that access to water will help them deal with the firebending creature easier. Approaching the ground, she slows down and checks to see if it slows as well. Seeing that it doesn’t, she furrows her brows and boosts herself over to the ocean.

Above the ocean, she swaps her [E-Vibe]’s saber-dildo out for a small dildo and onahole dual wield set for waterbending. Without boosters, she cannot maintain her low-altitude flight, but she waterbends the ocean waves to be flattened and become low-friction ice for her to slide her feet on as a landing method. From here, she twirls her arms towards the incoming creature like she’s chucking an underhand softball pitch causing a large mass of water to splash up and flash freeze between it and her.

The creature is now headed directly for a large and pointy iceberg. If it was before Lo and Li provided it some intelligence, maybe this move would have worked in knocking it out like with Iroh or at least let Nuwa take the upper hand, but now, the creature is smart enough to slow down and adjust course. Standing upon the ice, Nuwa transforms her [E-Vibe] back into a dildo-saber and readies herself as the creature lunges at her headfirst more slowly from having to move around the iceberg.

Nuwa swings with a fiery downward chop directly on its head and feels her whole body quake violently as she struggles to deal with the counterforce of how hard the creature’s head is. The creature is sent directly downward into the ocean leaving a creature-shaped hole in the ice. All the ice around them cracks into various sheets, forcing Nuwa to have to use her fire booster from her saber to keep from losing her balance.

She moves back to land since she can’t keep freezing the ocean to make platforms for the fight. The short flight is shaky and even after landing, she still feels like she’s rattling from the earlier blow. When she lands on solid ground, she finally feels the force dissipate.

The creature boosts out of the water in an arc and lands about 20m (64 ft) away, looking entirely unharmed. Azula arrives at this time and instead of using boosters to halt her momentum above Nuwa, she throws two big fireballs at the enemy, achieving the same purpose. The fireballs are massive since she puts too much chi in them and throws them with anger at the fact that Nuwa was attacked so viciously.

Pausing at the sight of the fireballs, the creature looks at them with its reptilian red eyes in disdain. It gets into a martial stance taking one step back with one leg and arms spread wide at its sides, with fists clenched. As the fireballs approach, it sways its arms like a windmill once. This move somehow influences Azula’s foreign chi within the fire blast approaching it to rotate outward from its center of focus. Then it dives into the emptied center of Azula’s fire blast suffering no damage from the weakened chi in the middle due to its thick scaly skin and subsequently slashes the second fire blast apart with its tail following a short flip of its body. The fire blasts continue onwards behind it and explode into a fiery blaze in the distance, meaning it dealt with the blasts in a highly efficient manner without even countering Azula’s chi with its own. However, the windmill hollowing ability did have less effect on the second fire blast since it was farther away.

Right after Azula throws the fireballs, she drops next to Nuwa and they both pause to quickly study the creature while considering the next course of action. So far, they know that the creature knows martial arts and firebending to a considerable degree and has a body of unknown hardness. Watching the creature deal with the fireballs, they can both conclude that the creature’s scales are extremely hard with high resistance to fire.

It’s a bit risky, but they have the same idea in the fraction of a second that they have to analyze the best way to deal with such a hard shell; they want to try a melee. Nuwa wants to try to poison it and Azula wants to try to disintegrate it. Following the creature’s tail swipe to destroy the second fireball, its momentum makes it continue to approach their position in midair like an unstoppable juggernaut. What it doesn’t expect is that Nuwa and Azula both use fire thrusters to boost themselves towards it!




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