Nuwa System

Chapter 107 – Tulen the Dragonkin

Both of them have a good cry and all the family of three fall asleep shortly afterwards. Lady Pea and some maids come to check on them later, but the door is still locked. Toph is brought over to listen in and sees them sleeping with her ear to the door. She reassures the others that everything is fine. It would be an understatement to say that Nuwa and Azula are tired. They have had an absolutely miserable day.

The gang meets up in the throne room to wait for Nuwa and Azula to do some explaining. There’s no such thing as demi-humans in the Avatar Record. None of them had expected Nuwa to give birth to one, so everyone is somewhat uncomfortable.

Zuko is the exception. He is excited because he wants to give his throne away to the dragonkin baby. That way he could pawn off his responsibilities and not have to worry about his nonbender daughter sitting on the throne facing danger. He could retire peacefully at the ripe age of 40 with Mai. 

“He’ll be strong and handsome when he’s older!” Says Lady Pea, attempting to convince herself of the upsides to this development.

“Yeah!” Says Aang, “For sure!”

Thus a tense few hours pass. They eat and chat while throwing occasional worried glances in the direction of Azula’s room.

Nuwa wakes up from her nap and opens her eyes to Azula and Tulen’s sleeping figures. For some reason, even though he’s in the way of her access to Azula's genitals, Nuwa doesn’t mind Tulen sleeping between them. She looks at the baby, this piece of her that broke off and became a new life.

‘He is Iroh and Heza’s son, but he is also much more. Tulen is part-dragon and I am his surrogate mother. My firstborn child.. Hahh.. I wish it was Azula’s.’

Nuwa looks down at her breasts where Tulen is sleeping, brings him up, and kisses his head. ‘I know it’s unfair to him, but I can’t stop myself from feeling like it should have been Azula’s baby inside me. The least I can do for him is [Acting] like a good mother.’

Azula wakes up to the sound of Nuwa getting off the bed and groans. Nuwa says, “Let’s get some food, love. The others must be waiting.” Azula takes Tulen and they freshen up with some waterbending to go to the throne room. Nuwa’s body has of course already returned to its prime.

The three of them enter the throne room and spill the beans on the attack earlier today. The gang knew about some sort of approaching danger, but they didn’t think it’d be some sort of half-dragon monster. Nuwa shows them a snapshot of his dead body that she took with her [Smartphone] when it was over. There’s varying reactions ranging from “Cool!” to “EW..”

Lady Pea directly fainted seeing all the blood. Dan catches her with bloodbending and lays her down.

Nuwa winces, ‘I shouldn’t have shown her. Hopefully, she doesn’t think of that picture every time she sees Tulen.’

“Alright, alright. Tulen’s not going to end up like that.” says Azula, “He looks much more human than that creature.”

Raising her hands to get everyone’s attention, Nuwa stands up slightly refreshed without having to lug around a baby in her belly. She quickly puts a serious face on. “Ladies and gents, what do we do? How should we raise my son, Tulen? I am thinking of several options:

1 - Azula and I travel with him to the Spirit Realm with our physical bodies where he will be treated like a normal person.

2 - Let him live nearby among the last few surviving dragons and the people who worship them.

3 - Raise him among us. We can either hide his draconic traits or be open about them while manipulating public opinion to our advantage.

In the meantime, we can also look out for methods to turn him back into a human.”

Aiwei asks, “He can be turned into a human?”

Nuwa reasons, “Correct, if Lord Zata became a dragonified creature in some way, then the process would be theoretically reversible. It would be very difficult without knowing what happened to Lord Zata though.”

Ty Li says timidly, “Isn’t this too big of a decision to make so soon?”

Pitching in his own opinion, Dan says, “I agree that we shouldn’t be hasty.”

“Nuwa wanted you guys to see if you had any other ideas.” says Azula. “The options Nuwa presented are not ideal in various ways.”

Nuwa nods and says, “Option 1 is too secluded for my preferences and ambitions. I might even have to leave and let Azula raise him while visiting regularly with my spiritual body. We wouldn’t have a proper family life.”

“Option 2 would let him be nearby and hidden, but for reasons I can’t explain right now, the company he will keep there wouldn’t raise him with the proper mindset.”

“Option 3 is the most dangerous and we would constantly have to be mindful of when a disaster could strike. I can tell you want him on the throne Zuko, and although he would be an excellent firebender, I don’t think you realize the political significance of the move. It would make the Fire Nation the only Nation with a demi-human leader fully attuned to its element. He might even begin a new race of dragonkin, which will eventually clash with humans hundreds of years down the line.”

Sokka interjects, “Oh, come on. Haven’t we been clashing enough between bender Nations? How’s a different type of race going to change things?”

Nuwa provides some exposition. “Rapid changes in society begets discontent. It can come in the form of ideological extremism, economic hardship, or a simple desire to return to the way things were. Now that the Nations are at peace, with all the technology that was developed during the war, nonbenders will soon be able to weaponize themselves to be stronger than ever.”

“Nonbenders have been bullied by benders for most of known history. When benders start to see their superiority in relative power decline, Bender Supremacist factions will arise. When downtrodden nonbenders find that they have the power to take down benders, Equalist factions will also begin to emerge.”

“The addition of a superhuman firebender with draconic traits into the mix will provide a rallying cry to the Supremacists and exaggerate the scale of the tensions between Supremacists and Equalists. Terrorist incidents might become commonplace if we cannot quell the discontent. Republic City would have no peace.”

Nuwa impassively continues, “After the initial mania over Supremacy and Equalism fades, when my son passes down his draconic traits to his children, both sides will agree that the power of a draconic lineage is too great to be allowed to remain alive. Their motives will be to stay in power, but their excuse to hunt him will be because he’s not fully human.. My children will be the shared enemies of humanity.”

*Crackle* Azula’s chair disintegrated and she looks like she’s about to blow up imagining Tulen and his family being hunted constantly.

Sokka is sweating bullets. He says, “Wait.. hold up, hold up! It doesn’t have to go that far, right? Can’t we move them to the Spirit Realm for a generation or two until no one cares?”

Nuwa sends soothing thoughts to Azula psychically while holding her hand. “That’s the thing,” says Nuwa, “If he lived there in the first place, ideally, he wouldn’t have to face all that hatred and suffering. Anyway, let’s think about it. In the meantime, as long as Tulen is covered up by a blanket and a hat, he passes as a normal baby. We shouldn’t let maids or servants near him just in case though.”

June offers her services, “I can make sure of that, for a price.”

Smiling widely, Nuwa pulls Tulen’s sleeping face up to her and rubs him cheek to cheek as says, “Thanks!”

Ty Li's smartphone makes a clicking sound. Nuwa is stunned. ‘I never expected to be captured on camera by a bunch of technological noobs! The tables have turned! At least this time wasn’t embarrassing. I can’t imagine myself getting caught on camera with a poopy diaper. How troublesome.. From now on, I need to develop CONSTANT VIGILANCE. Then again, I do deserve this for all the peeping I’ve done and still do, don't I?’

Looking pleased at her extremely cute baby picture, Ty Li walks around proudly showing it to her younger sisters, who gush and giggle.

“Aw, how adorable!”

“Isn’t he the darlingest thing!”

“I need this painted and hung in my bathroom!”

Lady Pea abruptly wakes up from her sleep and shouts, “No you don’t! I won’t tolerate such degeneracy in my household.” Nuwa sees a vision in her sex sense of Lady Pea admiring a painting from her toilet. The painting consists of Lord Pea on all fours in bondage with Lady Pea in an equally racy bondage outfit sitting on his back.

“Oh gosh, Mom..!” Nuwa groans with a facepalm, “You just woke up and you haven’t even seen what they were talking about.”

Lady Pea coughs with a slight blush when Ty Ly passes her the smartphone. “Mmm, sufficiently cute, but absolutely not a good choice for bathrooms.”

Ignoring her mom’s attempt to save face, Nuwa says her goodbyes and goes back to her room so that Azula can get food for both of them from the maids. They’re both pretty tired, so she’s looking forward to a nice meal. Azula comes in with some food and they scoff it all down. Nuwa wakes up Tulen to let him suckle her until he’s full.

Her milkers do not feel any different from usual, despite having given birth, possibly due to [Milk Maid]. Mai and Katara are both dealing with swollen tits and nips. Zuko and Aang generously provide them help in sucking out the excess breast milk. Nuwa has no idea how they managed to convince them to do that, but she’s not complaining. It’s hot as fuck watching them when she peeks with her sex sense.

After the meal, Nuwa plans to fuck Azula until she passes out from exhaustion to recuperate from her own fatigue. That way, at least one of them is in prime shape for the rest of the Comet. She puts Tulen in the crib where he quickly dozes off again and begins kissing Azula in a sultry manner. Azula responds with moderate enthusiasm. Nuwa can tell by now that she’s up for one round, but she’s going to squeeze out two from those balls of hers! Unfortunately, her plans for sex are imminently ruined by the loud sounds of fighting and fire blasts she hears in the courtyard of the Palace.

Nuwa stops kissing Azula with utter rage.‘Which Motherfucker Ruined My Sexy Time!’ Azula is also grumpy at getting cockblocked. She doesn’t know Nuwa’s plan to squeeze her dry, but even if she did, she’d probably be fine with it. She spoils Nuwa a bit too much. Azula stays inside with the baby while Nuwa goes to check on what’s going on. This is the unfortunate reality of their future adventures. One of them will always have to be keeping an eye on Tulen.

Fire boosting out of the balcony with her saber-dildo, Nuwa makes a sharp turn to go around the Palace to the courtyard, where she sees various fire blasts going back and forth. She goes down to check who’s attacking the Palace and sees a bunch of topless men in strange garb reminiscent of Mayan culture from Earth-0. There’s a few women among them who are similarly dressed, but they aren’t topless. Nuwa recognizes them immediately. ‘What the hell are the Sun Warriors doing here?! You guys are supposed to be hiding turtles that don’t do shit! Fuck, I’m too horny and angry for this shit. I’m hangry!’ 

Nuwa takes some deep breaths to calm down and boosts herself into the line of fire, where she shouts, “Stop! What’s going on here?” She disperses a few shots coming from both directions by infusing a large amount of fire chi into her saber-dildo as she cuts each fireball. Due to the large foreign chi infusion, they fizzle out upon contact instead of being cut in half.

“Foreigners, I am noble lady Nuwa Pea, friend of the Royal Family. What is your purpose for intruding upon the Royal Palace of the Fire Nation?”

Nuwa desperately hopes her guess is wrong.

The oldest among them, a massive pot-bellied man with greying hair and additional face paint says, “We have come seeking audience with the Royals to retrieve the Sacred Son to his rightful home. It is your people who did not grant us passage.”

Letting out something between a sigh and a growl, Nuwa looks down at the floor as she tries to control her arms trembling with rage, ‘Is a nice fuck and a long rest too much to ask for?’


(A/N: Come on Option 2 bro.. You’re rubbing all the wrong nerves over here!)

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