Nuwa System

Chapter 109 – Side Missions

Nuwa and Azula wake up to Tulen crying. Raising him up in her arms, Nuwa rubs his back a bit while waterbending away the mess in his loins and letting him suckle on her teat. They had plenty of rest. The couple are happy to have finally gotten some decent sleep without a serious situation arising.

Outside, it’s deep in the night and the Comet is still overhead. There’s only a few hours left until it is over. The noble troops are doing a fairly good job keeping things under control. There’s a bit of chaos with several criminal firebenders going on murder sprees in the colonies that they do not know about yet, but nothing too serious compared to what occurs during normal war time. Once the troops return after the Comet, they’ll return things to order.

Unlike in canon, the Pea family has cleared up most of the radical ringleaders of the New Ozai Order who are protesting Ozai’s imprisonment. Mai’s father, a hardcore Ozai loyalist, doesn’t have the political clout that he did in canon to make any progress on getting Ozai released, nor the forces to stage a rebellion. The only thing he can do is complain.

Azula agrees to put the baby in the crib so they can have some fun, much to Nuwa’s relief. She can’t wait to be filled up by Azula. Tulen refuses to go back to sleep though, so Nuwa decides to give him her hot pink [E-Vibe] to play with. It’s not dangerous or unsanitary. The most it will do is vibrate when Nuwa controls it to do so. She lets it happen to keep him entertained. Azula looks at the display with mild disapproval, but shrugs. They don’t have any decent toys prepared and it’s the dead of night so they can’t go out to get them.

Tulen lies on his back in the crib staring at the hot pink form of the toy dangling above him by two strings in the torchlight. He slaps his hand on it curiously. Nuwa makes it vibrate when he taps it once and makes it stop vibrating when he taps it again. He’s a newborn so he can’t smile or laugh yet, but they imagine he would if he could. Nuwa laughs and claps when she sees him flinch away from the vibrations.

‘Maybe a bit of playtime with him is all she needs.’ thinks Azula with regards to improving the relationship between Tulen and Nuwa. Regardless, Azula gets very turned on seeing Nuwa playing with Tulen so naturally. She turns Nuwa around and kisses her aggressively. Responding in kind, Nuwa wrestles with Azula’s tongue.

It is only now that Nuwa can finally get back to her Side Mission: [Child of Dao]. She wants to give birth to Azula’s child badly and she knows that Azula wants it too.

[Child of Dao]: *The objective of the mission is to meditate unenlightened on the Dao of Sex with Azula’s semen saturating Host’s womb for 6 months of real time. The maximum time you can delay your womb from beginning to gradually convert semen to LEE is 2 hours.*

Nuwa shares the mission details with Azula psychically and lets out of Azula’s mouth long enough to whisper, “This method is guaranteed for you to get me pregnant, love.”

Azula’s eyes go red-hot with fiery lust and she throws Nuwa back into bed with all of her focus on fucking her brains out and breeding her. Nuwa yelps and smiles happily as her legs are yanked apart and Azula immediately goes balls deep. It doesn’t matter how rough Azula is with Nuwa’s body because E-Nuwa can easily make minor adjustments to prevent injury. Of course, Azula isn’t spanking her or choking her like back in Ba Sing Se, she’s just extremely enthusiastic about inseminating her lover.

Azula rams with her whole body into Nuwa, pushing both of them farther into the bed with every thrust and making squelching sounds from how wet Nuwa’s cunt has become. Their high intensity fuckfest isn’t destined to last long though, because she is finally allowed access to the holy land now that Nuwa had given birth. Azula knocks on the cervix with every thrust and it opens for her gradually, kissing and sucking the tip of her cock just as Nuwa’s lips would.

Their short journey takes them to the edge of the bed when Azula already feels her balls twitching. With one final massive thrust, Azula switches her grip from Nuwa’s hips to her boobs as she slams her footlong dick inside as far as it can go. She penetrates Nuwa’s cervix and makes it into the womb where she feels a familiar heavenly feeling of her whole penis being neatly wrapped in fleshy folds. Unable to resist, she releases a torrent of splooge just two minutes after beginning.

+15k LEE, Total: 3503k LEE

Nuwa’s head hangs off the edge of the bed upside down with her eyes crossed and her mouth open in an ‘O’. It is a glorious ahegao face. It’s a shame that Azula didn’t get to see it, but Nuwa is happy that she has a clear view out of the balcony so she can imagine others peeping on her getting fucked silly and creamed. Azula is still feeling post-orgasmic bliss, so Nuwa raises her upper body back up and works on getting her ready for another round.

E-Nuwa twists her nipples lightly and licks her neck while twerking a bit on her still erect penis, which is plugging her own womb, stirring the cum that it has locked inside. Azula begins to breathe heavily and opts for a slow round this time around. Their faces writhe around each other locking lips only occasionally, mostly kissing and licking each other’s chests, necks, and faces.

Nuwa pulls away and looks into her lover’s eyes as she says, “Zul, I’ll try to be a better mother. I don’t think it will happen overnight, but one day.” E-Nuwa easily discovered what Azula was worried about earlier. Azula hugs Nuwa tightly and says, “Don’t push yourself so much that you stop being you. It will happen naturally soon enough.”

With her milky breasts neatly on top of Azula’s firmer ones, Nuwa says, “Ok, babe..” as she flips her hair and resumes kissing her lover romantically. Azula doesn’t thrust at all. They share kisses for the better part of an hour as E-Nuwa remains stationary while manipulating the folds of her vagina and rhythmically tightening around Azula’s cock to bring her to a tender, passionate ecstasy.

Azula cums again, but it’s not a violent spurt due to how much E-Nuwa’s cervix constricts on her cock. Her semen oozes out of her dick continuously like a slow tap, making her feel like she is constantly about to burst for upwards of two minutes. Azula’s consciousness goes white multiple times for the duration of the unnecessarily prolonged orgasm. When it’s over, her head slumps over onto Nuwa's shoulder. Her breathing is shaky, her balls are empty, and her rod is sore, but still erect, likely as a side-effect of the partial orgasm denial technique Nuwa pulled.

+15k LEE, Total: 3518k LEE

“How was it, babe?” asks Nuwa.

Azula groans, “So good.. fuck. Too good.”

Nuwa titters and says, “I wanted to welcome you back into my womb with something special.”

Azula yanks herself out of Nuwa’s womb, which takes enough effort that the entire structure follows her a few inches down before the cervix finally lets her go with an audible *pop* sound. She squints and says, “Hahh.. let’s not do that normally or I wouldn’t be able to go back to regular sex.”

Rubbing her hand on her slightly distended belly with all of Azula’s semen swimming inside and nothing leaking, Nuwa hums her assent and says, “Whatever you say, love. Let me meditate now that I’m full.” Nuwa hops out of Azula’s lap and sits up cross legged on the bed with her hands on her knees. Azula watches her and decides she would meditate along with Nuwa to deepen her understanding of the Phoenix fire. This way she won’t miss her lover given all the time Nuwa will have to spend meditating in the near future to ensure their baby is born.

Nuwa closes her eyes and focuses on the feeling of her womb being filled with Azula’s cum. Her idea of meditation is to try to empty her mind and recall memories when she felt heightened lust and love. She does this for 20 minutes, but she keeps getting distracted by Tulen’s grunts and the [E-Vibe]’s buzzing. She’s just about to put on earmuffs when Tulen starts crying. Azula gets up and checks on him. He shouldn’t be hungry and he’s not wet. Turns out he is crying for no reason. Babies do that a lot when they are frustrated or lonely.

Azula prioritizes Nuwa’s meditation so she gets up and brings him outside to give Nuwa a chance to concentrate. Nuwa sighs and her first thought as she reenters meditation is of sleeping peacefully next to Azula with Tulen between them. She feels her Dao Core Synchronization go up a notch with just that image!

[Bisected Dao Core of Sex] - Synchronization +1%, Total: 6%

She cannot grab onto whatever that feeling was though. It slips through her hands like sand. ‘Was it love? Was it family? I have both of those! I love Azula and I love the Peas. What about love is so complicated?! What is the difference between Heza and I?’

Nuwa sighs and calms her mind down to resume meditation. The night passes uneventfully as Tulen falls back to sleep after a bit of playing with Azula.

Nuwa doesn’t make any further progress, but she knows meditation is meant to deliver long-term results rather than be a one and done thing. Just to clarify, Nuwa asks, “Hey [System], is the [Child of Dao] mission shortened since I’m stronger now?”

*Yes. Due to being Soul Tier 2, Host only needs to meditate for 2 months of real time with the womb saturated. Furthermore, the semen conversion is slower as well, so Host may meditate for up to 4 hours.*

“Yay!” Nuwa jumps happily in the air and cheers, “As long as I don’t get bored of meditating for four hours daily, it will only take me a year to finish! I can’t wait..”

~ ~ ~

Nuwa finishes her meditation as the sun rises. She joins Azula on the balcony and pokes Tulen as a greeting. Tulen looks over at her with wide open eyes and flops his arms around in Azula’s grasp. Nuwa snickers a little, ‘I guess he’s cute.. When he’s not peeing.’

They cover up the discolorations on his forehead with a small hat and get some breakfast. Nuwa asks Azula on the way down, “Ready to meet your mom?”

Azula jumps slightly. She had forgotten! Yesterday was so hectic and Tulen was just born so it had slipped her mind entirely. She hesitantly replies, “Yeah. I’m ready. Can we bring her back?”

“If all goes well, she should come back.” replies Nuwa.

The three of them finish breakfast and pick up Zuko and Mai for the trip while letting Ty Li take over the duties of the Fire Lord temporarily. Soon the Comet’s firebending multiplier ends as it hits midday, and they begin their trip with the babies tightly wrapped in blankets. Nuwa and Azula are carrying the babies very carefully making sure to apply very light acceleration and deceleration with their fire thrusters. Zuko is carrying Mai with a bit of difficulty so overall their pace is slow and steady. Occasionally, Nuwa would give both babies to Azula and help out Zuko with her elemental node to replenish chi.

They make it to the remote village of Hira’a located in one of the northern corners of the Fire Nation Island chain several hours later in the afternoon. It’s a dainty village town without much technology. Life moves slow here, as the four can see by the several farmers who are looking at them touch down while chewing a piece of straw. They rarely see something exciting like people flying even among firebenders, so they think it’s a cool performance and shout “Bravo!”

They also have never seen such a beautiful scantily dressed woman like Nuwa, so there’s plenty of catcalls. In general, the gang is dressed in an upper class fashion, so they stick out. Nuwa stops Azula from lashing out and beckons one of the younger boys over. He gets a few pats on the back and encouragement like “go get ‘em champ” from the villagers. Walking over with bulging eyes unable to resist staring at Nuwa’s deep cleavage, he gulps and says, “C-c-can I help ya miss?”

Nuwa smiles casually and says, “Hi there. We’re visitors here to meet Noriko. Do you know where we can find her?”

The boy excitedly says, “Sure! I can take you right to her house. I didn’t know Kiyi had connections to bigshots!”

The gang follows the village boy as most of the villager crowd disperses to mind their own business, save for a few men who follow just to make sure that the newcomers aren’t here to make trouble. They arrive at Noriko’s small house in two minutes and the boy knocks, “Hey Miss Noriko, it’s Koa! You have guests!”

A plain faced middle-aged brunette opens the door. She has wrinkles on her face and her hands are dirty from cleaning. A middle-aged man with a moustache and goatee also poked his head out from a hallway. The lady looks at the gang with a bit of worry seeing the out-of-place upper-class vibe coming from them. Then she looks at the boy and says, “Hello Koa. Who are these four you want to introduce me to?”

The man rushes over to the door with alarm and interrupts, “I’ll take it from here, dearest. Please take Kiyi to go play out back.”

Noriko looks even more worried, but listens to what her husband says and grabs Kiyi, a one year old baby girl sucking her thumb by the side, to bring her away from the premises. 

Zuko, Azula, and Mai look at Nuwa with confusion as she shrugs and lets Noriko leave. The man appears to be trembling when he first sees the upper-class garments, but when he sees the infants in the hands of Mai and Azula, he calms down. He says, “My name is Noren, please enter, visitors. Koa, you go play with Kiyi or run along now.”

Nuwa gives the nine year old boy a smile and says, “Thanks, Koa.” He blushes and tries to turn around to run away, but spins around dizzily before regaining his balance and dashing away with embarrassment. The gang enters the small house, where Noren leads them to a set of chairs. He looks at them as casually as he can, despite being nervous, and asks, “To what do I owe the pleasure?”

Nuwa looks at Noren with a bit of guilt, knowing that she is disturbing his peaceful family life, and says, “Ozai is in prison.” She points to Zuko, “Zuko is the Fire Lord now. There’s no need to hide anymore.”

Noren looks stunned and stammers for a few moments before he slumps his shoulders and asks, “How did you know? You know what, forget it. If you know, you know.” Then he gets mad and growls a bit as he says, “Don’t tell me you’re thinking of taking my wife away again?”

Gesturing for him to calm down, Nuwa calmly says, “Don’t worry. All three of you will come to Capital City. This is a way for all of the parties involved to resolve their regrets. Knowing this, are you alright with Noriko regaining Ursa’s memories and face?”

Zuko and Azula gasp in disbelief!


(A/N: Did my sex scenes get better since the beginning of the story? Let me know in the comments. Next arc will have a lot of them, so I am hoping to improve them before then.)

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