Nuwa System

Chapter 131 – Entering Konoha

Lo stares at Azula’s big cock, enraptured by the veins and length.

Li sputters, “By the World’s Will! You are a futanari?! No.. that cannot be. We changed your diapers at one point and you were definitely 100% female. How did you obtain such a realistic penis!?”

Lo thinks out loud, “It had to be Nuwa.. incredible. She really was strange. We had thought Tulen and Zina were from sperm donors.”

Azula has no idea how to react and she is utterly aroused by their bodies, but she feels a sudden chill come from her mind as they close in on her bottom line, her children. Narrowing her eyes, she warns them, “Do not demand that I reveal my secrets and do not speak of my children ever again! It is better that no one here knows about them.”

Coughing once, Lo does some hand signs and a cloud obscures her body for a moment before it dissipates to reveal she is once again clothed. Li does the same, after which they both offer sincere apologies to Azula.

Lo says, “Sorry, Azula. We had assumed the customs of the Land of Fire out of excitement. The people of Konoha are relatively open about these topics, unlike in the Fire World’s Fire Nation. We have had several rare instances of futanari being born in recorded history among our shinobi. There is even a tribe in the far west where futanaris are common.”

Li continues, “Never have we heard of a futanari being created, although I am sure that many lesbian couples have tried. Seeing as you are an attractive, single lady, it might be better for people to know you are a futanari. Less men will flirt with you if they hear rumors or see it for themselves. Did you see that monkey back in the Spirit Realm? That is only the tip of the iceberg when it comes to what we have to deal with. It is also the reason we volunteered ourselves for a job far from home.”

Lo smiles and bites her lips, “On the other hand, women will be all over you. Just let me know and I’ll take care of your pent up stress any time, ok?”

Li does not offer such an open invitation, but her eyes gravitate to Azula’s softening cock curiously.

Cringing, Azula weighs her options. ‘Well, shit. Looks like this place will be full of horny people. I would very much not want to be flirted with by anyone, but if I had to pick the better option, I’d rather have women flirt with me. Although.. what if I had a shield?’

“I have decided to cash in on the favor you two owe me. First, spread rumors that I am a futanari. Then, one of you will act as if you are my girlfriend to deter other women from being bothersome. Of course, none of this involves any actual displays of affection or sexual exchanges from me.” Azula states with conviction, “Nuwa is the one I love, forever and always.”

Then she remembers her penis is still in view, so she quickly burns off the excess precum and shoves the softened member back into her panties. Somehow, she feels that dialogue would be a lot more impactful if she did not have her cock out.

Li raises her brows, looks at her sister, and says with her usual regal tone, “Let me do it. You are too promiscuous for the story to be convincing.”

Lo slumps her shoulders and nods.

Turning back to Azula, Li asks, “How far will we go in public and private? It is better to decide now before we make it to the village.”

Azula thinks for some time and decides, “At most, hand-holding in public. We can live together, as long as I have a private room and bath.”

The twins nod with understanding and go to retrieve their clothes, undoing the transformation that had temporarily clothed them on the way. Azula gets a look at their jiggly butts before she quickly turns away and thinks of how they used to be elderly grannies. Yeah, that’ll do the trick in calming her down. She cannot unsummon her penis now or else things will seem suspicious if they ever find out she can have either form. Actually, it is better if she leaves it active to prevent any male attention. Dealing with arrogant men like her father is one of her pet peeves.

Azula notices that Lo and Li are going to the evergreen treeline, so she puts up her guard and stealthily pulls out her Smartphone from her cleavage. She opens up the chat and goes to the server ‘I miss you <3’ where only Nuwa, Tulen, and Zina are present. There are a bunch of messages from Zina to her about how much she misses her mommy, so she quickly types and sends, “I’m ok, loves. I can still chat sometimes. Tell the gang. <3”

Azula quickly returns the Smartphone to her cleavage and gets back to practicing the manifestation of chakra without inadvertently adding fire intent. Nuwa had told her that Smartphones had to be kept secret and only among the family, so she taught the same etiquette to her kids.

She does not make much progress before Lo and Li return and they continue towards Konoha. The trees go from coniferous to deciduous and the climate warms by the time they make it to Konoha later that night. Lo and Li pull along Azula since she runs out of chakra.

By the time they reach the outskirts of a sprawling town, Azula feels topped up due to breathing in chakra in midair. While airborne, she sees there is a 20m (65’) tall wall that surrounds the town on all sides. There are two large gates on either side. From the damaged sections of the wall that are being repaired, Azula could see that the walls are made of metal plating, earth interiors, and twisted metal bars that go through the earthen interiors.

Besides several holes on the wall that appear so clean that it is as if someone punched a hole through paper, a 15m (50’) stretch of the wall on the east side is entirely collapsed onto the ground of the town, pulling part of the heavy duty wall along with it on both sides of the collapse. None of the damage to the wall looks like it will be easy to fix. Otherwise, the town itself seems undamaged and the people are not cowering in fear.

Slightly shaken by the clear evidence of the pure devastation that tailed beasts are capable of, Azula finds herself getting excited. This is a land where the strong are plentiful and the threat of death is ever present. Vaguely, she feels an instinct to reforge herself in the flames of battle. The fights in the Spirit Realm on the way were bloody, but not challenging enough, since Lo and Li protected her from the worst of the damage.

They touch down, walk through the woods, and soon arrive at a massive metal gate which is swung open to allow for a constant stream of two-way traffic. Azula notes that most of the transportation of this World is similar to her own in that there are animal-drawn carriages and bikes. A minority of the transportation is of far higher technology than that of Republic City. The cars do not have loud engines like back home. They look and sound luxuriously smooth and release no fumes. Perhaps they use chakra?

Atop the wall on either side of the gate are sentry posts and what appear to be alarm systems for the guards to trigger if they spot a tailed beast. This will also let the citizens know to evacuate into the closest underground shelter or simply run away. There is no security with regards to people going in or out of the town. Azula had seen several of such high-rising unmanned sentry posts tens of kilometers away from Konoha, which can serve as early alarm systems. Clearly though, even with the presence of the early warning system, Lo and Li’s compatriots have not been able to prevent the intrusion of a tailed beast into the town itself.

Azula walks between Lo and Li into the town proper and observes that there is a wide diversity of skin, eye, and hair colors and features among the citizenry. Having common enemies seems to have driven humanity together in this World. All of those she senses with higher battle power are dressed in similar clothes as Lo and Li, some sort of ninja garb with a forehead protector. She reasons that it is a dress choice made out of respect for military tradition rather than utility, since no sane spy is going to walk around undercover with clothes that clearly advertise, “I’m a spy.”

They approach the largest building in Konoha. Unlike the town gate, it is heavily guarded and stringent security measures are in place to ensure that there are no spies entering. It seems humanity is not fully united after all. The guards recognize and look respectfully at Lo and Li, but process them through security regardless.

A female guard wields a handheld tool that she waves a foot over their bodies that detects for seals. It only goes off between their clavicles, to which they reply that it’s the Strength of a Hundred Seal. They pull down their skin-tight turtleneck robes enough to expose their cleavage and show a small discoloration between their neck and breasts. Nodding worshipfully, the female guard moves onto Azula, who she looks at with slight hostility. She detects no seals so she waves them though.

Lo and Li lead Azula to another checkpoint. At this point, Azula is beginning to get worried that their security is so thorough that her Smartphone will be discovered. Luckily, she has a plan for such a moment. Ever since she began to start separating from Nuwa while raising Tulen, she was anxious about her Smartphone breaking. Nuwa’s [Smartphone] could repair itself, but hers could not. So she learned from Nuwa that all her personal data and chat logs were only on one small card, while the rest of the device was to make it function.

She learned how to take it apart from the Peaknights and on her own, she memorized how it was built over the years that Nuwa was gone. After about 7 years, she could use her Phoenix fire to reconstruct the Smartphone of any one of the Gang who had dropped or damaged theirs to allow it to function again. They would not lose anything unless the card within it was damaged. This monumental task of delicate control had actually pushed her Phoenix Dao Seed almost all the way to becoming a Phoenix Dao Core. That and regular eating. It is currently bottlenecked by something.

Just in case, she burnt the entire Smartphone in her cleavage, except for a tiny fragment of it and the card to build off of. The card is updating constantly, so even if she does reconstruct it, there would be nothing on it, which is not a big deal since she knows Nuwa, Tulen, and Zina’s numbers by heart, from which she could get everyone else’s numbers. It is, however, a hassle that she will have to go through.

The surroundings were relatively luxurious here. There are sakura trees blossoming on either side of the walkway as they approach a bridge over an artificial pond. At the end of the bridge are a set of guards. Past them, a flowery garden walkway to the tallest building in Konoha. Azula suspects this is the safest place in Konoha from how undamaged the surroundings are.

The guards pull their weapons out, despite clearly recognizing Lo and Li. A middle-aged man with slightly greying hair and a pupil-less purple eye says, “Identify yourselves.”

Li replies, “Lo and Li Sarutobi. Reporting in with a candidate for cultivation, Azula of Fire World.”

Lo gives a sly smile and coyly says, “Do you remember our night together, Hizashi? Although age has not treated you well, surely I am not so forgettable?”

Hizashi blushes and coughs, “It is good to see you too, Lo. Welcome back you two.. Please forgive any offense. Just following protocol.”

His left eye whitens and its veins protrude, upon which he blushes even deeper since he now has a clear view of the naked bodies of the three ladies. He sees nothing out of the ordinary. With his nose bleeding slowly due to intense arousal, he cancels his Byakugan.

The moment he activates his eye ability, Azula’s battle instincts flare up and cause her to flinch in fear. He goes from slightly weaker than Lo or Li to even stronger than them combined in a split second. Slightly mortified under his gaze, Azula feels like her whole body has been seen through. She is relieved when he deactivates the eye ability, but now that she thinks about it, didn’t he look at her breasts and vagina too much?

‘Can that trick see through my clothes?! Fucking pervert.. gah! Now I know what the guards up at the North Pole meant by no privacy. Fine. Whatever. They can look, but they can’t touch. Hmph.’

Hizashi waves them through and shudders when he sees Lo lick her lips at him. His underlings give him tame punches on the shoulder, teasing brow wiggles, and subtly jealous looks. The Sarutobi twins are infamous among the town’s older generation, one for her untouchable grace and the other one for being a prolific virgin-killer. They are not the strongest among the elites, but they have unique innate abilities and a superb talent for chakra control that qualifies them to learn a longevity jutsu that does not have any side effects.

In general, a strong shinobi lives longer than a regular human due to the dense chakra he holds within him, but longevity jutsus exaggerate this effect. Lo took Hizashi’s virginity when he had just become an adult and she was 10 years older than him at the time, so returning with their bodies at their prime will invariably lead to some awkward encounters, jealous old ladies, and numerous instances of intergenerational unrequited love.

They pass through the checkpoint. On the walkway, Li says, “This is the Hokage Tower, where the leaders of the Land of Fire live. The Shinobi leader is called the Hokage, who is usually the strongest in the country. The civilian leader is called the Daimyo, who lives here for protection and is elected by popular vote. Daimyos only have some minor political and financial powers. It is mainly a figurehead position, but make sure you show proper respect, since civilians are the ones who feed this country and suffer most when the tailed beasts rampage.”

As they are about to enter the Tower, two gloomy men exit together on track to pass by the three ladies. One of them appears to have pure white skin, black hair, and reptilian features. The other one has bandages over his forehead and right eye. The pale man immediately hones in on the lady he does not recognize, Azula. The bandaged man is more discreet about it, using his panoramic vision.

Azula feels her skin begin to crawl in fear as she senses the pale man’s snake eyes evaluate her with curiosity. She can tell they are both far stronger than her, but she feels that her Dao itself desires to destroy them both. She tries to keep her cool, but her body begins to heat up. This has only ever happened involuntarily around her now dead father, but it is happening again now.


(A/N: All Azula and exposition in this chapter. Then a low blow cliff-kun and stuff, you know. Next up, Azula has to deal with her random impulses to kill disgusting people! Y'all ever get those? Of course you don't! You weren't formerly psychotic! Right?)

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