Nuwa System

Chapter 140 – On Sluttiness, The Second Chamber

Nuwa covers her crotch to maintain an illusion of modesty for herself, unaware that her Father can sense everything within the chamber through his Authority anyway.

‘This is so embarrassing, oh gosh. Even daddy saw me. I said I could explain this.. But how?! I was just messing around and going with the flow!’

‘The flow? Hold on.. It was the flow of the Dao that made me ok with random sex! Looks like even if the Dao Strings themselves are suppressed, due to their attunement with the Dao, I will still be affected. Hnnng.. Even now, I am leaking cum at the thought of daddy seeing me naked!’

Zagreus scratches his head with an awkward smile as he tries to sort his thoughts. “Sis.. it’s not that I have anything against you fucking around, but maybe you should maintain some standards? If you were really that thirsty, you could have waited for a minute or two for when I was done killing everyone and I would take care of you.”

Nuwa looks down with shame, which translates mostly into arousal in her head, and explains her tentative conclusion, “My powers are affecting my behavior. I have to train more to regain control.”

Hades sighs, causing the walls to vibrate, and states in his booming voice, “Do not allow the Olympians to know of this or you will bring dishonor unto our House.”

The glow of his Authority fades away. Nuwa digs her head into her neck while covering her face with her sticky palms as she positively burns with shame. Nuwa is so aroused by her daddy seeing her nude and scolding her that she cums again soon after he leaves. This is followed by a vague post-orgasmic depression, since she could sense both the extent of how much he spoils her as well as his disappointment in her due to this instance. Gods treat sexual relations with frivolty in general, but they will mate with those with human intelligence at the very worst.

Nuwa allowing a creature with less intelligence than an animal to get her off shows disrespect to her demigod heritage. Essentially, she should have either killed the thug or pushed him off when she had regained control of the situation. Zagreus watches her twitch several times, which he recognizes as an orgasm, but he also senses her rising sorrow. He picks her up and gives her a hug, “It’s OK. Who cares what Father thinks anyway..”

Nuwa deactivates her Dao Strings, allowing the shame and depression to hit her full force. The Pea parents had never shown real disappointment in her. They would scold her for doing silly things, but they did not really mean it. Lady Pea is part mother and part best friend. Hades and Nyx though, are true authorities in her life. She genuinely looks up to both of them for their awe-inspiring power, intelligence, and the affection they have shown to her. ‘Oh Zag.. I do care what daddy thinks. I am sure that even you do, deep down.’

+50k LEE, Total: 1475k LEE

She cries into her big brother’s shoulder while he tries to calm her down.  Nuwa had somehow become a crybaby after merging with Snek Nuwa. She can tell her brother does not really know what to say because he is used to her being naive and happy-go-lucky. Her snakes begin to clean up all of the cum on her body.

Eventually he suggests, “Maybe we SHOULD do combat-sex mode if that means you won’t want to be porked by every random shade..”

This genuinely caring suggestion only makes Nuwa even more upset. When she had signed on to be a Sex Goddess-in-training, she thought it would be a lovely fun time, and it was, until the Main Mission. She had struggled through that debacle and came to terms with it. She even loves Tulen as much as she loves Zina now, but then this happens.

In the first place, Nuwa only really loves having sex with her lovers and friends. As much as she acts like a slut, she has a deep inner pride in herself. She’s not the type to put out for any random person! She had known many people in her first life back in America of Earth-0 that had a wider variety of sex partners than she has had so far. She doesn’t really care about all the virtual strangers looking at her and not being able to touch her after the Peaknights distribute her nudes in their world.

Overall, the most Nuwa wants to do with strangers in person is get a laugh out of teasing them and maybe have an occasional one night stand with those she finds charismatic and attractive, but now her Dao really is turning her into a true slut.

The worst part about it is that while the Dao Strings are active, she does not even realize that she is mostly thinking with her pussy. The idea of getting caught ‘cheating’ by Zagreus only turns her on even more! The loss of agency is far less overt than when Nuwavatar had taken over her body. It is subtle and unavoidable.

Nuwa slowly stops crying and decides to oppose the influence of the Dao in a flexible way. As a first step, she is going to be more mindful of how ‘benevolent’ she is with her body at all times. As the second step, she is going to order the shades she converts to attack and keep other shades away from her.

During the incident, she had allowed the thug to approach her and then had allowed her pussy to be eaten after a struggle. The fact that she had struggled at all under the influence of the Dao Strings means that as long as she is careful, she can still be herself. She believes that distancing herself from shades should prevent them from going into a frenzy and disobeying her orders.

The third step is to squeeze Zagreus of his dickmilk often enough to keep her arousal at a sustainable level. All of this is necessary to grow her battle experience, develop her powers, and help her brother on his journey to the Surface. She is too weak to help him rack up a decent amount of damage on the shades without activating her Dao Strings.

If she is able to utilize them properly though, she can imagine turning half of the enemies against each other! Getting to Megaera would be so much easier for her dear brother! That hateful bitch would be forced to stop calling for reinforcements if Nuwa can turn them against her! “Hehehehe! *sniff* *sniff* I got you now, bitch! HEHEHE!”

Zagreus looks awkwardly again at his sister who had now gone from crying to giggling maniacally. He pokes her noggin and jokes, “Is something broken in there?”

Nuwa recovers her composure and grins at her brother. She says, “I am better now. Let us go on like before. This time I’ll take precautions against any wanton behavior on my part. Now drop your pants.”

Ultimately, Nuwa decides to do her best not to let her Father down and simply keep the course. With time, she should be able to train herself to resist their influence.

If there is one thing Zagreus loves about how his sister had changed, it is how comfortable and skilled she is at sex. Her smooth skin, her seductive face, and her plump tits and ass are undeniably sculpted to please others. Her sultry voice, her kisses, and the way all of her snake’s tongues lick him in tandem. All of it drives him wild. Soon he cums inside her again. His progress rate on the dungeon has slowed to an abysmal rate, but he’s not complaining!

Nuwa uses only two Dao Strings to help her handle her brother’s large dick. There is very little pain and plenty of pleasure this way, so it is a good middle ground between giving no shits to resisting her Dao (4+ strings) and having no help at all, which at this point would be masochistic. Thankfully, he does not cum as much as the other two times so there is less of a mess. She kisses him thanks and lets her hair-snakes lick up at the cum leaking out of her pussy. “I’m ready. Let’s go kick some shade butt!”

Zagreus coughs and points at her pussy, which is devoid of the miniskirt half of her dress. Giggling awkwardly, Nuwa goes to grab her miniskirt from a distant corner. The tiny dress repairs itself upon coming in contact with her body. Perks of high quality artifacts from the House. “Alright, I am actually ready now!” They hold hands, pick up the Darkness that dropped upon chamber completion, and continue forward to dash into the next room.

Zagreus does not let go of Nuwa’s hand until he says his bit, “Okay, this room is large so the monsters will not spawn until one of us approaches the center. See that ornate tile on the floor in the exact center of the room surrounded by four lion statues? That is a pressure plate. Do not step on it or you will be blasted several times by magic from the mouths of those lions. Only my dash can escape in time. Those four plates with small holes on them at the corners of the room are spike traps. Again, only my dash can escape in time. You know how the enemies attack based on what I have told you, so keep your guard up.”

“I know big bro, you told me so many times.” replies Nuwa with a tender smile. She pushes him towards the center. “Go on, I’m not a baby anymore.”

With a roll of his eyes, he dashes forward while shouting back with an over-the-shoulder wink, “Yes you are. You’re my babygirl.”

Nuwa smirks and says, “You learned really cringy lines from the shades back in the House, Big Bro. I have to teach you how to flirt properly!”

Zagreus starts attacking the shades that begin to pop up and shouts back, “Why would I need to flirt if I have you?”

Nuwa is firing pink curse arrows without Dao Strings attached and putting most of her focus on the combat, but even she gets hot and bothered over that cute line. She stifles a hot moan threatening to escape her lips. Meanwhile, Zagreus notices that if he hits the pink-afflicted shades aggro-ing on Nuwa, they will re-aggro on him. The cherry on top is that the damage they do to him is reduced depending on how many stacks of the curse has been applied to them. Her curse is less effective than the Weak curse of Aphrodite, but it does not appear to have a short duration of effectiveness like Aphrodite’s does.

They settle on a strategy where Nuwa runs away from the shades chasing after her while Zagreus tags them to draw their aggro back. Her arrows do not do much damage compared to his spear strikes, but the curse helps, so she makes sure to tag all the shades with the curse at least once. Moreover, they do not aggro or re-aggro on Nuwa at all as long as Zagreus has hit them a single time. Nuwa feels warm in her heart, sensing how much her Father is taking care of her even while making things hard for Zagreus.

The duo get through this fight relatively easily. Nuwa is not able to convert anyone to a follower and she does not shoot any of her Dao Strings. She had chosen to spread her fire out so none of them took enough arrows to become enslaved. The chamber’s reward is a Boon from Aphrodite. The moment the divinely glowing pink orb appears, Nuwa feels strongly attracted to it.

“Stop!” she says to Zagreus, who is reaching his hand out for it. Zagreus looks back curiously at his sister. Nuwa walks up next to him and says, “Let me take this one. I feel a connection to it.”

“Hmm.. I am not sure if it will work since they are designed for my use, but go for it.” replies Zagreus.

Nuwa places her hand on the orb and repeats what Zagreus had done for the orb of Ares, “In the name of Hades! Olympus, I accept this message!”

She clearly does not have the necessary connection to her Father’s Authority to be able to open the orb, but it bursts open regardless. She sets eyes on the second most beautiful woman she has seen in her life, after her own lovely Mother Nyx, of course. Aphrodite, in all her naked glory, looks curiously at Nuwa, who is mostly naked herself and is dripping cum down her thighs from keeping her Dao Strings active.


(A/N: Fanart of Aphrodite from HadesTheGame by

“Well.. hello, hello. Aren’t you an adorable doll? How strange.. I should not be able to do anything but leave a message, but here I am, meeting you two fine specimens with my projection.”

Aphrodite smiles and twirls her hair with her finger as she squeezes her shoulders together to make her tits appear as big as Nuwa’s. They are only slightly smaller, and her bodily proportions are pretty much perfect as is, but she is subconsciously threatened to meet someone who rivals her beauty.

Nuwa stares at Aphrodite with bashfulness and appreciation. Even though she does not find Aphrodite to be as much of a role model for her as Nyx is to her, she senses that her path is much more attuned to that which Aphrodite is on, rather than her mother’s. Therefore, she does the sensible thing and bows 90 degrees, causing her nips to slip as her boobs sway out of the confines of her dress.

She speaks formally with a lowered head, “Goddess Aphrodite, my sincere greetings to you! I am Nuwa, daughter of Hades, on a quest to help my brother climb to the Surface. Please take me as your disciple!”


(A/N: If she accepts, would Nuwa call Aphrodite as Master or Mistress? :thinkies:)

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