Nuwa System

Chapter 164 – Besting the Bucking Bull

Nuwa’s slash on his hips draws blood, which only speeds up Ares’ recovery. His right hand shoots up and grasps one of her boobs. Thankfully, her Dao String is still influencing him, but she does not think that control will last.

Zagreus shouts from behind while clutching his head in pain, “Dammit sis!”

He welcomes the pain he is taking on her behalf through their psychic link, but wishes he were more resilient. More than being mad at her, he is frustrated that she is attacking Ares on her own and that he cannot protect her from harm.

Nuwa hardly registers what is going on behind her. She pulls her hips up and plants her bare pussy against the head of Ares’ dick. His precum burns like acid against her slit, but she hardly notices that either. What surprises her is that she feels, deep within her, a tenuous connection to her Enlightenment mode.

Everything occurs too quickly for her to react. Ares mutters, “Di isn’t going to be happy about this..” and regains control of his other arm. Unlike his first one, which is groping her harmlessly, the second grabs a handful of her snake hairs and viciously pulls them off with ease while her pussy engulfs the tip of his cock. Ares says with a smile, “Hehe, petty tricks. You’ve got a long way to go until you match up to Aphrodite.”

Nuwa groans heavily with pain, but refuses to back down. Unfortunately, she cannot see any way to win before Ares easily subdues her in seconds, so she immediately reaches out to her very own personalized cheat, Enlightenment mode. The connection goes from flimsy to taut and, like a long sober addict taking a massive hit, Nuwa gasps as she feels her environmental awareness expand to the extreme.

Her resentful face transitions to a mechanical deadpan. The first thing she does is wrap all of her remaining Dao Strings of Sex around Ares’ dick and pump down to engulf the entire member. The petty part of her is secretly pleased that it does not match up to her brother’s length and width.

Ares senses something wrong. ‘The little girl is too composed all of a sudden. Her powers of influence resemble those of Aphrodite’s and her does vagina feels heavenly. Lesser men than myself might be enraptured, but neither of these are enough to beat me. Has she given up?’

Ares pulls the now white energy arrow out of his forehead and it closes up. He demands, “Retract the influence you planted within me and yield. This is your only chance for mercy. I take no pleasure in attacking women weaker than I.”

E-Nuwa ignores him. She raises her hips and lowers them, while observing his reaction to her kegels and judging by the twitching on his face, abs, and penis, he enjoys them more than he cares to admit.

Ares feels blood rush to his cock, driven by the suction coming from his opponent’s lewd chokehold. He growls and says, “Prepare to meet Death, wench!” He throws a punch directly at Nuwa’s face, but is baffled to see her push it away with her palm without any change in expression. He tries again thinking it had been a lucky fluke. This time he throws successive jabs with both fists, having regained control of the groping arm.

The same thing happens. She skillfully redirects them harmlessly over her shoulders. Ares cannot understand what is happening. His divine projection can be considered equivalent to low-t3, while she is clearly still somewhere in t2! He is clearly faster than her, but as if she already knows what moves he is going to make, her hands are there in advance to push his forearms away from their intended target. Ares throws a barrage of fists at the woman fucking him, all to no avail. E-Nuwa redirects, dodges, and blocks. The ground makes loud bangs each time Ares slams back his elbows on it to then throw another punch.

Soon, Ares realizes, ‘Her body cannot possibly be strong enough to block my fists without any damage. She must be using something like Aphrodite’s weakening ability, but it is not a flat percentage decrease to my strength. Rather, it only weakens my attacks upon her.’

E-Nuwa watches Ares begin to smile. To rain on his parade, she says in a matter-of-fact tone, “I will beat you.” and the scales are indeed tipped in her favor. She is able to forecast his movements with perfect accuracy and his strength has been reduced. All of this is because she had been able to mount him. His techniques and power are now seemingly useless against her.

Zagreus is finally able to push down the pain enough to open his eyes and pay attention to the fight. His first reaction is amazement that Nuwa is able to face off against those lightning fast blows.

His second is arousal since he can see her dominating Ares’ big black benis in cowgirl position, much like Megaera has dominated his whopping white wang for the past decade. Just imagining his sister ruining him, sexually, almost makes him cum.

His third is brotherly pride. He does not know how she has been able to match up to his cousin, but he is going to respect her confidence to do so on her own.

Ares is smiling because he is excited. He never thought he would fight someone so much weaker than him with such great martial technique! His new strategy is to get up close and personal. He grasps her shoulders, flexes his abs powerfully to swing his torso up, and attempts to headbutt Nuwa. He only gets stronger the more damage that he takes, so mutually destructive tactics always work in his favor!

Naturally, E-Nuwa sees this coming. She flashes her Gorgon Queen Gaze at the last moment, arresting all of Ares’ momentum in front of her, and smacks him back down with a nasty elbow hook. Before he can recover to try again, she places the sharp side of her bow shaft on his neck and states, “It’s over.”

Ares simply smiles even wider and raises his neck to allow the shaft to cut him deep. This time, Nuwa is the one to be taken off guard. She doesn’t want to behead him. Zag and her still need his blessings, after all. She only wants to win against him to show him not to underestimate her!

Blood streams liberally out of his neck. The berserker effect of his Authority of War increases the raw power of his punches. Nuwa withdraws the bow from his neck to go back to blocking punches. She is able to prevent his hits from landing on her weak spots, but each time E-Nuwa blocks with her arms, her bones creak. Furthermore, Ares is closing his eyes to prevent petrification. He has enough experience at War to not need sight.

His Authority is stronger and more oppressive now that the fight has dragged on. She decides to go back to the basics and attempt a sexual subjugation. This is what she intended to do from the beginning, before she had known that she regained access to E-Nuwa. She continues blocking his attacks and rhythmically clenches her abs to coincide with the motion of her bouncing on his dong.

The Dao Strings spiral around Ares’ penis, both weakening and arousing him. Ares tries to maintain focus on the battle, but soon cannot stop being distracted by the signals coming from his engorged cock.

‘Aphrodite gets me off with her beauty, care, and admittedly, how infrequently she puts out. In contrast, this daughter of Hades is getting me off with her incredible sexual technique alone and it’s just as good! How is she able to fend off my attacks and service me so well?!’

His closed eyes only make the physical aspect of the sex that much better. He is used to sweet emotionally fulfilling sex sessions with Aprodite. Not raw dogging it during a slugfest. It is.. almost addicting.. to experience both fighting and sex at the same time. He internally complains, ‘F-f-fuck, Cousin. You get to pound this perfect slut all the time?’ He opens his eyes momentarily to shoot a withering glare towards Zagreus, who is watching them nearby.

Zagreus raises his eyebrows in response, as if asking, “She’s something, ain't she?” which only serves to rub it in Ares’ face that he cannot explore Nuwa’s marvelous caves all day. If he wants to experience this again, he might even have to put aside his godly pride and.. apologize?

‘What am I thinking! How could I apologize to a mortal? I’ve had centuries of sexual experience with Di. I’ll show her my prowess and make her succumb to my fleshy sword!’

Ares starts pumping his own hips, which E-Nuwa registers. She adjusts her own movements and kegels to compensate for it. Unfortunately for Ares, he has the wrong idea. First of all, Nuwa is still too mad at him to properly enjoy the sex. Second, he may be a hunk and he may have some skill at sex, but neither of those matter in the least with E-Nuwa in control. Third and lastly, he should have stuck to his own specialty, because his pumping only accelerates his buildup of semen.

Crawling over behind Nuwa, Zagreus brushes away the sweat on his face and unsheathes his own hefty humper. He hears Ares grunt in arousal. Zagreus smiles through the pain. He thinks to himself fondly, ‘My sister is irresistible to all men, but only I can make her feel THIS good.’

He thrusts half his dick into her ass and Nuwa squeals with pleasure, recognizing her dearest brother’s thick dimensions. Fists are no longer flying with Ares so close to cumming. The God of War loosens his hold on her hips and grunts again in an effort to hold back his orgasm. The addition of Zagreus' cock into Nuwa’s ass makes the depths of her pussy even tighter. Ares can tell he has a new neighbor as large as himself across several delectable folds of innards. He opens his eyes to see Nuwa twisting her head to the side to kiss her brother passionately. Many of her hair snakes are wrapped possessively around Zagreus’ neck.

Ares awkwardly realizes that he feels simultaneous jealousy and admiration: jealousy that he is not the target of her affections and admiration of how great a couple they make. Only after Zagreus joins in does she start moaning. Each time he feels Zagreus bottom out inside her, she squirts the slightest bit of juice from her cunt and nipples. Zagreus’ hand is the perfect size to cup her breast while Ares’ own hand is too large. The list goes on and on.

As the kiss becomes more frantic, Ares has a strange sense that he is watching one of the great mortal love stories that Di enjoys rereading. In those stories, the mortals invariably died, but they experienced a degree of love and devotion to each other that even the Gods cannot hope to imitate. Love always made for the fiercest of Wars, so Ares always had a healthy respect for it. At the same time, he feels pity on behalf of his Cousin that he might one day lose the love of his life.

"Perhaps.." Ares mentions in a low voice, "I owe you an apology, Cousin."

Zagreus objects, "No, Lord Ares. You owe my sister an apology." He moans between thrusts, "If her beating you on her own isn't proof that she has just as much potential as me, then I don't know what is."

Ares mutters in an odd tone, "I lost?"

At some point, the bloody scent in the air has become overshadowed by the thick smell of sex. Nuwa smiles slyly, reaches one hand underneath Ares’ body armor, and places her thumb at a certain familiar acupoint. With one final clench of her vaginal walls and a slam from her other hand atop his armor, the aforementioned thumb is pressed deep into the hapless wargod's conception acupoint and breaks the dam.

Ares’ face scrunches up and all he can say is “Ah!” as cum erupts from his cock in thick spurts like cannonfire from one of Hestia’s forbidden weapons of war that she keeps far away from mortal hands. Nuwa’s Dao Strings of Sex vibrate excitedly and begin to absorb all of the divine projection’s energy during his moment of weakness, literally sucking the energy out of her opponent.

Nuwa winces each time the violent, acid-like ejaculations impact her cervix and womb, but E-Nuwa’s muscle control prevents most of the damage. At worst, there might be some bruising. The three of them continue to hear small thuds of Ares’ cum battering at her insides.

Ares begins to laugh and says, “I have.. ung.. never cum so.. ung.. violently like I am.. ung.. doing now.” His face contorts each time he releases more of his energy. There’s no semen coming out of his dick anymore, only his divine energy. “Hahaha, a loss is a loss. Ung! I apologize.. Cousin Nuwa. Lets.. ung.. do this again.”

Nuwa leans her head back into Zagreus’ shoulder in extreme fatigue and sighs with satisfaction at her victory. While wincing at the injections of energy, she replies, “I accept your apology, but I’ll need a lot more sincerity on your part if you want a taste of this again.” She rubs her midriff, which is slightly swollen with two large cocks inside of it, and strokes across her miniskirt to her bare labia, still spread lewdly across Ares’ twitching tool.

Zagreus cannot resist much longer either. The thought that his wife could bend Ares, the God of War, to openly lust for her, despite a long-standing loyalty to Aphrodite, turned him on to the extreme. This is exactly what he wants to see to fulfill his perverted tendencies. ‘Father.. you might own the Underworld, but I own the Underworld’s greatest treasure. Sit there, watch, and wallow in jealousy, old bastard!’

A sinister smirk flashes on Zagreus’ face for a moment as he looks up at the ceiling. Then he lowers his head and utterly melts at how tired his sister looks. He nuzzles against her and slows the speed of his pounding. The divine projection of Ares is now withering rapidly and slowly being sucked into Nuwa’s pussy.

Zagreus says with a cheeky grin, “See you around, Lord Ares.”

Ares grumbles and replies jokingly, “Fuck off, bro. I’m definitely fighting you next.”

Zagreus laughs in response to the banter. Before Ares is entirely gone, Zagreus softly says, “I’m cumming, love.”

Nuwa is very tired. Her eyes are closed and she is almost asleep, but she subconsciously hums happily and mutters, “Give it to me. Fill me up, Big Bro Zag.”

The last thing Ares sees before his head is spaghettified into Nuwa’s pussy is Zagreus twisting her nipples to eject a stream of milk from them and her opening her mouth to let out a soothing, mellifluous moan.


(A/N: I cracked up so many times while writing this chapter, my dudes.. xD)

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