Nuwa System

Chapter 76 – Toph vs Stump and Sand

That night, when they make camp, Gunner is keelhauled by a cannonball as he enters Toph’s tent. It is a cannonball named Toph. He thinks he’s being surprise attacked until he feels the small boobies against his arm. It’s strange that Toph who he can pick up with one arm can muster enough force to knock his whole body down, but he accepts it because he’s decided that common sense no longer applies to her.

Haru is locked up by some metal links to the bed. He is naked with a dazed post-orgasm face on. Toph’s sexual skills have improved greatly ever since she met Nuwa, enough so that she could get Haru off in the few minutes that Gunner had gone to the bathroom.

Toph quickly strips Gunner’s clothes and metalbends a water bucket up to dunk it on his now naked crotch. The sweat of the spar from earlier today isn’t that easily removed, but Toph is too impatient by now. Gunner’s penis begins to erect despite the cold water. It’s a monstrously wide cock at 9 cm (4in) wide and the same height. It looks like someone took a hammer to a normal sized penis and pancaked all its mass flat.

With eyes wide open, Toph isn’t quite sure how she’s supposed to fit her tiny pussy on this dick. Regardless, she’s not one to back down in front of anything she sets her mind on. She drops her pussy onto his erect stump of a cock.

Nothing happens. Her vagina kind of just sits on top of it. Toph gets angry and tries wiggling, looking for a pointier portion of his cock, but the head of his penis is like a rounded lightbulb, so it's a futile effort to squeeze it between her rock-hard vaginal muscles.

“Fuck!” She complains. Without caring about his boner at all, she takes his pointer finger and puts it in her pussy instead. This one fits well so she wriggles and twists her lower body on his finger. It doesn’t get deep, but it’s just as thick as the rest of his body, so it feels like a small dick, with some extra dexterity.

Gunner, despite his distaste for being a concubine, has no clue how sex works so he deadfishes while Toph goes up, down, and side to side on his finger. All his crew told him is that he has to bring his rum barrel to just below the girl’s poopdeck. Unfortunately, this isn’t clear enough for him to understand. He does instinctively feel that he should pump his dick up and down after he sees Toph’s writhing naked body.

He brings his other hand and starts stroking his dick, which he can’t even wrap his hand all the way around. Toph finally cums soon after he begins stroking himself, sending her into spasms.

With anger at the fact that she can’t get a creampie, Toph slaps Gunner’s abs. Gunner grunts in alarm and arousal from staring at Toph’s post-orgasm face as he cums for the first time in his life into the air like a geyser, which ends up on Toph’s hair and face and drips off slowly. Toph tries to wipe the cum off her face, but it’s too sticky and ends up getting everywhere like syrup. “Fuck! Dan’s with that slut. I need a waterbender to add to my collection.” Haru would have facepalmed if he weren’t still handcuffed.

Gunner, meanwhile, throught he had real sex, so he was smiling happily like a little kid at losing his virginity. Toph plans to ask Nuwa, the sexpert, how to fit Gunner inside her. She doesn’t want to admit defeat to his penis, but she has no good ideas. Since her earthbending methods don’t work, then she will have to adjust.

This is what she learned the last three months working with Dan. He could do lots of things from the shadows that she couldn’t do head on from the light. If trying head-on the first way she can think of doesn’t work, then she should think of another method and try head-on that way!

Since she’s sticky all over and fully naked, she screams for Nuwa. “Hey, Stella! Oi, come over here!” Azula enters, thinking it’s something serious regarding the fight earlier today, only to see three naked people, one of them dripping with cum and one of them having way too much body hair. “Fucking hell, Toph!” Gagging, Azula quickly exits the small tent and shouts, “Can’t you just admit you need help cleaning?!”

Nuwa walks over sleepily and gives a casual “oh” at what Azula says, before walking in, pulling out her [E-Vibe], and bending all the purified cum in the room into a ball. She puts it into her mouth and chews on it, “Not bad, bit earthy though.”

+15k LEE, Total: 1314k LEE

Now awake, Nuwa cringes at how much body hair the naked Gunner has. It’s all over his chest, abs, crotch, legs, arms, back, hands, feet, butt, and face. “You want to borrow my [Shaver], Toph?”

Toph matter-of-factly replies, “No, he’s just right as is. How do I fit that inside me though?” Nuwa looks interestedly at the stump of a dick and then Toph’s clearly inadequate vagina. She puts on a smirk and says, “You thought you could fit it? Hahaha, that’s as wide as a baby’s head, how ridiculous. It’d displace your pelvic bones, tear your vaginal muscles, and overall cause a lot of bruising and bleeding if you actually managed to get it in. You wouldn’t be able to walk for a full week even with healing. Maybe if you were in the later stages of pregnancy, when your bones are loosened by hormones, you could fit it.

Although, Toph is loath to admit defeat, she admits that even she doesn’t want her pelvic bones dislocated and her muscles torn. How’s she going to do her favorite activity of beating people up if she can’t walk? Plus, she has yet to admit defeat. There’s only a temporary truce between her pussy and the stump.

Toph puts on a serious face and asks Nuwa, “What do I have to do?”

Giggling, Nuwa teases, “Hmm, if only you had wider hips like mine..”

Toph growls, upon which Nuwa quiets down. Like Dan, she too never takes teasing Toph too far. There’s not much she can do against a metalbender with Toph’s level of skill if it came down to blows. Toph could tie her up and do whatever she wants to her if she wanted to.

The reason they never come to blows is because they share a strange camaraderie when it comes to lacking inhibitions. Nuwa, however, is the only one that can smooth out all the consequences involved with wild behavior. Toph actually does know that she tends to cause a lot of problems, and she knows that Nuwa will always back her up even if she goes too far. So she can threaten Nuwa and even get a bit physical, but she also won’t go too far no matter how mad she is. That’s what friends are for.

Nuwa explains, “You can earthbend a dildo and keep it inside you. Slowly expand the width of the dildo over time. It can’t be all at once or you’ll be injured. Your body needs time to adjust your bones and muscles to be wider. Then, lather a solution that I provide you onto his dick. It is called lubrication and it will allow his dick to slide into your pussy easier.”

“However, there are downsides to this. If you go through with this, your vagina will be very loose and you may not feel much pleasure from normal dicks like Haru’s. The muscles involved in your vaginal walls will not be able to squeeze his dick properly. It will take time and muscle retraining to retighten your vagina afterwards.”

Toph hardens her eyes and asks hesitantly, “What’s the time frame for the training and are there any other options?”

Nuwa estimates and replies, “It depends on how well your body takes to the method. It could be anywhere from 3 months to 13 months. Alternatively, I could see if I have some sort of tool to change his penis structure so it’s not so awkwardly shaped. That should be an immediate fix.”

Gritting her teeth, Toph asks, “Can the thingy bring his donger back to normal later?”

Nuwa puts a finger up and says, “One moment, let me get it.” Running back to her tent, Nuwa asks [System], “What kind of iron-tier options do you have for penis modification?”

*[Shop] has a Biomatter Rearranger that can redistribute matter in his body as he wishes for 400k LEE.*

“The lengths I go to for my friends.. oh well, buy it. Disable every option other than rearranging his penis girth and length. Toph won’t like it if his body can become normal.”

-400k LEE, Total: 914k LEE

Returning to Toph’s tent, Nuwa finds that Haru is finally unshackled and the clothed Toph is staring at Gunner’s soft dick like it's her worst enemy. Gunner feels some existential threat to his being, but he isn’t sure where it’s coming from. Nuwa passes an object that appears equivalent to a condom to Toph. She explains, “Wrap this around his dick and you should be able to order it to be long or wide by saying ‘long’ or ‘wide’. It will only react to your voice.”

Toph puts it around Gunner’s soft dick and the device dissolves into his skin. She then says ‘long’ and the limp penis slowly shrinks in girth and becomes longer. Toph is still frustrated that she had to call a truce with his stump, though. She’s in no mood to try out Gunner’s modified penis.

Nuwa pats Toph’s back and exits. Tomorrow, they’ll pick up Aiwei and Xai Bau from a nearby village.

+10k LEE, Total: 924k LEE

The next morning, they arrive at a small desert town named Misty Palms Oasis.

The members of Team Avatar don’t see the two at the agreed upon meeting point of the fountain, so they touch down and prepare their backup plan: stick together and give Nyla one of Aiwei’s used briefs. Nuwa had instructed Dan to snag one of these during his counterintelligence missions with Aiwei.

She hadn’t known that June would join their Gang, but she was prepared to hire her in case one of her friends went missing. June’s basically the Liam Neeson of Avatar, so of course she had to make use of her. That’s why she had used underwears of all of her friends, minus the old men who can take care of themselves, in her [Inventory], which no one but her could access. It’s totally not because she’s a hopeless pervert.

Nyla takes a whiff and a spiritual scent trail appears in her vision. There’s no way scents can carry across entire continents. Nyla actually has odor receptors that are so closely attuned to her chakra that they connect to the Spirit Realm, where distance is irrelevant. June, Toph, Azula, and Dan hop on Nyla and ride her to find whatever happened to Aiwei and Xai Bau.

Nuwa hopes that it’s just bandits or some other afterthought, and not the Fire Nation military. If they are occupying this village, then they might be intending to box Omashu and intercept their supply lines. It’s also possible that they intend to unveil the airship fleet sooner than expected after suffering a major defeat in Ba Sing Se. 

The Fire Nation troops would require some way to improve morale in the face of a widespread rallying of resistance and belief among the commoners in the Supreme Commander Toph. Nuwa isn’t joining them on this mission. Azula and Dan are more than adequate in the smarts department to make up for June’s lack of information and Toph’s rash behavior.

Nyla takes them near what looks like an abandoned warehouse. The four of them get off and Dan leads them to an alley adjacent to the warehouse. Dan grimaces at the reading. The warehouse itself is far larger than his blood sensing range of only 10m, but from what he can sense, there’s some orderly, well-built men listening and nodding their heads. He whispers, “Soldiers, at least 10 from what I can see, but definitely more.”

Toph is about to stomp the ground to get a better reading, because her earth sense can definitely see farther in the sand, but Dan hurriedly bloodbends her. He urgently whispers, “These walls are thin! Can’t you hear them talking? They would have heard you.” Azula concurs with a nod and asks June to use some of her stealth prowess to get a better reading.

June smiles smugly at her chance to prove herself useful and climbs up some small crevices in the sandstone of the warehouse to peek through a hole. She sees about 80 people. There’s a commander doing a roll call on 60 footsoldiers. There’s about 10 banged up soldiers off to the side with varying levels of slash wounds. Another 10 people are dressed as engineers working on fixing up some banged up glider-like constructs.

Xai Bau and Aiwei are tied up and bruised all over in a corner. June almost loses her composure and exposes herself at the thought of her ticket to riches going down under. She lets her anger simmer down and her first thought is, ‘Who could think to hurt that harmless, innocent boy?’

Aiwei had caught onto a lie earlier that morning and had followed a few suspicious looking people with Xai Bau to a recently established undercover military base. They were caught and had tried to run, but there were far too many troops. Aiwei isn’t trained in combat yet. Xai Bau fought them off with his guandao and injured several of them, but expressly made sure to avoid lethal blows and let them know he was avoiding lethal blows.

In fact, Xai Bau could get Aiwei and himself out of there, but he isn’t sure if they would make it out without crippling injuries. He would have to kill a lot of soldiers, which would earn fatal retaliation in kind from the soldiers. Luckily, he caught sight of Appa entering the town as he was brought into the building, so he didn’t offer any further resistance.

June let the people down below know what is going on inside. Azula asks if they are dressed in Fire Nation armor. June furrows her brows and says, “They aren’t wearing armor, but they’re definitely Fire Nation soldiers.”

Azula shakes her head and says, “Noble families from the Fire Nation have their own private forces, primarily to protect their land and interests. These forces function like mercenaries and have connections to the military, but aren’t allowed to wear Fire Nation military armor, or they could be marked for treason. If I was allowed to remove my mask, I’d be able to assume temporary command over these lackeys with a bit of convincing and promises of money, but I’m sure that would throw a wrench in Nuwa’s plans and draw more attention than necessary to Omashu.”

Toph does her best attempt at a whisper, “So we fight?!”

Azula sighs, eliciting an understanding look from Dan. She says, “First, let’s think of a plan. Then, we’ll fight. Toph, to what degree can you bend all this sand?”

Toph blanks, then whispers, “Woops, my earth sense barely works here. I didn’t notice because I could still see with my ears. This sand has a much different feel than the earth I’m used to bending. I can feel some more solid rock near the palm trees, but that’s the foundation upon which the oasis is built. If I tear those out, sinkholes could swallow nearby houses, involving innocent people.”

Dan shrugs and suggests, “Stick to metalbending then. There’s bound to be lots of metal in there. For defense against fire blasts, we can use human shields.”

June balks at the mental imagery. Azula narrows her eyes and says, “Killing is no good. We should avoid direct confrontation. Let’s capture their commander and a few others, then do a hostage swap. Metalbending would expose that Toph, the Supreme Commander, is present, which is the last thing we want. Fire Nation troops aren’t dumb like the Earth Kingdom troops. They’ll know that they can get huge rewards for killing Toph the moment they see metalbending and their morale will shoot up.”

June suggests, “Why don’t we let Nyla paralyze the commander with her tongue and then I’ll latch onto his body with my whip and pull him over?”

Dan concurs, “I can help carry the weight with my bloodbending.”

Azula pats Toph’s back and says, “If the hostage swap doesn’t work, you’re free to go wild with metalbending.”

Toph snorts, spits, and mumbles, “Let’s just get this over with.”

Azula smiles and thinks, ‘Calling for Dai Li reinforcements is obviously the safest way to go, but that’s nowhere near as fun as being outnumbered 5 to 60.’

Toph covers her face in a tight shawl, and jumps from the next building over directly into a stomp that collapses a loli-sized hole in the sandstone of the warehouse. Nyla follows into that hole immediately afterwards, breaking enough sandstone to expand it 4 times over with Azula, Dan, and June on her back.


(A/N: Toph experiences her first few losses since the day she met Nuwa! One against the Stump! One against Sand! Now I suppose she can only call herself the greatest rockbender of all time?)

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