Nuwa System

Chapter 97 – Coronation, Danger

Aang wakes up in the early afternoon with a big headache and a winged lemur on his face. “Pffbbtoii! Urrgh.. Momo your tail fur is all over my mouth. Yuuuck!” Aang cleans up his face, nose, and tongue as well as he can with waterbending.

Momo starts crying and whining in his sleep. Aang looks at him with pity and shakes him awake. After a few minutes to let Momo shake off the sleepy blues, Aang asks, “Let’s hear it. Why are you so depressed? We all thought you got hitched!”

Momo wipes his eyes and then starts crying again while making various gesticulations. This is a language only those who grew up around flying lemurs or studied them for years can understand. Aang nods after each set of gestures and after Momo finishes, he repeats the series of events verbally to check his understanding.

“You’re saying you smelt the scent of a female winged lemur and followed it to a hidden nest where there was a batch of survivors. There, you fell in love with a ‘total fucking bitch’ of a female lemur. You didn’t know she was a ‘total fucking bitch’ or you wouldn’t have tapped her? So what if she likes to laze around and doesn’t lick your fur? I wouldn’t want to lick your fur. It’s just fluffy and nice to pet, that’s all.”

Momo nods to indicate that Aang translated correctly, but then he gets mad about the insults to his fur. His woman should be licking his fur! That’s what women are for.

With more whimpering and whining, Momo continues to gesticulate.

Aang translates, “You even had babies with her? You idiot lemur! Go back and take care of your kids! What’s with your fixation about licking fur? What happens if one of the other males in the nest raises your own children? For shame, bro!”

Momo squeaks in indignation at the thought of his children getting their fur licked by other guys! He angrily runs out and flies away. Aang blanks and says in the direction he left, “Ok, bye buddy.”

Suddenly, Aang is left not knowing what to do other than spend time with Katara. The reality that he’s about to be a father hasn’t set in yet. He’s already taken down Ozai and the rest of the work is convincing the Fire Nation military that their job is done. Aang supposes it’s time to make plans for the air nomads. Maybe building an air temple in the place that is soon to be Republic City!

~ ~ ~

Zuko gets up soon after to hustle and bustle in the Royal Palace with an equally killer headache. He asks, “What’s going on?” but the servants are too busy to respond to him as they rush around barking out orders and tasks.

Nuwa comes out of the underwear section of his wardrobe closet and innocently says, “Good morning Zuzu.” Still waking up, Zuko does not notice his underwear that Nuwa has in her hand that she tosses back inside. Nuwa explains, “It’s necessary to have a rushed formal coronation to appease the people that their Nation is not invaded and that life is going to go on like normal. You will be standing up in front of the crowd and accepting the mantle of the Fire Lord in two hours. See ya.” Nuwa walks out right away.

Standing up, Zuko goes straight to the bathroom and throws up. Now that he’s finally feeling better, he wipes his face and mouth down before going to check on if Nuwa is still there. Then her words register for him, “Coronation, two hours?!” The maids and servants startle from their tasks with Zuko’s exclamation and nearly tackle him to the ground as they begin to work on his face, hair, and outfit. Another maid is nearby stuffing his mouth with some warm bread. There’s no time to actually feed him adequately for the long day, so he’ll be snacking throughout.

The Plaza in front of the Royal Palace is quickly refurbished and traces of fighting are removed or hidden to make way for decorations and celebratory materials. Crowds form to watch which hinders the set up efforts, but also prevents vehicles from passing through, which is good. The Pea family guards are put to good use as security forces here, unlike yesterday. They pop up at places where tensions escalate among disgruntled soldiers and firebender supremacists to forcefully calm any bad situations down.

~ ~ ~

The coronation begins with Zuko exiting the Palace in full Fire Lord attire, minus the official headpiece. Aang is also dressed up in fancy looking air nomad clothes that they must have stolen off of some dead monk. He walks right next to Zuko holding the headpiece out for display on a red cushion. They both go onto a stage amid a long procession of servants.

All the noble family heads, influential merchants, high-ranking rebel leaders, and the gang are sitting or standing among the spectators. Iroh and Azula walk out of an enclosure on the stage also costumed up to match the occasion. Nuwa giggles at how uncomfortable Azula looks in the frilly princess ball gown.

Aang puts the headpiece down on a table and wields a megaphone that a servant passes to him. He begins an impromptu speech, “Umm.. people of the Fire Nation. I am not a vengeful person. I only wanted peace. That’s all I, as an air nomad, ask for. Peace is not something that would occur under the reign of Ozai, which is why we organized this early succession of the throne to his son, and my dear friend, Prince Zuko. Soon to be FIRE LORD ZUKO!”

The citizens experienced the horrors of war yesterday, so knowing that it is over and understanding Aang’s simple plight, the scattered applause at the end of Aang’s speech soon becomes resounding. They feel shame for the Fire Nation being the one to destroy the entirety of this boy’s family and culture as well as pity for the boy himself, so their applause for his victory is heartfelt, despite being part of the losing team. All in all, it’s a jolly good show of sportsmanship, or warsmanship?

Zuko takes the megaphone and says, “Thank you, Aang. For too long, the culture of the Fire Nation has been defiled by my father’s twisted beliefs. We reaped animal and human lives like wheat! We shut down the intellectuals and wise elders who said that firebending shouldn’t come from anger. We burned books of sacred history and wisdom left by our forefathers! Even the Fire Sages, our top religious body, tried to prevent the Avatar from reaching out to his past life, the former Avatar Roku. We have.. lost our way. We have conducted our policies out of balance with the world, but it’s never too late to change, so it’s high time we start to set things right. I’ll be discussing a peace treaty with the Earth Kingdom and Water Tribes regarding the status of the Fire Nation colonies in the coming months. Do not worry. I will do my best to restore the honor of the Fire Nation that it had lost since the reign of Sozin, my great-grandfather.”

The citizens are noticeably less excited since Zuko brought up all the horrible things they did without exactly highlighting what he is going to change, but the implication is that he’ll stop doing what Ozai did, so his vague promises of change are translated into whatever their minds want. Women are happiest with the announcement of Zuko’s coronation. They’re eager to have their men safe back at home instead of in the military facing danger. The women, for the most part, aren’t a fan of extremist ideologies like bender supremacy or Fire Nation supremacy, not when the ideologies encourage so much violence. Of course, Zuko’s dashing looks plays no small part in their enthusiasm.

The coronation is handled well. Pea family troops keep order and there is an atmosphere of slightly cheerful catharsis. Aang takes the Fire Lord’s 5-pronged headpiece which is shaped like a flame and fixes it on Zuko’s topknot just like he did yesterday, but this time officially before the citizens.

Nuwa feels something off though. She looks around and cannot identify where that feeling comes from. Trusting her gut, she returns to the Pea family mansion and goes to the Spirit Realm. Nuwa doesn’t specify where she wants to appear, so when she opens her eyes, she finds herself somewhere she had never been before. 

Dust and sand rises off the ground from the hot desert winds. There’s no sign of life anywhere nearby. Nuwa’s sight isn’t focused on the dunes or lifelessness around her though, it’s fixated on the deep abyss that she can’t see the bottom of in front of her feet. One step forward and she could have fallen in. The abyss is seemingly random, in the middle of a desert in between dunes, but not filled up with sand, nor lit by the burning sun.

Interpreting the scene, Nuwa realizes that this is a crystal clear warning from Willie that she or the gang is in danger. A greater threat approaches. She immediately exits the Spirit Realm and heads over to tell Azula. Then she remembers the comet! She can’t remember the day though.

“[System], according to my memories of canon, when is Sozin’s comet set to fly overhead?”

*According to canon, it should be 22 days from now. The 100x boost to firebending comes with no negative repercussions on chi consumption and will last for 30 hours.*

‘Fuck me sideways. The devastation that can be wrought by firebenders high on their power that day could be disastrous. We cannot pull out the entire Fire Nation military from the colonies or else there will be riots, public killings of nobles, and utter chaos. It would be anarchy. Bah, I need E-Nuwa for this.’

Nuwa makes it to where Azula is awkwardly shuffling in her dress and keeping away nobles who intend to bother her with her signature menacing stare. Giggling softly to herself, Nuwa pulls Azula away from the plaza reception back to the Pea mansion. Once inside their room, she shuts the door. Azula immediately begins to strip, but Nuwa stops her.

“Wouldn’t it be exciting to screw me with that frilly dress?” says Nuwa with a mischievous look in her eye.

Azula replies flatly, “No, it’s just uncomfortable and clunky with how I can barely move. I’m a martial artist you know.”

Pouting, Nuwa says, “Pleeeeassse.”

Azula relents, “Fine, whatever.”

Nuwa hardly has to strip since she’s going commando as usual. She pulls Azula’s ballgown style dress up and removes her panties from under the layers upon layers of fabric. Nuwa aligns herself with the full-body mirror on the wall and gets into a doggy style position. She drapes the bottom of Azula’s dress over her back so that she can see how awkward Azula will be at sex in a girly dress!

She has to do this in public next time, that’ll be the talk of the tea party for sure. It would all be implied sex. Nothing will be visible because everything would occur under the dresses.

Azula grumbles and has to feel Nuwa’s ass under the dress in order to find her pussy, then she shoves her big cock in. E-Nuwa emerges and considers countermeasures for the comet. She relays them to Nuwa, then lets Nuwa enjoy herself like she did last night.

With how tired Azula is from fucking all of last night with no sleep and parading herself around like a peacock today, she collapses on top of Nuwa once she finishes inside her. They moved during sex so that they’re on the bed. She’s still awake, but her eyes don’t want to open. Nuwa says, “Hey Azula, I got some bad news.”

Azula snaps fully awake and pulls her dick out so that Nuwa can clean up and they can talk business. She gathers that any kind of bad news that Nuwa would interrupt her rest over must be pretty bad. Nuwa obliges and bends all the fluid into her mouth with a brief summon of her waterbending imbued [E-Vibe].

+15k LEE, Total: 2833k LEE

Once she chews the sticky treat and swallows, Nuwa says with a serious face, “I got a message from the Spirit Realm. There will be danger. I’m not sure what kind, but the vision was that even I will be in danger. With how powerful I am, the gang will definitely not be safe either.”

Growing agitated, Azula’s body starts to heat up and her dress disintegrates as she clenches her teeth and fists. Nothing can threaten her lover, baby, or friends and live!

Nuwa reassures Azula tenderly, “Relax, we’ll work together. We should also train hard prior to Sozin’s comet. I suspect that the comet will be the catalyst. I’ll give Zuko some plans on how to deal with the chaos that will follow the comet’s arrival and then we’ll spend most of our time training after that. No matter what, we’ll make it through this, love.”

With deep breaths, Azula calms down, looks in Nuwa’s eyes and kisses her deeply. Their earlier sex had not been so passionate because of the discomfort, but when Azula is reminded of their mortality, she is also reminded that she should cherish each and every moment of time together with Nuwa as a blessing. Their lips connect. Their tongues roll together gently with periodic bouts of aggression.

Nuwa feels desperation and fear among the medley of psychic signals that she gets from Azula. She pulls away to speak, but Azula follows her lips. Then, Nuwa tries speaking through the psychic connection. She says, ‘Zul, you don’t have to worry so much. I am immortal.’

Azula opens her eyes wide and looks at Nuwa with slight incredulity and glee. Tapping into the feeling of the psychic connection herself, she tries to speak back, ‘Really? You can’t die?’

However excited Nuwa is that she can speak directly into Azula’s mind, this is still a big reveal to make, so she is very nervous. She clarifies, ‘Well, it’s not like that. I can die, but instead of being reincarnated without memories, I am reincarnated elsewhere with my memories. Elsewhere meaning, not this world. I’ll have to find my way back to you or find a way to bring you with me.’

Somewhat discombobulated, Azula finds the concept of reincarnation easy to understand, but other worlds very difficult. What she understands is that Nuwa could be gone for a long time if she dies. Even if the Phoenix fire makes her immortal, the thought that Nuwa would always be out there waiting for their reunion sends butterflies fluttering in her chest. She hesitantly transmits, ‘How many lives have you lived?’

Nuwa resumes the paused kiss and tries to transmit images of her first life. None of the images are clear, other than her husband, John. Of course, to satisfy Azula’s vanity, she shows the image of his micro-penis, which elicits a few giggles from Azula. ‘I guess now I know why you love sex..’

Blushing, Nuwa transmits back, ‘Oh gosh, stop! It’s so embarrassing now that I think back to it. I was so naive in my first life. This is only my second.’

Azula pulls away from the kiss and tries to transmit her thoughts, but the connection is unclear once they stop kissing. She speaks aloud, “If you go, I’ll always wait for you. If you bring me, I’ll always follow you.”

With moist eyes at how easily Azula accepted her past life, Nuwa hugs her and replies bashfully, “And I you.” They cuddle to sleep.


(A/N: Momo is a bit of a sexist D: lol)


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