Obey me

Chapter 28. Trouble does not come alone

It all happened too suddenly.

The next morning, when there was no sign of trouble, they were to leave the castle and head south as planned. Despite her late bedtime, Remesis awakened in reasonably good spirits. She was about to get up to order the servants to begin preparations for departure. Until she heard wheezing sounds beside her.

At first, the girl thought she had misheard. But no. Turning her head, she was surprised to find the princess sleeping on the same bed, breathing heavily. Her eyes were closed. Touching her hand, Remesis suddenly felt that it was very hot, although Asil's usual body temperature was quite low.

Remesis tried to wake her up on her own, but nothing worked. Then she had no choice but to enlist the help of the maester, the only person in the castle with healing skills.

But even then, she was in for a surprise.

— Your Highness, I don't even know what to say…

After carefully examining Asil, Maester Luwen shook his head perplexedly. Meanwhile, Remesis, who was standing by the bed and waiting for his conclusion, couldn't stand it.

— What do you mean? — She immediately asked again.

— It's an unknown ailment,» the old man shrugged helplessly, «Her Highness has a high fever, but I haven't noticed any other symptoms, so I can only diagnose fever. This fever is probably serious.

Remesis pressed her lips together.

— You mean…? — She summarized nervously.

— Since there are no other symptoms, to say it's a common cold or infection would be wrong. To be honest, this is the first time I've encountered such a case in my entire practice…''

Maester Leeuwen, although he was not a doctor by profession, still had the necessary expertise in this matter. And if Asil's condition had left him confused, then Remesis was nothing to speak of. She was in a panic.

The girl could not understand at all: how could this happen. After all, just yesterday everything was fine, and at the wedding ceremony Asil showed no signs of sickness. But in the morning she suddenly developed a fever. A high fever. Remesis was at a loss as to how the princess had gotten sick. Especially at such an inopportune time.

— …I remember you said that before coming here, Her Highness was wounded and didn't receive timely help,» the old man said thoughtfully, «Perhaps that's the reason. A child's body is under a great deal of stress, and it may well have weakened. But since I'm not sure of the diagnosis, I can't prescribe medicine at random. The best thing to do right now is to take a normal antipyretic.

Remesis's face turned pale. She sat back in her chair and stared dumbly at the princess.

— Maester Leeuwen… How serious is it? — She muttered, turning to him.

He sighed.

— More than serious. Judging from Her Highness's condition, she will have to be on bed rest for at least ten days. Nutrition must be strictly balanced. And, of course, any physical activity is forbidden.

Listening to the maester, Remesis put her hand to her temple as if she had a headache. She shifted her gaze to Asil, who still hadn't regained consciousness. Cold sweat broke out on her forehead, taking all her strength. Even without the maester's words, one could tell that this was no small matter.

It looked like Remesis had been overconfident when she'd thought it would be all right this time. Apparently, just stopping the blood wasn't enough. The princess had been out in the cold like that for weeks. And the side effects from that had shown up at the most unexpected moment.

Even though she already knew the answer, she still asked:

— So Her Highness won't be able to go to the south?

Maester Luwen shook his head.

— Right now, she needed rest and only rest. If Her Highness were to go anywhere in her current state of health, it would be difficult to foresee complications…''

Remesis was silent for a while. Although this situation had confused her, there was no time to recover. If they didn't show up to the council on time, the Imperial Court would have a reason to accuse them of disrespect. And then the consequences would be much worse. At any rate, someone has to go and represent the northern region.

And if Asil can't do that, then…''

Maester Luwen froze, waiting for her final decision. Remesis covered her eyes for a moment, then opened them again. The look in her sapphire eyes became serious.

— So you're going after all…? — he read the expression on her face.

— I am the princess of the North and regent of Her Highness. I believe I am the only person in the castle who has the right to do so. It is my duty.

The old man looked at her carefully. He became serious as well.

— Your Highness, the capital… It's not the place you imagine. And especially the Imperial Palace. It is quite dangerous to go there alone. Please allow me to accompany you! — Maester volunteered.

The girl shook her head.

— If you go, who will be left with Her Highness? There will be no one else to take care of her besides you.

The maester hesitantly fell silent, even though he realized she was right.

— But…!

— It'll be all right,» Remezis objected, «Hannes is coming with me, too. He'll be able to protect me if anything happens.


The old man pressed his lips together.

— Besides, it won't be for long. I'll be back as soon as it's over.

Maester seemed to want to add something else, but the sight of the princess's utter determination made him take back his words. He had forgotten that this girl was a very unusual child. Her courage was sometimes the envy of a grown man.

— Your Highness, if you're sure… Then I can't stop you.

Maester Luwen sighed. Remesis nodded to him.

— Please take care of Her Highness,» she asked.

— Of course,» the old man smiled weakly, «You can count on me for that.

Remesis took one more look at the princess before leaving the room. Asil's eyes were closed, she was breathing heavily. Remesis stood on the threshold for a while, holding onto the doorjamb. There was uneasiness in her heart. Nevertheless, in the next instant the girl resolutely cast aside all doubts and moved forward. «That little devil…» Well aware of Asil's resilience, Remesis remained confident that she would be fine.

And she herself needed to deal with her immediate problems first.

The courtyard was bustling with activity. The servants were finishing the last preparations before leaving. The princess was accompanied by a small detachment of only seven men. They were led by the commander of Fortress Nord. Since the castle was already understaffed, Remesis preferred not to waste any extra manpower that might be needed here. Besides, it is not without reason that they say that one Nord warrior is worth several Southerners.

The girl was warmly dressed today. The hooded fur cloak looked bulky and almost covered her entire body. But external beauty in the wanderings in the north stood clearly not in the first place.

In front of the soldiers who were already waiting for her, Remesis dropped only one word:

— Let's go.

— Yes!

Hannes Wrightly pulled the reins and the horse under him took off. The hooves of the other horses rumbled. The wagon carrying Remesis creaked, swaying slightly on the uneven ground. They passed under the watchtower and over the drawbridge, then past the outer walls.

All this time Remesis kept her eyes on the castle and the tower where Asil lay. And once the small window was no longer visible, she finally sighed and pulled back the curtain. «It's going to be okay…» — she mentally repeated to herself like a mantra.

Their trip, like any journey through the North, was not going to be an easy one.

For days on end, they wandered across the vast northern plains. Stopping only to give the horses a rest. Sometimes the guardsmen had to take risks: fighting wild beasts or a couple or three barbarians. But fortunately, there were no serious precedents.

Soon they left the land of eternal ice.

The snowy fields gave way to green fields, revealing blue skies and a vastness that was breathtaking. The southern valley was flooded with sunlight that was almost impossible to catch in the north. It began to get hot and Remesis took off her cloak. She looked out the window with delight and noticed wild flowers and grasses on the sides of the road where they were traveling.

They drove through lush green groves, past orchards and fields of golden wheat, a dozen sunlit streams. Remesis's heart fluttered. She had been born and spent half her childhood in the South. But never… Never had she seen anything like this. Or rather, she'd never seen anything at all. And that in this life or that one, she regretted it terribly.

At some point the girl even gave in to blissful daydreaming.

«I wish in the future I could buy a cottage in one of these villages. Then I could see this beauty every day.»

Such a life appealed to her far more than all the temptations of the capital. And yet that was where they had to go now.

All together, the journey would take almost two weeks. The first meeting of the Small Council was to be held tomorrow, and Remesis and her companions had just arrived at the gates of the capital. The guards thoroughly checked everyone's pass before allowing them into the city. Precautions had recently been stepped up to prevent an influx of refugees from neighboring countries. Those, in turn, were known to engage in illegal activities within the empire.

Because of this, a large queue had formed at the entrance. As their squad approached the city, Remesis couldn't even see the gates themselves. So dense were the other wagons encircling the road. At the girl's command, Hannes rode on ahead and returned a short time later with not very happy news.

— Your Highness, I'm afraid we'll have to stay here for a while.....

— How long? — Remesis asked.

— There are two large queues,» the man said, «It is impossible to calculate the exact number of carriages, but… It will take at least two days to reach us.

Remesis remained stunned by this verdict.

— Are you kidding? We'll have to wait in line that long? — she exclaimed.

The knight shrugged, but could offer nothing else. They had been on the road for over a week and were very tired. The girl couldn't believe that now they would have to go through such an ordeal as well. Two days of standing outside in the scorching sun. Especially since food and water were almost out too.

— Your Highness…» Hannes said uncertainly.

— I know,» Remesis sighed heavily, «We'll be late for the palace.

«If I had known it would be like this, I would have left a few more days earlier. But what can we do now?» Remesis mentally prepared herself that when they did get to the palace, a scandal would break out. Since the situation was already doomed anyway: the girl took it for granted. After such a long journey, she had absolutely no energy left for anger or hysteria.

With a dejected look, she looked out the window, but the queue in front of them, as a pity, did not move at all. Two hours passed like that. Many people had slept right there and even camped out overnight. They would probably have to do the same tonight. Remesis was about to give the appropriate order when the sudden cheers and whispers of the surrounding people made her keep quiet.

She could guess from the excitement that some important person had arrived. But Remesis wasn't particularly interested in that. For now…

— Princess Rania, it seems we have met again.

Remesis looked out the window and was surprised to see that another carriage had stopped right in front of them. And the passenger in it was familiar to her.

The girl involuntarily furrowed her eyebrows.

Unlike her, the heiress of the astrological order was accompanied by an impressive procession. The guards were on horseback, and the servants were on foot. Above their heads, a faint south wind fluttered a dozen blue banners embroidered with a golden coat of arms. The Triune Moon, which every citizen of Nadal had known since infancy.

Not to say Remesis was much surprised to find her here. After all, the central astrological tower, Glencia, was located in the capital. Furthermore, Halias Daehsin was also a permanent member of the Small Council. Apparently, they had come to the city for the same purpose.

According to the formalities, the lower status Remesis should have stepped out of the carriage and personally greeted the higher lords. But those green eyes, with their hidden mockery in them, irritated her with their mere appearance. Besides, the girl was too tired and was not in the mood for small talk.

Tilting her head slightly, Remesis reported as indifferently as possible:

— Remesis Rania Ashelot welcomes Lady Daehsin.

Upon seeing this picture, Liana Daehsin habitually let out a chuckle. She still couldn't get used to the fact that a child of such a low position in society could be so arrogant. When even most adults bowed to her, Remesis acted like she was doing her a favor.

It was all very, very amusing to Liana.

— Your Highness, what brings you to the capital? — She inquired.

— Fortress Nord was honored to receive a summons from the Imperial Palace, ' Remesis replied, 'following His Imperial Majesty's orders, I have come to represent the north at the Small Council.

The eldest daughter of the Supreme Astrologer nodded understandingly.

— It must have been a hard trip,» she suggested, «You must be tired.

— I am,» the girl did not deny it.

— Is the Princess with you now, too?

— No… Unfortunately, my consort fell ill the night before she left,» Remesis answered without much desire, «So I am also here to represent the north on her behalf.

A glint flashed in Liana's eyes.

— So you came alone? — The girl clarified.

Remesis hesitated, not understanding why the heiress of the Order had suddenly decided to stop in the middle of the road and talk to her. And this strange interrogation still did not end. The girl wished she could just send her away.

It was as if Liana had read her thoughts by the look on her face. She didn't hold back a chuckle.

— You don't seem to like my company very much, do you? — The noblewoman snarled.

— I wouldn't dare, Lady Daehsin,» Remesis grumbled reluctantly, «I'm just tired and I don't think this place is the right place for conversation.

The girl looked around.

— Yes, you are right…» she said slowly, looking at the huge line ahead of her, «In that case, would you like to continue the conversation inside?

— А…?

Remesis didn't quite understand what she meant until Liana smiled her snow-white smile. Even though she seemed polite, the girl sensed some sort of catch in all of this. It was as if an inner animal instinct warned of a hidden threat. In her eyes, the successor of the astrological order was a very slippery nature.

But here, contrary to Remesis' expectations, the girl pulled some item from her robe. Following that, she casually spoke:

— Your Highness, order your men to follow us.

— What?

When Remesis' eyes widened in surprise, Liana Daehsin's lips stretched into a mysterious smile. She squinted her eyes.

— You want to get into the city, don't you?

Then Remesis saw that the thing she pulled out was a gold-plated pass card.

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