Obey me

Chapter 5. A dish that’s served cold

The news that the Carter family's cursed youngest daughter had rejected the professor's proposal had spread throughout the mansion.

Instead, she chose to travel to the northern edge. A place from which it is almost impossible to return alive. The cold, the hunger, the endless battles. In addition, Remesis was also to become the wife of a monstrous princess born under the death star.

No one in their right mind would agree to such a thing. So, everyone just assumed that the girl had lost her mind because of her curse.

— I guess that fucking nothingness had gone completely insane.

When Michel heard the news, it seemed implausible at first. Still, despite her younger sister's «inferiority,» she didn't seem so shallow in his eyes. At least, the girl knew how to keep her mouth shut, which prevented Michel from attacking her. Though he really wanted to…

He couldn't believe that Remesis was really that stupid. So all the rumors about her genius were just fiction? Michel knew it.

— Brother, that bastard got herself into trouble. How could her life have turned out differently?

Katrina smiled wryly, revealing even white teeth. Contrary to the beautiful smile, it did not bode well.

— Yes, you're right… Garbage belongs in a landfill. However, I still wonder what she's counting on.

The Duke's eldest children were at the table for the evening meal. And while their brother and sister were discussing their younger sister's madness, Livius was silently digging into the turkey with his fork.

Michel could not understand: what considerations guided this leper when she refused such a favorable offer? The only chance of salvation that her father, out of the goodness of his heart, had given her. What does she hope to gain?

— Of course, it's all about status,» Katrina scooped up the walnut soup with her spoon, «She thinks that if she becomes a princess of the north, she will be much more powerful than she is now.

This assumption of her sister's made the heir to the family laugh.

— Is she really that brainless? Oh, stars… I can't believe that someone actually called her a genius.

Everyone in the empire, not excluding even little children, knew that the title of owner of the north and wife of a princess was actually worthless. It was just a fancy and flashy title. Whereas in reality, all she would get was a barren, poor land and a wife with no power.

In fact, becoming the wife of Asil Nara Ashelot is like marrying a commoner. No, it's worse. A backyard dog. No one in the palace, not even the maids, show her respect as the emperor's daughter.

Remesis probably hopes to become a member of the imperial family by marriage. What she doesn't realize is that instead of privileges, her status will only sink even lower. Well, it's not for nothing that they say no one can escape the fate of the stars.

While Michelle and Katrina were having fun, their younger brother remained silent the whole time. Finally, the Duke's precious successor turned to him:

— Liv, what do you think?

The boy with topaz eyes stared at him inexpressively. The hand holding the spoon trembled slightly.

— I think the sister is really stupid,» Livius murmured quietly.

— So she is,» Michel nodded contentedly, enjoying the fact that the opinion of the three was unanimous, «Then how about a bet?

— What kind of bet, brother? — Katrina asked curiously.

— How long it will take this thing to die. As far as I'm concerned, a week at the most.

— I give it three days that it won't last much longer than that.

— Three days? Ha ha. Okay. What about you, Liv?

The boy hesitated.

— A month,» he finally answered, lowering his black lashes.

— A month? You seem to have a lot of faith in her,» the young man grinned, «Good. Then we'll see which one of us wins.

The cheerful buzzing in the dining hall could be heard by everyone on the first floor. The reason was that the child hated by everyone without exception would soon leave the place. Which was akin to dropping a stone from one's soul.

«That cursed one will finally stop sullying our house with her presence!»

Remesis happened to catch this conversation while standing on the stairs. A casual grin touched her lips. The family members rejoiced at her departure and her imminent death. But at the same time, no one suspected what was going on in her heart. Remesis had no intention of dying.

Except for her, no one else on the estate thought so. Duke Carter was also sure that she would soon come to her senses. With less and less time left before leaving for the north, he waited every day for this child to come to him with tearful pleas. However, it never happened.

Remesis did not come on the first, second, or third day.

Eventually Michael Carter resigned himself to the fact that she would indeed go to the North. But, like the others, could not understand the reason for such a strange decision.

Remesis is a child who knows nothing about the North. She has no idea what awaits her there.

Michael could only assume one explanation for what was happening. Remesis feared the Emperor's anger, and that relations between their families would deteriorate if she refused to marry. However, that was far from the case.

It wasn't even about the engagement of the Crown Princess, Nevita. The marriage of two cursed children could not be the cause of enmity between the emperor and the pillar of state. His youngest daughter was only senselessly going to risk herself.

However, it was not to say that the man felt any remorse or regret. He honestly recognized that everyone in the house would be better off without this child. Morally, the duke was prepared to receive news of his daughter's death within a couple days of her arrival in the North.

«If only she had never been born…» — was what Michael had often thought in the old days, and to this day.

But then why… the smile he had seen that day still kept him wondering?

Thinking about it, Duke Carter sighed heavily. He was going to just let the situation go. Let the stars decide what would happen.

Especially since he had already kindly responded to the emperor's offer, and the answer came from the other side immediately. Apparently, the emperor really wanted to get rid of his daughter as soon as possible. Therefore, all the preparations were going extremely fast.

Unlike the traditional weddings of the imperial family, when a feast was organized for several weeks, no festivities were prepared for Asil's wedding. Even a modest festive table was considered excessive by the emperor.

The commoners did not have such a shabby 'wedding' as the princess and the duke's daughter. They were officially signed with a marriage contract, and that was the end of the ceremony. They didn't even have rings. As a result, the newlyweds would only have to meet before leaving for the North.

The situation really looked pathetic. But despite everything, Remesis didn't lose heart in the slightest. She had already been through all of this in her past life, so even a shameful wedding was less painful for her.

Especially when she had no time to think about it. She had the most difficult period of her life ahead of her.


The days flew by.

Finally, the day came when it was time to leave. Remesis packed her things with her maid. Even though the entire mansion laughed at her unfortunate fate, Seyla couldn't hold back her tears for her little mistress.

In the eight years they had spent together, the maid had begun to see the girl as more than just a 'walking misfit'. This was in stark contrast to their separation in their former life.

If Remesis had just left things as they were, Seyla would have been happier about her departure than anyone else. The girl knew that secretly, Seila had always wanted to be Katrina's maid, not hers.

— M-my lady, be careful…

The maid could only mumble as she stowed her personal belongings in a large travel bag.

Remesis smiled, looking at the tears in the corners of her eyes, which were completely unexpected.

— I don't need that much. Just pack only the essentials.

— B-but how… It's cold out there! I need to put more warm clothes,» the maid protested.

— One set of clothes will be enough. Oh, yes… Put in a roll of bandages, alcohol and food. More food.

Seila looked at her with moist, surprised eyes. From Remesis' demeanor, one could get the impression that the girl was not going to her residence in the north, but to war.

The maid had long since gotten used to her little mistress acting like an adult. But today it was too much. After all, she could show the emotions of a child once in a while. Especially in such a difficult situation.

But when she met Remesis's firm gaze, the maid realized that she would not tolerate any objections. She sighed.

— Well… I'll clean up.

The preparations took about half an hour. The wagon would leave early in the morning.

Remesis discreetly hid the knife she had managed to sneak from the kitchen under her clothes. In a place like the north, one could not do without weapons. Especially, she supposed she would need one soon enough.

Seyla helped her carry her small luggage downstairs. Suddenly, almost the entire family came out to see Remesis off. Standing in the hallway were Michelle, Katrina, and Livius. The first two barely concealed their triumph, hiding it behind feigned friendliness.

— Sis, you seem to be all packed,» Michel said innocently, «I was wondering if you needed any help.

— I'm very grateful for your concern, big brother. But I can manage on my own.

— Ah, and yet. As your big brother, I feel guilty that I've done almost nothing for you. I should at least carry your things to the carriage.


— As you wish, brother.

Remesis remained silent as Michel approached and took the bag from the maid's hands. A mocking light danced in his eyes as he actually carried her things over and loaded them onto the empty seat. Katrina and Livius followed behind them.

— Thank you for your help, brother.

— No problem at all. We are family, after all.

Michelle and Katrina were clearly mocking her, and Remesis only mentally sighed that they continued to do so even at the very last minute.

The arrogance is so ingrained in their bones that even common sense couldn't sway them. Why can't anyone but Remesis see this?

— Sister, — Katrina took her hand, — Be sure to visit us when you have time, okay? Though, being the princess of the north, you'll probably be quite busy…

Her older sister hid her gloating behind a sweet smile. This girl who was called the angel of the Carter family. While Remesis had always been nothing but a shameful stain.

For many years, she endured rudeness and insults from those around her. In the end, she even died trying to win their favor in a past life. However, that would not happen again. This was the last time Remesis would let them treat her like this.

— Elder sister,» Remesis took her hand as well, «I will definitely find an opportunity to come. I hope you will receive me with the same welcome then.

Her voice sounded affectionate and friendly, but it was cold as metal. Katrina's face turned pale.

She giggled nervously and let go of her hand.

— Of course. What's this about?

— I'm glad to hear it.

Remesis boarded the carriage that was to take her to the Imperial Palace. There, she and Asil were to travel north together. In other words, it wouldn't be long until their «first» meeting.

A slight chill ran through her body at that thought.

Remesis smiled, waving from the window to her family and maid. Livius barely moved his lips: «Be careful.» Remesis discreetly nodded back at him.

The black haired boy blushed, but had to hold back due to the presence of his elders.

They had no relationship before, but they understood each other without words. Her brother was probably the only one who was in any way worried about her before this dangerous journey.

Even her father hadn't shown the slightest concern. Remesis hadn't counted on anything from the start, though.

«Thank you, Livius. You are the only one I consider my family.»

The carriage touched down, and Remesis cast one last glance at the ancestral mansion. A place she would see for the last time in her life. At least, that was the impression one might have gotten.

Then the girl turned away and looked only at the landscape floating by.

Remesis didn't know that all this time, someone else had been watching her. It wasn't just her sister and brothers who were seeing her off. Duke Carter was also carefully watching his daughter's departure from his window.

His gaze was unknowingly filled with anxiety.

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