Of Arms and Arcane

Chapter 1

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Lady Amara Ironcrest tiredly giggled from the bed as she saw her husband Baron Alden Ironcrest try to soothe their newborn son. And after a few seconds of trying, and failing to do so.

She reached out her hands, “It's ok Dear, pass him to me.” Alden passed the baby over to Amara to cradle but the crying continued.

“The young Lord is most likely hungry my Lady, It would be best to start with his first feeding.” the nearby midwife said.

Lady Amara Ironcrest then proceeded to expose one of her breasts and pushed the teat to the baby’s mouth, which was automatically latched on to and the baby quieted down as he started suckling.

“There, all calm now.” Amara said then looked at her downcast husband.

“Don't worry dear, I am sure he will get used to you the more he sees you.” she told her husband who looked sad from his firstborn son crying upon being picked up by him.


Why am I crying? Sure, it was a shock to myself that I died and woke up in this baby’s body. Now that my brain is not slowly dying and I can think properly, my mind is somewhat calm as I try to process the new situation. But I for the life of me can't stop crying.

That was when I was passed back to who I assume to be my mother, this was followed by a woman in a more common looking dress saying something to my mother, and this was followed by my would be mother popping one of her boobs out that was bigger than my head and putting her nipple to my mouth.

My mind and my mum told me not to suck the tit of a woman I don't know, but my body, my body said YES! And latched on and sucking, which seemed to calm my body down. Now that my body was calming down, I noticed I was hungry, and the warm milk I was drinking was sating that hunger.

After some time of drinking from this kind looking woman’s tit, I am now feeling drowsy… was this how I was like when I was a baby last time?... who cares… tired now… think later… nappy time….zzzzzz…


When the baby finally fell asleep, Lady Amara Ironcrest turned to her husband while nursing the sleeping baby.

“So, what shall we name him?” she asked.

“I have thought about this for a while, and I want to name him after my late father, Luke, Luke Ironcrest.” Baron Alden Ironcrest.


When I awoke, I found myself in a cot, when looked to the side, I saw a young woman in a maid’s outfit reading a book.

Not wanting to disturb her reading, I tried to move around to see what this body could do.

After squirming around for a while, I realized I could not do much, I was not strong enough to lift my own head and I could only flail my arms and legs around, I did not even have to strength to flip myself over, so I just laid there and stared at the filigree ceiling and very tasteful crown molding.

But I can only stare for so long, I’m bored, well I suppose that the maid is there to make sure I don't die or something, but she was so engrossed in her book, she did not even see me flailing around, no fair, I want to be entertained too!

So I do what babies do and make cute noises, which attract the maid’s attention. When she looks into the cot and sees me doing the baby equivalent of blowing raspberry and raising my arms towards her in what I think is the universal sign of ‘Give me uppies!’

And sure enough, the maid picks me up while making the equivalent of a baby voice in her language. Alright, got to make this convincing.

I reach for her face and play with her nose and cheeks while I check out my surroundings, the first thing that catches my eye is the mirror on the dresser, the last time I saw myself in the mirror and started crying, I did not get a good look at myself, so now is as a good time as any to check myself out.

I reached my hands out in a grasping motion toward the dresser and the maid followed where I was grasping at. When I was in front of the mirror, I ignored the maid making baby noise at me and took a long hard look at myself.

God damm I'm ugly, well, as ugly as every 1 day old baby I have ever seen, hope those baby wrinkles go away.

Next, I made a grasping motion at a bookshelf, then the biggest book I could see on the bookshelf. When the maid took me to a desk, opened the book, and started narrating to me while keeping her finger to trace the words where she was reading, I noticed that the alphabet they were using looked like a bastardized version of the old German alphabet I saw in some old untranslated sword instruction manuscripts.

Wait a god damm second! The furniture and design of the room, the classical maid uniform, the way that man who I can only assume is my current father was dressed, and some old school looking books.

Did I go back in time!?

I looked around the room and found the door, I must see for myself! After indicating that I was interested in the door, the maid carried me and opened the door only to find my current mother along with another maid.

The maid holding me conversed with my mother and my mother’s smile grew wider as I could only assume my maid was telling my mother of my activities when I woke up.

I was then handed over to my mother and my mother told the other maid something. That maid went to the fireplace knelt down, did some naruto hand sign bullshit, followed by saying “Sol’kath.”

The moment the word left her mouth, a candle sized flame came to to life just above the tip of the maid’s finger, and then proceeded to light the fireplace.

Holy Fucking Shit….. Was that fucking magic!?

My mother clearly saw the amazement on my face and brought a hand in front of me, and with the flick of her fingers, conjured a ball of water the size of a baseball out of thin air.

Holy Fucking Shit!….. IT IS MAGIC!!!

In all my excitement, my body reacted on its own and I proceeded to do baby claps while making very happy baby noise.

I did not go back in time, I am in a world with magic motherfucker!!!

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