Of Arms and Arcane

Chapter 15

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The next 3 days of my life after waking up from almost killing myself was a shit show. The atmosphere of the whole house was gloomy. Mum, Dad, and my grandparents would always have sad and worried look on their face when they see my emaciated form.

The other problem is that my appetite has grown so much that besides being supplemented with soft mashed up fruits, I was drinking more milk than Mum could provide.

The conventional wisdom of child rearing in this world without the invention of baby formula, is to nurse the baby for a year. Which makes Mum very distraught at her inability to produce enough milk to nurse me, and all the maids that signed a confidentiality contract were too old or not with child to produce milk.

So they had to get me a wetnurse, and we were in luck. One of the maids who is under a confidentiality contract told Dad of a young Holstaur couple that just moved to her village and just given birth a week ago.

Now you might be asking what is a Holstaur. A Holstaur is a subspecies of a Minotaur, while Minotaurs are huge, muscular, covered in fur, and mostly live in tribes. Holstaurs are the Minotaur’s smaller cousins that are still bigger in stature than an average human, are on average more physically powerful than a human, are not totally covered in fur like their Minotaur cousins, and mostly live in urban areas among the other races.

The only difference between a human and a Holstaur is the cow ears, tail, legs from the midthigh down to their cloven hooves, and last but not least the ludicrous amounts of highly nutritious milk they produce.

They are so prized for feeding the young that there are even noble lineages of Holstaur houses that serve as nursemaids for the Royal family and high nobility.

Hearing news of a Holstaur couple with a newborn, even without references for previous employment or experiences of raising kids, was a godsend for my father because of the situation I am currently in.

After hearing the news of the Holstaur couple, I saw my Dad almost swing the door off its hinges while calling for someone to ready the carriage and get the scribe, all while he literally slung the maid who gave him the information over his shoulders like a sack of potatoes and ran out the door.

When evening came, a Holstaur woman was escorted to where I was as Mum was holding and feeding me some mashed up fruits. Curious about who cam into the room, I turned to take a look

God damm! This Holstaur woman is THICC in all the places that matter!

The Holstaur picked the hems of her skirt and curtsied towards Mum, “My Lady, I am Anna, at your service to nurse the young master.”

Mum nodded, stood up, and handed me over to Anna. I could see the look in Anna’s eyes that she was aghast at my physical state.

“I fed him all I could, and it was not enough. I supplemented with other foods but it was just not enough, and I do not think his stomach can handle the tougher foods yet.” Mum said as she covered her face and broke out in tears again.

“Worry not my lady, I will do what I can.” Anna said as she sat on a nearby sofa and undid the strap for her left shoulder and exposed her breast…. and that is a really big breast.

I mean, she is a big lady who looks as tall as my dad, but even for a lady of her size… that is ridiculous. Just that one boob is definitely bigger than my body. And it's coming closer to my face.

But at this point, I am so hungry that I don't care. I latch on to that teat and suck hard. What fills my mouth is rich, creamy, and slightly sweet.

I’m sorry Mum, but her milkshake is better than yours.

The minutes turned into an hour and I kept going.

“Oh my, he really can just keep drinking.” Anna said in surprise.

Mum on the other hand felt relieved as she stroked my cheek, “It is a good sign, see, even the color of health is returning to him.”

Mum then rang a handbell to summon a maid, “Please bring Mrs. Anna and me some dinner while Luke is feeding.”

While waiting, my now relieved Mum started getting to know Anna better.

Apparently, Anna and her husband Klaus were just married recently and moved to the village of Fieldhold while she was pregnant, just gave birth to a baby girl named Emma a week ago.

When Mum asked Anna about the terms of her employment, she said she was offered 25 silvers a month with a house provided for her family, and her husband was also hired as one of the house servants.

Now, I am not so sure how much buying power 25 silver has, but if housing is provided, it sounds like a good deal.

While they were talking, the food arrived, and by the time Mum and Anna were done eating, so was I.

Apparently, I was so hungry, that I almost emptied Anna’s boob, I drank so much that her tits now look obviously lopsided. But this was the first time since I almost killed myself that I truly felt full.

After basking in my fullness, a thought came to me.

That was actually a lot of milk I just drank, where the hell is it actually going?

I close my eyes and concentrate all my senses within. 

Fuck! If I am seeing this right, the low-intensity aura is making my metabolism shoot through the roof, why did I not think of this earlier?

Was that chocolate bar commercial correct when it said “You are not you when you are hungry.”?

The longer I look and study what is happening to my body, I soon notice small micro vibrations going on in every part of my body, even my organs. The low-intensity aura stimulates every cell in my body. It is like I am… constantly exercising?

What? How does that even work? Is that why I feel weak? Is my body consuming so much nutrients that it has reduced me to this emaciated form?

If so, Anna is the only one around who can provide a baby-friendly diet in large enough quantities to keep up with what I hope is just my body doing a 24/7 workout until I figure out how to shut down my aura.

All this contemplation and the revelation of my hyper-calorie-burning body distract me so much that I do not notice pooping myself.

Anna detects me crapping myself and brings me to a nearby changing station and gets me cleaned up. 

And before she retires for the night, she asks my Mum, “My lady, is it okay if I bring my daughter Emma along to nurse at the same time as young master Luke?”

My mother happily agrees, thinking it is a good idea for Emma and me to socialize.

So it seems that I will be getting a playmate. ‘Oh joy’ I think to myself sarcastically. Adults treating me like a baby is one thing, having to interact with other babies is another, what the hell am I going to do with her? Make baby noises at each other and waste my time? I rather have a book read to me.

Oh well, worst case scenario, I can just entertain myself by playing with mana.

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