Of Arms and Arcane

Chapter 44

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After the long travel, we finally arrived at the city of Ravenmoor in Earl Rupert Beaufort’s territory. It was only when we got close to the city while our carriage was waiting in line, that I could appreciate the size of the walls that surrounded the city, it dwarfed the walls of my or any of the towns I passed through to get here.


Seeing me gape at what had to be at least 20 meter tall wall, Dad leaned over and joined my wall gazing, “Impressive isn't it, but don’t be too impressed, otherwise when you see the capital’s walls you might be shocked.”


As I was observing the walls, and studying its turrets, I saw a bunch of robed men descending the far side of the wall in one of those suspended scaffold things window washers used for skyscrapers, except it was wooden and not exactly OSHA-compliant.


I pointed it out to Dad, “Dad, what are they doing?”


After looking at where I am pointing, and squinting a bit, “Oh that, they Array Architects, same as your grandmother, except they specialize on a larger scale, they are most likely doing maintenance of the wall’s defense array to defend against siege spells. Very expensive to have and maintain, but when actually getting sieged, it is worth every coin.”


Wanting to see the designs of the defense array, I used my mana manipulation to reach my magical senses to the wall, what I saw instead of the geometric lines and runes that I usually see when I use the same method to sense Grandma’s arrays, was a dense haze of mana with messed up lines, runes that made no sense, and just gibberish in general.


As I was trying to make sense of what I was seeing, I felt the presence of a mana different from the wall’s closing in on the patch of wall I was studying. Deciding that it was better to be safe than sorry, I retracted my mana, retracted my head back into the carriage, and tried to look as innocent as possible. Nothing to see here.


Thinking back to what I managed to see of that defensive array, remember Grandma said something about Array Masking in order to prevent people from studying the array and figuring out its weaknesses, I asked her about it, but she said she would only teach me about it when I got older and got if serious about being an Array Architect, tricks of the trade and whatnot.




Eventually, it was our turn at the gate, Dad identified himself and showed his invitation from the Earl, and we were through. We made our way down the wide main road that had many inns and shops before turning off onto smaller roads that eventually led us to the city’s keep where Earl Rupert Beaufort lived.


After having our credentials checked again, our convoy was led through the gate. After we got through, the 3 carriages carrying the commoner kids were led in a different direction while our carriage was directed to the Earl’s residence.


When we pulled up at an immaculately manicured courtyard, we were greeted by a butler who led us to a drawing room, and served refreshments, “Please enjoy the refreshments while waiting, Lord Ironcrest, my master will be with you shortly. Do let us know if there is anything else you need.”


After bowing, the butler left a maid to attend to us and left.


After nibbling on some biscuits and sipping my tea, I leaned over to Dad and asked in a low whisper so the maid on standby could not hear, “How much should I show off if I am tested?”


Dad pondered on the question for a moment before replying, “Keep it to 2nd circle magic but make sure to use chants and gestures. As for aura… I think you can show you can use it, but do not use stamina manipulation, that technique is supposed to be too advanced for your age.”


I nodded and went back to enjoying my refreshments.


Around 15min later, there was a knock on the door and we rose to our feet to greet our host, the door was opened by a butler, and in came a bald and rather portly man with a most impressive imperial mustache that went well beyond the sides of his face and a long beard hanging down to his chest that was bound in bands of gold that were embedded with precious gems.


This was a Dwarven beard straight out of the illustrations of the book “Races of the World: Volume 1” that I read in my home’s library.


Before my mind could catch up to my mouth, I blurted out “Dwarf?”


The moment that word exited my mouth, I could feel the stares of everyone in the room.


After a few awkward seconds, the bald and heavily bearded man who I could only assume was Earl Rupert Beaufort saw that my eyes were not connecting to his but his beard and burst out laughing while proudly stroking his mustache, “Hohoho, High praise! High praise indeed that my beard mistakes me for a dwarf!”


I then felt a hand grab the back of my head and force me into a bow as I saw my father bow beside me, “My apologies for my son’s outburst, Earl Beaufort, it will no-”


Before Dad could continue, Earl Beaufort waved off the situation, “Bah… nothing to apologize for, most people who see me for the first time notice my magnificent beard first! And this beard does help when talking to the dwarves, they take beard grooming as a point of pride, prestige, and honor, and I am inclined to agree.


Now then, Baron Alden Ironcrest, it has been a few years since we last met. I take it that since you bothered to come along with this batch of would-be scholars this year, that this young man next to you is your son. Luke, was it?” Earl Beaufort said as he ended the sentence with his gaze resting on me.


The only thing I could do was fall back on the etiquette lessons Mum had been teaching me. Right hand over my heart, left hand behind my back, feet together, and upper body bow 45°. “Yes, Earl Beaufort, I am Luke Ironcrest. Pleased to make your acquaintance.”


“Hoho, such formality from one so young, but let us suspend the formalities, I dislike being so stuffy, especially in my own home.” the Earl chuckled.


I gave a side glance to my father, and once he gave me a nod, I pulled the stick out of my ass and loosened up to a more casual stance as Earl Beaufort gestured for us to take a seat.


After taking a seat, Dad said, “As mentioned earlier, this is my first son, Luke, and he will be starting his schooling this year, which leads to a request of mine, Earl Beaufort. Please help with a recommendation for my son to skip the Lower education and go straight to Higher education.”


The Earl’s eyes turn serious upon hearing Dad’s request, stares at us for a while as if to size us up, then releases a sigh, “There are a few parents like you every year, Alden, a lot of parents think their child is some god-given genius. If I recommend him, I will be staking yours, but mostly my reputation when the Royal Invigilator gives him the final exam for lower education. Are you sure your son is ready for it?”


Earl Beaufort then turns to me, “Are you ready for the exam, Luke?”

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