Of Arms and Arcane

Chapter 67

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Professor Theodore Fairfax was walking down the hall to begin the first day of lessons for his class of students. As usual, he was proud to be recognized as one of the best teachers to be put in charge of a class of A-class students for the past 4 years, 5 if everything went well this year.

The A-class students were counted as the cream of the crop for the school, and he would do his best to make sure it stayed that way.

As his footsteps reverberated down the hallway, he reminisced back to 4 years ago when he was assigned to the class of children who were just 8 years old, they were so cute back then, some of them even crying for their parents on the first day of school.

Speaking of 8 year olds, Theodore opened the folder of the new student who would be joining his class this year. 

“Luke Ironcrest” he muttered to himself as he re-read through the information packet of his new student. ‘Skipped lower education by passing the final exam provided by the Royal Invigilator and was highly recommended to be put in my class. Shows high aptitude in magic, and combat, and is even able to manifest his aura. Truly a high-achieving student, and he is all mine, if he does well, it would do wonders for my performance reviews. I just hope those troublemakers don’t pick on the small boy.’

As Theodore neared his classroom, he could hear a familiar voice that he did not want to hear, “I am Oswald Berkeley, son of Marquess Alan Berkeley. Who do you think you are to lay hands on me!”

‘Damned Oswald… first day of school and he is already causing problems for the commoner kids, why could he not have stayed as cute as he was when he was 8.’ he grumbled internally to himself as he picked up his pace.

‘How many times have i reprimanded him in the last 2 years when his attitude started changing? What in the world is he being taught at home? I swear this is all because of his older brother’s influence and the crowd he hangs around.’

When Theodore was a few steps away from the classroom, the sounds of commotion came from the classroom, and he opened the door to the sight of Oswald Berkeley sliding off a table, Ralph Winters on the floor clutching his back in pain, and if the sound of that groan is who he thought it was, that would leave Owen Highlark somewhere behind the table, most likely in bunch of chairs that have been suspiciously pushed together.

Then the boy sitting in the middle of this mess, was pointing a textbook at the 2 girls, Gwendolyn Skycast and Lavinia Cronwald, as he said, “You two are not going to do anything stupid, right?” to which the girls seemed agreeable with the suggestion.

It was then that Theodore decided to make himself known by closing the door deliberately loud and made his way to the front of the class to get a better look at what was going on.

As Theodore looked at the boy who was still sitting down, he did not recognize him, which could only mean this was his new student. 

But after getting a better look, this boy looked nothing like any 8 year old he had ever seen, he was too big for one, with his size, he would fit in with the other boys in the class. 

Theodore decided to give the information packet another check to make sure this was the right child, ‘Let’s see here… Luke of house Ironcrest, Age: 8, blah blah blah… Ah, here we go, Black of hair, Brown of eyes, fair of skin.’ he looked up to confirm that the boy matched the description, and he did.

Theodore was still not certain of Luke’s identity due to his size but decided to shelve that for later.

He then turned his attention back to the 5 idiotic troublemakers and released a long sigh. He then put his finger to a metal brooch he was wearing in the design of the Academy's crest and released mana into it.

Once the brooch started glowing, Theodore spoke, “This is Professor Theodore Fairfax from class 5A, please send someone to my classroom to bring 3 students to the infirmary.”

“Will do Professor.” a buzzing voice replied from the brooch.

Theodore then sternly looked at Gwendolyn and Lavinia, and asked them to go back to their seats, he then turned to the boy who was supposedly Luke Ironcrest, and asked the boy to come before him.

When the boy was before him, Theodore said, “Before anything else, please introduce yourself to the class.”

The boy turned around to face the class and announced, “I am Luke Ironcrest. I will be your classmate for the next 4 years.”

Theodore waited for 2 seconds for the rest of the introduction, but there was none, ‘No age? Place of birth? Hobbies?’ Theodore asked in his mind, but decided to leave it at that, he would let the boy open up on his own.

Now to the situation at hand, “Thank you, Luke. Now that introductions have been made, please tell me what happened here.” Theodore said, gesturing to the 3 groaning boys around where Luke was sitting.

Luke then replied with a calmness that was unusual for a child his age, like what he did was just a matter of course, “Oswald came up to me and rather rudely asked me to vacate my seat despite other seats being available, i rejected his request and he resorted to violence. After i defended myself against his first attack and gave him a warning, he decided to invoke his father’s name to persuade me, i then asked him to go find another seat, and he once again decided to attack me, which led to the current situation.”

‘Figures. I knew Oswald and his group would one day bite off more than they could chew, and today they picked the wrong target, it is sad, but from the reports, they picked a target that has been in more than 1 life or death altercation. As for Luke, he is not only smart but also eloquent too. Nice.’ Theodore thanked his lucky stars that he was Luke’s form teacher, with this brief chat with Luke, he was even more hopeful of having an excellent performance review, and hopefully, he would be selected to be a Dean when one of the old Deans retire.

It was then that 3 men came into the classroom and Theodore pointed them to the 3 troublemakers on the ground, where they were promptly carried off.

Theodore then nodded to Luke, “We will talk later, come find me after school, go back to your seat and we will start class.”

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