Of Arms and Arcane

Chapter 82

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This… this is much more than I can take in a day.

I slump my ass into a chair that was pushed near me and gawk at the white dragon that is easily 30 meters from snout to tail. “Y-You’re a Dragon!” I fought a fucking dragon and lived… ok, she let me live, but I will count it!

From what I read from the bestiary, dragons are one of the pinnacles of might among beings in this world. While little is known about them, it was noted that only dragons that reach a certain age or level of intelligence are capable of civilized speech and higher thinking, and while young dragons are less intelligent and more feral, they must never be underestimated as dumb beasts, at the end of the day, a young dragon is still a dragon.

As for Segeira’s white color, it denoted her affinity for light magic, which explains her realistic illusion of her double burning to death. But this is not to say she is limited to light magic, as demonstrated by her toying with me like a cat, it just means that she is able to use light magic with more ease compared to other elements. This same explanation applies to the other colored dragons.

Hearing my outburst in regards to her race, Professor Sageira Drackot, if that even is her name, rolled her eyes at me and sighed, “Here we go again… Yes, I am a dragon, you are a human, I am huge, you are puny, and I could swallow you whole in one bite. Go on now, get it out of your system, and get over it.” she said as she lounged with her forearms folded on the ground and the tip of her tail lazaly swishing around.

After taking a few deep breaths to calm myself, I told her, “Ok, I'm fine now.”

She nodded, “Good, now where was I?”

“You were at ‘Then there are things like me’.” I reminded her.

“Ah, right, when I refer to things like me, I am mainly referring to the more long-lived magic beast races, we may start out with one or two affinities of Instinctive Magic, but with age and wisdom, we start to adapt what we learn to other elements, and if we are lucky and come to learn the magic of the civilized races.” Sageira said as she demonstrated Instinctive Magic, followed by some circle magic.

But as I observe her casting, I notice that while the amount of mana she is using for circle magic is somewhat normal, she is using a shit load more mana than me for the same results when using Instinctive Magic, but her use of Instinctive Magic makes my Molecular Magic look like a retarded child’s drawing compared to Da Vinci’s Mona Lisa.

While she demonstrated she could do my earth pillar and wind blades, she was not able to replicate my oxygen-rich flamethrower. Still, she could make realistic elemental versions of small woodland creatures frolicking around, while I could only do basic shapes.

Apparently, I was too obvious with my staring at her casting Instinctive Magic and said, “From the look on your face, I think you see the difference in the way we use Instinctive Magic, while we are both using mana manipulation and force of will to produce an effect, I directly manifest the full effect, while you do relatively small manipulations to produce the effect.”

I nodded at her observation, “True, though I never fingered out how to cast Instinctive Magic like you do, and even if I did, I would most likely be exhausted by the third cast if I do it like you do.” 

As my mind raced with questions about this dragon before me, one particular one came into my head, if this is her true body, where does she displace her mass when in human form? “By the way, I have been wondering this for a while now, how did you transform into a human? Is it a spell or is it just a dragon thing? How do you fit so much… dragon… into a small human body, or is your human form all just an illusion?”

“Are you calling me fat?” she growls as she glares at me, and I froze up in terror as to what my question may have implied.

After a tense five seconds, she burst out laughing so loud that I had to cover my ears from the sonic attack, when she calmed down, she padded a paw in front of me and said “Relax, I jest, it tickles me when I pull that on the civilized races. As for your question, it is a spell called Polymorph, it is a combination of highly complex healing magic to shape the body and Spatial magic to store my excess mass.”

Hearing her words, my eyes open wide in alarm, “Spatial Magic?! Isn’t that highly illegal and dangerous? You know, punching holes in space and reality for dangerous things to come through?”

Sageira just scoffs at me, “That is because there is always some idiot among short-lived races that think they can handle bending the fabric of space and end up breaching it, resulting in mass casualties, and when all resistance in the area is wiped out, it comes after the wildlife. In the last thousand years, I had to put down two seriously dangerous entities that breached into this world. Unlike them, I know what I am doing, so it's safe. 

Besides, When you say ‘so much dragon’, this is not even my full size, I am actually well over a hundred meters in length.” she said as she looked proud of her size.

She then looked up at the clock on the wall, “The day is late, and you young ones need your rest, I will find you another time to continue our discussion, go on now.” she said as she pushed me with her tail toward the door, and before I knew it, I was outside the classroom.

As I stand in the hallway, I suddenly feel the tension that I did not know I was holding on to release, “Fuck my life… it's only my second day of school and I already almost died… fuck it, I am too tired for this shit, I’m going to sleep.” I hurry off to my dorm before anything else exciting could happen to me tonight.


Slightly before Luke’s night class started, Oswald was escorted from the infirmary to his brother’s dorm room by one of the older boys. 

Once again he knocked and was asked to enter, and there, sitting on a couch was his brother, Edmund Berkeley. “I heard you had another eventful day, that does not bode well, brother.”

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