Of Gnomes, Orcs & App Design


I held Andrei’s gaze for as long as I could manage. Probably around two seconds - three if I was being generous with myself.

I felt like we were having a silent conversation that was somehow still loud enough for everyone around us to hear. I didn’t want them to. It was private, not to mention absolutely filthy.

But there was more to it than that, or perhaps there was more to it because of that.

Up until now the possibility of us getting together felt vague - like a very nice daydream. Even when I awkwardly dropped hints in our D&D sessions, a part of me never expected it to go anywhere.

I chanced another glance and felt a wave of heat climb up my neck. The intensity in his eyes was almost dizzying, and I felt rooted to the spot.

He slowly extricated himself from between our co-workers, bridging the gap between us far quicker than anticipated.

“Uh, hi,” I squeaked when he was within hearing distance.

I’d always known he was tall, but as he towered over me, I felt like I might as well have been a gnome in real life.

“Hi yourself,” he said, but his attention quickly shifted to the man standing next to me.

I had entirely forgotten he was even there.

“Who's your new friend?”

‘Crap,’ I nervously opened and closed the clasp of my clutch with sweaty fingers. ‘I didn’t even ask for his name!’

“I'm Josh,” He answered for me, saving me the embarrassment.

The men sized each other up, but the look in Josh’s eye was entirely different. He was checking him out - and not even trying to hide it. Andrei was oblivious to it somehow.

It released some of the tension that was building up inside me - though not nearly as much as I would have liked.

“I work with William,” Josh added, before noticing our sour expressions. “I assume you work even more closely with him than I do,”

“Unfortunately.” Andrei confirmed.

A long moment of silence followed, and I felt the sudden urge to run towards the tinsel-covered emergency door on the opposite end of the building. Luckily, Mr. Miller indirectly came to my rescue.

“Everyone, can I get your attention please?”

At first it was only our co-workers who turned to look, but it wasn’t long before Nikita took it upon himself to grab two metal plate covers from the buffet and slam them together.

Mr. Miller gave him a sheepish thumbs-up, then addressed the crowd again.

“We thought we could all play a little game together. Get to know each other,”

He looked expectantly at everyone, and bless his heart, there was just something about the eager look in his eyes that made everybody make their way over.

I was glad for the distraction. Awkward silences were my kryptonite.

“Ok,” He said once everyone had gathered around him. “We’re not the only ones who decided to do a Secret Santa - everyone over at Catalyst Inc. did too,”

As he spoke I noticed Jessica nudging a disinterested-looking Catalyst Inc. employee away from the bar, her glare scathing.

“We’re all gonna pair up. One person gets a random present from the secret Santa pile and the other puts on a blindfold. The goal is to describe the gift without outright saying what it is. If you guess right within one minute - you get a point.”

“What happens if you have the most points?” Nikita asked, running a finger down the edge of one of the plate covers and then popping it into his mouth.

“You get to take whatever you want as leftovers,”

There was zero doubt in my mind that Mr. Miller came up with the prize on the spot, but the room unexpectedly buzzed with interest. Nikita’s expression turned serious. I could tell he saw every single person in attendance as his enemy now.

“Alright, how about a demonstration?” Mr. Miller suggested, his eyes scanning the room before landing on me. “Jen, Nikita, why don’t you two show everyone how it’s done?

I groaned internally.

“If I guess right, does it count as a point?” Nikita asked. His tone made me shiver.

“Sure, why not?”

Mr. Miller passed him a piece of black cloth, and he snatched it before slamming the metal plate covers back on the buffet table.

“Hey, we’ve been working together for four years now, haven't we? We’re friends. You remember we’re friends, right?”

I asked as he tightened the blindfold over his eyes.

“None of that matters now,” he replied.

‘Great. No pressure.’

I made my way over to the pile of presents at the entrance, my mind racing. I doubted anyone had my sense of humor and decided to gift anyone hair-loss supplements - but still. What if I accidentally picked up a reindeer-shaped soap dispenser or something? How would I describe that?

I reached for a random bag. Santa-shaped chocolate. Thank god, something simple!

I turned to walk back towards Nikita.

“It’s something you eat in the shape of a fat-”

Before I could finish, he cut in. “Santa chocolate!”

“Correct, you get a point,” Mr. Miller said. “Why don’t the rest of you pair up too? Nikita, you can be with Jessica, and Jen, how about,”

He pretended to think about it, but his shit-eating grin gave him away. “Andrei.” He finished, taking back the blindfold from Nikita and chucking it at the programmer.

Not having much choice in the matter, I forced myself to meet Andrei’s gaze again.

I forced myself to meet Andrei’s gaze. The intensity in his eyes hadn’t faded - it had only grown stronger. As he walked toward me, looping the blindfold around his hand, my throat went dry.

“Should I…?” he asked, nodding toward the gift pile.

“Sure. I mean - yes,” I said.

I watched him walk away, desperately trying to keep my mind from spiraling. ‘Holy crap - chill out - It's Andrei, you see him everyday at work!’

He returned with a red paper bag and that damn blindfold still wrapped around his hand. I couldn't seem to focus my attention elsewhere.

He opened his mouth to say something, but then followed my gaze.

“Uh,” I squeaked, trying not to panic. “Should you describe the gift to me then?”

Andrei’s gaze snapped back to my face, and a look of surprise flickered across his face before a smug smile spread over his lips.

He slid the gift bag down one arm and grabbed both ends of the blindfold with his now free hands.

“Need me to tie it for you?”

I felt my heart skip a beat. And then another. And another.

“I, uh, I guess that’s fine,” I managed to say, shocked I could string more than two words together.

His smile widened, and he made his way behind me, the warmth of his body so close to mine making me shiver.

He slipped the blindfold over my eyes, and suddenly my entire world revolved around him. His fingers lingering near my hair, his breath on my neck, his knuckles grazing my ear as he adjusted the fabric. His scent - what was it exactly?

“Is it tight enough? Can you still see?” he asked, his voice barely above a whisper.

Gingerbread cookies, aftershave, and something else…

“Mmhmm, yeah.” I said absentmindedly.

“Yes it's tight enough or yes you can still see?”

He was playing with me, the bastard. I forced myself to shake off the pleasant haze clouding my thoughts.

“I can't see. You can describe the gift,”

I could've been imagining things, but I thought I heard a frustrated sigh leaving his lips before he stepped away.

“Alright. Well, It looks like,” He paused.

“Looks like someone is going to be disappointed with their gift.”

“Dried figs and pineapples!” I said immediately.

Before I could register what was happening, the blindfold was off, and I was looking into his eyes again.

“You little shit, I didn’t know you had it in you.” He teased.

I snatched the bag out of his hands. “It's for William, I was actually being pretty thoughtful,”

Running my fingers through my hair, I tried to tame the mess the blindfold had left behind.

“I wonder what my secret Santa got me,” I said meaningfully.

“I got such nice gifts so far,”

“Yeah? Which gift was your favorite?”

I wasn't expecting him to be so forward about it and was momentarily tongue tied.

“KFC,” I said when I got my bearings - just to get a rise out of him.

He looked almost offended.

“I spent half an hour trying to find the perfect dice set, and your favorite was chicken wings?”

“Aww, half an hour?”

For the first time this evening he looked flustered.

“Shut up,”

I felt myself relax a little. When it wasn’t just me being vulnerable, flirting didn’t feel so daunting.

“Do you want your last gift?” He finally asked.

I couldn't explain it, but I had a sudden, strong feeling that once he handed over whatever this 'last gift' was, everything between us would change.

And that feeling was equal parts thrilling and terrifying.


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