Off Limit System

15. The Field

The sound continued to echo. It made everyone's hair stand on end. Ethan saw several players that were apparently high-leveled and had their weapons ready. Although he didn't know why. At that moment, Ethan immediately went on alert. He followed the other players. Ethan set up stances and shields. If you don't know what to do, look around; there might be a clue. Ethan thought.
"What's going on?" asked Dane.
"I don't know. But keep your guns ready."
A look of panic crossed Dane's face. "This is the lobby; isn't it a neutral place? Why do I have to prepare my weapon?"
"Just follow the others."
"Okay... okay."
As soon as Dane drew the gun, the horn had a long blast. The players around Ethan and Dane began to disappear one by one. Dane looked at Ethan; his face was already ashen.
"Ethan!! What the hell is going on? Ethaaan!!!"
Then Dane's body instantly disappeared.  
Ethan could only stare at the missing figure and began to get confused. He started to get scared and started to breathe irregularly. Then he also felt something strange, his body began to disappear, and he immediately closed his eyes.
"Oh my God," he whispered in fear.
Ethan felt his body float and sink into the darkness like he went through the portal. His stomach hurt, and he felt nauseous. As if there was no end to the falling, falling into the darkness.
Ethan fell to the ground. He hit the ground from a height of two to three meters. His body ached. A low moan came from the young man's lips, then Ethan opened his eyes. Ethan smelled the scent of grass. He blinked and looked around.
The other players were the same. Some of them were still lying down, sitting limply; some suddenly appeared from a height of two or three meters and then fell to the ground. They have yet to learn where they are now.
A holographic screen appeared before Ethan's eyes.

[Game Level: 3 - THE FIELD]
[Name: Ethan Mannon]
[Classification: Tank]
[Status: Greenhorn +5]
[Gold: 2400]
[Armor: Shield Treachery's Iron Bulwark level 25]
[Item: None]
[Power: +50]
[Buff: None]
[Skill: None]

"Ethan!" Dane's voice could be heard in the distance.
Then Ethan tried to reach his feet, pressing down on the temple again until the hologram screen faded. His eyes darted to where Dane was. He saw Dane run over with an apprehensive look on his face.
"Main event begins," Dane said after standing beside Ethan.
"Didn't you say maybe in two or three days? Or when?" Ethan needed clarification.
"I don't know. It's supposed to be once a week. I don't get it; I don't understand."
"It seems like everyone here doesn't know either," Ethan muttered. "Although they should be ready to play anytime," he added.
Dane nodded. "It seems so."
"Are you ready?"
"I guess." The seventeen-year-old shrugged. "I have to be ready, don't I?" asked Dane, hesitating.
"Come on, let's follow the others."
All the players walked cautiously together to the front, where a hill rose. On the other hand, Ethan saw Ulrich, Chloe, and the people who followed them. Ulrich's followers were getting more significant. Ethan made sure to avoid crossing Ulrich's path at the start.
"What's the next mission?" muttered Dane, looking worried.
"Don't worry, we have to stay together. That's all you need to think about."
Dane nodded. "We have to take care of each other."
"Sure thing, Dane."
Once they passed the hill, a large field was in front of them. It was barren with little grass. In front of them was an army of men in armor. They were neatly lined up in groups. There were troops carrying swords, arrows and bows, and spears. Each group had a standard-bearer.
Before Dane could make a sound, there was a sudden shout from the direction of the troops.
"Get in line, you idiots!!" a tall man shouted, brandishing a sword. He sat on a black horse. "We are at war!! Hurry up!!" he said again.
The confused players did as they were told. They lined up to form new groups. They looked at each other clumsily, and some even bumped into each other in panic.
"Human maggots!! Incompetent!! What kind of troops are you??" the squad leader shouted.
Ethan and Dane slipped through the ranks, not expecting to be standing so close to Ulrich. There was an evil grin on the tall man's face as his eyes caught Ethan's figure.
"You're here, Boy?" sneered Ulrich.
Ethan remained silent.
Ulrich continued, "Don't pee your pants."
Ulrich's followers just chuckled quietly at the words that came out of his arrogant mouth. Dane just nudged Ethan's shoulder and gave him a worried look.
"Don't listen, E," Dane whispered.
"I definitely heard it. But I'm not going to answer, of course."
"Let's just say he's your admirer."
Ethan grimaced. "Oh, no. I wouldn't want an admirer like that."
Dane covered his lips with one hand and tried to stifle a laugh.
The squad leader rode back and forth on the horse and began to speak.
"Today, we must destroy the wizard's army. No retreat!! Fight with all your souls!! This is the last day you will live!! Win this battle for the sake of peace!!" he shouted.
Excited voices could be heard from the armored troops all over the field. There were also voices from the players, though not many.
"Go forth!! Onward!" shouted the leader.
The sound of clomping shoes sounded uniformly forward. The sound of the iron armor clashing sounded like a rhythm. Who knows how many hundreds of people were in the army, but it was a lot.
Meanwhile, the mission of this level is that Ethan himself needs help understanding. Just war? Survival, that's obvious. But what was the primary mission to escape from THE FIELD level?
In front of them was a dense, dark-looking tree-lined like a forest with an eerie atmosphere. Then an enemy army appeared from there; the leader said it was the wizard's army.
It wasn't an ordinary human army. Not really human. To be precise, Ethan had never seen creatures in fantasy or fairy tale books. An army of orcs, goblins, black-bodied, and carrying all sorts of strange weapons.
Because of the tension, Ethan held his shield tightly. Why didn't he just choose a sword or other weapons? He thought with regret. As for the shield, it could only be used for defensive actions, not offensive ones.
The leaves on the tree behind the orc and goblin army twitched, rustling. Suddenly, birds of enormous size soared into the sky. The sound was shrill, deafening. Ethan winced in pain at the sound of the creatures hovering in the air. Not just one, but dozens of them.
"What is that thing?" Dane gasped.
Then the winged, female-shaped creature swooped down sharply toward where Ethan's troops were. It screamed loudly, then spewed bolts of fire from its mouth.
"Get down!!" Ethan ordered.
Ethan rushed to protect Dane under his shield, even though the lick of fire could still be felt on the young man's body. Those who were unlucky enough to run wildly were burned by the flames.
"Shoot them!! Shoot!!" the commander yelled.
But some of the troops were already scattered. They screamed in fear. The survivors tried to take cover behind the shielded troops. The OFF LIMIT players were already running backward. Ethan and Dane were caught in the middle of an attack by creatures flying in the sky.
Dane suddenly tugged at Ethan's sleeve. "I know what that thing is!!"
Dane's voice sounds trembling in fear, "Harpies!!"

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