Off Limit System

2. Againts a Pack of Coyotes

Ethan had no idea how long he ran, but even he was amazed at his ability to run so far. Ethan had never worked out in his life, not because he was lazy, but because his body was so frail. He was playing a game, thus he was obviously able to perform actions that he would never be able to in the real world.

Up ahead, there were ropes dangling from above. When Ethan peered up, he could make out a wooden house perched atop a tall and huge tree. To reach a safe location, it appeared that the players tried to climb the ropes right away. They scrambled and worked quite hard to climb up. Ethan opted to seek a different hiding spot, concealing his body close to the bushes, since he could hear coyotes close by.

Ethan witnessed the coyotes mutilating the victims in the moments that followed. Nobody wanted to help as those who couldn't get up were assaulted and ripped apart. Even though everyone had a weapon in their hands, they were all only trying to protect themselves.

Whether it was a gaming element or not, Ethan's nostrils had a subtle fishy odor to them. Ethan experienced severe nausea. His lips were extremely dry, his stomach was empty, and he was quite thirsty. It was not nice to smell the foul stench of a human being ripped apart by its bowels.

From the safety of the wooden home away from the coyotes, the survivors could only gaze in terror. And because Ethan was surrounded by the coyote pack, he made every effort to blend in and bowed his body as far as he could.

The holographic screen first emerged after he touched his right temple. Ethan observed the coyote pack that was consuming the dead victims. A caption was shown.


[Power: +1.]

[Armor: None.]

[Buff: None.]

[Skill: Claws.]

[Gold: 100.]

There came the word "Gold" and a number which surprised Ethan a little. He was unable to comprehend what it all meant. When he clicked the temple button once again, the holographic screen once more vanished without providing any further information.

Ethan took a cautious look at the group of coyotes and gasped as he saw that all that was left were bones that were still coated in blood. The coyotes, who were still quite hungry, started to sniff eagerly. It stared up at the log house as it made a circle around the bodies that were lying around and growled loudly.

When the coyotes quit and go is anyone's guess. They might just wait until their victim there starved to death and became unable to complete the assignment. They had to be required to do something.

There had to be something they needed to do.

Even though Ethan had no idea how to leave, he knew that if he stayed hidden, the coyote might find him and use him as a target. If there was a safe enough distance, he quickly reasoned that Ethan could run as swiftly as possible and then instantly get on the rope quickly when the coyotes were taken by surprise. The ferocious animals in front of Ethan had to be distracted by everything.

Ethan's palm touched a hand-sized rock, it was moist and chilly. He carelessly flung the stone into some distant bushes without stopping to consider it. The coyotes were drawn to the noises, but they didn't move while gazing at the people in the trees.

He picked up another stone and tossed it in the same direction. A couple of coyotes became drawn to it and started to run around searching for the source of the noise. A coyote was nearby, standing by the closest rope about a stone's throw away. Ethan flung the stone at the coyote's face without deliberation.

The coyote whirled around in agony as there was a loud groan.

With his shield in hand, Ethan emerged from cover and rammed into the coyote, dropping the coyote's carcass to the ground. He didn't glance down any longer as he hurried Ethan up the rope. The coyotes were vying for each other's attention because he was aware of it.

Ethan nearly had an arrow land on his skull as it passed through his hair. The arrow struck the coyote's skull, which resulted in another clank.

Ethan could hear voices cheering him on, telling him to keep fighting.

Ethan did it!

After escaping the coyote pack, he joined the other participants in the tree house.

Hearing the clapping and the sound of others laughing joyously, the young guy collapsed to his knees, gasping for air. Given how many lives had been lost there, Ethan believed it was not anything to be thankful for. The future is uncertain.

A hand reached out to Ethan. "Are you okay?"

When Ethan looked up, he noticed a woman with a blond ponytail who was partly hunched down and was intensely watching.

“Are you alright?" she asked again.

“Yes, thank you.” Ethan took the woman's hand and got to his feet.

“What you did down there was extremely careless, I must say.”

The quiver and bow that were draping over the blonde's back caught Ethan's attention. "Did you help me earlier?" Ethan enquired.

There was a brief nod from the woman. "Yes, and because the beast died, I received extra ‘Power’ and ‘Gold’. Thanks to you."

When Ethan turned to look, he saw that everyone was preoccupied. Few people were in groups; instead, they were seeking a quiet location. There was fruit on platters and water in leather pouches. It appeared to be a safe haven.

Ethan remarked in a raspy voice, "What kind of game is OFF LIMIT?”

The woman only winked without responding quite yet.

“My name is Ethan, by the way.” He was given his hand.


They're shaking hands for a brief moment.

"Can you tell me more about this game?" asked Ethan, without tendency.

Chloe's eyes widened and replied, "You’re kidding, right?"

Ethan received a somewhat cynical glance from Chloe.

"We all understand that there are issues in everyone's life here. They take part in the game for that reason. You don't have to pretend that you don't know," she continued.

“I truly have no idea. I just saw people being eaten by coyotes in front of my eyes. This is really crazy. And I need an explanation." Ethan seemed helpless.

"Ethan, you were aware of the dangers when you participated in this game. On a piece of paper that was in the console game box, you previously explained."

The young guy hurriedly shook his head. "That console game was given to me."

"No way, Ethan. This game cannot be passed on to anybody until the objective is finished."

“But that is what happened!” Ethan retorted loudly.

The voice came from one of the few people within the treehouse area, saying, "Wow, calm down, Boy." Ethan heard a man's deep voice and noticed a big, towering figure coming toward him. The man had short black hair and was dressed in long black jeans, a leather jacket, a sleeveless black T-shirt, and boots. With one hand, he was dragging a huge sword.

Turning her head, Chloe let out a soft sigh.

"Is there a problem, Chloe?" The man asked lightly.

"No, Ulrich. It’s nothing," Chloe replied.

"I can throw this snot-nosed boy down." Ulrich was staring at Ethan with a hideous grin on his face and a hint of gleam in his eyes. Ulrich seemed to be the coyote among the other contestants.

"I... I didn't mean to cause trouble. I’m sorry." Ethan spoke hastily.

"You’d better be. I don't appreciate people with bad manners, especially around girls." Ulrich grunted.

Chloe was taken away from Ethan by Ulrich, who placed his arm over her shoulders. The two went back to the gathering, which included individuals who appeared to be acquainted.

Ethan took up the fruit and water bag awkwardly. He sensed that he was being observed by several silent observers. He quickly drained the water bag after sitting down against the wooden wall.

A short, skinny young man entered and sat down next to Ethan. Immediately, he turned his head.

He inquired, “Did you steal an OFF LIMIT game from someone, Ethan?”

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