Off Limit System

27. Looking For Answer

The holographic screen showed Ethan's status. He immediately pressed his temple until the screen disappeared. Then Ethan ran to the mayor's residence. While Ethan was in a hurry, he suddenly bumped into Dane, who had just come out of the Trade House.

"Ethan!" Dane exclaimed happily. "Where have you been?" he added.

"Later, Dane! I'm in a hurry!" replied Ethan.

Seeing Ethan running away in a panic, Dane immediately caught up and matched his pace. The look on Ethan's face didn't relax, it got even more tense. This made Dane wonder.

"What's wrong?" Dane asked in surprise.

"Chloe's dad, he went OFF LIMIT." Ethan just looked at Dane worriedly.

"Chloe's dad?" Dane repeated in disbelief. Ethan just nodded, continuing to focus on his destination. "But how?" asked Dane.

Ethan shook his head briefly. "I don't know."

"And Chloe?" Dane was still confused.

"What about Chloe?" Ethan asked back.

Dane just cleared his throat. "You met Chloe in the real world?"

"It's a long story."

The two arrived at The Mayor's residence and Ethan immediately ran inside. The Mayor was still standing in the middle of the hall. He gave Ethan a slight nod.

"Greetings and welcome. How may I help you?" he asked.

"I want to get back to level one or two, how? What do I have to do?" Ethan replied as he asked the question.

The mayor shook his head. "You can't."


The Mayor then explained to Ethan that the start of the game from level 1 and 2 was a screening level. If a player was not eligible within those two levels, then there was no chance. This also applied to levels that had already been passed; no player was allowed to repeat them. Except in The Casual.

"Players were given three chances. That's enough to prove whether he deserves to participate or not," concluded The Mayor.

"So those who have entered level three will get the chance back from the beginning?" asked Ethan.

The mayor looked directly at Ethan. "No," he replied simply. "Each player only gets three chances. Until they are the winner."

Ethan swallowed, with the levels getting harder and harder. Three chances, were very inhumane. He thought.

"However, the player who wins the level has many advantages. One of them is getting a chance in the game," the Mayor added.

"I want to find someone who has just entered the first level. Can't you help me?" Ethan urged.

"Unfortunately, no. Are there any more questions?"

Ethan shook his head, and the look on his face was both tense and disappointed. "No, thank you."

"May the battle be yours, player."

The young man walked out and met Dane who was waiting for him on the terrace of the mayor's residence. Ethan placed his shield on the ground and sat down with a furrowed brow.

"What did the Mayor say?" asked Dane.

"I can't go back to the first or second level."

Dane sat down beside Ethan. "You want to find Chloe's father?"

"Yes, I do. But I don't know how."

"You don't want to give me the details, E?"

At that moment, Ethan didn't know what to do. Would he tell the truth, would he get the same reaction from Dane? The pity reaction.

"Ethan?" called Dane.


Dane looked at Ethan, worried. "Are you okay?"

Ethan just sighed. "We'll talk somewhere else."

Dane just nodded, and the two walked away from the Mayor's residence.


They were about to enter the bar when they saw Miriam coming out. The girl immediately greeted Dane and Ethan happily.

"Where have you been, Ethan? We were waiting for you," Miriam greeted them. "I haven't seen Chloe either," she continued.

"Miriam, is there any other way to get someone out of OFF LIMIT before it's too late?" Ethan asked. "I've asked the mayor, but he says he can't," he added.

"Out of OFF LIMIT? You mean?" Miriam looked confused. "We can go in and out of the portal freely," Miriam explained.

"Chloe's father..." Ethan paused.

"Yeah?" Dane and Miriam looked at Ethan curiously.

Ethan took a long breath, then stepped across the bar. Where a shady tree shaded them. He sat down on the steps, followed by the others.

Ethan immediately told them what had happened, as well as his encounter with Chloe. Nothing was covered up. Ethan felt it was time for him to tell the truth, which would eventually be revealed.

"I'm sorry I kept this from you," Ethan said.

"It's okay, I'm just glad you want to tell the truth," Miriam said. "It takes strength to tell everything."

"Hey, we're your friends, E. You can't think you're alone," Dane said.

Ethan felt better. Relieved, of course. It turned out that the bad thoughts that had been haunting him were not happening at all. His new friends supported him. They did not turn their backs on him.

"I think you should come back to reality and call Chloe. It's the only way," Miriam said.

"I don't have a cell phone and I don't know Chloe's number." Ethan was really desperate.

"Ask the nurse at the hospital, and you had better have a cell phone, so we can communicate." Miriam shook her head. "It's not like you're on the verge of dying and then withdrawing from the outside world."

"Having friends boosts your immunity, I've read," Dane said.

"All right," Ethan nodded.

"How can we exchange cell phone numbers?" Miriam tapped her chin with her index finger. "There should be paper or a pen."

"Paper from this realm, there's no way it's going to appear in the real world," Dane argued.

"But we can write it with our hands, can't we?" Miriam seemed to have an idea. "We should find a pen next time. I think there's one at The Casual."

"Isn't there a supermarket where we can just buy one? Why is everything so difficult around here," Dane complained.

Ethan got to his feet. "I have to go."

Miriam and Dane nodded.

"We'll be here," Dane said.

"You mean you?" Miriam snorted. "I can't play all day."

Dane never seemed to get along with Miriam or Chloe. If Ethan stayed there, he would only see arguments that would hardly end.

"See you soon," Ethan snapped.

"Bye, E!"

Immediately, Ethan ran to the portal to the real world. And once there, he entered immediately. In a few seconds, Ethan was back in his room.

He pressed the nurse's call button several times, and soon two nurses came into the room.

"Albert! He was just talking to me, then suddenly like this," Ethan pointed out.

Ethan was forced to lie because the nurse would confirm Albert's condition.

"Call his daughter Chloe," Ethan pleaded.

"He seems to be sleeping, but we'll check," the nurse said.

"He's unconscious!" insisted Ethan.

"Okay, calm down, Ethan. We'll take care of Mr. Montgomerry. Go back to rest. There's nothing to worry about." The nurse looked at her other colleague. "Call the doctor and his daughter."

One of the nurses left the room while the other carefully examined Albert. Ethan could only hope that Albert would survive the coyote attack and the trap door on level two.

Ethan just waited anxiously.

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