Off Limit System

9. The Mayor

Dane gazed at Ethan for a moment, then he sighed deeply. His eyes slightly widened, as if Dane had come up with an idea.
"We can ask the lobby information desk. They call it The Mayor. We'd better get there right away,” Dane suggested.
Ethan couldn’t agree more. "Sure."
The two of them got up from their seats, and went towards where The Mayor was. Despite the fact that his heart was racing, and he had no idea what would happen next, Ethan felt compelled to act. He didn't want to be a part of the game that had begun with the late Tommy.
"Dane, if we could leave this game without penalties, would you stop?"
The young man strolling beside Ethan merely gazed and exhaled deeply. "I'm not sure, Ethan."
Ethan's eyebrows furrowed, "Why aren't you sure? You know this game is very dangerous, don't you?"
But Dane seemed reluctant to reveal anything. There was something Dane was hiding, and Ethan didn't think it was right to press his friend any further.
Ethan just nodded briefly. Whatever it is, it's your decision," he said.
"Actually, I wanted to quit this game. But when I met you, I felt like continuing," Dane said suddenly.
Ethan looked at Dane in disbelief. "Why, Dane?"
"I don't know, Ethan. It just feels good to have a friend like you."
"If I can get out of the game, and you can too... we can both get out. What do you say? Let's not continue this game."
Dane nodded. "Okay."
They arrived at a castle with no guards and went through the gate. Passing through a cobblestone path, and in front was a large hall-like building.
The interior is not great; it seems very empty and improvised. The game needs a lot of improvement, Ethan thought. The only thing there was a man standing in the center.
Ethan had expected that the person known as The Mayor was a robot or program. Although his figure looked real, like an ordinary human.
"Greetings and welcome. How can I help you?” asked the Mayor.
"I have something to say," Ethan replied.
"Is it player cheating, a suggestion, a program error, a problem with your account?" The Mayor asked again, with a cold tone, expressionless face.
Ethan and Dane looked at each other.
"I think it’s a glitch," Ethan explained.
"Can you describe your problem?" The Mayor asked again.
Ethan moistened his lips, he was feeling nervous. "I accidentally entered this game, using someone else's account. However, my name is still there. Do you understand what I mean?"
"Could you please come closer?"
Ethan approached in a posture facing the Mayor, his heart raced suddenly. The Mayor then pressed the young man's right temple with his forefinger. A holographic door appeared behind the Mayor in a few seconds.
"Could you follow me?" asked the Mayor politely.
"What are you going to do to?" Ethan was alarmned.
"It's just a procedure."
“Alright then.”
Ethan looked at Dane briefly. The Mayor, on the other hand, swiftly returned to declaring, "Only Ethan Mannon is permitted to come. Please wait for the remaining players to address their issues."
Dane's face blanched, but he said nothing. He was only watching Ethan as he followed The Mayor through the holographic door.
Ethan was already nervous since he didn't know what, The Mayor would do. By joining the game without permission, Ethan might face serious penalties. Despite the fact that he did not do it on purpose.
Yet, Ethan continued to believe that it was the fault of the system, and hoped that he could defend himself.
In an all-white room, only Ethan and The Mayor were there. The room looked very identical to the first time Ethan entered the OFF LIMIT game.
"You are in no condition to enter OFF LIMIT," The Major said in a flat voice. “Aren’t you aware of it?”
Ethan defended himself. "I know, but I didn't mean to. I just suddenly found myself in this game."
"The game shouldn't work for anyone but the owner."
"The owner died! And his brother gave it to me!" Ethan reply bluntly.
"This shouldn't have happened."
Ethan snorted. "Then you blame me?"
The Mayor didn't respond, instead standing and staring at Ethan. Though the Mayor's eyes appeared blank, it was an intimidating look for the twenty-two-year-old. There was no conversation between the two for about two minutes.
"Can you give me a solution?" Ethan inquired.
"I'm considering it."
While waiting, Ethan had a look around. Nothing piqued his interest; he was just trying not to be too uptight. If offered the option to leave, he chose to exit the game.
"Alright," the Mayor responded abruptly.
Ethan listened.
"You are allowed to exit the game, because this is a glitch in our game system. You are also given the opportunity to continue, if you are still interested in continuing."
What kind of stupid question is that? Continue the game? Ethan thought.
Not everyone could withstand the pressure of the extremely brutal and terrifying OFF LIMIT game.
This game is really bad, Ethan continued in his mind.
Of course, Ethan didn't want to continue; maybe it would be better for him to stay in the hospital, lie down, and wait for death in peace.
"I'll quit."
A holographic screen emerged behind Ethan, like a paper with a lot of writing on it, and all Ethan could see clearly was the writing: SIGN HERE. That he was required to sign it.
"You can sign there," remarked the Mayor.
"My friend-Dane, he's the one outside... if he wants to cancel the game, is that okay? He hasn't reached a high level yet," Ethan asked.
The Mayor shook his head. "No."
Ethan simply nodded, then prepared to sign with one index finger.
"This game can grant all your wishes, Ethan Mannon. Even get out of the deadly disease you have. As long as you are the winner," The Mayor suddenly said. And he continued in a half whisper, "Are you sure you won't fight about this?"

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