Oh My, I Messed Up the Story

Chapter 87: An Awfully Manipulative Person

I stood there staring Franz down as he struggled to find what to say next, rather enjoying myself. It was always fun seeing self-confident people get flustered. Especially when it was because of something I had done.

Was I always this petty? No. Coming to this world and dealing with nothing but nobles day in and day out had changed me.

"So Alpheus is the clan leader's heir," he said finally. "I should have known. You're an awfully manipulative person, Catherine du Pont. Pushing him to support me so you could further your own agenda. I suppose being the third princess wasn't enough for you. You want to be a ruler's wife."

Sparks shot out of my eyes at the nonsense he was spouting. Hearing my fake name—which wasn't even correct anymore according to the marriage register—from someone who normally called me Katie pissed me off.

It briefly occurred to me that my name wasn't even technically Catherine McLeod in this world. Members of the Kanta clan didn't have proper last names; they were identified by which village they lived in. Except the clan leader and his immediate relatives, who were known by 'de Kanta.'

My name had changed too many times in my life. I was tempted to laugh a little bit about the way Katrina de Kanta sounded in my head. It sounded almost like a tribal chant or a witch's spell. I was losing my mind. Katie de Kanta was slightly better.

But I needed to focus. I was also mad about the fact that Franz claimed I was power hungry and using Al to further my own cause. That was so far from the truth that I didn't even know how to respond to such an idiotic statement.

Helping the Kanta had been entirely Al's idea! And we only found out about this a couple of days ago so how could I have possibly been planning this from the beginning? I wanted to slap him.

Mariela spared me from acting on it and potentially getting beheaded by sharply rebuking her husband. "Katie is not like that and you know it."

She turned to me, wanting an explanation. I had always been honest with her so she knew she could trust what I had to say.

"We ran into a Kanta clanswoman out in town two days ago," I admitted. "I commented on her eyes, saying I hadn't seen anyone else with them but my husband and she got all excited because no one outside the Kanta looks like that. We went back to visit her today and got the full truth because her mother recognized Al. Apparently he looks exactly like his father."

Mariela nodded. "I knew there had to be a simple explanation. Franz, apologize right now."

"Forgive me," he muttered. "But you cannot deny that you came here solely with the intent of blackmailing me into getting what you want."

"You seem to be under the mistaken impression that I'm the one wanting Al to take over the clan. That was entirely his idea. I…had other plans. But he's my husband and I'll support him until the end."

Mariela and I exchanged a look. She must be remembering how I had wanted to run away before the wedding. She didn't know that I was still planning on fleeing this crazy country until now. Oops. The cat was out of the bag.

But it didn't technically count as treason because we weren't going now, right? Although plotting to overthrow the crown prince was technically treasonous too. No matter what I did, I was up to my ears in treason.

I sighed. Was it so much to wish for a simple life? I was a librarian! A l i b r a r i a n. I helped children check out books for a living before coming here; I wasn't equipped for all of this potentially deadly political intrigue!

Briefly I wondered if there was even a concept of a library in the Kanta clan. If there wasn't, I would have to make one so I could fulfil my dream of being a simple, normal librarian again. That had originally been my plan when I ran away to Shibatsu after all.

"You changed him," Franz said with a disbelieving shake of his head. "The brother I knew held no opinion or desire for anything."

I stood my ground. Any changes that had happened had benefitted Al; he had been the human embodiment of gloom before I came along. "Maybe I did but he's happier now than you people ever made him so deal with it. He's mine and I'm not going anywhere."

It was my first time showing such possessiveness over my husband. If he could hear me, he would probably be thrilled but I would die of embarrassment.

"So I'm yours, huh?" a horribly familiar voice asked with a hint of amusement in it.

My eyes widened. "How did you get in here? There were at least two guards posted outside and we would have noticed something!"

Al shrugged, seeming lighter and happier than I had seen him since the day we met Nyla. My cheeks blazed. He was definitely going to hold this over me later. "I came in through the bathroom. You might want to tighten your security there, Franz," he said in an almost teasing tone.

The man glowered at him but had nothing to say about that because he was right. He changed the subject. "How long have you been listening in?"

"Long enough. Are you going to work with us or not? Like she said, she can and will take her expertise elsewhere if you don't cooperate."

Franz threw his hands up in the air, giving in. "I already said I would. I am not as terrible as you think I am, Alpheus."

"That isn't my name. I am Alamar de Kanta. If that is too strange for you to get used to, feel free to call me Al like Katie does. I am done being a royal puppet to the man who murdered my family. The only reason we are still assisting you is to help my people.

"Do you swear on your life, Mariela's life, and the life of your unborn child that you will return our lands to us the moment you become king? Because if you don't, I will make you regret it," Al said so fiercely it was almost frightening. It wasn't like his usual goofy personality at all.

Franz blinked at him, unable to process the show of power from someone who usually acted like a sheep. "I swear. Al."

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