Old Blood at Hogwarts

Chapter 115 Peeves’ Welcome Ceremony

"Stuart Ackley!"

A boy stepped forward and you could see he was shaking from head to toe.He picked up the sorting hat, put it on his head, and sat on the stool.

"Ravenclaw!" the Sorting Hat yelled.

Stuart Ackley took off his hat and hurried to a seat at the Ravenclaw table, where everyone at the table welcomed him with applause.

"Malcolm Bardock!"


Loud cheers came from across the auditorium.But Fred and George booed.

"Eleanor Branstone!"


"Owen Caldwell!"


"Dennis Creevey!"

The little Dennis Creevey stumbled forward, always getting caught in Hagrid's moleskin coat, just as Hagrid himself slipped into the Great Hall through a door behind the staff desk. .He sat down at the end of the staff table and watched Dennis Creevey put on the Sorting Hat.

"Gryffindor!" said the hat loudly.

Dennis Creevey, his face beaming with joy, took off his hat, laid it back on the stool, and hurried over to sit down with his brother.At this time, Aaron also clapped with other Gryffindor students.

"Colin, I fell into the lake!" Dennis squeaked as soon as he sat down in his seat. "It's so exciting! Something in the water grabbed me and pushed me back into the boat!"

"How cool!" Colin was as excited as his brother. "Probably a giant squid, Dennis!"

"Wow!" Dennis exclaimed.He had just been thrown into a windy and unfathomable lake, and then pushed out by a huge lake monster. He felt that this was an experience that no one could even dream of.

"Dennis! Dennis! Do you see that boy over there? The one with black hair and glasses?" Colin pointed at Harry and said excitedly, "Do you see it? Do you know who he is, Dennis?" "

As a senior Harry admirer, Colin couldn't wait to introduce his idol to his younger brother.

Dennis stared at Harry for a long time, and then said excitedly: "Is he Harry Potter?"

"Yes, that's him." Colin was very happy that his brother recognized Harry.

Then, the brothers had a heated discussion about Harry.

Instead of continuing to follow the discussion between the Creevey brothers, Aaron turned his attention back to the podium.

The sorting ceremony continued, and the freshmen, male and female, walked towards the three-legged stool one by one with varying degrees of fear on their faces.The line was slowly dwindling, and Professor McGonagall had finished reading the names on the list.

"Graham Pritchard!"


"Ola Quirk!"


Finally, the sorting ceremony ended with the cry that Kevin Whitby was sorted into Hufflepuff.Professor McGonagall picked up the Sorting Hat and the stool and took them away.

Professor Dumbledore stood up.He looked at all the classmates with a smile, opened his arms and made a welcome gesture.

"I only have two words to say to you -" His rich voice echoed in the auditorium, "Eat!"

As soon as Dumbledore finished speaking, the empty plates on the table were magically filled with food.Students put food on their plates.

"Ah, I'm going to starve to death." Colin stuffed a mouthful of mashed potatoes and said vaguely, "It's much better now."

Aaron put a large piece of steak on his plate and looked around while eating.Suddenly, he noticed that the food on Hermione's plate across from him had not been touched.So, he asked with some curiosity: "Hermione, why don't you eat. Aren't you hungry?"

"I will not eat food from slave labor," Hermione said, breathing heavily.

"What kind of slave labor?" Aaron was a little confused.

"It's house elves." Ron explained. "Since Hermione found out that this dinner was cooked by house elves, and they have neither wages nor holidays, sick days and pensions, she decided not to eat dinner. .”

"Slave labor." Hermione looked very angry. "That's what this dinner is for. Slave labor."

"That's it." Aaron suddenly understood.

Aaron had known that the kitchens at Hogwarts were managed by house elves, and he also knew that Hermione had been dissatisfied with the living environment of the house elves since she met Winky. When she was at the Weasley house, , she even had a fight with Percy about it.But he didn't expect that Hermione would stop eating because the house elves cooked dinner.

Understanding the reason for the matter, Aaron advised Hermione: "But, Hermione, you can't change the situation of the house elves even if you starve yourself to death, can you?"

Hermione snorted and said nothing, but she didn't touch the food on her plate.

Seeing this scene, Aaron could only look at each other helplessly and continue to eat his food.

The heavy rain was still pounding heavily against the high, dark windows.Another burst of thunder exploded, rattling the glass windows, and a bolt of lightning flashed across the hazy ceiling, illuminating the golden plate. The remaining first food on the plate disappeared, and in the blink of an eye it was filled with desserts. .

"Treacle fruit tart, Hermione!" Ron deliberately brought the fragrant tart to Hermione. "Look at the plum pudding! There is also chocolate cake!"

But Hermione glared at him, and Ron immediately restrained himself.

Finally, the desserts were cleared away, and the last remaining crumbs disappeared from the plate, which became clean and shiny again.At this time, Albus Dumbledore stood up again.The buzzing voices in the hall suddenly stopped, and only the howling of the wind and the pounding of heavy rain could be heard.

"Okay!" Dumbledore looked at everyone with a smile and said, "Now that we have eaten and drank enough, I must ask everyone's attention again. I have a few announcements to make. Mr. Filch, the administrator, would like me to tell you Everyone, this year, several more items are prohibited in the castle. They are Screaming Balls, Wolf Fang Saucers and Combo Boomerangs. The entire list includes about 430 seven items, which can be seen in Mr. Filch's office. If you are interested, you can check it out."

The corners of Dumbledore's mouth twitched a few times and continued: "As before, I want to remind everyone that students are not allowed to enter the Forbidden Forest on the other side of the venue, and in Hogsmeade Village, students below the third grade are not allowed to enter. I would also like to inform you with great regret that there will be no House Quidditch Cup this year."


Everyone looked at Dumbledore in shock,

Dumbledore continued: "This is because there is a large event that will start in October and continue throughout the school year, taking up a lot of teachers' time and energy...but I am sure you will all get a lot of enjoyment out of it. I I am very pleased to announce that this year at Hogwarts..."

At this moment, there was a deafening thunder, and the door of the auditorium was slammed open.A man stood in the doorway, leaning on a long cane and wrapped in a black traveling cloak.

Everyone in the auditorium turned to look at the stranger, and suddenly a fork-shaped lightning flashed across the ceiling, illuminating the stranger.He took off his hood, shook out his long gray hair, and started walking toward the staff table.

Boom, boom, every two steps he took, a hollow sound echoed in the auditorium.He walked straight to the end of the guest seat, turned to the right, and limped toward Dumbledore.Another bolt of lightning flashed across the ceiling, illuminating the man's face extremely vividly.

Aaron had never seen a face like this.It looked as if it had been carved out of a piece of rotten wood by someone who had only a vague idea of ​​what a human face should look like and wasn't very good at using a carving knife.Every inch of skin on the face seemed to be scarred, the mouth was like a big crooked hole, and the place where the nose should be raised was missing.The most terrifying thing about this man is his eyes.One of his eyes is small, black and shiny.The other eye is very large, round like a coin, and is a distinct bright blue.The blue eye moved without blinking, turning up and down, left and right, completely unrelated to the normal eye.Later, the blue eyeball rolled over and penetrated into the man's head. Everyone could only see a big white eyeball.

The stranger walked up to Dumbledore.He held out a hand, one as scarred as his face.Dumbledore shook hands with him and whispered something, but Aaron didn't hear it clearly.He seemed to be asking the stranger something. The stranger shook his head without a smile and answered in a low voice.Dumbledore nodded and motioned for the man to take an empty seat to his right.

The stranger sat down, shook his head, and shook his long gray hair away from his face, then pulled a plate of sausages, raised it to his incomplete nose and smelled it.He took a knife from his pocket, poked the end of a sausage in, and ate it.His normal eye was focused on the sausage, but his blue eye was still moving around in its socket, looking at the auditorium and his classmates.

"Please allow me to introduce our new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher - Professor Moody." Dumbledore happily broke the silence.

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