Old Blood at Hogwarts

Chapter 121 Moody's Lesson

During the rest of the class, the students were busy taking notes and recording the three unforgivable curses.The classroom was quiet, no one spoke, until the bell rang.But when Moody announced that get out of class was over, as soon as the students left the classroom, all kinds of discussions suddenly surged like a bursting flood.

Most students talked about those spells in awe:

"Did you see the way the spider twitched?"

"He killed the spider in one fell swoop...it was that simple!"

"This class is great, isn't it?" Colin asked Aaron as they walked towards the auditorium. "Moody is really knowledgeable. As soon as he said the Avada Kedavra, the spider died, just like that. Dead."

"Yes," Aaron agreed. "Fred and George are right. Moody is indeed a man of real ability."

The next night, when Aaron was doing homework in the common room, Hermione suddenly came to him and asked him to buy a badge for two silver coins.

Aaron saw Hermione grabbing a bunch of colorful badges in her hand, so he picked one up and looked at it carefully, and saw that it read: SPEW.

"'Vomiting'?" Aaron asked, reading the word above, "What does this mean?"

"It's not vomiting. It's S-P-E-W, the abbreviation of the Society for the Advancement of House-Elf Rights." Hermione said impatiently, "I originally wanted to name it 'Banning the Cruelty to Our Magical Creature Friends and Improving their Legal Status' Sports', but it didn't quite fit. So I made this the title statement of our association."

"Did you name it?" Aaron asked in surprise, "Did you start this association?"

"That's right," Hermione said simply. "I just started it yesterday. I've been digging into this issue in the library. The servitude of elves goes back centuries. I can't believe no one has done something about it. Our short-term goal is to ensure House elves receive fair wages and good working conditions. Our long-term goals include changing the wand-free law and getting an elf into the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures."

"So how do you plan to get started?" Aaron asked.

"First of all, we need to develop membership." Hermione said emotionally. "Participants have to pay two Silver Sickles to buy badges. This income can be used for us to print and distribute leaflets."

"Then how many members do you have?" Aaron asked again.

"There are me, Harry and Ron. I am the president of the association, Ron is our treasurer, and Harry is our secretary. If you join, there will be four of us." Hermione said.

To be honest, Aaron didn't really want to participate in this "House Elf Rights Promotion Association."He didn't think Hermione's job meant much.As Hermione said, the problem of elves has been around for centuries.People have become accustomed to the working environment of house elves, and even the elves themselves agree with the treatment they receive.Aaron doesn't think just a few students can change that.

So, he organized his words and said: "Hermione, you know. I don't have much money. So I want to use it in a more useful way."

"A more useful place? Do you think it's useless to spend money on these badges?" Hermione said aggressively.

"To be honest... I really don't think this is of much use." Aaron shrugged.

"It's because of people like you that the situation of elves has never improved..." Hermione immediately started chattering.

"Hermione," Aaron interrupted her quickly, "I admit that the way wizards treat elves is very problematic, but have you ever had any contact with elves?"

"Of course I have," Hermione said. "Did you forget about Winky?"

"The contact I am talking about is not simply meeting the elves or saying one or two words to them." Aaron said, "I mean, have you really communicated with them and understood their thoughts. "

"What does this have to do with what we're about to do?" Hermione asked.

"Of course it does matter." Aaron said, "If you really have in-depth contact with the elves, you will find that they are willing to be treated like this by wizards. If you want to fight for various rights and interests for the house elves, you will face The first problem is the resistance from the house elves themselves. They don’t want a salary, and they don’t want a vacation. They just want to fulfill their master’s orders and take care of their master’s home. Do you understand?”

"I know what you are saying." Hermione raised her voice and said, "But that's because the elves are uneducated and have been indoctrinated with some wrong ideas! That's why someone needs to speak up for them."

"But if the house elves themselves are not willing to make changes, how can you convince others? I suggest you go to the kitchen and take a look if you have the chance."

"We must first let the wizards realize that it is wrong to treat house elves as slaves. As long as the wizards change the way they treat elves, the elves' ideas will naturally change."

Afterwards, Aaron and Hermione had a heated argument.Aaron believed that as long as the house elves were unwilling to change, then no matter what outsiders did, it would be useless; while Hermione believed that the elves' ideas were important, but more importantly, the wizards' ideas must be changed.They argued for a long time, but neither could convince the other.

"In short, I won't spend two Sickles to buy a badge." Aaron finally said, "If you must recruit someone to join your 'House Elf Rights Promotion Association', then I will recommend someone to you. You can go to Colin, you just need to tell him that Harry is also participating, and he will definitely participate."

In order to get rid of Hermione, Aaron shamefully betrayed his friends.

"You...hum!" Seeing that Aaron refused to buy the SPEW badge no matter what, Hermione snorted angrily and turned away.

From that day on, Aaron could see Hermione chattering and pestering others in the Gryffindor common room every night, shaking the piggy bank under their noses.

Some people reluctantly paid money just to stop Hermione glaring at them.There are also people who seem to be slightly interested in what she has to say, but they are only slightly interested, and they are not unwilling to actively participate in activities and lobby for it.And most people treat the whole thing as a joke.

Two weeks later, in a Defense Against the Dark Arts class, Professor Moody suddenly announced that he would take turns reciting the Imperius Curse to every student in the class to demonstrate the power of the spell and see if they could resist its effects.

The students were all shocked by Moody's declaration. Green said immediately: "But...but you said it was illegal, professor. You said using it on others is..."

"Professor Dumbledore wants to teach you how to feel." Moody waved his wand, causing the desks to move aside, leaving a large open space in the center of the classroom. "If you are willing to learn in a more cruel way - wait for others to give it to you. Recite this spell and have you completely in the palm of my hand... That's good, I agree, you can go."

He stretched out a rough finger and pointed at the classroom door.Greene's face immediately turned red.

Moody began to call on his classmates to come forward in turn and recite the Imperius Curse to them.Aaron saw that under the influence of the spell, his classmates made the most abnormal actions one after another.Tom Lawrence jumped around the classroom three times, singing the national anthem.Luna Lovegood impersonates a squirrel.Colin performed a series of amazing gymnastic moves that he would never have been able to do under normal circumstances.None of them seemed to be able to resist the spell, and they all returned to normal after Moody removed the spell.

"Elf, it's your turn." Moody's voice rumbled at this time.

Aaron walked to the center of the classroom, the space vacated by Moody's desks.

Moody raised his wand, pointed at Aaron and said, "Out of body!"

Suddenly, Aaron felt a strange feeling filling his brain.He felt light all over, and all the thoughts and worries in his mind were swept away, leaving only a hazy, invisible and intangible joy.He stood there, feeling particularly relaxed and carefree, only vaguely aware that everyone was watching him.Then, he heard Mad-Eye Moody's voice, echoing in a distant corner of his empty head: "Jump on the table, jump on the table..."

Aaron bent his knees obediently and prepared to take off.

But at this moment, another voice woke up in his head.

"Jump on the table...but why? It's such a stupid thing to do," said the voice.

"Jump on the table..." the first voice continued to recall.

"No, I don't want to jump, thank you." The other voice said firmly.

"Jump! Jump!"

"No, I really don't want to jump." Aaron shouted, and he felt the echoing hollow feeling in his mind disappear.

"Okay, this makes sense!" Moody's rumbling voice said. "Look, all of you! Elf resisted! He resisted, he defeated it... Let's try again, Elf... The rest of you, watch carefully, look into his eyes, that's The key point... very good, Elf, very good! They can't control you easily!"

Afterwards, Moody had Aaron tested twice more until he was absolutely sure he could get rid of the spell.

An hour later, Aaron walked out of the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom and muttered: "Listening to the tone of his voice, you would think we are about to be attacked soon."

"Yeah, that's right." Colin said, jumping up and down. He couldn't deal with this spell like Aaron.But Moody assured him that the effects of the spell would be gone by dinner time.Colin looked back and made sure Moody couldn't hear, before continuing, "He talks like a paranoid."

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