Old Blood at Hogwarts

Chapter 129 Argument

After Moody finished speaking, the room fell into a tense silence.

Ludo Bagman looked very anxious, his body moved up and down uneasily, and he said: "Moody, you old guy...how could you say such a thing!"

"We all know that Professor Moody will feel that the morning has been wasted if he does not find six people trying to murder him before lunch." Karkaroff said loudly, "Obviously, he is also teaching his students to be suspicious now, old Thinking that someone is trying to kill you. As a Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher, this kind of quality is really rare, Dumbledore. But there is no doubt that you have your own considerations."

"Am I making something out of nothing?" Moody roared, "I have a feeling that the person who threw this boy's name into the Goblet of Fire must be a skilled wizard."

"Oh, what proof do you have for this?" Madame Maxime asked, raising her big hands.

"Because they deceived a very powerful magical object!" Moody said. "To deceive the goblet and make him forget that there are only three schools participating in the competition, it requires a particularly powerful confusion spell... I I guess they must have registered Potter's name as a student from the fourth school to ensure that he was the only candidate from that school."

"You seem to have put a lot of thought into this matter, Moody." Karkaroff said coldly, "This is a very novel theory. But, of course, I heard that you have had a sudden change in your mind recently. Imagine that you received a birthday present that contained a cleverly disguised basilisk egg, and smashed it to pieces before realizing it was a travel alarm clock. So if we don’t You take your words completely seriously, and I believe you can understand them.”

"It is true that some people will use innocent activities to achieve their own goals." Moody retorted in a threatening tone, "My job is to think about problems according to the thinking of a dark wizard. Karkaroff, you should not forget …”

"Alastor!" Dumbledore warned.

Aaron didn't know what he was talking about at first, but then it dawned on him that it was Moody's name.

Moody fell silent, but still looked at Karkaroff with resentment.Karkaroff's face turned red as if on fire.

Dumbledore said to everyone gathered in the room: "How this situation came about, we do not know. But it seems to me that we have no choice but to accept it. Aaron and Harry have both been selected to participate. competition. Therefore, they must..."

"Ah, but Dumbledore..." Apparently Madame Maxime had different opinions.

But Dumbledore immediately interrupted her and said: "My dear Madam Maxime, if you have another solution, I am willing to listen."

Dumbledore waited, but Madame Maxime said nothing, she just stared angrily.And she was not the only one showing dissatisfaction.Snape also looked angry, Karkaroff looked livid, but Bagman looked very excited.

"Well, although there are two warriors in Hogwarts, they are both under the age of 17." Bagman rubbed his hands and looked at the people in the room with a smile. "Although Beauxbatons and Durmstrang are There is only one warrior in each, but their ages are obviously much older than the two warriors in Hogwarts. So it is really hard to say which side has the advantage. After all, there are no team events in the competition, and all tests are on individuals. Ability, senior students who have studied magic for a few more years obviously have an advantage in this regard. Let us move on to the next task. We have to give guidance to our warriors, right? Barty, let you tell. "

Mr. Crouch seemed to suddenly wake up from his deep thoughts: "Okay. Guidance, yes...the first project..." He took a few steps forward and walked into the light of the fire.

Aaron looked from a distance and found that he looked very haggard.There were two deep shadows under his eyes, and his wrinkled skin was as white and transparent as paper. He was completely different from what he was during the Quidditch World Cup.

"The first project is to test your courage," Mr. Crouch said to Harry, Aaron, Fleur and Viktor, "so we are not going to tell you what it is. Dare to face the unknown is a wizard An important quality...very important..."

"The first project will be conducted on November 11 in front of other students and the judging panel. When completing the competition project, the warriors are not allowed to request or accept any help from their teachers. When the warriors face the first round of challenges, their hands The only weapon in the game is their own wand. They will not learn about the second project until the first project is over. Because the competition is very demanding and lasts a long time, the warriors will not take the school year exam. I Is that all you can think of, Albus?" Mr. Crouch turned and looked at Dumbledore.

"Yes." Dumbledore looked at Mr. Crouch with some concern, "Do you really not want to stay at Hogwarts tonight, Barty?"

"Yes, Dumbledore, I must go back to the Ministry." Mr. Crouch said. "These are very busy and difficult times... I put young Weatherby in charge temporarily... He is very enthusiastic. ...To be honest, it’s a bit too high.”

"Well, why don't you at least come over and have a glass of wine before you go?" Dumbledore said.

"Come on, Barty, I'm staying here!" Bagman said happily, "It all finally happened in Hogwarts. It's much more exciting and interesting here than the office!"

"I don't agree, Ludo." Crouch's tone showed his usual impatience.

"Professor Karkaroff, Madam Maxime, would you like a drink before bed?" Dumbledore said.

Madame Maxime, however, had put her arm around Fleur's shoulders and led her quickly out of the room.Aaron could hear them talking rapidly in French as they walked toward the auditorium.Karkaroff greeted Krum, and they left without saying a word.

"Harry, Aaron, I suggest you go back to sleep." Dumbledore looked at them both with a smile and said, "I believe that the Gryffindor students are waiting to celebrate with you. It's not easy for them to have a It would be inappropriate to take away this opportunity from them by making a big fuss as an excuse.”

Harry glanced at Aaron, who nodded, and the two walked out of the room together.

The auditorium was now empty, and the flames of the candles were already very low, which made the grinning smile of the jack-o'-lantern look flickering and eerie.

"It's amazing. I didn't expect that both of us would become warriors." Aaron said with a smile, "It seems that we will become rivals next!"

"I guess so," said Harry.

By now they were in the foyer. The Goblet of Fire was no longer there, only the light of the torches was there.

"Okay." Aaron said, "Now that you are determined to become a warrior, can you tell me how you put your name into it?"

"I didn't." Harry raised his head and looked at him, "I didn't vote. I told the truth."

Aaron stared at Harry for a while and said, "Okay. If what you are telling the truth, then you have to be careful next time."

"What are you careful about?" Harry asked.

"I think you should seriously consider what Professor Moody said." Aaron suggested.

"Professor Moody?" Harry said, "Are you saying someone wants my life?"

"It doesn't necessarily mean that you want your life." Aaron said, "But it is obvious that someone wants you to become a warrior and participate in the championship. No matter who this person is, he will not do it without purpose. Regardless of what he wants Whatever happens must be related to you."

The expression on Harry's face suddenly became solemn.

"Okay, be happy." Aaron comforted him with a smile, "Put aside those unhappy things for the time being. No matter what, being able to become a warrior is a happy thing. Just like Beauxbatons The warrior said that this is what many people dream of. Have you never dreamed of becoming a warrior before? "

"I thought about it," Harry said, "but it was just a joke. I never really, seriously considered entering the competition."

"Then you can think about it seriously now."

After that, neither of them spoke anymore.

When they arrived outside the Gryffindor common room, Aaron found that the wrinkled witch who had been biting her ears in the small room at the back of the Great Hall was now sitting proudly next to the Fat Lady.Both she and the Fat Lady looked down at them with great interest.

"Okay, okay, okay," said the fat lady, "Violet just told me everything. You two were just chosen as the school's warriors?"

"Nonsense," Harry said dryly.

"Absolutely not!" said the pale witch angrily.

"No, no, Violet, this is the password." the fat lady comforted.Then she swung forward, letting Aaron and Harry into the common room.

When the portrait opened, the sudden noise that filled their ears made Aaron and Harry almost fall on their backs.Then, they were dragged into the common room by about a dozen pairs of hands, facing the entire Gryffindor House class.They were all screaming, cheering, and whistling.

"You should have told us you signed up!" Fred yelled.He looked half annoyed, half excited.

"How can you get by without growing a beard?" George yelled.

Lee Jordan dug out two Gryffindor house flags from somewhere and insisted on wrapping them around Aaron and Harry like cloaks.

The crowd gathered around them, forcing them to drink cup after cup of butterbeer, or forcing biscuits and peanuts into their hands... Everyone wanted to know how they did it, How did they cheat Dumbledore's age line and throw his name into the Goblet of Fire.

Aaron told everyone how he passed the age line.People were amazed by his superb magic skills.Harry on the other side kept telling people that he didn't throw his name into the Goblet of Fire, but no one seemed to believe him.People kept asking him how he got his name into the Goblet of Fire, which made Harry's mood even worse.

Half an hour later, Harry finally couldn't bear it anymore and shouted loudly: "I'm tired! I want to go to bed!"

After that, he got rid of everyone's entanglement and hurriedly walked up the stairs leading to the dormitory.

To be honest, Aaron is actually a little tired now.But after Harry left, all the other Gryffindors grabbed Aaron and refused to let him go.Therefore, Aaron had no choice but to accompany them to continue the carnival.It wasn't until after midnight that they ended their carnival and went to bed.

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