Old Blood at Hogwarts

Chapter 136 Celebration

Aaron saw the dragon tamers rushing over and beginning to calm Hungarian Tree Peak's anger.Over at the entrance to the venue, Professor McGonagall hurried over to greet him.

"That's wonderful, Elf!" Professor McGonagall said loudly.When these words came out of her mouth, it was already a high compliment.Aaron noticed that her hand pointing at his shoulder was shaking slightly.

"Now let the referee give the score!" Bagman shouted.

Aaron cast his gaze to the other end, where the five referees sat on raised seats decorated with gold tassels.

Madame Maxime, the first referee, raised her wand into the air.A long silver ribbon-like thing spurted out from the wand, twisting to form a big "8".

The audience immediately burst into loud cheers.

Next is Mr. Crouch.He spewed a "9" into the air.

Then there's Dumbledore.He gave Aaron 10 points.The audience cheered louder.

Then there's Ludo Bagman.He also gave Aaron 9 points.

Then Karkaroff raised his wand.He paused for a moment, and then the number "4" erupted from his wand as well.

"Aaron! You and Krum are tied for second place!" Charlie Weasley came over and said, he had just tamed the angry Hungarian tree peak. "I'm going to send an owl to deliver a message to mother. I swear that everything will be done." Tell her. Oh, I can't believe it! Oh, I almost forgot, they asked me to tell you, you have to stay here for a few more minutes... Bagman has a few words to say, just In the tents of the warriors.”

Aaron walked into the tent again, followed by Harry, Fleur and Krum.

Harry saw Aaron, grinned and said, "Well done, Aaron."

"You too." Aaron smiled back at him.

"You all did a good job!" Ludo Bagman jumped into the tent briskly, looking as happy as if he had just successfully crossed a dragon. "Okay, I only have a few words to say. Chapter 2 The two projects will start at 24:09 am on February 30th next year. Before that, you can rest for a long time. But we have to leave some questions for you to think about! Look down at those golden eggs in your hands. , you will find that they can be opened... See the seam there? You must solve the clue provided in the egg, which will tell you what the second item is, so that you can prepare! Is everything clear? No problem? Okay, let’s go!”

When Aaron left the tent, he saw Ron and Hermione standing outside the tent.Aaron knew that they were here to find Harry.

"Oh, hello, Aaron," Hermione said, "I've been watching your game. You performed really well."

"Yes, you did really well," said Ron. "I'm not sure who did it better, you or Harry. Harry used the Flying Charm to attract his Firebolt. He flew in the sky and lured the dragon away. Chase him, then use the speed of the Firebolt to throw the dragon away and get the golden egg. He totally outplayed the dragon."

At this time, Harry also walked out of the tent.Since everyone had to go back to the castle, they left together.

They kept chatting along the way.Both Aaron and Harry wanted to learn more about how other warriors did it.

"The girl named Fleur cast a kind of magic. I think she probably wanted to put the dragon into a hypnotic state." Ron introduced, "She almost succeeded. The dragon fell asleep immediately, but then It snored and blew out a powerful stream of fire. Fleur's skirt caught fire and she put out the fire by conjuring water from her wand. And Krum, he used the same one you used to hit the dragon. The same magic spell on the eyes. Unfortunately, the dragon struggled in pain and stepped on it, crushing half of those real eggs. They will deduct points for this, because he should not have destroyed those eggs."

After talking about the game, they talked about the scores of the four warriors in the first event.The current number one among the four warriors is Harry, with 41 points.Then there are Aaron and Krum, both with 40 points.Finally is Furong, with only 38 points.

Speaking of which, Ron expressed strong dissatisfaction with Durmstrang's principal, Professor Karkaroff.He believed that Karkaroff gave Aaron and Harry low marks on purpose.Karkaroff only gave Aaron 4 points, and he only gave Harry 5 points, but he gave Klum 10 points, but it was clear that both Aaron and Harry performed better than Krum. Be good.

At this time, Harry told Aaron and Ron that he had just contacted Sirius a few days ago, and Sirius asked him to be careful about Karkaroff.Because Karkaroff was a Death Eater before and was even imprisoned in Azkaban. Later, he made a deal with the Ministry of Magic and betrayed his former companions before he was released.Ron was initially shocked to hear that Karkaroff was a Death Eater in the past, but then said that they should have suspected this.

Aaron looked at the interaction between Harry and Ron. It didn't look like they were having a conflict at all. It seemed like they had reconciled.

As they rounded the edge of the Forbidden Forest, a witch suddenly jumped out from behind the trees.

It's Rita Skeeter.She was wearing a bright green robe today, and the shorthand pen in her hand matched the color of the robe.

"Congratulations, Harry!" She looked at Harry with a smile on her face, completely ignoring Aaron's presence. "I wonder if you can say a word to me? How did you feel when you faced the dragon? What do you have now? How does it feel, do you think the referee’s scoring is fair?”

"Okay, I only have one thing to say to you: Goodbye." After saying that, Harry, Aaron, Ron, and Hermione ran towards the castle.

As they entered the Gryffindor common room, there was a roar of cheers and uproar.There were mountains of cakes on the tables and chairs, as well as jugs of pumpkin juice and butterbeer.Lee Jordan set off some elaborate fireworks, and the air was filled with stars and sparks.Dean Thomas, who specializes in painting, has put up several eye-catching new banners, depicting Aaron tackling Hungarian Treetops and Harry flying around a Brachysaurus on a Firebolt.

"My God, it's quite heavy." Lee Jordan took the golden eggs that Harry and Aaron put on the table, weighed them with both hands and said, "Open them quickly, Aaron! Harry! Let's take a look inside. What is it!"

"They should solve the clues themselves." Hermione said quickly, "The rules of the tournament stipulate..."

But everyone else said, "Okay, Hermione, forget about the rules. Come on, Harry, Aaron, open them!"

Lee handed the golden egg to Harry, who dug his nails into a groove on the egg and pried the egg open.

It was empty, there was nothing inside.But the moment Harry opened it, an extremely terrifying, high-pitched scream filled the entire room.

"Close it!" Fred shouted, covering his ears with his hands.

Harry slammed the golden egg shut.

"What is that?" Seamus Finnigan asked, staring at the golden egg. "It sounds like the cry of a female ghost... Harry, Aaron, you may have to pass by a female ghost next time!"

"It seems like someone is being tortured!" Neville said with a pale face and scattered the sausage meat on the floor. "What you have to deal with is the Cruciatus Curse!"

"Don't be stupid, Neville, that's illegal." George said, "They can't recite the Cruciatus Curse on a warrior. I think it sounds a bit like Percy singing... Maybe you want to do it while he's in the shower attack him."

"I think this is probably because we opened the golden egg the wrong way." Aaron said thoughtfully.

"What do you mean?" Harry asked.

"This golden egg is used to tell us the content of the second project." Aaron said, "But a ghost-like scream obviously cannot provide us with any useful information. Therefore, it must be the way we open the golden egg. No, that's why. This is obviously a test. We must open the golden egg in the right way to get the real information inside."

"What do you think is the correct way to open a golden egg?" Ron asked.

"I don't know." Aaron shrugged, "Maybe we missed some preliminary steps, maybe the golden egg needs to be opened under certain conditions."

"Okay, you still have two months to study the secret of the golden egg. Just put it aside today and celebrate happily!" At this time, Fred came over with a plate of jam tarts and said , "Would you like a piece of jam pie, Hermione?"

Hermione looked at the plate he handed over suspiciously.

"Don't worry, I didn't do anything to them," Fred said. "It's the custard cookies you need to pay attention to."

Neville had just taken a bite of the custard biscuit, but when he heard this, he choked and spit out the biscuit.

Fred laughed: "I was just kidding, Neville."

Hermione picked up a piece of jam tart and said, "You brought all this from the kitchen, Fred?"

"Yes." Fred looked at her with a smile, and suppressed a high-pitched voice, imitating the house elf, "'We can prepare everything for you, sir, anything!' They are so enthusiastic... … As soon as I said I was a little hungry, they would roast a cow for me.”

"How did you get in?" Hermione asked in a nonchalant tone.

"I know this." Aaron said from the side, "The kitchen is in the basement of the castle. There is a corridor there. The walls are covered with pictures of various foods. There is a door hidden behind the picture of a bowl of fruit. . You just need to scratch the pear in the bowl of fruit, and it will turn into a door handle. Open the door, and there is the kitchen behind it."

"How did you know?" Hermione asked a little surprised, as if she didn't expect that Aaron also knew the entrance to the kitchen.

"Professor McGonagall told me."

Aaron's answer surprised Hermione even more.

"Don't I stay in school every summer?" Aaron explained, looking at Hermione's surprised expression. "During the summer, because I am the only student in the school, it would be a waste to use the auditorium as a restaurant. So if I If you want to eat, you need to go to the kitchen and get it yourself.”

"Why are you asking how to get into the kitchen, Hermione?" Fred asked, looking at Hermione warily at this moment.

"Nothing." Hermione said quickly.

"You want to lead the house elves to go on strike again, don't you?" George asked, "Are you going to give up those leaflets and other things and mobilize them to rebel?"

A few people were made to giggle.Hermione didn't answer.

"Don't mess with their minds and tell them they have to wear clothes and get paid!" Fred warned her. "You'll make them not want to cook!"

Just then, Neville suddenly transformed into a big canary, temporarily distracting everyone.

"Oh, sorry, Neville!" Fred shouted amidst everyone's laughter, "I forgot, this is our enchanted custard biscuit."

Fortunately, within a minute, Neville lost his feathers and returned to his normal appearance.He even laughed with the others.

"Canary biscuits!" Fred shouted to the excited crowd. "Me and George invented them. They cost seven silver coins each. They're so cheap!"

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