Old Blood at Hogwarts

Chapter 138

When Aaron left the Transfiguration classroom, he was filled with broken emotions.He would rather fight the fire dragon one more time than the challenge of finding a girl to dance with.But now everyone no longer needs him to challenge the fire dragon, they just need him to find a girl to dance with.

Now that things have come to this, Aaron can only face it even if he doesn't want to.He needs to find a girl to go to the Yule Ball with him.

But who should I turn to?

Aaron was sitting in the auditorium, eating lunch and looking at the female classmates around him.Aaron usually doesn't have much interaction with girls in school, so it seems not a good idea to invite them to be his dance partners.

However, Aaron soon discovered that he didn't seem to have to worry about finding a dance partner.

Because the very next day, a curly-haired fourth-year Hufflepuff girl who had never spoken to Aaron before invited Aaron to attend the dance with her.Aaron was so surprised that he refused without even thinking.The girl walked away, looking hurt.The next day, two more girls came to invite him, one was in fifth grade, and the other was actually in seventh grade. Looking at her, it seemed that if Aaron dared to refuse, she would knock him out.But Aaron still refused because the girl was a foot taller than him.

After careful consideration, Aaron thought it would be better to find a girl in the third or fourth grade or lower as his dance partner.This is mainly due to height considerations.Aaron is only 13 years old this year, and he is not a particularly tall person. His height can only be considered average among his peers.If he finds a senior girl as his dance partner, he will definitely make a fool of himself when they dance together.

Time flies, and soon there is only one week left before Christmas. The school begins to count the names of those who will stay in school for Christmas.Aaron had never seen so many people sign up to stay at Hogwarts for Christmas. In the past, the number of people who stayed at the school was always a very small number.This year was different. All the students above the fourth grade seemed to want to stay. It seemed to Aaron that they were all very obsessed with the upcoming dance, at least all the girls. He was suddenly surprised to find that Hogwarts It actually accommodated so many girls, he had never noticed before.Girls giggled and whispered in the hallways, laughed shrilly every time a boy walked by, excitedly exchanged ideas about what to wear on Christmas night...

In the last week of the semester, the school became more lively and noisy day by day.People spread rumors about the Yule Ball, but Aaron didn't believe most of them.For example, Dumbledore bought eight hundred barrels of flavored mead from Rosmer Tower of the Three Broomsticks.However, it might be true that he booked the weird sisters.As for who or what the Weird Sisters are, Aaron doesn't know because he has never listened to wizard radio, but judging from the excitement of those classmates who have listened to WWN (Wizard Radio Network) since childhood, the Weird Sisters Seems to be a very famous music group.

Some teachers, such as the little Professor Flitwick, saw that their classmates were obviously distracted and simply stopped teaching.He allowed them to play games in his class, and he spent most of the time talking to Aaron about the wonderful spells Aaron had used in his first project in the Triwizard Tournament.

Other teachers are not so easy to talk to.Professor Binns, for example, had nothing to distract him from trudging through his pile of notes on medieval witch hunts.The classmates speculated that since Professor Binns did not let his death stop him from continuing to teach, there was no way a small thing like Christmas could distract him.It was strange that he could make the bloody witch hunt seem as boring as Percy's cauldron report.Professor McGonagall and Moody did not let the students sit idle until the last second before get out of class ended.Not to mention Nepu, who looked at the class darkly and told them that he would test their shrinking potion in the last class of the semester.

The teachers and students of Hogwarts continue to show their desire to impress guests at Beauxbatons and Durmstrang, and they seem determined to put their best foot forward at the castle this Christmas.The school was decorated with lights and colorful decorations, and Aaron found that he had never seen such beautiful decorations since he entered the school.The handrails of the marble stairs are covered with icicles that will never melt, and the twelve Christmas trees customarily placed in the auditorium are decorated with various baubles, from shiny holly berries to various A live golden owl that stopped hooting.The armors were enchanted so that they would sing Christmas carols whenever anyone passed by.It's especially hilarious to hear an empty helmet sing "Oh, come on, ye pious people..."The armor only knew half of the lyrics. Filch, the caretaker, had to pull Peeves out of the armor several times because he was hiding inside. Whenever the armor couldn't sing, he would make up some lyrics of his own. Filled in, there are some very rude and ugly words.

However, Aaron is not in the mood to appreciate the decoration in the castle now, because he still has a major problem that has not been solved, and that is who to find as his dance partner.

Yes, Aaron hasn't found his dance partner yet.Although he has decided to find a dance partner among the girls in the lower grades, there is still a problem with who to find.

To be honest, Aaron is already in the third grade. It is impossible not to know girls in school, but most of the girls have just an ordinary classmate relationship with him.The few people he was relatively familiar with, such as Hermione, Ginny, and others, were just ordinary friends with him, and none of them seemed close enough to be prom partners.

However, at this point, even if he felt it was inappropriate, Aaron had to find one of the girls in school to be his dance partner.

As for choosing a dance partner, Aaron still prefers to choose someone he knows among his acquaintances, so that he won't be too embarrassed even if he is rejected.At Hogwarts, the girls Aaron was most familiar with were Hermione and Ginny.So, he immediately found them both and wanted to invite one of them to be his dance partner.

However, when he extended an invitation to Hermione, Hermione blushed and said, "I can't go with you because I have already promised someone else."

He asked Ginny again, and Ginny also blushed and said, "I can't either. I have already promised...to Neville. I think...anyway...anyway...if I don't agree to him, I won't be able to go. I’m not even in fourth grade yet.”

Well, Aaron's two most familiar female friends at Hogwarts have already promised to others, and now he can only find others to be his dance partners.

Aaron returned to the common room and asked which girl was without a partner.But most of the beautiful girls already had partners, and only a few girls like Eloise Midgen (a girl with acne on her face and a slightly crooked nose) were left without partners.Although Aaron felt that if he invited Eloise, she would most likely agree, but Aaron did not want to go to the dance with an ugly person.

Finally, it was Ginny who told Aaron that Luna Lovegood didn't have a dance partner yet.

"Crazy girl Lovegood?" Aaron muttered, feeling a little reluctant.But now it seems that there is no better choice, and all the other good girls have been picked up by others.No matter how you say it, Luna is also an acquaintance of Aaron, and she can be said to be the girl Aaron is most familiar with besides Hermione and Ginny.

During dinner, Aaron found Luna in the auditorium.

She had shaggy, dirty, waist-length blond hair, very light eyebrows, and bulging eyes that gave her a constant look of surprise.She had her wand stuck behind her left ear and wore a necklace of butterbeer corks around her neck.This girl obviously has a crazy energy in her body, so she is called "Crazy Girl" by everyone.This is obviously not a compliment. As Gu Yalun knows, even in Ravenclaw Academy, Luna is very ostracized. Everyone always regards her as the target of teasing and ridicule, and always steals her things. Hide it so she can't find it.

If possible, Aaron would also like to find a normal girl to go to the prom with, but now he obviously has no choice.

"Hello, Luna, can I say a word to you?" After dinner, Aaron saw the right moment and blocked Luna at the door of the auditorium and said.

"Of course." Luna said in a trance, following Aaron to a deserted place at the bottom of the stairs, "What do you want to say?"

"Well." Aaron hesitated and said, "You...are you willing to go to the dance with me?" After saying that, his face turned red.

"Oh!" Luna's voice was no longer trance-like.She seemed not to have expected that Aaron would invite her to the dance, and stared at Aaron with wide eyes.

Aaron waited quietly for Luna's answer, and at the same time thought about who he should find as his dance partner if Luna also rejected him. Is he really going to find Eloise Midgen?

"Okay, okay." Luna finally said, her face red as if she was about to bleed.

"Thank you." Aaron said, finally breathing a sigh of relief. "The dance will be held in the auditorium at eight o'clock on Christmas Eve, so let's meet in the foyer before the dance starts, okay?"

"Okay," Luna said.

"That's great." After finally settling the matter of his dance partner, Aaron immediately felt at ease.He felt that this dance was too troublesome and not worthwhile.

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