Old Blood at Hogwarts

Chapter 142 Rita Skeeter’s Scoop

After Christmas passed, February 2th suddenly seemed much closer, but Aaron still couldn't find the clue hidden in the golden egg.During the holidays, Aaron opened the golden egg many times and listened carefully, hoping to figure out the mystery.But the sound in the golden egg made him feel like he was hearing thirty musical saws playing together, and he couldn't get any effective information at all.He had never heard such an unpleasant sound before.He had shaken it vigorously and turned it on to see if there was any change in the sound, but the sound was still the same.He also tried to ask questions to the golden egg, shouting at the top of his lungs amidst its screams, but found nothing.

After struggling a few times, Aaron realized that there was nothing in the golden egg except those unpleasant sounds.The information of the second project is hidden in these unpleasant and harsh sounds, but a special method must be used to extract this information from the harsh noises.

Although Aaron guessed some of the truth about the golden egg, he still didn't know exactly what he needed to do.However, it is impossible for the preparation team of the championship to assign a clueless question to the Warriors.Therefore, the sound inside the golden egg should be a very unique sound, and it should not be difficult to obtain the information inside.So, in the last few days of the vacation, he spent all day in the library, looking for various sound-related materials.But until school started again, Aaron found no relevant clues.

After the Christmas vacation, school begins.The outdoor fields are still covered with thick snow, and there are fine condensation on the classroom windows.In such weather, everyone is reluctant to leave the warm castle.Unfortunately, Aaron had a Care of Magical Creatures lesson that took place outdoors that afternoon.

Although Colin said that the Blast-Ended Skrewts would probably warm them up, and they would either chase their classmates around, or they would explode a lot of sparks and set Hagrid's hut on fire, but everyone still reluctantly walked to the sea. Checkered hut.

However, when they arrived at Hagrid's hut, they saw an elderly witch standing at the door.Her gray hair was cut short and her chin was very prominent.

"Hurry up, hurry up, the school bell has been ringing for five minutes," she said sharply to them.

They walked through the snow, one foot deep and the other shallow, toward her.

"Who are you?" Colin asked, glaring at her. "Where's Hagrid?"

"I am Professor Graplan," she said crisply, "I am the temporary substitute teacher for your Care of Magical Creatures class. Please go this way."

Professor Grapeland said, walking around the temporary stables and walking towards the distance. The huge Beauxbatons horses in the stables stood shivering, leaning against each other to resist the cold.

Aaron and other students looked at each other, somewhat confused as to what was going on.Why did Professor Grapeland suddenly come to take over the class? Did something happen to Hagrid?

Aaron saw from a distance that all the curtains in Hagrid's cabin were closed.

Professor Grapeland led them towards a big tree at the edge of the Forbidden Forest, under which a beautiful big unicorn was tied.

Many girls gasped in admiration when they saw the unicorn.

"Oh, it's so beautiful!" said Ginny. "How did she get it? They say unicorns are hard to catch!"

This unicorn is so dazzlingly white that the surrounding white snow looks a bit gray in comparison.It paved the soil with its golden hooves restlessly and raised its horned head.

"Boys, stay back!" Professor Grapeland shouted sharply, "Unicorns like women's touch. Girls, stand in front and approach it carefully. Come here, relax..."

She and the girls walked slowly toward the unicorn, while the boys stayed by the stable fence and stood watching them.

Aaron couldn't help but feel a little bored because he couldn't get close to the unicorn. He looked around and found a group of boys gathering together and whispering about something.

"What are you doing?" Aaron walked over and asked softly.

The crowd moved aside slightly, and Aaron noticed they were reading a newspaper.

Aaron also leaned over to watch together.It was an article titled "Dumbledore's Big Mistake". It had a picture of Hagrid with a sneaky look on his face.

The content of the article is as follows:

Our special correspondent Rita Skeeter reports that the eccentric Albus Dumbledore, the headmaster of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, has always dared to hire controversial teachers.In September, he hired Alastor "Mad-Eye" Moody as Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher, a decision that surprised many in the Ministry.Moody was a notoriously vicious former Auror who was known to attack anyone who made sudden movements in front of him.However, compared to the half-man, half-goblin Dumbledore hired to teach Care of Magical Creatures, Mad-Eye Moody was serious, responsible, and amiable.

Rubeus Hagrid admitted that he was expelled from Hogwarts in his third year and has been working as the school's gamekeeper ever since, a job that Dumbledore found for him.Last year, Hagrid actually used mystical influence on the principal, won out from many more qualified candidates, and found himself the position of Care of Magical Creatures teacher.

Hagrid is a large, vicious-looking man who abuses his newfound power by procuring a series of terrifying animals to scare the students in his charge.In a series of lessons that many called "terrifying", Hagrid had injured and maimed several students, while Dumbledore turned a blind eye.

"I was attacked by a Hippogriff and my friend Vincent Crabbe was severely bitten by a Flobberworm." A fourth man named Draco Malfoy The first grade student said, "We all hate Hagrid, but we dare not speak out."

Hagrid, however, had no intention of stopping his threatening behavior.In a conversation with a reporter from the Daily Prophet last month, he admitted that he was breeding a creature he named a "blast-tailed snail," a cross between a griffon and a fire crab. , which is very dangerous.The creation of new species of magical creatures is usually closely monitored by the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures at the Ministry of Magic.But Hagrid thought he could transcend such cumbersome rules.

"I just thought it was funny," he said, then hastily changed the subject.

As if that wasn't enough, the Daily Prophet recently uncovered evidence that Hagrid is not the pure-blooded wizard he always pretends to be.In fact he wasn't even a pure blooded person.We can exclusively reveal that his mother is none other than the giantess Fridvafa, whose whereabouts are currently unknown.Giants are cruel and bloodthirsty by nature, and were on the verge of extinction due to cannibalism in the last century.The remaining dozen joined the mysterious man's command, and during the white terror period ruled by the mysterious man, they committed several of the most brutal Muggle massacres.

Many giants who worked for the mysterious man died at the hands of Aurors fighting against the dark forces, but Friedvar was not among them.She probably fled to one of the giant villages that still exists in the mountains abroad.However, if we analyze the eccentric behavior in Care of Magical Creatures lessons, it appears that Fredvarfa's son inherited his mother's cruel nature.

Surprisingly, Hagrid is said to have developed a close friendship with the boy who deprived You-Know-Who of his power - thus leaving Hagrid's biological mother, like the rest of You-Know-Who's followers, in anonymity. Hiding in Tibet.Perhaps Harry Potter didn't yet understand these unpleasant things about his hulking friend, but Albus Dumbledore certainly had a responsibility to ensure that Harry Potter and his classmates were aware of the dangers associated with half-bloods. The dangers of dating giants.

After reading the newspaper article, Aaron immediately understood the reason why Professor Grapeland took Hagrid's place in class.It must be because of this article that everyone knows that Hagrid is a half-giant.Most parents would not allow a half-giant to be their child's Care of Magical Creatures teacher for fear that Hagrid would eat their children.Just like they didn't accept a werewolf as their children's Defense Against the Dark Arts professor last year.Although Hagrid and Lupin are not dangerous, their long-standing prejudices prevent them from accepting that there are good people among the so-called "others".

Aaron believed that Dumbledore's office must have been surrounded by owls after the article appeared in the newspaper.He must have been under a lot of pressure to have to replace Hagrid.The chances of Hagrid returning as Care of Magical Creatures professor were slim to none, so his best solution was to continue serving as the school's gamekeeper.Even so, Aaron believes that there will still be many parents who are dissatisfied. They must hope that Dumbledore will completely drive Hagrid out of the school and keep the "abominable half-blood giant" away from their children.

Aaron knew the reason why Hagrid didn't come to class today, but another question came to Aaron's mind: How did Rita Skeeter know that Hagrid was a hybrid giant?

Judging from the timing of the article published in the newspaper, Rita Skeeter should have known about it after the Christmas ball. It was most likely that she heard what Hagrid said to Madame Maxime that day.However, Rita Skeeter obviously didn't come to the dance that day, so someone else must have told her.But who could have told her?In addition to Aaron, those who heard Hagrid and Madame Maxime talking that day were Luna, Harry and Ron.Aaron was sure that he did not do this. With the relationship between Harry, Ron and Hagrid, Aaron believed that they would not do such a thing. As for Luna...if it was Luna, then this article should be published On The Quibbler, not the Daily Prophet.Maybe someone else heard what Hagrid said that day. Hagrid didn't speak quietly that day, so it wouldn't be surprising that someone else heard it, and he told Miss Skeeter.

At this moment, Professor Graplan noticed Aaron and others gathered together, and heard her shout loudly: "Are you paying attention?"

At this time, the girls gathered around the unicorn and stroked it.Professor Grapeland was enumerating the many magical properties of unicorns, speaking loudly so that the boys could hear her.

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