Old Blood at Hogwarts

Chapter 150 Unexpected Changes

Aaron turned into dead ends several more times, but the growing darkness convinced him that he was approaching the center of the maze.Then, when he was walking on a long and straight path, he noticed movement again. The light of the wand shone on an extremely strange monster, the picture of which he had only seen in "The Monster Book of Monsters".

It's the Sphinx.Its body is like a frighteningly large lion: huge paws, a long yellow tail, and a tuft of hair at the tip of the tail.But it has the head of a woman.As Aaron approached, she turned her long, almond-shaped eyes toward him.He raised his wand, hesitantly.Instead of crouching down to pounce, she just walked around blocking his path.Then she spoke, her voice low and hoarse.

"You're very close to your goal. The quickest way is to get past me."

"Can you please give way?" Aaron said.

"No." The Sphinx continued to walk around, "Unless you can answer my riddle. If you guess it once, I will let you pass. If you don't guess, I will pounce on you. If you don't answer, I will let you pass. Just go away, I won’t hurt you.”

Aaron wasn't very good at riddles, but he was going to give it a try.After all, if you can't guess, you don't have to answer. The Sphinx won't hurt him, and he can find another way to the center of the maze.Once you guess it, you can rush directly to the center of the maze from here.

"Okay," Aaron said, "Can I hear the riddle?"

The sphinx sat on her hind legs, in the middle of the road, and read:

"Think about who always wears a mask,

The actions are secretive, and the lies are repeated.

And tell me something is always mended,

The middle of the middle, the tail of the tail?

Finally tell me when I can't think of words,

Which word is often spoken.

Now put them together and answer me,

What's an animal you wouldn't kiss? "

Aaron thought for a while and said with some uncertainty: "It's 'Spider', right?"

The Sphinx stood up, smiled and winked, straightened its front legs and stepped aside.

"Thank you!" Aaron knew that he had guessed correctly and started running. There was a fork in the road ahead.

"Show me the way!" he said to the wand again, and it turned to point to a road to the right.He ran along the road and saw a light ahead of him.

The Triwizard Cup shimmered seductively on its base 100 meters away.

Aaron was about to rush over when suddenly a burst of footsteps came from behind him.Aaron looked back and saw Harry turning out of a fork in the back.

Aaron did not say hello to Harry, but turned around and rushed towards the Triwizard Cup.Now that the two are rivals, this is not the time for a pleasant conversation.Harry also saw the Triwizard Cup at this time, and even saw Aaron running in front of him, and he hurriedly ran forward.

With the current distance between the two of them, Harry would never be able to catch up with Aaron.But at this moment, Aaron saw a huge thing outside the hedge on the left, moving quickly towards this side on an intersecting road.That thing had eight shining black eyes and sharp pincers. It was an Acromantula.

I saw the Acromantula dragging its huge body and crawling over quickly, opening its pincers, leaning over Aaron.

"There are many obstacles! Faint!" Aaron pointed his wand at the spider and shouted.

The spell struck the spider's massive, black, hairy body.The spider twitched, fell to the side, crushed a hedge, and spread its long hairy legs on the ground.

In the short time it took for Aaron to knock down the spider, Harry had already caught up.Now they were neck and neck.

Both Aaron and Harry ran towards the Triwizard Cup with all their strength. They both wanted to get the Triwizard Cup before their opponents.Finally, they ran to the Triwizard Cup together, reached out their hands to the Triwizard Cup at the same time, and each of them grabbed a handle.

Suddenly, Aaron felt as if he was being pulled behind his navel.His legs lifted off the ground, and he could not loosen his grip on the Triwizard Cup, which dragged him forward amid the howling wind and whirling colors, Harry beside him.

Aaron felt his feet hit the ground, his legs softened and he fell to the ground. His hand finally let go of the Triwizard Cup.He looked up and asked, "Where are we?"

Harry shook his head.He stood up and pulled Aaron up, and the two of them looked around.

They were well outside the confines of Hogwarts. They had obviously flown several miles, maybe hundreds of miles, because even the mountains surrounding the castle were gone.They stood in a dark overgrown churchyard and could see the dark outline of a small church behind a tall yew to the right.On the left is a hill.Aaron could make out a fine old house on the hillside.

Aaron looked down at the Triwizard Cup, then looked up at Harry and asked, "Did anyone tell you that this trophy is a portkey?"

"No," said Harry. "Is this part of the game?"

"I don't know." Aaron looked at the cemetery. The surroundings were eerie and silent. "Pull out the wand, what do you think?"

"Okay," Harry agreed.

They drew their wands and Aaron kept glancing around.He felt a strange feeling, as if someone was watching them.

"Someone is coming," Harry said suddenly.

They squinted their eyes nervously and looked into the darkness, seeing a figure walking toward them step by step among the graves.Aaron couldn't see the man's face clearly, but judging from his gait and arm posture, the man seemed to be holding something.He is short in stature and wears a hooded cloak that hides his face.Taking a few steps closer, Aaron saw that the thing the man was holding looked like a baby, or was it just a bag of clothes?

The wand in Aaron's hand was lowered.He looked at Harry, who gave him a questioning look.The two turned back to stare at the approaching figure.

The man stopped in front of a towering marble tombstone, only six feet away from them.In that moment, Aaron and Harry looked at the small figure.

Suddenly, Harry dropped his wand, covered his face with his hands, and fell to the ground in pain.

"What's wrong with you, Harry?" Aaron asked Harry nervously, while looking at the short figure warily.Although the figure seemed to be doing nothing, Harry's change must have something to do with him.

At this time, Aaron heard someone in front of him say loudly and coldly: "Get rid of those who are in the way."

Then, Aaron saw the short figure take out a wand and point it at him.

"Expelliarmus!" Aaron yelled before his opponent could.

A ray of red light was seen shooting out from Aaron's wand, hitting the short figure accurately.The short figure flew out immediately, and the wand fell from his hand.

Aaron pointed his wand at the short figure and cautiously approached him, asking at the same time: "Who are you? Where are you? What did you do to Harry?"

The little figure groaned and fell to the ground without answering.He was still holding the bundle firmly in his hand.

Suddenly, Aaron noticed a magic wand sticking out of the bundle, and then a sharp shout sounded.

"Avada Kedavra!"

A strong green light penetrated the night sky and caught Aaron's eyes.

This was not the first time Aaron had faced Avada's Kedavra, but the despair bred in the curse still made his heart palpitate.He reacted instinctively.I saw a flash of white light, and Aaron disappeared.

After two years of practice, Aaron has made great progress in mastering his natural abilities.Especially this year because of the large number of course selections, Aaron had to use a time turner.Aaron was surprised to find that every time he used the time turner, his mastery of his natural abilities would become stronger.

Now, within a range of 200 feet around him, Aaron can move as he pleases.

When Aaron's figure reappeared, he had arrived 10 feet behind the short figure.

He pointed his wand at the enemy and was about to recite a spell when a big snake suddenly jumped out from the side, opened its jaws, and bit Aaron.

Smelling the fishy wind blowing towards him, Aaron had no choice but to display his innate ability again.This time, he moved as far as he could.A series of accidents made Aaron feel wary.He planned to observe the situation first, find out who the enemy was and what his purpose was, and then make next plans.

Aaron hid behind a tombstone, cast a disembodiment spell on himself, and then carefully looked ahead.

The short figure had already stood up from the ground.I saw him looking left and right, as if he was looking for Aaron.This is of course fruitless.Then, he lowered his head and said something, and stopped searching.

Aaron saw the short man in the cloak put down the bundle, lit his wand, grabbed Harry and dragged him towards a marble tombstone.Then, he used magic to conjure a rope and tied Harry tightly to the tombstone. After tying the rope, the short man in the cloak checked again and hurried away.

Aaron carefully walked out from behind the tombstone and moved in the direction of Harry.Because his natural ability would destroy the Disillusionment Curse, Aaron did not teleport over, but walked over quickly.

Soon, Aaron was only 20 feet away from Harry who was tied to the tombstone.From here, Aaron could clearly see Harry who was tied up tightly and unable to move. He saw that he was firmly tied to the tombstone from his neck to his ankles, and a black piece of stuff was stuffed in his mouth. Something weird.The big snake that had attacked Aaron before was snaking around Harry in the grass.

Seeing that the enemy didn't seem to be planning to kill Harry right away, Aaron planned to take another look at the situation to get more information.

At this moment, Aaron heard a wheezing sound coming from the side.He turned around and saw the short man in a cloak pushing a stone cauldron filled with water.Aaron had never seen such a large cauldron before. It was big enough for an adult to sit in it.

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