Old Blood at Hogwarts

Chapter 156 Death Eaters at Hogwarts

Harry still said with some disbelief: "You didn't... no... it can't be you."

Moody's magical eye returned to Harry.His crooked grin widened: "Who put your name in the Goblet of Fire as a student from another school? It was me. Who scared away everyone who might hurt you or get in the way of your victory? It was me. Who encouraged Hagrid to show you the dragon? It was me. Who made you think of the only way to defeat the dragon? Or me."

"It's not easy, Harry. In order to help you pass these projects without arousing suspicion, I have to use all my tricks. If you win too easily, Dumbledore will become suspicious. But I still have to deal with you. Stupidity. On the second project, I was particularly worried that we would fail. I was keeping an eye on you, Potter. I knew you had no clue about finding the golden egg, so I gave you a hint. You were in the library for so long , didn’t you find that the book you need is in the dormitory? I arranged it, and I gave it to the boy named Longma Patton. It will tell you all the useful knowledge about the mermaid’s song and the gillyweed. "

"I thought you would turn to everyone around you. Longbottom would tell you right away. But you didn't. Your pride and sense of independence nearly ruined everything. What could I do? I could only find another naive person. To remind you. You told me at the Yule Ball that a house elf named Dobby had given you a Christmas present. I called the elf into the teachers' lounge to collect the laundry. I shouted Professor McGonagall talked about the hostages and wondered whether Potter would think of using gillyweed. Your elf friend immediately ran to Snape's office and hurried to find you..."

"Don't move!" Moody shouted suddenly.

His magic eye stared at Aaron and said: "Don't play tricks. Otherwise, I will have to send you to death in advance. I will always keep an eye on you."

It turned out that Aaron quietly touched his wand when he saw Moody only talking to Harry.But it was obvious that his actions were discovered by Moody.Obviously, under the gaze of the evil eye, he could do nothing.

Moody continued to whisper to Harry: "You stayed in the lake for too long, Potter. I thought you drowned. Fortunately, Dumbledore regarded your stupidity as noble and gave it to you. I breathed a sigh of relief after getting a high score. Of course, you were taken care of in tonight's maze. I patrolled around the maze, could see through the hedges outside, and used spells to drive many obstacles away from your path. I Knocked Fleur Delacour unconscious, and cast the Imperius Curse on Krum, asking him to attack Elf, clearing the way for you to win the cup."

"The Dark Lord failed to kill you, Potter. He wanted to kill you so much. Think about it, if I did it for him, how would he reward me? I gave you to him. You are what he needs most for his resurrection. thing, and then kill you for him. I will be honored more than any other Death Eater, and I will be his most beloved confidant...more than his son." Moody looked completely lost, he was condescending. He smiled ferociously at Harry, "The Dark Lord and I have a lot in common. For example, we both had very disappointing fathers...extremely disappointing. Harry, we both inherited our father's title in shame, We all happily...with great pleasure...killed our own fathers to ensure that the Dark One reigned supreme!"

Harry couldn't help but said: "You're crazy, you're crazy!"

Aaron also felt that Moody's spirit seemed a little abnormal. There had long been rumors in the wizarding world that he had mental problems. Aaron originally thought it was a rumor, but now it seems that the rumor is likely to be true.It is very possible that Moody turned to Voldemort because of mental problems.Otherwise, it makes no sense why an Auror who hates dark wizards the most would become a Death Eater.

"Am I crazy?" Moody raised his voice uncontrollably, "We'll see! Let's see who is crazy. The Dark Lord has returned, and I am assisting him. Harry Potter, you did not conquer him! Now, I want to conquer you!"

Moody raised his wand and opened his mouth.Aaron and Harry still had their wands in their pockets.

But just before Moody uttered the incantation——

"Collapse!" A dazzling red light, accompanied by a loud sound of the hedge breaking, shot over from behind the nearby hedge.

Moody fell flat on his face.Albus Dumbledore, Professor Snape and Professor McGonagall were seen coming through the hole in the wall.Dumbledore still held his wand in his hand.

Aaron had never thought that the expression on Dumbledore's face would be so terrifying, and every wrinkle on that old face was filled with cold anger.Dumbledore radiated a power around him, as if he were burning with heat.He stuck a foot under Moody and rolled him over, exposing his face.

Professor McGonagall walked straight to Aaron and Harry. Her thin lips trembled and she whispered as if she was about to cry: "Let's go, Potter, Elf, follow me to the hospital."

"No." Dumbledore said firmly.

"They need to stay, Minerva." Dumbledore said simply. "Understanding is the first step to acceptance, and only after acceptance can you recover. They need to understand who put them through the ordeal tonight, And why that is.”

"Moody." Harry said, still not completely convinced, "How could it be Moody?"

"That's not Alastor Moody." Dumbledore said calmly, "You have never met Alastor Moody. The real Moody would not do such a thing, let alone seek refuge with a black man. wizard."

Dumbledore bent over Moody's limp body and put a hand into his robes.He produced Moody's curved flagon and a bunch of keys.He unscrewed the cap of the curved wine bottle, turned the bottle upside down, and a stream of viscous liquid spilled onto the office floor.

"Polyjuice Potion, how simple and ingenious it is." said Dumbledore. "Moody is famous for drinking only from the curved bottle he carries with him. Of course, the impostor needs to bring the real Moody Stay around so you can keep making the decoction. But I think our fake Moody might have been too excited tonight and forgot to take his medicine on time...once an hour...we'll see."

Then he turned and looked at Professor McGonagall and Snape: "Severus, please go get your most powerful Veritaserum, and then go to the kitchen to find a house elf named Winky. Minerva, Please go to Hagrid's house. There is a big black dog in his pumpkin patch. You take the dog to my office and tell him I will be there in a moment. Then you go to Moody's office to look for it. , I guess the real Alastor is there. After that, come back here. You have this bunch of keys, maybe you will use them when searching Moody's office." As he said that, he took the bunch of keys from Moody's body. The found key was handed to Professor McGonagall.

Snape and McGonagall may have found these instructions strange, but they didn't let it show.The two immediately turned and left.

Afterwards, Dumbledore stared at the unconscious Moody on the floor.Aaron and Harry stared at him too.Time passed by in silence.

As he watched, the face of the man on the ground changed. The pain gradually disappeared, the skin became smoother, and the missing nose grew full and shrunk.The long gray hair is shortening and turning light yellow.Suddenly there was a clang, the wooden leg fell aside, and a real leg grew out.Then, the enchanted eyeball popped out of its socket, and a real eye took its place.The magic eyes rolled on the floor, still moving around.In the blink of an eye, Moody turned into a man who was completely unfamiliar to Aaron.He has pale skin, slight freckles, and a head of light yellow messy hair.

Rapid footsteps sounded in the corridor.Snape returned with an elf, followed closely by Professor McGonagall.

Aaron recognized the elf as the Twinkle he had seen at the World Cup.She was once a servant of Mr. Barty Crouch, and was later kicked out by Mr. Crouch for allegedly stealing Harry's wand.Unexpectedly, she came to Hogwarts.From what Dumbledore said before, she seems to be working in the school kitchen now.

"Crouch!" Snape looked at the unconscious man in surprise, "Barty Crouch Jr.!"

"Oh my God." Professor McGonagall stood there blankly, staring at the man on the ground.

A scruffy Winky poked her head out from Snape's feet.She opened her mouth wide and let out a piercing scream: "Master Barty, Master Barty, what are you doing here?"

She threw herself on the young man's chest and shouted to Dumbledore: "You killed him! You killed him! You killed the master's son!"

After hearing the words of several people, Aaron immediately knew the identity of the unconscious man.He is actually the son of the missing Mr. Barty Crouch.Unexpectedly, Mr. Crouch's son was actually a Death Eater and had the same name as his father.And based on what he said before, Mr. Crouch was probably killed.

"He was just hit by a Stunning Curse, Winky." Dumbledore said, "Minerva, have you found Alastor?"

"Yes." Professor McGonagall nodded and said, "I found him in a locked box in his office. He was hit by the Imperius Curse and is now very weak, but his life is not in danger. I have handed him over to Pan Mrs. Frey."

"Very good," Dumbledore said. "Severus, have you brought the potion?"

Snape handed Dumbledore a vial of clear liquid.

"Now, Winky, please step aside."

Twinkle gave way to the side and knelt there, covering her face with her hands, trembling all over.

Dumbledore bent down and dragged the man up from the ground, making him sit against the wall of the maze.Then, Dumbledore opened the man's mouth, poured three drops of potion, pointed his wand at his chest and said, "Resuscitate quickly!"

Mr. Crouch's son opened his eyes. His eyes were dull and his cheeks were slack.Dumbledore knelt in front of him, face to face with him.

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