Old Blood at Hogwarts

Chapter 158 Narration

"Map? What map?" Dumbledore asked immediately.

"It's the Marauder's Map." Aaron said at this time, "It was made by Harry's father and his friends when they were in school. It has the entrances and exits of all the secret passages in the school and how to open them. It also shows all the entrances and exits. Names and locations of people at school.”

"Oh!" Dumbledore said in surprise, "That is truly an amazing creation."

"So, you took the map from Harry?" Dumbledore asked Barty Crouch Jr.

"Yes," said Barty Crouch Jr. "One night he saw me going into Snape's office to steal the ingredients for Polyjuice Potion. Potter saw me on the map. But he thought I was My father, because we had the same name. That night I took away Potter's map. I told him that my father hated dark wizards. Potter thought my father was following Snape. I waited for my father to arrive at Hog Watts, I waited for a week. Finally one night, the map showed that my father appeared. I put on the invisibility cloak and went to meet him. He was walking on the edge of the Forbidden Forest, when Potter and Krum came, I waited for a while. I couldn't hurt Potter, my master needed him. While Potter ran to find Dumbledore, I knocked Krum unconscious and killed my father."

"No—!" Twinkle wailed, "Master Barty, what are you talking about?"

Dumbledore still said in a gentle voice: "You killed your father, how did you dispose of the body?"

"I carried it back into the woods and covered it with an invisibility cloak. I had a map with me so I wouldn't be afraid of not finding the body. I saw Harry running into the castle and bumping into Snape. Dumbledore also came out. I saw Harry After taking Dumbledore out of the castle, I came out of the woods and walked around behind them and went up to greet them. I told Dumbledore that Snape told me. Dumbledore asked me to find my father. I went back I looked at the map at my father's body. After everyone left, I cast a transformation spell on the body to turn it into bones. Then I wore an invisibility cloak and buried it in the newly dug soil in front of Hagrid's hut. inside."

After a moment of silence, Dumbledore said: "Tonight..."

Little Barty Crouch didn't wait for Dumbledore to finish, and took the initiative to show off: "I offered to put the Triwizard Cup into the maze before dinner. I turned it into a portkey. My master's plan succeeded. . He has made a comeback, and I will get a reward that no wizard can dream of." A perverted smile appeared on his face again, and his head hung down.Winky sobbed next to him.

Dumbledore stood up.He looked down at Barty Crouch Jr. with a look of disgust on his face.Then he raised his wand again, and several ropes flew out of the wand, entangled Barty Crouch Jr., and tied him up tightly.

Dumbledore turned to Professor McGonagall and said, "Minerva, can you stay here? I'm going to take Harry and Aaron upstairs."

"No problem," said Professor McGonagall.She looked a little disgusted, as if she had been looking at a sick person.But her hand was steady as she drew her wand and pointed it at Barty Crouch Jr.

"Severus." Dumbledore turned to Snape, "Please go to the grounds and find Cornelius Fudge. He will definitely want to interrogate Crouch Jr. himself. If he wants to find me, you tell him , I will be in the ward for half an hour."

Snape nodded silently and walked out quickly.

"Aaron, Harry." Dumbledore said gently, "I hope you can follow me to my office first."

Then, Dumbledore lowered his voice and said, "Sirius is waiting for us there."

At this time, a sound of wings flapping gently came from the side.Aaron turned his head and looked, and saw a beautiful big bird covered with golden and red feathers flying from the sky. It was Dumbledore's phoenix, Fawkes.

Fawkes landed on Harry's shoulder and winked at him calmly.Harry stroked Fawkes' beautiful feathers and greeted him softly: "Hello, Fawkes."

Fawkes lightly rubbed Harry's face, then flew up from his shoulders and came to Dumbledore.Dumbledore grabbed Fawkes' paw with one hand and Harry's shoulder with the other.Then, with a flash of white light, Fawkes, Dumbledore, Harry, and Aaron, who had been supporting Harry, all disappeared.

Aaron felt that he had changed his position in just a blink of an eye. He looked around and found that he had arrived in Dumbledore's office.Across the office, Sirius stood.He was pale and gaunt, like he had been when he'd escaped from Azkaban.

Seeing Harry, he ran over from across the room in the blink of an eye: "Harry, are you okay? I've known for a long time, I've known that something like this would happen. What's going on?"

With trembling hands, he helped Harry sit on a chair in front of the table, and asked more eagerly: "What's going on?"

Dumbledore began to tell Sirius exactly what Barty Crouch Jr. had said.Aaron found a seat in the room and sat down, listening absentmindedly.After Dumbledore finished speaking, he looked at Aaron and Harry and said warmly: "Aaron, Harry, I want to know what happened after you touched the door key in the maze?"

"We can talk about it tomorrow morning, okay, Dumbledore?" Sirius put a hand on Harry's shoulder and said hoarsely, "Let them sleep. Let them get some rest. "

Dumbledore leaned towards Aaron and Harry and said gently: "If I feel that it would be good for you to put your magic to sleep and allow you to temporarily not think about what happened tonight, I will do so. . But I know better than you that temporarily numbing the pain will only make it worse when you finally feel the pain. The bravery you have shown far exceeds my expectations of you. I ask you again Show your courage. I ask you to tell us what happened."

Fox, who had returned to the branch, also let out a soft and trembling cry.

Aaron and Harry looked at each other and began to tell Dumbledore and Sirius about their evening's experiences.They told how they came to a cemetery, how Voldemort and Peter Pettigrew appeared, how Harry fell to the ground because of the pain of his scar, and how Aaron tried to subdue Peter Pettigrew but failed...

When it came to Peter Pettigrew stabbing Harry in the arm with his dagger, Sirius let out an excited cry, his hand still clutching Harry's shoulders.Dumbledore stood up suddenly, so fast that Aaron was startled.Dumbledore came around the table and asked Harry to hold out his arm.Harry showed them both his torn robes and the wounds underneath them.

Harry said to Dumbledore: "He said that my blood would work better than anyone else's and would make him stronger. He said that the protective power - the power that my mother left in me , he wanted to have it too. He was right, and when he touched me again later, he wouldn't be hurt. He touched my face."

For a brief moment, Aaron seemed to see a flash of joy in Dumbledore's eyes.But he wasn't sure he was mistaken, because Dumbledore quickly turned back to the chair behind his desk.

"Very well, Voldemort has overcome that unusual obstacle." Dumbledore sat down and said, "Harry, Aaron, please go on."

Aaron and Harry continued, describing how Voldemort emerged from the cauldron and recounting what they remembered of Voldemort's speech to the Death Eaters.Then they told about the duel between Voldemort and Harry.

When they talked about the golden light connecting Harry's wand and Voldemort's wand, Sirius couldn't help but ask: "The two wands are connected? Why?" He looked at Harry and then at Dumbledore.

"Flashback spell," Dumbledore murmured.

"Can I get the effect of the replay spell?" Sirius asked smartly.

"Exactly," said Dumbledore, "Harry's wand and Voldemort's wand have the same core. The feathers they contain are obtained from the same phoenix. To be honest, it's this phoenix. "He pointed to the golden-red phoenix perched quietly on a branch beside the door.

"The feather in my wand comes from Fawkes?" Harry asked in surprise.

"Yes," Dumbledore said. "Four years ago, Mr. Ollivander wrote to me as soon as you left his shop and told me that you had bought the second wand."

"So, what happens if a wand meets its brother?" asked Sirius.

"They do not attack each other normally," Dumbledore said. "However, if the owner of the wand forces two wands to fight, a very rare phenomenon will occur. One wand will force the other wand to repeat it. The spells that have been cast, in flashback. First the most recent spell, then the previous ones..."

He looked at Harry questioningly, and Harry nodded.

Dumbledore stared at Harry's face and said slowly, "This means that people who were killed by Voldemort in the past will reappear in some form."

Harry nodded again.

"People who died before are alive again?" Sirius asked quickly.

"No magic spell can awaken the dead. There will only be a phenomenon similar to an echo in reverse. A shadow of them when they were alive will emerge from the wand." Dumbledore said in a serious tone, "Am I right? , Harry?"

"They spoke to me." Harry couldn't help but tremble, "Those...those souls and things like that spoke."

"It is an echo. It retains the appearance and personality of the deceased." Dumbledore said, "Can I ask which victims of Voldemort's wand have appeared?"

Harry said: "There was an old man, Bertha Jorkins, and..."

"Your parents?" Dumbledore asked softly.

"Yes," said Harry.

"The last person killed by that wand flashed in reverse order." Dumbledore nodded, "Of course, if you keep the two wands connected, more illusions will appear. Very good, these echoes, These phantoms...what did they do?"

Harry described how the figures emerging from the wand hovered at the edge of the golden web, how Voldemort looked afraid of them, and how the shadows of Harry's parents told him what he should do.At this point, Harry seemed unable to speak.Sirius, who was beside him, also covered his face with his hands.

Aaron continued after Harry.He told how Harry broke the golden thread under his father's instructions and how those ghostly echoes haunted Voldemort and helped them escape.He then told how they broke through the Death Eaters, got the trophy that turned into a portkey, and returned to Hogwarts.

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