Old Blood at Hogwarts

Chapter 2 Letters from Hogwarts

One day in August 1992, Aaron Elf was sitting alone in the corner of the library in an orphanage in London, looking through the books in his hands.

Aaron grew up in an orphanage. He didn't know who his parents were. He only knew that they were killed in a gas explosion when he was very young.Aaron's parents left him nothing except an amulet engraved with unknown characters.The name Aaron Elf was given to him by the staff at the orphanage.The name Aaron comes from the Bible, and the surname Elf comes from the fact that his emerald green eyes and light blond hair look like an elf (Note 1).

Time passed quickly, and in a blink of an eye it was time for lunch.

Aaron put down the books in his hands and walked to the canteen in the orphanage.Along the way, all the children who saw Aaron tried to avoid him, as if he was some kind of terrorist.When Aaron walked into the cafeteria, the originally noisy environment instantly became quiet.No one dared to speak loudly, and even if they needed to talk, they tried to keep their voices down.

Aaron was already used to this. He prepared the meal without changing his expression and went to an unoccupied table to eat.

During the meal, the other children still avoided Aaron.The tables and chairs in the cafeteria were not spacious, but even if several people were crowded together, they were determined not to sit at the same table as Aaron.The management of the surrounding orphanages showed no sign of the other children's exclusion of Aaron.

It’s not without reason that everyone treats Aaron like this.

Ever since he was very young, strange things have happened to Aaron from time to time.Cups will burst or disappear for no reason; knives and forks will fly around inexplicably; various objects will fly up, fall, flip, and topple without being touched...especially when Aaron is emotional. Sometimes, a huge shock wave will be generated around his body, knocking everything around him away, causing huge damage.

As a result, Aaron has always been considered eccentric and dangerous.None of the other children wanted to be with Aaron.The management of the orphanage was unwilling to have contact with Aaron unless necessary.

Aaron quickly finished his lunch and left the canteen.As soon as he walked out of the cafeteria door, the cafeteria behind became bustling again.Hearing the noise behind him, Aaron couldn't help but paused for a moment, but then he continued to move forward expressionlessly.

Controlling his emotions has become Aaron's instinct to some extent.

Because of Aaron's uniqueness, he began to be ostracized when he was very young.At the beginning, Aaron didn't feel this kind of rejection because he was still young and ignorant.But as he grew older and became more sensible, he realized how differently people around him treated him.After understanding the reasons why people rejected him, Aaron began to try to control all kinds of strange things happening around him.

After a period of hard work, Aaron discovered that when he was in a calm mood, strange things would not happen.So, from then on, he began to work hard to control his emotions.After years of training, Aaron has been able to control his various emotions very well.In recent years, nothing strange has happened around him.

However, although nothing strange happened around Aaron, everyone was still afraid of him.After all, it is difficult to change an image that has been deeply rooted in people's hearts.Therefore, Aaron's situation in the orphanage did not change at all.

After leaving the cafeteria, Aaron wanted to go to the library and continue reading.But because the library librarian was still having lunch, the library was not open, so he went back to his room, planning to take a rest first and wait for the librarian to come back before reading.

Because no children in the orphanage wanted to play with Aaron, he could only pass the time by reading books over the years.In addition, he also wants to find his own secrets from books.This secret is not only about the strange things happening around him, but also about a mysterious power in his body. (In the process of Aaron learning to control his emotions over the years, occasionally when he was completely calm, he could feel a very violent force in his body. Aaron guessed that this force was what was happening around him. There are many reasons for strange things, but he has no evidence.)

Thanks to caring people in the society, there are many donated books in the orphanage.This has allowed Aaron to have new books to read and learn a lot over the years.However, he has never found the answer to his own problem.

About 20 minutes later, Aaron felt that the librarian had almost finished his meal, so he planned to walk out of the room and rush to the library.But at this moment, he suddenly heard a sound of tapping on the glass from the window.Aaron walked to the window and saw a gray owl flying away from the window, and in the gap of a window, there was a thick pale yellow envelope inserted.

Aaron opened the window and took the envelope off.

I saw that it was an envelope made of heavy parchment paper, and there was no stamp on it.

Written on it in emerald green ink:

Battersea, London

Sisters of Charity Orphanage

The leftmost room on the second floor

Mr. Aaron Elf

Aaron looked at the envelope in his hand, and his heart couldn't help but beat.This is the first time in his life that someone has written to him.He grew up in an orphanage and had little contact with the outside world. He had no relatives or friends. Who would write to him?But the address and name on the envelope were correct, and the letter was indeed addressed to him.

Aaron turned the envelope over with trembling hands and saw a wax seal and a coat of arms on it.The heraldic pattern is a shield with a capital "H" in the center, surrounded by a lion, an eagle, a bastard and a snake.

Aaron opened the envelope, took out the letter and read:

Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

Headmaster: Albus Dumbledore

(Recipient of the First Class Order of Merlin, Chief Wizard of the Grand Wizards Association, and President of the International Federation of Magicians)

Dear Mr. Elf:

We are pleased to inform you that you have been admitted to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.Attached is a list of required books and items.

Semester is scheduled to start on September 31.We will be waiting for your owl to bring your reply before July [-]st.

Vice Principal (Female)

Sincerely, Minerva McGonagall

There is also an autograph of Minerva McGonagall underneath.

【What's this?A prank? 】

This was Aaron's first reaction after reading the letter.

After all, his long-term education (Aaron has been attending a nearby public school since he was 5 years old) and common sense tell him that there is no magic in this world. Now, suddenly, a letter of admission to a magic school appears. Any normal person would doubt its authenticity.

[But who would do this prank? 】

Moreover, the way this letter appeared and the violent force in his body told Aaron that this world was not ordinary.

[So this is really an admission notice from a magic school?It asked me to reply before July 31st, but how should I reply? 】

Aaron didn't have an owl, and he didn't know how to get an owl to deliver a message to him.

Just when Aaron was worried about how to reply to the letter, he suddenly heard a conversation outside the door.

"...Are you sure you want to recruit him?"

"yes, I'm sure."

Then, Aaron saw the door open, and the orphanage manager, Aunt Jasmine, walked in accompanied by a tall black-haired woman wearing a beige dress.

"Aaron, this is Ms. Minerva McGonagall from Hogwarts School..."

As soon as Aunt Jasmine said this, Ms. Mag interrupted her and said, "Can I talk to Aaron alone?"

Aunt Jasmine, who was interrupted by someone, suddenly lost her voice like a duck whose neck was suddenly strangled. "Um, um" after a few moments, he reluctantly said, "Okay. You guys can talk slowly."

With that said, she walked out of the room slowly and closed the door.

After Aunt Jasmine left, Ms. McGonagall stepped forward and stretched out her hand: "Hello, Aaron. I am Minerva McGonagall."

Aaron hesitated for a moment, then stretched out his hand to shake it and said, "Hello, Ms. McGonagall."

"You should call me professor." McGonagall glanced at the letter spread out in Aaron's hand, "It seems you have received the letter I gave you."

"Yes, Professor McGonagall."

At this time, Aaron had confirmed that the lady in front of him was the person who sent him the letter.

"Well, I'm not sure if you understand the current situation?" Mag said hesitantly, as if he was worried that Aaron would not be able to clarify the situation.

"If I understand correctly, you are going to invite me to attend a magical school called Hogwarts, is that right?"

"Yes." Seeing that Aaron clearly understood what he meant, Mag was very happy, "Then, are you willing?"

"Of course." Aaron nodded first, and then said a little embarrassedly, "But can you let me see the so-called magic first? You know, I have never seen real magic before."

Although the possibility is very small, Aaron still cannot rule out the possibility that the lady in front of him is a liar.Therefore, some necessary verification is still required.

"It's easy."

Teacher Mai took out a magic wand, pointed at a chair in the room and waved it, and the chair immediately turned into a big dog.Before Aaron could marvel, Mag waved his wand again, and the big dog turned back into a chair.

"This is really amazing!" Aaron looked at the wand in Mag's hand in amazement, his face full of excitement.

"Do you have any questions?" Mag asked.

Aaron thought for a moment and said, "I want to know, what kind of school is Hogwarts?"

"Hogwarts was founded a thousand years ago. It is one of only three magic schools in Europe and the earliest magic school in Europe. Every year, 9-year-olds with wizard talents are born before September 1st in the UK. Every child will receive an invitation letter for admission.”

Hearing this, Aaron was a little confused and said: "But my birthday is on November 11st."

"What?" McGonagall was stunned for a moment, then suddenly said, "Oh, I think those Muggles got your birthday wrong. Your birthday is August 8th. November 9st is the day you come This orphanage. Apparently they didn't figure out your birth date, so they took the date you came here as your birthday."

"You know my birthday!" Aaron was very surprised, "How did you do this?"

"Through magic, we can know the birthday of every new student." McGonagall replied, "Well, other information about Hogwarts can be learned after you enroll. If you have no other questions, We’re going to buy the books and supplies listed on the second page of the letter.”


(Note 1: Elf is a transliteration. The original word elf means elf in English.)

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