Old Blood at Hogwarts

Chapter 21 Christmas

Although Aaron was also wary of Harry Potter, he did not identify him as the heir to the Chamber of Secrets like most people did.Although Harry seems to be highly suspicious in the three attacks that have occurred so far, it is also possible that someone is deliberately framing him, and in Aaron's opinion, this possibility is not small.

Harry was with Hermione and Ron when Filch's cat was killed.If Harry harmed Mrs. Norris, unless Hermione and Ron were his accomplices, it would be impossible for Harry to avoid their eyes and ears when he did it.As we all know, although Ron is a pure-blood, the Weasley family has always been friendly to Muggles, and Hermione is a witch from a Muggle family. It is impossible for them to help the heir to the Chamber of Secrets.

Harry was still lying in hospital with his bones growing when Colin was killed.Aaron didn't think Harry could drag a boneless arm around and hurt people.

The only thing that is more suspicious is the last attack.But if the first two incidents were not caused by Harry, then the last one could not be caused by him.

The most suspicious thing about Harry right now is that he is a Parseltongue.Although being able to talk to snakes is not a unique skill of Slytherin, Parselmouth always seems to have a closer relationship with Slytherin than others.Besides Harry, there was no other Parseltongue in the school.

Finally, the vacation begins.The vast majority of students have left school.He was the only one left in Aaron's dormitory who was still in school, and in the entire Gryffindor House, apart from Aaron, there were only Harry Potter, Hermione Granger and the five Weasleys. The brother and sister stayed behind.

On Christmas Day, the school prepared a sumptuous dinner for the teachers and students who stayed in school.

The auditorium was decorated in a festive atmosphere that day, with criss-crossed mistletoe and holly ribbons decorating the ceiling.The warm and dry snow created by magic fell gently from the ceiling and landed on dozens of Christmas trees covered with silver frost.

Dumbledore led them in singing some of his favorite Christmas carols, and Hagrid's voice became louder and louder as he downed a glass of eggnog.Percy didn't notice that Fred had cast a spell to change the word on his prefect badge to "Fool", and stupidly kept asking everyone what they were laughing at.Draco Malfoy, sitting at the Slytherin table, loudly mocked Harry for the sweater he had just received as a Christmas present today.But Harry didn't seem to care about Malfoy's ridicule, and he still sat with Ron and ate pudding as if nothing had happened.

The happy time passed quickly.

The next day, Aaron woke up to the cold weather.After breakfast in the auditorium, he went straight to the library.Even during the holidays, Aaron has no intention of relaxing.After all, the problem of the secret room has not been solved yet, and danger may come at any time.Aaron really couldn't feel at ease until he figured out what was in the secret room and found a way to deal with it.

Time passed like this day by day, and soon the Christmas vacation was over.During this period, nothing special happened in the school.This surprised Aaron, who had always been on tenterhooks.He originally thought that the school would be sparsely populated during Christmas, making it easier for the Heir of the Secret Chamber to move around, which would make it more dangerous, but to his surprise, nothing happened.

[Is the heir to the secret room not in school? 】

Aaron guessed that it was most likely that the heir to the secret room did not stay at the school during the Christmas period, so no new attacks occurred.

After the holiday, students returned to school one after another.Then everyone was surprised to find that Hermione was missing.Aaron realized belatedly at this time that he had not seen Hermione since Christmas Day.

There was a lot of talk about Hermione's disappearance, and it was taken for granted that she had been attacked.Even Aaron couldn't help but wonder if there really weren't any attacks during Christmas.

[Perhaps the attack had already happened, but I just didn’t know it. 】

It wasn't until a few weeks later that Hermione appeared in front of everyone again that everyone's delusions were ended.At this time, everyone also knew the reason why Hermione disappeared.It turned out that she had been ill before and had been in the hospital.Aaron didn't know how others felt when they heard this reason, but he himself felt that there must be something hidden in it.

Aaron is no longer a rookie entering the magic world.After half a year of study, Aaron almost fully understood some common sense in the magic world.Because of the existence of spells and potions, the process of healing illnesses and injuries in the wizarding world is much simpler than in the Muggle world.Some injuries that require long-term treatment in the Muggle world can be completely cured in the wizarding world with just one or two spells or a few doses of potions.When Harry lost an entire arm of bones, it only took him one night to grow them all back.What disease did Hermione have that took so long to treat?

However, although Aaron felt that Hermione's illness had a hidden meaning, he had no intention of going into it further.After all, Hermione has now recovered, and if she only said that she was sick, there must be something she didn't want everyone to know.Aaron also had no intention of prying into other people's privacy, especially when the matter had nothing to do with him.

In a blink of an eye, time has arrived in February.

After Justin and Nearly Headless Nick were killed, no one was attacked again.Madam Pomfrey was pleased to report that the mandrakes had become moody and taciturn, a sign that they were about to leave their childhood.One afternoon Aaron heard her say to Filch gently: "As soon as their pimples are healed, they can be transplanted again. Then, not long after, we can cut them off and boil them over the fire. Your Mrs. Norris will be back soon."

Many people feel that the heir of Slytherin has lost his courage. After all, all the teachers and students in the school have heightened their vigilance and are suspicious all day long. The risk of opening the secret room at this time must be getting bigger and bigger.Maybe the monster (whatever it was) has settled down now.

Hufflepuff's Ernie disagreed with this pleasant view.He still believed that Harry was the culprit, having "accidentally exposed his fox tail" in the dueling club.Peeves didn't help either. He always appeared suddenly in crowded corridors and sang at the top of his voice: "Oh, Potter, you wretch..." And now he also has a fixed dance moves.

Gilderoy Lockhart seemed to believe that he had prevented these attacks.Aaron overheard him saying this to Professor McGonagall one day as the Gryffindor students were lining up for class.

"I don't think there will be any more trouble, Minerva." He tapped his nose lightly and winked. "I don't think the Chamber of Secrets will ever be opened. The criminals must have known it, and sooner or later I will Catch them. It's just a matter of time. It would be wise to stop now while I haven't dealt with them yet. You know, the school needs to boost morale now and erase those things from last semester. I can't say more now, but I Think I am confident..."

On February [-], during breakfast, everyone knew what Lockhart was doing to boost everyone's morale.

When Aaron walked into the auditorium on Valentine's Day morning, he thought he had gone to the wrong door.I saw that the walls on all sides of the auditorium were covered with large, dazzling pink flowers.Many heart-shaped confetti kept falling from the light blue ceiling.

Aaron walked to the Gryffindor table and sat down, brushed off the confetti on the bacon in front of him, and asked Green beside him: "What's going on?"

Green pointed at the teacher's desk, a look of disgust on his face.Aaron looked up and saw Lockhart, wearing a pink robe that matched the decoration in the auditorium, waving for silence.The professors sitting next to him all had serious faces.From where Aaron sat, you could see that the muscles on Professor McGonagall's cheeks were very stiff, and Snape looked as if someone had poured him a large glass of strong drink.

"Happy Valentine's Day, everyone!" Lockhart said loudly. "So far, 46 people have sent me greeting cards. I would like to express my gratitude to them! Yes, I took it upon myself to arrange a small holiday for everyone. surprises. And that’s not all!”

Lockhart clapped his hands, and twelve dwarfs with gloomy faces walked into the auditorium.And they are different from ordinary dwarves. Lockhart made them all wear golden wings and carry harps on their backs.

"I invited these friendly little cupids with greeting cards! They will be wandering around the school today delivering Valentine's Day cards to you." Lockhart said beamingly, "The fun doesn't stop there! I'm sure My colleagues are eager to join in. Why don't you ask Professor Snape to teach you how to make a love potion? If you're interested, Professor Flitwick is better at enchanting people than any wizard I've ever met. Magic, that crafty old dog.”

Aaron saw Professor Flitwick burying his face in his hands in shame.Judging from the look on Snape's face, if anyone asked him for advice on how to make a love potion, they would be forced to drink the poison.

Aaron finished his breakfast in an environment full of pink.

Throughout the morning, the dwarfs kept breaking into various classrooms and delivering Valentine's Day cards, much to the annoyance of the professors.Even Aaron received a card from someone unknown.

This afternoon, Aaron was walking on his way to his Defense Against the Dark Arts class when he suddenly heard someone in front of him shout: "Hey, you! Harry Potter!"

Aaron looked up and saw a group of Gryffindor second-year students coming towards him. Harry Potter was among them. A dwarf with a particularly gloomy face was using his elbow to separate the crowd and squeeze towards him.

Harry saw the dwarf and immediately wanted to run away.But he had only taken a few steps when the dwarf kicked people's calves all the way and pushed through the crowd to catch up with him.

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