Old Blood at Hogwarts

Chapter 26 Make waves again

Although all the evidence pointed to Harry, Aaron's daily behavior did not seem like a wizard who hated Muggles, otherwise he would not be friends with Hermione Granger.To say that he wanted to kill all Muggle-born students and purify the school, Aaron felt it was a bit impossible.

[It is also possible that Harry was bewitched by Riddle's diary and opened the Chamber of Secrets.He didn't even know what he had done. 】

[But if it was true that Harry opened the Chamber of Secrets because he was bewitched by Riddle's diary, then why wasn't I bewitched by the diary?What is the difference between Harry and me? 】

Then a new question emerged in Aaron's mind.

After just a brief thought, Aaron got an answer - Parseltongue!

[Harry is a Parselmouth and I am not.This is the biggest difference between Harry and me.It is very likely that the secret chamber can only be opened by Parseltongue, and even the monsters in the secret chamber can only be controlled through Parseltongue. 】

At this time, Aaron felt as if he had found the truth, but he was not entirely sure.After all, lessons from the past are not far behind. Aaron had previously inferred that Dumbledore was the mastermind behind everything, but when new evidence appeared, he immediately overturned this inference completely.The inferences he is making now are all personal speculations based on the existing evidence. Perhaps when new evidence emerges, this new inference will be overturned.So the final truth is still unknown.

However, the existing evidence has made Aaron no longer believe in Riddle's diary.So, he closed the diary and put it away.

The next morning, while Aaron was having breakfast in the auditorium, he suddenly heard someone next to him greet him: "Hello, Aaron."

Aaron turned around and saw Harry and Ron standing behind him.

"What's the matter? Harry." Aaron said.

"Ever seen a black diary? I have an old diary that I can't find." Harry asked.

Aaron naturally knew that Harry was referring to Riddle's diary.If it were yesterday, Aaron would have returned the diary to Harry.But now Harry is already a suspect in Aaron's mind for opening the Chamber of Secrets, and in Aaron's deduction, Riddle's diary is still the key to it.In this case, how could he return the diary to Harry?

So Aaron shook his head and said, "I haven't seen it."

Harry stared at Aaron carefully, not seeming to believe what he was saying.Aaron also tried to make a sincere expression to show that he had not lied to him.

Harry stared at Aaron for a long time, but didn't see anything, so he had to say: "Okay. If you see a blank old diary, please tell me."

"Okay. If I see it, I will tell you." Aaron said this, but secretly added in his heart: "But I won't tell you right away, at least until the monster in the secret room is solved. "

Afterwards, Aaron watched Harry leave and continued to eat his breakfast.

Today is Friday, and Aaron's morning classes are two potions classes, which he needs to take with Slytherin students.Professor Snape, who teaches the Potions class, is known to everyone. He is a professor who will cause trouble for students from other colleges. If he makes any mistakes in his class, he will definitely have his points deducted or even be put in solitary confinement.Aaron didn't want to be late for his class, so as soon as he finished breakfast, he rushed to the underground classroom to go to class.

In the potions class every week, Snape would teach a method of brewing a potion, and then let the students practice in pairs.

Aaron's original partner was Colin, but now that Colin has been petrified and is lying in the hospital, naturally he can no longer partner with Aaron.So Aaron's current partner is Ginny.

Snape spent half a class explaining how to brew a potion, and then asked the students to brew it in groups.Not long after the cooking started, Aaron felt that Ginny was acting a little strange today. She seemed to be a little distracted.Ginny's grades in Potions class were originally very good, and she was one of the few Gryffindor students who was not deducted points by Snape. But today, when she was handling potions, she made consecutive mistakes, resulting in two points deducted by Snape.Fortunately, Aaron's grades in Potions class were not bad either. He corrected Ginny's mistakes from time to time and finally successfully made the potion before get out of class ended.

Gryffindor first years have no classes on Friday afternoon.After lunch, Aaron went to the library again to look for information about the secret room.

Although Aaron has already made inferences about the truth of the secret room, and in his reasoning, the key thing in the matter - Riddle's diary, is now in his hands.But his reasoning is ultimately just a personal guess and may not be the truth.And another key to his reasoning - Harry Potter is still able to move freely.It's hard to say whether Harry will be able to open the Chamber of Secrets after losing Riddle's diary.If the truth of the matter is not as he reasoned, or Harry still has the ability to open the Chamber of Secrets, what should he do if he is attacked by the monster in the Chamber of Secrets without making any preparations now?

Therefore, he cannot let down his guard yet, and he still needs to complete the preparations that need to be made.At the very least, he needs to figure out what the monster in the secret room is and find a way to deal with it.

After realizing that the key to opening the secret room lies in "Parseltongue", Aaron changed the direction of his investigation back to "snake".

Two days later, Aaron accidentally saw this record in a book: "There are many terrible animals and monsters in our land, but none of them are as weird and deadly as the basilisk, also known as the Snake King." . This kind of snake can grow to extremely large sizes and live for hundreds of years, but it is born from eggs hatched by toads. Its killing method is also very gruesome. In addition to its poisonous and deadly fangs, The basilisk also has a pair of eyes that can kill. Anything that looks directly into the basilisk's eyes will die immediately. Spiders will run away as soon as they see the basilisk. The basilisk is their natural enemy, and the only thing that can make the basilisk run away is a rooster. Crow, for it is fatal to the basilisk.”

Aaron recalled what he had seen and heard during this period, and suddenly felt that the basilisk fit the characteristics of the monster in the secret room: "The basilisk is the natural enemy of spiders, so the spiders in the castle are running away in panic. The basilisk is afraid of the crowing of roosters and the sea. All Hagrid's roosters were killed." Aaron recalled the first time he met Hagrid in the corridor and complained to Professor McGonagall that his roosters had been killed. "That must have been the opener of the Chamber of Secrets. Snake. He was afraid of the rooster's crow, so he killed all the roosters in the castle."

Later, Aaron found out more about the basilisk in the book Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them by Newt Scamander.


[Also known as the Snake King]

Ministry of Magic Classification Level: XXXXX

The first recorded basilisk was bred by Hybor the Despicable, a Greek dark wizard who spoke a parseltongue.After many experiments, this person discovered that if a rooster egg (a magic egg laid by a seven-year-old rooster when Sirius is in the sky) is hatched under the body of a toad, a dangerous snake with extraordinary abilities will hatch. .

The basilisk is a large, dazzling green snake that can grow up to fifty feet in length.The male snake has a bright red feather on its head.Its long fangs are extremely venomous, but its most dangerous attack method is to stare at the target with its big yellow eyes.Anyone whose eyes come in contact with its gaze will be instantly killed.

If food is plentiful (basilisks will eat all mammals, birds, and many reptiles), this snake can live an extremely long time.The basilisk of "Helpo the Despicable" is thought to have lived to be almost nine hundred years old.

The creation of basilisks has been illegal since the Middle Ages, but is easily concealed by removing the eggs from under the toad before the Office for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures arrives.However, no one can control basilisks except those controlled by Parseltongues, so they are dangerous not only to others, but also to most dark wizards.There have been no recorded sightings of basilisks in Britain for at least 400 years.

"Everything matches up. The monster in the secret room is the basilisk."

After seeing the detailed introduction about the basilisk, Aaron became more and more certain that the monster in the secret room was a basilisk.Legend has it that the Chamber of Secrets was left by Slytherin 1000 years ago. If the thing in the Chamber of Secrets is really a monster, it is undoubtedly a monster with a long lifespan, and the Basilisk happens to have a very long lifespan. "Despicable" The "Herbo" basilisk lived for 900 years, so it seems that it is not unacceptable for Slytherin's basilisk to live for 100 more years.In addition, the Basilisk can only be controlled by Parseltongue, which is consistent with Aaron's previous speculation.

Now that it has been confirmed that the monster in the secret room is a basilisk, the next step is to find a way to deal with the basilisk. Not only to kill it, but at least to be able to escape its attack.

In fact, the best way to deal with the basilisk is to bring a rooster with you.But Aaron couldn't carry a rooster with him at all times, and he didn't know where to get one at the moment (all the roosters raised by Hagrid in the school were dead).Therefore, he could only resort to magic to deal with the threat posed by the basilisk.He immediately borrowed a few magic books from the library and began to search for the magic he needed.

According to the data, the threat of the basilisk mainly comes from two aspects, one is its fangs, and the other is its gaze.So Aaron needed some spells that could deal with the basilisk's fangs and eyes.After some searching, Aaron finally selected three magic spells as means of self-defense, namely the Iron Armor Curse, the Obstacle Curse and the Eye Disease Curse.

The Iron Armor Curse is a spell that can resist many kinds of spells.It creates a magical barrier that deflects spells and physical entities, thereby protecting a specific person or area.

Obstacle spell is a spell that can create obstacles and slow down the opponent.It's mainly used to slow down your opponent in a duel.

The Eye Disease Spell is a magic spell that can create eye diseases.It impedes the target's vision, temporarily blinding the opponent.

In Aaron's vision, once attacked by a basilisk, the Iron Armor Curse can protect against the basilisk's bite, the Eye Disease Curse can temporarily blind the basilisk, and the Obstacle Curse can hinder the basilisk's pursuit when escaping.

That's right, from the beginning, Aaron didn't think about defeating the basilisk. All he thought about was how to escape when he encountered the basilisk.

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