Old Blood at Hogwarts

Chapter 29 The aftermath of the attack

Aaron's change of mind was not an impulse, but the result of careful consideration.

First of all, judging from the previous attacks, the basilisk will leave immediately after completing the attack, so the basilisk may not still be on the second floor now.

Secondly, even if the basilisk is still on the second floor, Aaron is confident that he can deal with it if he is prepared in advance.

Finally, judging from Hermione's appearance, if she didn't agree to it, she would probably go to Professor McGonagall herself.She doesn't have Aaron's ability. If she accidentally encounters the basilisk, being petrified will be the best result, but this is what Aaron doesn't want to see.He had just thought of a solution to the crisis he was facing, which was to let Hermione continue to investigate the Chamber of Secrets.

Aaron has now basically determined that it was Harry who released the basilisk in the Chamber of Secrets, and Hermione is Harry's good friend, and seems to not know about the relationship between Harry and the Chamber of Secrets.So what would happen if Hermione were asked to track down Harry's hidden secret?As Harry's best friend, Hermione could always be by Harry's side and easily reveal his secrets once she found the right direction.If Harry didn't want his secret to be exposed, he would definitely stop Hermione's investigation.Regardless of the final outcome, this would distract Harry from focusing all his energy on dealing with himself.

Aaron and Hermione carefully walked through the corridors, using mirrors to observe in advance every time they encountered a fork in the road or a corner.I don’t know whether the basilisk returned to the secret room or went somewhere else. In short, until they returned to the second floor, neither of them encountered the basilisk, and no other accidents occurred.

As soon as they returned to the second floor, Aaron and Hermione saw Professor McGonagall and Mrs. Pince talking about something at the intersection where they had encountered the basilisk before.

"This is horrific...another attack."

"...must...stop the game..."

Apparently, they had discovered the petrified Penelo.

Aaron and Hermione were looking for Professor McGonagall. When they saw her, they couldn't help but feel relieved. They quickly ran over and said, "Professor McGonagall."

"Miss Granger, Mr. Elf. Why are you here?" Professor McGonagall was a little surprised to see Aaron and Hermione, because the Quidditch match was about to start and the students should have already gone to the stadium.

Hermione said: "We are here to find you. There are things we must tell you."

Professor McGonagall said sadly: "As you can see, another attack has occurred. I have to deal with this matter first..."

"That's why we're here." Before Professor McGonagall could finish speaking, Hermione hurriedly interrupted her and said, "It's the basilisk."

"What?" Professor McGonagall didn't react for a moment.

"The monster in the Chamber of Secrets is a basilisk. Penelo was petrified by the basilisk." Hermione said hurriedly.

"How do you know?" Professor McGonagall asked in surprise.

Hermione immediately told the story of how she went to the library to look up information, how she encountered the basilisk, and how she escaped.

But when Hermione told him, Aaron discovered something was wrong.According to Hermione, it was because Harry told her that she heard voices in the wall that she realized that the monster in the Chamber of Secrets moved through the pipes, and thus confirmed that the monster in the Chamber of Secrets was a basilisk.But this conflicts with Aaron's reasoning.

In Aaron's reasoning, Harry, as the one who opened the Chamber of Secrets, should have tried his best to hide the information about the monster in the Chamber of Secrets.But now he gave Hermione important tips, allowing Hermione to find out the true identity of the monster in the secret room.This is obviously extremely detrimental to him.

Logically speaking, Harry shouldn't do such a thing, but he did it anyway.There must be a special reason for a person to do something unreasonable.But after much thought, Aaron couldn't think of a reason for Harry to do this.

Unless the person who opened the Chamber of Secrets was not Harry, but someone else.Otherwise, his behavior of exposing the basilisk is really unexplainable.But if not him, who would it be?How to explain those coincidences?And about Riddle's diary...

While Aaron was deep in thought, Hermione had already finished talking.Professor McGonagall heard that Aaron and Hermione were at the scene when Penello was petrified, and that they had also seen the basilisk, and they couldn't help but be frightened.

Just listen to her say: "This is really terrible! There is a basilisk in the school, and I have to tell Albus this." Then, she looked at Aaron and Hermione, "I have to inform other people about the news now, Can you help me send Penelope to Madam Pomfrey?"

"Of course." Hermione agreed immediately.

Without saying a word, Aaron took out his wand, pointed at the petrified Penello and recited the magic spell: "Wingardim Leviosa!"

Penello's petrified body was immediately suspended in mid-air under the effect of the floating spell.Then, Aaron and Hermione pushed Penello towards the school hospital.

When Madam Pomfrey saw another student being petrified, she looked quite shocked and hurriedly helped Aaron and Hermione move Penello to a hospital bed.Next to her lay Justin, Colin, and a nearly headless Nick.On the cushions on the table next to her, Mrs. Norris was also lying.

After getting Penelope settled, Aaron and Hermione returned to the Gryffindor common room.

Due to the sudden attack, the Quidditch match between Gryffindor and Hufflepuff has been cancelled.

When Aaron and Hermione returned to the Gryffindor common room, the rest of the Gryffindor students were crowded in the common room, listening to Professor McGonagall in silence.

I saw Professor McGonagall holding up a piece of parchment and reading: "...All students must return to the common room of their college before six o'clock in the evening. No student is allowed to leave the dormitory building after this time. Every class must Escorted by a teacher. No student is allowed to use the restrooms without a teacher. All Quidditch practices and matches are postponed. No activities will be conducted in the evenings."

Professor McGonagall rolled up the parchment file she had just read, and then said in a somewhat strangled voice: "In fact, needless to say, I have rarely been in such pain before. The school will probably be closed unless these attacks are planned. of criminals were caught. I urge everyone who thinks they know something to come forward."

She crawled awkwardly through the portrait hole, and the students immediately started chirping.

"A Gryffindor, a Ravenclaw and a Hufflepuff have already fallen, not counting the ghost of Gryffindor." Fourth-year Lee Jordan counted on his fingers, "There are Didn't any teacher notice that the Slytherins were all safe? Wasn't it obvious that these things came from Slytherin? The heir of Slytherin, the monster of Slytherin - why didn't they just put them all in? Are all the Slytherins kicked out?" he yelled, and the audience nodded frequently and burst into sparse applause.

Percy Weasley sat in the chair next to Lee Jordan, and for the first time in his life he seemed in no rush to express his opinion.He looked pale and frightened.

Aaron heard someone next to him say: "Percy was scared. That Ravenclaw girl - Penelope Crevat - was a prefect. Percy probably thought that the monster would not dare to attack the prefect. .”

At this time, Harry and Ron squeezed in next to Aaron and Hermione.Ron said to Hermione: "Where have you been? Harry and I have been looking for you. I heard Professor McGonagall said that the monster in the Chamber of Secrets is a basilisk. This is really scary."

Harry also said excitedly at this time: "Yes. The monster in the Chamber of Secrets is a giant snake! No wonder I can hear that voice wherever I go, but others can't. Because I can understand Parseltongue..."

"Oh, I went to the library to look up information." Hermione whispered.

"Library? I heard that the new attack happened near the library?" Harry asked quickly.

"Yes." Hermione nodded, "I was right there when Penello was attacked."

"Then how did you escape?" Ron asked hurriedly, "I mean you were not attacked?"

"Oh, it's all thanks to Aaron." Hermione looked at Aaron and said, "He saved me."

"Thank you for saving Hermione." Harry immediately thanked Aaron.

"You're welcome. No Gryffindor would stand by and watch something like this happen." Aaron replied in standard Gryffindor fashion.

Sure enough, when Aaron said this, the expressions on Harry and Ron's faces immediately became more friendly.

"I found this in the library," Hermione said now.

Then he handed the page introducing the basilisk that he tore out from the library to Harry and Ron.

Harry and Ron hurriedly crowded together to read the words above.

"That's it." Harry shouted immediately after seeing the record of the basilisk on the page. "Whoever the basilisk looks at will die. But no one has died now, because none of them have directly followed It stared. Colin saw it through the camera. The basilisk burned the film in the camera, but Colin was just petrified. And Justin... Justin must have seen it through Nearly Headless Nick saw the basilisk! Nick was stared at by the basilisk, but there was no way he would die a second time..."

"What about Mrs. Norris?" Ron whispered nervously.

Harry thought hard, recalling the scene on Halloween.

"It's water." Hermione replied from the side. "Do you remember that there was a pool of water overflowing from Moaning Myrtle's bathroom where Mrs. Norris was found? Mrs. Norris probably just saw the water. The reflection inside.”

"That's right." Harry suddenly realized, "That must be it."

"The cock's crow is fatal to it too!" he read aloud. "Hagrid's cocks have been killed! Once the Chamber of Secrets is opened, the heir of Slytherin will never want a cock anywhere near the castle! Spiders! If you see it, you will run away! Ah, every one of them is correct!"

Ron then pointed to the word Hermione wrote on the page and asked, "What do you mean when you wrote 'pipe' here?"

"Ron, it has been moving in the pipes, that's why no one noticed it." Hermione replied.

Hermione's words suddenly lit up a bright light in Harry's mind, and he said hoarsely: "That's right. No wonder I can always hear that sound, but I can never find the thing that made the sound. Because it is on the wall Inside..."

"Yes." Ron also reacted. "Otherwise, if there is an ugly snake crawling around in the castle, someone will definitely see it..."

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