Old Blood at Hogwarts

Chapter 48 The Truth About the Accident

George sighed and said to Aaron and Harry: "We were going to imprison him in the pyramid, but it's a pity that mother found out."

Fred saw the newspaper in Aaron's hand and asked, "Man, what are you reading?"

Aaron pointed to the photo in the newspaper and said, "I want to know who this person is?"

"He's Sirius Black," said Fred. "A fugitive."

"He is a supporter of the mysterious man." George added on the side, "After the mysterious man was finished, most of his followers became honest, just like the Lucius family. But some people are not like this, Sirius ·Black is one of them. I heard that he believed that one day You-Know-Who would come back and take power, and then he would be number two. Then he was hunted by the Ministry of Magic, and they cornered Black on the street. Desperate, Black took out his wand and blew up half the street, killing a wizard and twelve Muggles. Horrible, isn't it? Do you know what Black did next?"

"What did he do?" Aaron asked.

"Laughing," George whispered exaggeratedly. "Just standing there laughing. When reinforcements from the Ministry of Magic arrived, he followed them quietly, still laughing all the way. I think he must be Crazy. They put him in Azkaban and now he's escaped."

"I don't remember anyone ever escaping from Azkaban before. How did Black do it?" Hermione said.

"Nobody knows how he got out," George said. "That's where he got out."

"Then why does he want to escape now?" Aaron asked at this time.Seeing everyone looking over, he asked in more detail: "I mean, he has been quietly staying in Azkaban for 12 years, why should he come out now?"

"I don't know." Fred shrugged. "Maybe he is tired of being in prison and wants to get out; maybe he has been preparing to escape and is not ready until now; maybe he wants to be like what he was 12 years ago. , make another big news. They had gone to great lengths to hide it. The whole street was bombed, all the Muggles were dead, and only one baby survived. George, about that What did they say?"

"Gas explosion," George said.

Hearing this, Aaron suddenly felt a sense of déjà vu in his heart.He couldn't help but ask: "Is there another baby who survived?"

"Yes." Fred said.

"So, what did they do with the baby?" Aaron then asked.

"I don't know about that," Fred said, shaking his head.

"They sent him to a Muggle orphanage." Percy came down from the second floor and replied, "As a survivor of a gas explosion."

Aaron's sense of déjà vu became stronger. He pursed his dry lips and asked the last question: "So, when was the specific time this happened?"

"I think it was November 1981, 11." Percy said with a hint of recall, "right, Dad?"

"That's right. It was on the morning of November 1981, 11," said Mr. Weasley. "It caused quite a stir at the time."

Suddenly, it was like a bomb exploded in Aaron's heart, blowing his sanity to pieces.Countless thoughts arose in his mind, but nothing seemed to matter.He stood there blankly, his face looking uncertain.

Seeing that something was wrong with Aaron's face, Fred quickly asked with concern: "Hey, man, are you okay?"

Aaron shook his head in confusion and said, "It's okay."

"Why are you so concerned about this matter?" Ron asked Aaron curiously.

Aaron responded, "I'm that baby."

"What?" Ron didn't understand.

Aaron took a deep breath and said calmly: "I mean, I am the baby who survived Black's curse 12 years ago."

Suddenly, everyone present stared at him blankly.

But Aaron was immersed in his own thoughts at this time.After learning the truth about the so-called "gas explosion accident" that turned him into an orphan, many of Aaron's past doubts were now suddenly clear.For example, a month ago, when Aaron discovered that he might be a pure blood, he had doubts about the cause of his parents' death.He simply couldn't imagine that a wizard would die from a gas explosion.But it would make sense if it wasn't a gas explosion at all, but a powerful spell.

It took a long time for everyone to react. George confirmed to Aaron in disbelief: "Are you kidding?"

"It would be true if, apart from the explosion caused by Blake, there was no other gas explosion in the UK on November 1981, 11." Aaron said in a long voice, "I was sent to the hospital on that day. From the orphanage. And the people in the orphanage told me that my parents died in a gas explosion."

"Oh, poor kid." Mrs. Weasley stepped forward and hugged Aaron, comforting him in a low voice.

"Damn Brett." Mr. Weasley said in a low tone, "Don't worry, Aaron. Now that the entire Ministry of Magic has taken action, we will catch him soon. Since we can catch him The first time, you can catch him the second time.”

"That's right." Percy also said, "The Aurors of the Ministry of Magic will not let him get away with it like this."

Aaron had already adjusted his mood at this time: "Don't worry about me, I just - well - suddenly learned the truth of the matter, which is a bit difficult to accept."

Everyone felt relieved when they saw that Aaron really didn't look like anything was wrong.After that, everyone started to have dinner.

Everyone enjoyed the dinner.The tavern owner Tom put three tables together in the dining room, so the seven members of the Weasley family, Harry, Hermione and Aaron finished five delicious dishes in one sitting.

"How do we get to King's Cross tomorrow, Dad?" Fred asked.At this time everyone was trying to eat the luxurious chocolate pudding.

"The Ministry of Magic will provide two cars tomorrow."

Everyone looked up at Mr. Weasley.

"Why?" Percy asked curiously.

"That's for you, Percy," George said seriously. "There's a flag on the hat, and on the flag there's the abbreviation HB (Headboy, Leader of the Boys) -"

"——It's a humongous big head (the English abbreviation of Humungousbighead is also HB)." Fred said.

Everyone except Percy and Mrs. Weasley laughed at the pudding in front of them.

"Why does the Ministry of Magic provide cars, Dad?" Percy asked again, his tone was very solemn.

"Well, because we don't have a car at home." Mr. Weasley said, "And I work in the ministry, and they are taking care of me..." His voice sounded casual, but Aaron noticed that Weasley Mr.'s ears are a little red.

"They did a good job." Mrs. Weasley said cheerfully, "Do you know how much luggage we all have? When we arrive at the Muggle train station, the pile is really impressive. Have you all packed your luggage? "

"Ron hasn't put all his new purchases in the boxes yet," said Percy. "He dumped them all on my bed."

"Why don't you hurry up and clean up, Ron. We won't have much time tomorrow morning." Mrs. Weasley said to Ron from far away from the table.

Ron glared at Percy.

After dinner, everyone felt full and sleepy.One by one, they went upstairs to their rooms to check what they were going to take with them tomorrow.Everyone lived in five houses, including one room for Mr. and Mrs. Weasley, one room for the twins George and Fred, one room for Hermione and Ginny, one room for Percy and Ron, and one room for Aaron. Then lived with Harry.

It is worth mentioning that Room No. 11, where Aaron and Harry live, is the room where Harry has been living for a month.There was originally only one bed in this room, but for Aaron's sake, Harry asked the tavern owner Tom to move another bed in, which Aaron was very grateful for.

Because Aaron's other things were at school, he only needed to organize the new textbooks he bought today, so he finished packing quickly.At this time, he heard an angry voice coming from next door.Room No. 12 next door was occupied by Ron and Percy, who were quarreling over something unknown at this time.Aaron heard the sound and rushed over to see what was going on.

Aaron came to the door of Percy and Ron's room and found that the door was open a crack.In the room, Percy was shouting: "It was right here, on the bedside table, I polished it till it shined -"

"I haven't touched it, you know?" Ron shouted back to Percy.

"What happened?" Aaron opened the door and asked.

"My boy badge is gone," Percy turned to Aaron.

"Scabbers' medicine is gone too." Ron threw things out of the suitcase one by one and looked at them. "I think I left it in the bar -"

"You're not going anywhere until you find my badge!" cried Percy.

At this time, Harry also walked out of the room. After learning what happened, he said to Ron: "I'm going to find Scabbers' medicine. I packed the box." Then he went downstairs.

"I'm here to help, too." Aaron didn't want to face the two quarreling brothers alone, so he followed Harry down the stairs.

Aaron and Harry were only halfway through the narrow, dark passage leading to the bar when they heard the angry voices of two more people coming from the small living room.He immediately recognized that it was Mr. and Mrs. Weasley speaking.Just as Aaron hesitated whether to continue listening, he vaguely heard Harry's name.He and Harry looked at each other and cautiously moved closer to the small living room.As the distance got closer, the sounds in the small living room gradually became clearer.

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