Old Blood at Hogwarts

Chapter 53 The Beginning of the New Semester

Professor Flitwick placed a three-legged stool on the rostrum, and then placed the worn Sorting Hat on the stool.

Then the Sorting Hat began to sing:

"You may think I'm not pretty, but don't judge people by their appearance,

I'm the top hat for the Hogwarts test,

If you can find a smarter hat than me,

I can eat myself.

any thought hidden in your mind,

Can't hide from the golden eyes of the devil's hat,

Try it on, and I'll tell you,

Which college should you go to.

You may belong to Gryffindor,

There is courage buried in the bottom of my heart,

Their courage, boldness and boldness,

Make Gryffindor stand out;

You may belong to Hufflepuff,

The people there are upright and faithful,

Hufflepuffs are stoic and honest,

Not afraid of hard work;

If you're smart,

Perhaps into wise Ravenclaw, those wise and learned ones,

Will always meet their fellows there;

Maybe you'll be in Slytherin,

Maybe you make a true friend here,

But those cunning and insidious people will do everything possible to

to achieve their goals.

Come put on me!Don't be afraid!

No need to panic!

In my hand (although I don't even have a hand)

you are absolutely safe

I am a thinking magic hat! "

After the Sorting Hat finished singing, Professor Flitwick took out a list, called the freshmen to the stage one by one, and put the Sorting Hat on their heads.

Whenever the Sorting Hat calls out the name of a house, there will be warm applause from the long table of the corresponding house.

Soon, all the freshmen completed their sorting.Professor Flitwick took the stool and the Sorting Hat and left the Great Hall.

At this time, Harry, Hermione and Professor McGonagall walked into the auditorium.Professor McGonagall walked slowly towards her empty seat at the teachers' table, while Harry and Hermione walked along the wall towards the Gryffindor table.People turned to look at the two latecomers, and several people pointed at them.

They sat down in the seats Aaron and Ron had reserved for them in advance.

"What did Professor McGonagall just ask you to do?" Ron asked Harry in a low voice.

"Didn't I pass out on the train?" Harry said with a somewhat uneasy expression. "Professor Lupine told Professor McGonagall about this with an owl, so she asked me to go to Madam Pomfrey's place to have a look... "As soon as he said this, he saw Professor Dumbledore standing up, so he quickly shut up.

"Welcome!" said Professor Dumbledore, his beard sparkling in the light of the candle. "Welcome to Hogwarts for the new school year! I have a few words to say to all of you, and one of them is very serious. Yes, I think it’s better to explain things clearly before you are confused by the delicious meal..."

Dumbledore cleared his throat and continued: "After they searched the Hogwarts Express, you must all know. At present, our school has to receive a number of dementors from Azkaban. They are here to Carrying out official duties for the Ministry of Magic."

He paused, and Aaron remembered that Mr. Weasley had once said that Dumbledore was not happy about Dementors guarding the school.

"They are stationed at all the entrances and exits of the school," continued Dumbledore. "During their stay here, I must make it clear that no one is allowed to leave the school without permission. The Dementors will not be subject to any tricks. Or disguised deception—not even an invisibility cloak." He added expressionlessly.

"Dementors are not born to understand requests or excuses. Therefore, I warn each of you: Do not give them any excuse to harm you. I count on the prefects, as well as our new male and female representatives, You must ensure that no student comes into conflict with a dementor."

Percy, who was sitting only a few seats away from Aaron, puffed out his chest and looked around impressively.Dumbledore paused again, and looked around the auditorium seriously. No one moved or made a sound.

He continued: "What's more gratifying is that this year, I am delighted to welcome two new teachers to our team. The first is Professor Lupin, who kindly agreed to fill the vacancy in the Defense Against the Dark Arts course .”

There was some sporadic, less than enthusiastic applause in the auditorium.Professor Lupine's clothes were too shabby, and he looked particularly shabby sitting among all the well-dressed teachers, which made people doubt his ability.Only those students who had been in the same carriage as him on the train applauded vigorously.

"Look at Snape!" Ron whispered to Aaron, Harry, and Hermione around him.

Snape, the Potions teacher, stared at Professor Lupin along the teacher's desk.Everyone knew that Professor Snape had always wanted to be a Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher, but Aaron was still greatly surprised by the twisted expression on Snape's thin, sallow face.That expression was more than annoyance, it was hatred.

After the less-than-enthusiastic applause for Professor Lupin died down, Dumbledore continued, "As for the second teacher we have appointed...well, I regret to tell you that our Care of Magical Creatures teacher, Kettleburn The Professor retired at the end of last academic year so that he could spend more time with his remaining limbs. However, I am pleased to say that to fill his vacancy was none other than Rubeus Hagrid, who has Agree to serve as a teacher in addition to being a gamekeeper."

All the students were shocked when they heard the news.Then the Great Hall burst into loud applause, and the applause from the Gryffindor table was particularly loud.In contrast, there was almost no applause from the Slytherin table.Hagrid's face was red now, staring at his big hands, his smile hidden in his messy black beard.

"We should have known better!" Ron shouted, pounding the table, "Who else would let us get a book that bites people?"

Harry, Ron and Hermione were the last to stop clapping.When Professor Dumbledore started talking again, Aaron saw Hagrid wiping his eyes with the tablecloth.

"Well, I think the important things have been said," said Dumbledore, "Let's begin our meal."

The golden plates and goblets in front of them were suddenly filled with food and drink.Aaron suddenly felt that he was very hungry, so he took some food within his reach and began to eat.It was a sumptuous meal, and the auditorium echoed with laughter and the clink of knives and forks.After the last morsel of pumpkin pie disappeared from the golden plate, Dumbledore announced that everyone should go to bed.

Harry, Ron and Hermione took this opportunity and ran to the podium to talk to Hagrid.Aaron didn't know Hagrid well, so he didn't go with him.

Aaron and the other Gryffindors crowded up the marble stairs to the hidden entrance to Gryffindor Tower.

A large portrait of a fat lady in pink asked them: "Password?"

"Coming, coming!" Percy shouted from behind the crowd, "The new password is Lucky Star!"

"Oh, no," Neville Longbottom said sadly.He can't always remember passwords.

Students walked through the hole in the portrait, walked past the common room, and climbed the stairs to their dormitories.

Aaron was very tired now. When he returned to the dormitory, he went straight to bed.Soon, he fell into sleep.

The next morning at breakfast in the auditorium, Aaron was given his class schedule for the school year.The courses in the second year are similar to those in the first year. There are no new classes, but one missing flying class.

While Aaron was looking at the timetable, Harry, Hermione and Ron also came to the auditorium.

"Good morning," Aaron greeted them.

"Hello, Aaron," Harry, Ron and Hermione responded.

At this time, Aaron noticed that Harry's expression was a little depressed, and asked with concern: "What's wrong with you, Harry?"

"It's Malfoy," said Ron.

Aaron glanced back at the table in the Slytherin House and saw Malfoy acting as if he was going to faint from fright, causing everyone around him to burst into laughter.

George Weasley, who was sitting next to Ron, was distributing class schedules to everyone. He also saw this scene. He said calmly: "That little idiot, when the dementors entered the carriage last night, he was not so arrogant. . He was so scared that he came to our carriage, wasn't he, Fred?"

"He almost pissed himself," said Fred, giving Malfoy a contemptuous look.

"I don't feel good myself," George said. "Those dementors are really scary things..."

"It kind of freezes your insides, doesn't it?" Fred said.

"But you didn't pass out, did you?" Harry whispered.

"Forget about it, Harry," said George, cheering up. "My dad went to Azkaban once, remember, Fred? He said it was the worst place he'd ever been. He came back He was weak and trembling all the time...Those dementors would suck all the happiness out of the surroundings. Many prisoners went crazy there."

"Anyway, we'll see what Malfoy looks like after the first Quidditch match," Fred said. "Gryffindor versus Slytherin, the first match of the quarter, remember?"

Harry and Malfoy only faced each other once in a Quidditch match, and Malfoy acted like a fool during that match.Thinking of the scene, Harry immediately became happy and took some sausages and fried tomatoes to eat.

Seeing that Harry had regained his energy, George and Fred winked at each other, with smiles of success on their faces.

Aaron has been watching the twins' performance and is well aware of their little thoughts.Everything they said before was just to cheer Harry up.It has to be said that although the twins like to play pranks, they can always find ways to make their friends feel warm when they are in trouble.It was the same last year. When most people doubted that Harry was the heir of Slytherin, they were the only ones who stood firmly by Harry's side.

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