Old Chapters

Chapter 10

Chapter 10: Deep Edge Shallow Edge

“Keep walking! I can sense that the destination is not far away!” The puppet said anxiously: “We really don’t have much time!”

“Okay then!” Lu Li had no objection. He held the torch in one hand and the Buddha’s head in the other. He followed the puppets who accelerated their pace. Not to mention, the Buddha’s head was really heavy, but when Lu Li hugged the Buddha’s head, I just felt that there was something I couldn’t explain to protect myself, and even the unstoppable malice in the dark seemed to be relieved a lot!

The sense of time seems to be stripped away here, and Lu Li’s keen senses can’t be sure. He only knows that it started from the discovery of the Buddha’s head, and it took a lot of time until the puppet stopped, and a mountain appeared in front of him. The light is bright, as if connecting the sky and the earth, but it allows everyone to see that there is a temple on the top of the mountain, and the only way to the temple is the seemingly endless staircase up the mountain. Lu Li can even see those who are running wildly on the stairs. The ghouls, these ghouls don’t seem to be afraid of the light from the mountains.

“This mountain is fake!” said the puppet, “Or this mountain is the protection set up by that person. As for the realization of protection, normally speaking, you can’t reach the top of the mountain even if you die! Because this is a kind of protection. The realization of the concept, as long as you can’t break it, then this mountain is truly infinitely high!”

“Then what should I do?” Lu Li asked in a very bachelor, and got an answer from the puppet!

“Fate! Buddha saved people with fate!” The puppet said very mysteriously: “Most of those monsters are monks or believers from the original temple. According to their fate, they can approach the temple to a certain extent, turning the infinite distance into a limit. !”

The puppet pointed to the mutant ghoul closest to the temple and said, “That monster has a great relationship with the things in the temple, so it can get so close, and other ghosts who have no relationship with it can’t even get close. Otherwise, you will be burned by the divine light of protection!”

“And you were originally unlucky!” The puppet glanced at the Buddha’s head held in Lu Li’s hands, and said, “But firstly, you are in the temple in reality, and secondly, you are a living person and won’t be exposed to divine light. Restraint, you don’t need to spend your fate to resist, three times you hold the Buddha’s head, this is the greatest fate!”

“Once we go up the mountain, we will be separated due to different fates. Although I have a way to go up, it may be slower than you, so please wait for me in front of the temple. All you need to pay attention to is the monster that is rushing in front! Wait until I come. !”

“Okay! There’s not much time, let’s hurry up!” Lu Li showed interest in the mountain. If the puppet was right just now, then the mountain is probably involved in cause and effect. Fate is cause and effect. Going up, Karma Qian estimates that you will never see the top of the mountain for a lifetime, and the ghosts will be restrained by the divine light.

He walked straight up, and as soon as he stepped on the stairs, the scenery in front of him changed. Looking forward, he didn’t see any ghouls, and the puppets were no longer beside him. This made Lu Li feel like he was in a single-player dungeon.

Holding the Buddha’s head, Lu Li glanced at the torch that was about to go out. After thinking about it, he still didn’t throw the torch away, and started to climb, step by step, holding the Buddha’s head. The malice in the temple is also becoming more and more obvious!

“That’s… that treasure?” Lu Li guessed, then said with a smile, “Don’t worry, I’m not here to suppress you again!”

Then Lu Li felt that the malice subsided, a more relaxed feeling appeared beside Lu Li, and a kindness passed over, as if praising Lu Li, talking about how powerful it is, and asking Lu Li to take it away from here, All kinds of invisible fluctuations are flashing, arousing the greed in Lu’s centrifugal.

Climbing the stairs didn’t even make Lu Li sweat a single drop, take a deep breath, as if out on a green walk, he just walked a few steps, and Lu Li came to the last level of the stairs. It was easy and there was no difficulty at all. uninteresting.

Walking up the steps, Lu Li saw a smooth road behind him. There were no mountains at all. The surroundings seemed to be wrapped in the divine light. The group of ghouls were all surrounded by the divine light. Among them, they are even close, and occasionally they can take two steps. The mutant ghoul is further forward, and the frequency of approaching is faster than that of the puppet, and it looks like it will come in soon.

“Huh? That’s it!” Lu Li suddenly saw blood-red liquid dripping from the eyes of a ghoul. Well, it should be tears! This ghoul also has a sandalwood Buddha bead bracelet on his wrist, a tattered monk’s robe, and a sad expression on his face, it, no! He should be crying!

As a monk, but unable to get close to the temple, as a person living here, but unable to go home, this is really a sad thing, Lu Li pouted and said, “Looking at you so pitiful, you don’t even have the fate to go home, I’ll help you out!”

Stepping up, holding the Buddha’s head with one hand and holding the torch, the other hand directly pulls the ghoul, and pulls him closer to the temple, his skin begins to melt, his fingers fall off, but his eyes From red to normal, he looked at Lu Li and the Buddha’s head in his hand. He didn’t have a mouth and grinned a terrifying but pure smile. He folded his hands with dropped fingers, and knelt down in front of Lu Li. He seemed to see it. At that moment, Lu Li seemed to have heard a sentence: “Namo Amituo Buddha!”

The monk turned into a liquid and disintegrated, a crystal fell, picked up the crystal, and the prompt box prompted: [Obtain Rule Module · Will]

“This is a thank you gift!” Lu Li Yang raised the crystal in his hand, UU read www.uukanshu.com and then ignored the pool of liquid, approached the temple, and found that it was no different from the one in the real world, that is Much newer.

There was a roar behind him, Lu Li turned around, and saw the mutant ghoul walking in, with white smoke constantly bubbling from his body, his eyes melted and dropped, but it quickly recovered after a few seconds, and the tongue in his mouth kept stretching, That structure like a chrysanthemum is disgusting no matter how you look at it.

After looking at the puppet, Lu Li smiled, holding the burning torch in one hand, holding the Buddha’s head in the other, as if to welcome the mutant ghoul, but it didn’t appreciate it, roared, and rushed directly came up.

“Muscle liberation 40%, brain liberation 10%” Lu Li’s muscles swelled, from a normal student to a muscular man, feeling the feedback from his body, Lu Li muttered to himself: ” Only ten seconds, after ten seconds most of my muscles will break…”

Facing the flying ghoul, Lu Li’s arm full of muscles smashed the torch out of his hand, hitting the ghoul’s head, and the scarlet blood soared, but it was of no use, the ghoul just paused, Then jumped up again.

The Buddha’s head in Lu Li’s hand began to heat up, the ghoul also had green smoke, and the skin began to melt, but the alien ghoul roared and rushed up regardless, its sharp claws greeted Lu Li and let Lu Li He squatted down quickly, the howling wind blew Lu Li’s hair and cut off Lu Li’s scalp, causing pain.

Lu Li clenched his fist with one hand and punched the ghoul’s belly with one punch, stopping the ghoul’s impact. The other hand held the Buddha’s head and slammed it on the ghoul’s body. The degree of brain liberation increased by 3% again. Continuous analysis With the ghoul’s movements, there are only three seconds left in my mind about the muscle limit…

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