Old Chapters

Chapter 8

Chapter 8: False Dream

Thinking about it, the original firewood was only enough to burn until midnight, that is, at this time, although Lu Li went out to find some back, firstly, there was not enough time, and secondly, Lu Li couldn’t carry much by himself. It can only burn for another three or four hours, and there are at least five hours before dawn.

Don’t look at the fact that the ghouls have retreated now, but Lu Li clearly knows that there are definitely other ghosts hidden in the darkness. If the fire goes out, then those ghosts will definitely not mind taking themselves and the old man as breakfast tomorrow.

The old man was holding the puppet, but he couldn’t see the teardrop in the corner of the puppet’s eye becoming more and more flirtatious. There was a dull atmosphere in the ruined temple, which made one feel drowsy. The old man’s eyelids had already fought, he added some firewood to the fire, and he saw the old man’s head lowered and fell asleep again.

A feeling of dizziness hit Lu Li again, but this time Lu Li’s eyes lit up: the brain is restricted and liberated by 10%…11%…12%…15%!

The liberation of the brain not only speeds up Lu Li’s thinking, but also greatly strengthens his ability to receive information and even his perception ability. In life, we receive a huge amount of data every day. information, but in order not to burn out our brains, our own protection mechanism will filter some unimportant information.

Now these information that we usually ignore are collected by Lu Li little by little. Temperature, air, smell, light, sound, and even the feeling in the dark are all stored as information and collected in the brain for analysis and processing. Yang Point, his eyes brightened: “I caught it…”

Then Lu Li fainted, two lines of blood flowed from his nose, the broken temple peeled away bit by bit, turned into black-brown flying ash and drifted away, the real became false, the false became more and more real, this is a dream, But it is not, exists in the false and the real and the false.

When Lu Li opened her eyes again, she saw the puppet on the opposite side. She was still infatuated and slowly looking at the sleeping old man. Lu Li suddenly felt very cruel. These two existences were like flowers on the other side. Flowers wither, flowers and leaves do not see each other, life is wrong. When waking up in the world, the old man does not understand that the puppet has his own consciousness, and he is ignorant. When he is in a false dream, the old man who is an ordinary person can only sleep, and the puppet can only watch.

These two beings have been dependent on each other for decades, but they have never really communicated, so they are ignorant and ignorant. What a tragedy! Lu Li sighed, and then said to the puppet, “Then continue the last topic, what do you want me to do?”

“I’ve seen the son!” The puppet retracted his gaze, bowed to Lu Li and said, “I said before that every existence here has meaning, but the temple that should have existed here has disappeared. It’s not meaningless. , but was hidden! That symbolizes security, as long as we find the temple and transfer the fire here, then it will be truly safe! The security of the temple in the real world will also be enhanced!”

“A temple?” Lu Li took a deep look at the puppet, and instead of asking about the temple, he said, “There is not enough firewood in the real world. I know better, do you have any solution?”

“Don’t worry about this son, I will solve it when the time comes!” The puppet smiled slightly, then turned his face away and said, “Hurry up and prepare, we don’t have much time, and the flow of time in the illusory dream is not stable, if When the time comes, we haven’t dealt with it yet, that’s too bad!”

Lu Li tore off another leg of his trousers to make a simple torch. He found that this false dream was really strange. Before, he tore off a leg of his trousers and returned to reality, only to find that the leg of his trousers was still there, but now he is back. After reaching the False Dreamland, the trousers disappeared again, and now both trousers are gone, and Lu Li’s school uniform pants have become shorts.

Fortunately, these flying red snowflakes are not so cold, otherwise the temperature alone would be enough for him to eat a pot. The puppet walked in front of him nimbly, telling something about the illusory dream, and Lu Li held the torch without hesitation. followed.

“Illusionary dreams are like bubbles, which are regional, but they are not absolutely the same. Although ghosts generally do not leave a region, they may cross boundaries. After a living creature falls asleep, a projection will appear here. Of course he is in a coma! Once he is hurt by a ghost, he will also be hurt in reality!”

“Anything has meaning here, such as a house, which generally represents safety. Those ghosts can’t take the initiative to enter a human house!”

“Active? Then there is a way to not take the initiative?” Lu Li asked with great interest. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com

“It is difficult for ghosts to exist in reality, and it is also difficult for them to contact reality, but it is not absolute. They can make some movements, which normal people may not hear, but those who are deficient in qi and blood and neurasthenia. Humans may receive these movements, such as knocking on the door! As long as the owner opens the door by himself, then those ghosts can enter the house that you represent safe with unscrupulous!”

“You said it’s hard for ghosts to exist in reality? So what’s up with those white-skinned monsters?” Lu Li asked curiously. Although ghouls are extremely afraid of fire, they can also exist in the dark night of the real world!

“…Those monsters have a special reason…” The puppet paused and then said: “They are different from my kind of spiritual body. Our entities in reality are dead, and although their entities are dead, they are still alive after all. Human body!”

“The illusory dream is also divided into periods. During the day, it will enter a low tide period, and the ghosts in the low tide period are difficult to move, and they cannot cause harm to the human beings projected here, but at night, if it is not in the house, there are There is no such thing as a fire, then it is very likely to become a snack for monsters! Of course, when a large number of humans gather together, their vitality will also form a fire-like effect!”

“One thing to pay attention to is that the false dream and the real world are not completely incompatible. For example, a special human like you can enter here, and we may also use our abilities to affect the real world! In the real world, some This action will even directly break the gap between the two, summoning the ghosts that exist in the illusory to reality!”

“The world is not safe!” Puppet concluded.

“Really…” Lu Li pondered for a while, then said with a low smile, “An interesting world!”

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